The Truth

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Third person

Scott was confused. Why would a snake-human hybrid want to get to know him? Why not just eat him like the helpless thing he was? There was no one around and he knew the gang would never help. He could die right now without a trace.

But he wasn't. This, whatever he was, wanted to know more about Scott. He wasn't going to be eaten, not today at least.

"Why would you want to know that? I mean, it seems like... Like you could kill me, easily, if you wanted to..." Scott said awkwardly, huddled against the trunk of a tree.

"It ssseemsss that way, and to be honessst it'sss true. But I do not have a want, nor a need to kill you. I'm curiousss about who you are becaussse I've never encountered your kind before, and I'm asssuming you've never encountered mine." Vincent explained, slithering closer to the frightened brunette, showing no signs of harm.

"No, I haven't ever seen anything like you. My name is Scott. I'm a sixteen year old human and I'm only here because of a gang at my school... They said they'd post my secret everywhere if I didn't spend the night in here..." The smaller male told him, inching farther away from the tree, seeing he could trust Vincent more than he thought.

The purple male stared at him for a moment in awe. Never had he seen something so different than him, but oddly still the same. Curiosity was overtaking his mind. The only thing he wanted now was to know more about Scott.

"Ah, I sssee... Well Ssscott, my name isss Vincccent. I am also sssixxxteen yearsss of age. I am a Naga, which isss a crosss between a human and a ssserpent. I am immortal and exxxtremely venomousss." He said, being honest with the smaller male.

Scott was listening, barely, to the other's explanation of just what he was. But Scott was also focused on his tail. It was at least ten feet long of dark purple, but with a shimmery, almost gold looking, underside. He had never seen something so terrifyingly beautiful.

But as he thought now after recollecting his mind, he realized, the stories of the forest had to be true. He was hesitant, mostly out of fear that he would anger the male before him, but he also wanted to know the truth.

"So it's true then? There are snake people here in the forest? Y-You don't eat people do you? Because that's what all the stories say, but... You just seem so nice..." The brunette asked, trailing off some at the end to his own personal thoughts.

"Nagasss, yesss. Although I haven't encountered any othersss then myssself. No, I do not eat people, I never have. Thossse stories were probably jussst made up to exxxplain what happened to misssing people." Vincent answered honestly, seeing no need to lie about anything.

Scott sighed in relief, feeling now he could truly trust Vincent. Maybe the forest wasn't so bad after all? Perhaps people just blamed Nagas for their own mistakes? It wouldn't be the first time it's happened in the world for humans to blame something else.

"Vincent, if you wouldn't mind, could you show me around?" The smaller male asked, sitting up.

"Sssure Ssscott."

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