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Third person

Scott hopped up to his feet, only now realizing how much taller Vincent was compared to him. He let out a soft huff as he glanced around, hating the fact that he wasn't exactly the tallest for his age.

Vincent led the way through the maze of trees and bushes since he was the one who lived there. The brunette followed closely, not wanting to get lost in the growth.

"It'sss not that bad here you know... It'sss actually quite peaccceful..." The purple male mentioned, slithering up towards the stream.

"It's not... I guess I was scared because I was taught to be... Things probably would have been different if those stories didn't exist..." The smaller male replied, catching up with Vincent.

They stopped by the stream and sat for a few moments. This part of the forest was one of Vincent's favorites, not just for the food it supplied, but for its beauty as well.

"It really is beautiful here..." Scott said softly.

"Yeah... I like to ssstay here sssometimesss and watch the sssunrissse..." Vincent replied, moving a bit closer to the smaller male.

He wasn't sure what it was, but something about Scott made him curious. He wanted to know the male, but not just as an acquaintance, no he wanted more than that. Something about the brunette was attracting him.

Vincent had never had feelings towards anyone before and wasn't exactly sure how to process those emotions. In fact, he had never even known anyone before. But why then was he feeling so close to Scott already? Was it because he was lonely? Because he wanted someone to be close to? He wasn't sure.

"What else is out here? I mean, besides the stream..." The smaller male asked.

"Well, my home is a cave not too far from here... It protectsss from the elementsss and other animalsss... If you want we could go there..." The friendly Naga offered.

Scott nodded and stood up, brushing off his ripped jeans. They must have torn when he fell, which he would now have to fix the tear when he got home.

He followed Vincent on the way to their next destination. The brunette was calm now, knowing that nothing would hurt him in these woods. The only thing he'd known to be dangerous, was actually friendly, so he figured he'd be safe.

They reached the cave within ten minutes of walking. It was dark of course, but that was nothing a fire couldn't fix.

Vincent lit a fire that illuminated his home, showing Scott just how nice it was, for a cave at least. He smiled, getting a homey vibe from the place.

"Have you always lived here?" He asked, looking around at the various trinkets the Naga collected over time.

"For asss long asss I can remember... I've pretty much been on my own..." The serpent boy replied, coiling up by the fire to keep his cold-blooded body warm.

"It's nice... Feels kinda like home actually..." Scott said, sitting down next to him.

The Naga pulled the brunette closer with his tail, which earned a small blush from him. Vincent truly liked Scott and just wanted to be his friend, or possibly even more than that. Could it be possible for a Naga to actually love a human? That was something he would have to find out on his own.

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