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I walked through the hallway for my first day of university with my two friends by my side.

“Would you guys like to meet up for lunch?” Sunoo said as Jake and I nodded.

“Yeah, I’ll be there!” I said.

“Oh, and Jungwon, good luck with your first day of university. I know you'll love it!” Jake cheered as he and Sunoo walked away. 

Both Sunoo and Jake were older than me, Sunoo by one year and Jake by two. It was nice to have my hyungs with me, and they are my roommates.

I walked into my first class of the day, Advanced Biology. I sat at a seat in the middle and started writing down the second the teacher started.

Halfway through the class period, I heard the door open and the sound of a people walking in and sitting down. I turned my head around and saw the boy from yesterday, the one that ripped my polaroid.

“That bitch.” I whispered as I glared at him, the dude didn’t even notice me! I barley have enough money in general to pay for those and that dude ripped it up like it was nothing.


The second class ended, I stood up and began to walk out, but I bumped into something and my stuff fell to the ground. 

“Shit.” I said as I fell to the floor and quickly tried to pick everything up. I looked up, and of course he was the cause of it. Why do I keep having to run into him? I just wanted a pleasant first day of university.

“Geeze, do you ever learn?” He said as he picked up the papers he dropped.

“Actually, I do learn. For example I’ve learned that you are stuck up.” I retorted.

“Me? Stuck up?” He said and looked a bit offended. By that time, there was a group of our classmates standing around us.

“Yeah, you’re stuck up. I’ve only just met you and I already know you are worse than the dirt on the bottom of my shoes.” I stood up and glared at him.

“Wow, you are sassy for a guy so short.” DID THAT BITCH JUST CALL ME SHORT?!?!?! 

“Well since you’re tall there is more of you to hate.” I glared back at him.

“You little-” 

“What is going on here?” The professor said as he walked through the crowd of students behind us. I immediately bowed and muttered an apology.

On another note, was that dude gonna call me short again? He literally started with ‘you little’ uhg. I hate him.

The teacher looked at his attendance list. “Yang Jungwon and Park Jongsung, correct?” He asked us. I nodded as I waited for my punishment. “It’s only the first day of class, the two of you better calm down or I’ll have you removed from my class. Once my teacher's assistant joins us I'll have to make him watch you two.” He said as he walked away.

I turned to leave, and saw the JoNgSuNg guy leaving as well as he walked in the same direction. “Tck, I swear Jongsung you are following me.” I said as I pushed past him.

“The name’s Jay, shortie.” He called as I stormed off with my fists clenched.

Thicc b*tch squad 🍑

ayo, where yall at
we gots an emergency

heading to lunch
why tho

what did you do this time

well, i guess its not a real emergency
but like
it totally is

jungwon is being dramatic

i see no lies

yall suck
will you be at the cafe

yeah, we are already here

on my way

i cant find it

cant find what

cant find who asked


i need new friends


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