22)Little Revelation

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Khushi wiped her tears and went to open the door...after cutting payal's call.

She opened the door and saw Arnav there.

"Khushi,Please come to our room..You know I can't sleep without you."Arnav said with puppy face.

Khushi got angry hearing this...She was thinking how can he behave like nothing happened after hurting her...she was thinking that she is nothing worth of his apology for him.

"If you know that you cant stay with out me then Why do you always hurt me?What do you think of me ?That you like always hurt me and then behave softly and I will forgive you...But this time I won't ...You have to earn my forgiveness."Khushi said shouting.

Arnav was shocked with her outburst...he had not thought this from her point of view.

"Khushi,I am sorr....he was saying but she cut him very angrily,"I had said sorry to you many times but you ignored me...You taunted me...I just said few words in my anger and you ignored me..Think what have you done with me from the time I have confessed my feelings for you...Every second till you realised your mistakes...you have taunted me..insulted me..But what i did... I forgave gave you thinking that maybe..maybe you will start caring for me...Maybe i will get my part of love from you..."

Arnav closed his eyes with hurt...he remembered how he had behaved with her...

Talking rudely with her ....Insulting her ...ignoring her...Shouting at her...Holding her very tightly causing her pain..taunting her in every possible way.

Khushi was boiling in anger...she was actually feeling many things...she was feeling that every thing she did for him was waste....She was losing the hope that she will get love from him..

She was thinking that the day he will come to know that she had hided the truth from him...maybe he will hate her very much...

She was selfish to hide truth from him..but what to do she had to do this...she just wanted to live with peace but she didnt know that maybe god also dont want her to stay happy with Arnav...

She calmed herself thinking,"What the hell are you doing khushi...You will lose your love like this....but this time he had crossed his limits...he Didnt even trust me...then how will we live together."

"Arnav may be I was always wrong...I am doing wrong but you are also not right...You were alone but then also you didn't valued me...In your ego and Anger...You would loose me...And I am losing my patience Arnavji...I am not born strong...I also feel emotions...I get hurt...I didn't have anyone but my sister ...but she also went away...And I have only you but you don't care for me...You hurted me always.."

"Khushi...I know that i had hurted you a lot...I was just "...khushi cut him again and said,"Please let me alone for sometime Arnavji ...I am feeling depressed"

"Khushi.."He called but she closed the door with thud...He felt pain inside his heart seeing him behaving like this with her...Automatically tears came in his eyes.

He went away to his room...He was feeling his room very strange without her..He went and sat on his bed...

"This is your punishment for hurting her Arnav,You always do this and expect her to behave normally with you."His mind said to him..

On the other side,Khushi was crying very much...she was confused between..should she tell him the truth or Hide it from him..

"Enough,I won't think about it anymore...I will get mad like this..Whatever will happen ,happen..About about Arnavji..I am tired of his behavior...He always do this with me like I am a toy...Break it and repair it..I want peace now..."

She was crying...she was tired of all these... She wanted peace in a life but she is not getting it at all..

At last she slept thinking about all the things happening in her life...

On the other side Arnav was very upset... He was trying to calm himself down so that he won't mess up things again between Khushi and him.

He decided to take things smoothly and never make her cry... It was paining seeing her in this condition...he had always seen Khushi as a strong girl but today he saw a broken girl inside her...

Khushi was coming downstairs with the suitcase...she was looking calm...She was moving towards the exit of the house when Arnav saw her and called her from behind..

Khushi casually turned towards him and said,"what happened...why did you call me?

"Khushi ,where are you going ....I am sorry for whatever I did but please don't go leaving me...I will d...he was going to say but Khushi kept her hand on his mouth...Both were looking into each others eyes..

"You won't say this again Arnavji...you know I can't..."She said and moved backward ...her eyes were little teary.

Arnav looked at her with fear but when he realized her concern for him he smile little..

Seeing him smiling Khushi composed herself and wiped her tears...

I am going to Delhi for Mr. Malhotra project...I will come back after 3 days.."Khushi said looking down.

Arnav immediately said,"How can you go alone...I am coming with you.."

"I am sorry Arnavji..but I want to go alone...Don't worry I will come back after 3 days..and we will do video calls also."she said faking smile.

Hearing this Arnav got scared..He immediately said,"Why ?I said I am coming with you.."

Khushi was getting little irritated now ...but she closed her eyes and calmed herself down..

She opened her eyes and smiled and said,"Arnavji,You are not coming with me ...I want sometime alone...I had asked Lavanya and NK to be with you..They will come in an hour."

"Khushi but"..Arnav was saying but Khushi interrupted saying "please..Arnavji give me some time.."

Arnav nodded reluctantly...He didn't want her to go...but what could he do if she herself wants a break from all this..

She signed in relief and said,"Arnavji after coming from Delhi ...I want to tell you something very important...I wanted to tell you this from very much before but I difn't have that courage..."

"What do you want to say that you need courage to tell me?"Arnav asked.

"I just want to say that please don't be weak Arnavji...You have to think about your future...And for your future you have to forget your past and move on...And if you won't you will stick in your past and will lose your present and future.."Khushi said and moved towards the exit..

Arnav was standing there thinking about her words..

"Do she want to say that if I won't move on from my past ...she will go away from me"

Here, Lavanya and NK were standing at the airport.... Waiting for the taxi.

"Nk... Will we be able to handle ASR in Khushi's absence?"Lavanya asked nk worriedly.

"I don't know la... But what could we do Khushi has asked us to take care of him as she wanted sometime alone.. And we know that he don't like loneliness... That why we are here.." "Nk said to her seriously...

''I hope ASR will know Khushi's importance in his life now... "Lavanya said sighing..

Lavanya was more close to Khushi than Arnav... Because Khushi used to always be close to their staff rather than Arnav... When they met each other lavanya was confused about her feeling for Nk... And Khushi helped her to confess..

In their Group everyone is close to Khushi... That's why she is Apple of everyone's eye..

Arnav was sitting in his room ALONE... He was cursing himself for his past activities.. How he insulted her love for him.. How he Blamed her... How because of him she always cries..

He was not liking sitting in this house as it was feeling again a deserted Mansion without her..

Suddenly he started sweating... All the bad memories of his life were coming in front of him..

Not wanting to be there he left for his office in haste..

Khushi landed at the Delhi airport where Manik and nandini were waiting for her...

In the whole journey she was only thinking about Arnav.... What can she do about this that she is madly in love with him and can't stay away from him...

She was looking very dull... But she faked smiled and went towards Manik and Nandini

"How are you Khushi?"Manik asked side hugging her.

Khushi just nodded and hug nandini breaking the hug with Manik..

Seeing her behavior Nandini looked at Manik worriedly...

On the other side...

Lavanya and NK reached at the Raizada Mansion...

Servant opened the door...

"Where is Arnav?"NK asked Omprakash .

"He went somewhere...I don't know where...maybe office."Omprakash answered.

"Oh no..."Hearing Omprakash....NK and Lavanya both held their respective head with tension...

They remembered what had happened last time when he had went to office alone as Khushi had went to preeto's wedding with payal..

"What the hell is this ?This is how you will do your job...this is Ridiculous... Get out and dont show me your face "Arnav shouted at a employee...

The boy was shivering with fear.. He had not seen his boss like this...

He went out looking like he had just seen a ghost..

Arnav was like a wounded lion who will eat everyone who will come in front of him...

He was frustrated...from the morning...firstly he ate totally tasteless breakfast which he left eating one morsel and his coffee was damn worst...

He was hungry but not liking anything ...he just wanted to eat khushi's handmade food..

Those two days...all the employees of AR were living the life of hell...they were fearing that they can be fired

Aman tried to handle the situation but he couldn't...Arnav didn't left him too...he was also one of the prey of Arnav boiling Anger..

Only after Khushi came back he became soft...After knowing his anger in her absence from the staff Khushi shyly smiled ...And Said all that she would will try not to go anywhere from now on without him..

She was internally very happy seeing her absence affecting him..

NK and Lavanya both ran like a cheetah to AR...They were worried for all who have came in the path of Arnav today...

Manik ,Nandini and Khushi were sitting in Malhotra Mansion...

Manik and Nandini Malhotra are married couple...They are Clients of AR...they have many malls in India..Khushi is close to them for a reason...

"Khushi...why are you here...as I can remember we don't have any serious business deal that you have to come here?"Manik asked her after a while...

Khushi looked up at him...She was lost looking at particular place when she heard Manik ask her the question ...

Nandini was also concerned for her...she can see Khushi not being herself...

Khushi closed her eyes and sighed...she opened them and said,"I am here for a break...I want to be peaceful for a while...I am preparing myself for telling Arnav whole truth...And this time promise me that you won't stop me."

Seeing Khushi so much serious Manik just nodded..he can't hide truth for long ... Truth had to come out then only Khushi will be able to live her life without any burden ...He stopped her from telling truth to Arnav because Arnav was not able to take the truth...but now he decided that they will see whatever happens...

He was happy for Khushi...but little scared about how will Arnav react after knowing that Khushi had hidden this truth from him from 6 months...

How will he react after knowing Whose daughter Sheetal was?

How will he react after knowing that I am related to khushi's real family?

Read next update on inkitt

"I am not going to do that let them worry"someone said..

Guess who would have said that in the next update

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