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“There you guys are!” I said as I walked up to my two friends as they sat in the corner of the university's food area. I sat at the empty chair across from them and watched as they ate noodles.

I took out my large camera and snapped a photo of Sunoo eating. By now they were both used to the constant photos. What can I say, I need all the model practice I can get.


I frowned at the slightly blurry picture. “Sunoo Hyung, you need to not move so much.”

“You are the one taking random photos of me left and right, no complaining.” He said as he clicked his chopsticks at me.

Jake laughed as he slid over a bowl of noodles for me. “Now what is this EmErGeNcY.” Jake joked as I glared at them.

“Jeez, you two are going to be the death of me.” I sighed as I ate. “You remember that rude guy I ran into yesterday?”

“The one that ripped up your polaroid?” Jake asked and I nodded. 

“Wait what? What did I miss?” Sunoo questioned.

“Well I FINALLY got a photo of Jake being a Justin Beiber fan-” “I AM NOT!” “Shush Jake you totally are. Anyways, Jake being dramatic as always started chasing me to take the polaroid away. As I ran I fell into this rude guy and long story short he ripped up my polaroid right in front of me.”

“Oh dang, aren’t those super expensive?” Sunoo asked.

“Exactly! So now not only did I lose my proof, but an expensive ass polaroid went to waste.”

Jake rolled his eyes. “Jungwon, you are so dramatic. Now what is the emergency?” 

“Well I walked into class, and guess who is also in my Advanced Biology class!” I sighed as I laid my head on the table. Why do I have to have a class with that guy?

“Man that sucks, hopefully you won’t have to talk to him.” Jake said.

“I know right! We got into a tiny argument and the teachers said something about having his teacher's assistant watch us if we can’t behave. It was only my first class and now I’m a troublemaker!” 

“Don’t worry Jungwon, just lay low for now. Hopefully the teacher will forget all about it.” Sunoo said as I nodded.

“I agree with Sunoo.” Jake said as he stood up. “Sadly I have to go to my Advanced Statistics class but I’ll see you guys back at our dorm later.” Jake waved as he walked away.

“Gosh, my roommates are some nerds.” Sunoo mumbled.

“Hey, I’m a photography major! That isn’t nerdy.” I shot back.

“Yeah, a photography major that casually takes Advanced Biology. Jake is trying to get a degree in mathematics, and I’m over here majoring in art.” Sunoo giggled. “You guys are nerds compared to me. I barely know what 1+1 is. ” 

“Well I’m not all that confident in the Bio class. It’s going to be a lot more difficult than high school. I should have chosen an easier class.” I huffed.

“You’ll be fine Jungwon~ah, don’t sweat it. And plus, you aren't trying to get a major in Bio anyways. Photography is where you really shine.” 

"Haha, I know." I smiled as Sunoo hit my arm.


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