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Heeseung POV

I knocked at Jugwons door as the small boy answered. His face was red with tears and his cute little cheeks slightly swollen. My heart panged at the sight.

"Heeseung, Jay?" The small boy choked out. "What are you doing here?"

Before I could respond, I heard a high pitched yell.

"JAY? Did you just say Jay?!?! Where is that moldy piece of poop!" Sunoo yelled as I heard running as the angry boy appeared at the door with a look of hell in his eyes. He focused in on Jay as he got ready to pounce. "Why you little-"

"Niki" I muttered to the boy as he gave me a little smile. As Sunoo lunged at Jay, Niki stepped in the way and picked up the smaller.

"HEY! Put me down you buttcrack!!!" Sunoo yelled as he fought against Niki. Niki put Sunoos feet on the ground as he contemplated what to do. Sunoo looked angrily at Niki, but the taller boy couldn't help but chuckle.

"ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME?!?!?!" Sunoo screamed as he struggled against Nikis grip.

Niki took a deep breath and leaned closer to Sunoo. He placed a soft kiss on Sunoos cheek as the older immediately froze up. All Sunoo could do was stare as Niki pulled away, arms still closed around him.

"Come on Sun, let's let them work it out." Niki said as he held Sunoos hand. Sunoos expression was still frozen as he followed the younger.

I chuckled as Niki sent me a wink as he led the boy away. Once they were out of earshot I turned to Jungwon.

"Could we come in?"


Jay was still while sitting on the couch next to me. Jungwon offered to prepre hot chocolate, I tried to help him, but every time I entered the kitchen he pushed me out.

Jay was just focusing down on his hands.

I put my finger under his chin and forced him to look at me. Even when the boy tried to look angry, I still found him adorable. "It will be alright." I said to him. He nodded, a small pout on his lips. Everything in me wanted to peck his lips, but I couldn't.

This wasn't the right moment.

Jungwon walked in and looked at me and Jay. I removed my finger from his chin and smiled at the young boy. Jungwon took a deep breath as he handed me and Jay the hot chocolate.

"Thank you, love." I said as I took the warm drink.

Jungwon nearly choked on his hot chocolate, but coughed a few times to play it off. He sat across from me and Jay. Jay, on the other hand, continued to look at his hands.

"Why are you guys here?" Jungwon asked. I nudged the younger boy next to me. He let out a sigh and set his mug down. He looked up at Jungwon.

Jungwon POV

His angry eyes softened when he looked at me. He took in every inch of me and a small smile took over his face. He took a deep breath and went back to being serious.

"I'm sorry Wonnie." Jay began, my heart fluttering at his words. "I shouldn't have treated you the way I did. I-I want to spoil you. I want to buy you everything your beautiful little eyes look at. I want to make you smile every moment of existence and make you feel like the most beautiful person in the world. I want to!" He sighed as he buried his head in his hands.

Heeseung placed his hand on Jays back and rubbed it in circles.

"I just- I don't know how." Jay said, head still in his hands. "I've never done this before. I've seen other people date, but it always ends poorly. How am I supposed to make this different? How am I supposed to do this right?" He said as he lifted his head. He looked exasperated while he glanced from Heeseung to me.

The boy looked almost panicked. I understand, trying to explain ones emotions can be a difficult task.

I stood up and walked over to Jay and Heeseung. I stood between Jays legs as he looked up at me. He had sad little puppy-dog eyes and adorable parted lips. I reached down and wrapped my arms around him.

He took my hug instantly and wrapped his legs around me and pulled me onto the couch. I laughed as I was smooshed between Heeseung and Jay. Heeseung began hugging me from behind and Jay continued holding onto me like a baby koala.

Heeseung snuggled his nose into my neck and sighed as he pulled me into his lap, Jay still clutched onto him. "You smell nice" Heeseung mumbled against my skin as I giggled.

"Do you forgive me?" Jay asked.

"Yes, but you still need to continue to make it up to me." I said as he nodded.

"I will make it up to you today, tomorrow, and always." Jay said. I ruffled my fingers through Jays hair as Heeseung rubbed circles on my stomach.

Heeseungs phone began to buzz in his pocket and the older groaned ans snuggled deeper into me.

"Hee, aren't you going to answer it?" I giggled at the older. He sighed as he picked up his head and reached for his phone.

"What do you want, Sunghoon?" Heeseung said as he answered the phone. I heard some talking on the other end as Heeseung groaned even more. "Can't it wait? I'm kind of busy... Uhg fine, I'll meet you at our dorm." He hung up the phone and sighed.

"Its okay Heeseung, your friend needs you." I said as Jay and I sat up. "If it's okay with you both, I'd like to meet up and talk this out. I still have a lot of thoughts regarding....whatever this is."

Jay sat up and nodded his head like a puppy. "Yeah definitely." He said, a small smile spreading over his face.

The three of us stood up and I walked them to the door. "Uhm, may I g-give you a kiss?" Jay asked nervously, as if all of his confidence was lost when he talked to me.

I thought about it for a second. "No" I said, and his smile dropped a bit. "But, you may give me a hug?"

Jay nodded, the smile returning to his face as he pulled me into a tight hug as Heeseung followed him. I opened the door and waved goodbye to the two boys.

As they left, the butterflies remained in my stomach.

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