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Jungwon POV

The park bench was awkward. The tension in the air is thicker than my booty- and I don't like those who out thicc me.

Anygays, I stared at my half drank boba tea as Jay sat across from me. I peeked up to see Jay staring at me. His face was unreadable.

I looked down again. "What did you want to talk about?" I mumbled as I continued to drink my tea.

Jay leaned forward as I looked up again. Man, are his features beautiful...

Boi looks like he came straight out of my dreams.

Wait, NO I DID NOT JUST THINK THAT! This is still the mean Jay from earlier this semester. The same guy that picked on me and tore one of my polaroids up.

I sighed and took a long sip of my boba.

"I want to go out with you."

*HACK* Boba pearls came shooting out of my mouth and I coughed from my choking. I continued coughing and looked at Jay with wide eyes.

When I looked up, his face was stone cold and slightly damp. Boba pearls layed infront of him. I immediately covered my mouth as I gasped. Jay looked at me, his face set hard.

"Did you just spit boba on my face?" He said.

Oh fuck.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.....

"N-NO! You are imagining, perhaps you are dreaming and this is all a dream and I'm not really here!" I started grabbing my things and standing up "Wow I cant believe you are dreaming right now, you silly lil goose." I turned my back and started to leave.

I felt a tug on my sleeve and sighed. Jay pulled me to face him, the boba now whipped off his face.

"Jungwon, you just spit boba in my face, and then tried to convince me I was dreaming so you could run away. Do you think I'm dumb or something?" Jay asked me.

"I mean, I never said that...."

Jay flicked my forehead as I scrunched my face in pain.

"Ow, what was that for?!"

"You're going on a date with me Jungwon, I'm not asking. I'll be at your dorm tonight at 7." Jay said as he turned on his heels and walked away.

Dis bitch-


"Does my hair look good, Jake?" I asked as I continued to brush it back. After a few seconds with no response, I turned to the older boy.

"Jake?" I asked as he giggled at his phone. "Jake, are you blushing?"

His head shot up and he shut his phone off. "What- no I'm not. Oh shut up." The Australian said angrily. "And your hair looks fine, why are you asking anyways?"

"Oh, no reason. I just wanted to look good for once." I trailed as I kept looking at myself in the mirror.

Why do I care so much? It isn't anything serious, it's just a date. Everyone goes on dates, I should stop overthinking.

The doorbell rung and I immediately stood up. "I'LL GET IT!" I yelled as I ran to the door.

"Trust me, I'm too lazy to get it anyways." Jake muttered.

I took a deep breath as I opened the door. Jay stood there, looking handsome as ever. He had a little smirk on his face. "You ready?" He asked me.

"Yes" I responded with a smile as I followed him out of the dorm and down the hallway.

Hey, he didn't have flowers for me... but I shouldn't get down about it! Flowers are just material objects anyways.

We approached the front door of my building as he opened the door, and proceeded to walk through it. Not holding it open for me.

My smile faltered slightly, but why should I care if some guy holds the door open for me! It's about our connection, right? 

Jay, this isn't how you treat our Jungwon! Why are you being like this...... 

I said I would keep writing, didn't I! This girl don't lie~

Also, I've missed you guys.... Your comments always make me smile! :)

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