21)"You are my everything"

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Arnav was looking at her angrily and Khushi was scared seen him that much angry . Arnav stepped forward towards her and grabbed her shoulders and ask Angrily," you don't love me ...then why the hell you lied to me and played with my feelings."

"Ar..na..v ji I have... I have not played with your feelings ..I really love you."she said pain as her shoulders paining with the tight grip of arnav.

"For God's sake stop lying to me Khushi I have told you that you are here with me just because the promise I have given to sheetal...  she wanted me to stay with you ....to take care of you...I have cleared this to you and didn't hide anything.. then why... why didn't you told me that she took the promise from You too...that she had asked to you to be with me ...to take care of me... And you are here with me just because she had asked you to don't let me alone..."

"Arnav ji please leave me... its paining"she said to him low voice tears falling down from her eyes...

Arnav left her with the Jerk... He controlled his emotions and took that paper and asked her, showing it"this is written by shital, right?...I know She would have written this when she was dying as the hospitals name is written below...Tell me khushi"

Khushi just nodded when he asked her again loudly.

The note was...

Khushi,promise me that you be stay with arnav.Please don't let him live alone.

Your sister

"It means, like she took promise from me that I will take your responsibility she also ask you to stay with me that's  why you are with me now ....you don't love me you are just fulfilling the promise you have given to I like I am fulfilling mine."Arnav said raging in anger...

Khushi was crying looking at him...She knew that ,the day he will get to know this he will behave like this .He will be angry.

"Why the hell you are silent ,answer me... why did you play with my feelings ,my emotions.. I trusted you dammit...And you have broken it brutally"

"Arnav ji for the last time I am saying that I have not played with your feelings ...I can hide the truth from you but I can't lie."Khushi said getting courage.

"You did all these just because you wanted to be my wife,right?...So that you can stay with me forever and fulfill sheetal's promise of never let me live alone.. You came to stay with me ,you came close to me..you became my friend...You did all these to fulfill that damn promise"arnav said with anger loudly... tears rolling down from his eyes ...he was angry ,sad and scared.

Khushi flinched hearing this and decided to tell him her truth..

"Enough Arnavji... How can you say that I don't love you...can't you see my love for you in my eyes ...in my gestures...please Don't insult my love...And keep this thing in your mind that I came to stay with you after Di's death because I always love you..."She said Angrily...She couldn't let him insult her love..

Arnav was silent hearing this...he was just staring at her ..

"Yes,...I accepted to come here with you 2 years before just because I wanted to stay with you not because of the promise... do you think that I will go and stay with anyone if Di will say me ...I don't trust people so easily... I came here because I knew you ...trusted you and loved you before knowing that you are my sister's love."Khushi said Controlling her emotions..She was angry at him for insulting her love...and yelling at her without thinking anything...but she was  also scared for something .

"What!"Arnav whispered With shock..

"Yes I fell in love with you at first sight... You had came in our fashion institute as a guest lecturer and there I saw you for the first time I saw some pain in your eyes... I don't know why but I wanted to make you happy ...I didn't like the pain in your eyes and that's when I realised that I love you"

Arnav jerked back in shock...he had never thought that she would be loving him before he even met sheetal..

He sat on the sofa in shock...he remembered all the moments Shared with her..

"Then Why didn't You meet me ever before Sheetal's death ?"Arnav asked her coming into his senses.

I didn't knew Anything about you except that You are Owner of AR... I dont trust people so easily that's why I decided to know you ...I  got to know that you have helped many people and one day I myself saw you helping a old lady crossing the road and that's when I realise that you are a good man and my heart was never wrong about you... So After a lot of struggle I got Internship in AR... But for my unfortune I got the internship in the branch where you rarely goes... And then di passed away...she was my only family but after she left...nothing was left for me but payal and uncke supported me... Me and payal both applied for a job in AR... But before that ,I met you at a park where I got to know that di and you were...... I knew that she love someone but didn't know his  name"Khushi said remembering those days.

Both were silent for sometime...Khushi also sat on the bed weeping...her past memories were coming in her mind..

"Khushi ,why didn't you tell me all this things before... Why didn't you told me that you love me from before?"Arnav asked her breaking the silence.

"Because I didn't want to tell you this...You didn't know me that time..if I would have told you ,you would have thought that I am lying and forcing myself on you...and when you started trusting me I Know that if I will tell you this you will trust me but won't Accept my love as you won't cheat sheetal di...After our marriage You were very angry at me ...so I didn't want to make it worst ...Today I am telling you this because you found this letter...I never wanted to force myself on you...I just wanted you to be happy...with me or without me."

"Then why did you force me to marry you Using Sheetal ?"

Khushi closed her eyes for a moment and opened it....She looked at him with fear...fear of losing him...

"Because I saw you taking sleeping pills again when you tried to make me marry Rudra...You were almost on the verge of going back to depression again...I saw you that you wanted me to be with you but pushing me away because of your promise...That day I got to know that you will be happy when I will be with you....That's why I had to confess my love for you which I have kept inside my heart."

Arnav remembered what was his condition when he thought that Khushi will go away from this house getting married to someone else...He was clueless what will he do when she won't be in his life?How will he live in this world?

"That day...I was going mad thinking about You...I wanted you to stay with me...but I didn't have any right to do so....You know when you confessed your love for me...I was angry at you but inside in my heart I felt some type of peace....I was happy inside seeing you adamant that you won't leave me"Arnav said dreamily at the end..

" I knew that you are happy thinking that I will be with you forever... I forced to you to marry me so that you won't be insecure about me..."Khushi said smiling.

Arnav got up from sofa and went towards her and sat holding her both hands ,"thank you so much Khushi for doing so much for me... your love is very precious to me.. I don't know  what I have done that you love me so much."

"I myself don't know why I love you so much Arnavji...I just know that you are my everything ."Khushi said to him lost in his eyes..

"And You are my everything, Khushi."Arnav said looking at her..

Khushi was very happy hearing it...but not able to control her emotions... she was feeling like she will cry anytime because she don't have the courage so tell him the entire truth..

She wiped her eyes leaving his hand and said smiling mischieviously "You know if we wouldn't a met like this.. we would have met in AR like a Employee and Boss then Our story would have start...You know like in movies...our to say serials.."

"Ya... you are correct maybe we wouldnt have  to bear all this ..
If we have met in some normal conditions..."He said taking her in a side hug..

Khushi jerked him and got up...and said,"I am still upset at you Arnavji...You shouted at me..you doubted my love..I won't forgive you easily...Today I am going to sleep in my old room.

Saying all this she went back to her old room..she closed the door and sat on her knees crying...

And here he was standing alone with guilt and concern...

But He was feeling helpless as he cant sleep without her...he started behaving like a child who losed his candy because of his mistake..

He went towards her room changing his clothes after thinking a lot ...

"And here she was talking to Payal...and told her all the things..

"Why don't you tell him the entire truth ,khushi?"Payal asked her.

"I don't have that courage payu...He was very angry at me for hiding that i love him from before...I am scared what will happen if he will get to know that...May be one day I will be able to tell him...And he will be able to hear it...You know that he will break In his worst way"

"Khushi,Please don't do anything which will destroy your relation...Tell him as soon as possible.. I know that he is sensitive but we will handle him Khush."Payal said from the other side..

Khushi was lost in her thoughts...She always wanted to tell him all the things running in her mind but she is scared thinking how will he react...

"She was going to say something to payal when her door knocked..

Next update available on inkitt

"How will he react after knowing that.

Read next update on inkitt....

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