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Sheesh, what is with that boy and running into me? It’s really getting annoying.

“Jeez Jay, what happened to you?” Niki laughed as he pointed to my coffee stained shirt. “It looks like you got dressed in the dark and fell in the dirt.”

“Niki, focus please. You only have 10 more minutes of our private lesson and I want you to use it.” Yeonjun said as Niki focused. I walked into our changing room and put on my dance practice clothes.

Yeonjun was the one of the dance teachers' assistants, an upperclassman that excels at that subject and helps a certain teacher. He gives dance private lessons, and a few group dance lessons. 

“Okay now Niki, keep up the good work and your core training.” Yeonjun said as I left the bathroom. “Oh, and before I forget, is it okay if I add a new student to our group lesson tomorrow?”

“Sure, who is it?” I asked. Normally the group lesson is only me, Niki, and Yeonjun, so it will certainly be different to have someone new.

“It’s a transfer student, his name is Sunghoon. The teacher said he has lots of talent, but she wants him to try a hip-hop style, so I figured you guys would be the best to help him learn.” Yeonjun said as I hummed.

“Yeah of course, see you tomorrow Yeonjun Hyung!” I said as he began leaving. 

“See ya, and don’t practice too long you two. You still have classes.” Yeonjun said as he left.

Niki and I began our normal stretching as we made chit chat. “How was your first day of university?” I asked the younger. Niki has been staying on campus for the past month to take lessons with me and Yeonjun, but yesterday was everyone's first day of class.

“It was good, quite boring tho. Thankfully today I have mostly dance classes.” Niki said as he changed stretching positions. “What about you, hyung?”

“Not great I guess. Remember that guy I told you about, the one that ran into me and made me fall in mud?” I asked as Niki nodded. “Well he keeps running into me, like actually running into me. That's why I was covered in coffee.”

“Haha, that sounds like a hell of a first day.” “No swearing Niki” “Dude, I’m almost an adult!”

“Niki, you are still 17. In my world that means baby so you better keep ya mouth shut.”

Jungwon POV

“Hold your hand up like this.” I told Sunoo. Thankfully once our classes ended, Sunoo and Jake agreed to model a bit for me. They are the most perfect models.

“Like this?” Sunoo asked as he changed his angle. I hummed as I began snapping away with my camera. 

I wasn’t able to concentrate in class today, I kept thinking about earlier. Who the hell was the guy and why did he help me?

Also, why is Jay being such a prick? Someone must have shoved a stick up his butt. 

But seriously, what even happened earlier. A stranger kissed me on the cheek, like an actual stranger.

“Jungwon, earth to Jungwon.” I snapped my eyes open as Jake waved his hand in front of my face. “You keep spacing out, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bit distracted.” I answered. “Maybe we will try some photos of the both of you together.” I said, trying to change the subject.

Is it bad to say I’m a bit embarrassed to talk about earlier? It just seems weirdly personal. I need to stop thinking about it.

Like seriously, who was that boy?

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