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“Jungwon, your work really is exquisite. It is beautiful” My teacher said as she went over my photography portfolio. I beamed at her words, it always feels nice to be recognised for your work.

“I do have a few things to point out.” My smile dropped as she said that.

“What is it?” I asked sweetly. “I’d really love to learn from you.”

“Well, you often use the same models. Also they are always in poses instead of them moving while you capture a photo. I think that this class will be good for you, it will challenge your photography skills and push your style.” She smiled as I hummed.

She moved on to the next student as I looked down at my work. She was right, most of my photos were only of Sunoo and Jake.

Even though I became roommates with them just this year, we went to highschool together. They took me under their wing and became my only friends.

“Maybe I should find new models.” I sighed as I put my hands behind my head. The teacher was right, this class will certainly challenge me. 


“I need new models!” I complained to Sunoo as I watched the artist paint in our dorm room. Well, to be exact, I watched him as I hung upside down from his bed. From this angle, I can’t quite make out what he is painting, but I know it will be amazing.

Sunoo is once of the best artists I know.

“Tell me about it sister, I do as well! I haven't been feeling inspired anymore.” Sunoo sighed as he put his paintbrush down. “Jake, you are lucky. You are perfect at everything you do.”

“I am most definitely not perfect, but I am flattered you think that way. However, I will remind you how many hours of homework I have a day.” Jake hummed. 

“He’s got a point. And you have the people you tutor too.” I said as Sunoo nodded his head. Seems like none of us are having it easy. 

“You guys should head to bed.” Sunoo said. “Especially you Jungwon, you have an early class tomorrow.”

“Don’t remind me.” I said as I trudged to my room. I sat on my bed and looked around my room. Everywhere was littered with photos, either the funny polaroids of me and my friends, or the photos I took of the woods behind my old house.

Everything was my design, and I want to do photography for the rest of my life. It’s almost like I can capture the world's most perfect parts and bring them with me everywhere.


“Shit” I cursed as I jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed. “It’s only the second day and I’m about to be late to class.” I quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth.

I forgot that my classes change every other day, meaning I set my alarm to wake up at the wrong time. Typical Jungwon move.

“Jungwon, at least eat before you leave!” Jake called as he threw me a granola bar. I grabbed it as I began running out the door.

“Graphic design, oh crap, where is my graphic design class!” I sighed as I turned on my heels and started running to one of the buildings. I’m like 99% sure it's in that building.

I turned the corner, as I bumped into something and fell back on my butt. I heard a splash but my utt hurts too much to care. “Ow” I sighed as I looked up to see what I crashed into.

Jay, Jay again. Why is it always him?

“What the fuck is your problume!” Jay yelled. “First you make me fall in mud, now you spill coffee all over me, what the hell!” 

“I didn’t-”

“Just stop. God you are so annoying, no wonder you don’t seem to have any friends. You are the type of person to grow up lonely and single, now get out of my sight!” Jay seethed. He was pissed.

I mean, I get it, I did just knock his hot coffee all over him, but jeez! I just looked at him stunned, no one has ever said such harsh words to me.

“Lonely and single? I sure hope that doesn’t mean we’ve broken up.” I heard as I felt someone come behind me and gently grab my waist and help me up.

The strange person kept his hands on my waist once I stood, and I felt soft lips press against my cheek. This person just gave me a kiss on the cheek?!?!?

I looked over my shoulder and saw a kind looking boy, he seemed a few years older than me and he had a content smile on his face. When I tell you I was shocked, I mean SHOCKED! Why is this stranger helping me?

“I hope you aren't bothering my boyfriend.” The strange boy said to Jay. 

“Uhg” Jay said as he walked past us, hitting the boys shoulder as he left.

Once Jay was out of sight, the boy removed his hands from my waist.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

I nodded, as I studied his face. Dang this guy is cute. 

Wait, what’s going on again? 


“I’m sorry, I’m going to be late!” I said as I began running in the direction of my class.

“But wait, who are you!” I heard the boy ask, but I had no time to answer. 

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