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Third person

The two had fallen asleep, huddled close by the fire. The sunrise was closing in, meaning Scott's time in the forest would be up soon.

The gang made up of Fritz, Jeremy and Mike sat outside, waiting for some kind of sign from Scott. There had been no screams or sounds of terror, so none of them knew what was happening.

They had all expected for Scott to run out screaming in horror, saying he saw one of the snake people, but that never happened. That's what had Jeremy and Mike worried, but not Fritz.

Fritz didn't care about the brunette, he just wanted to humiliate him. He never planned to allow Scott into the group, he didn't even care that he was gay. He was cruel and just wanted something to laugh at. That's all he wanted.

"M-Maybe o-one of us s-should g-go get h-him..." Jeremy suggested, glancing back at the trees.

"Are you kidding? What if... THE SNAKE PEOPLE ATE HIM!" Fritz yelled.

The smallest boy let out a scream and jumped into Mike's arms, clinging for dear life. The black haired male blushed because of the action. He had always found Jeremy cute, and the close contact was flustering him.

The ginger boy laughed, being quite satisfied with his work. The others glared at him after regaining themselves.

"Aww c'mon guys that was funny." He pointed out.

"Shut up Fritz." Mike snapped, not thinking his actions were humorous by any means.

The chubby male growled and huffed, being angered that his joke wasn't considered funny. His sense of humor was often twisted anyway, so he shouldn't have been surprised the others wouldn't enjoy it.

While the three boys argued, the sun started rising. The sun shined brightly through the opening of the cave and right to Scott's eyes. He let out a soft groan as he woke up, looking around at his surroundings.

He hadn't remembered being in the forest, so he sat up quickly. The brunette saw the sleeping Naga and sighed, now remembering all that happened the night before.

Scott checked his phone, which had no reception of course. It was six-forty-five. His time in the forest was up, by forty-five minutes. He put his phone back and looked at the sleeping Naga, sighing softly.

The brunette didn't just want to leave him, but also didn't want to wake him up. Vincent looked so peaceful in his slumber and Scott didn't want to disturb that.

The fire had gone out, which meant there was no more heat coming from within the cave. Vincent woke up, feeling cold and looked at Scott.

"Hey, um... I need to head home... My time is up..." The smaller male said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

The Naga was surprised. He had gotten a sudden jolt in his chest when Scott said he was leaving. Vincent didn't want him to leave. Something just made him want Scott to stay.

"O-Oh... Um... Okay..." He replied, looking at the ground.

"I can come back later some time... If you want..."

Vincent smiled and nodded. He couldn't wait for Scott to come back. The brunette got up and waved, leaving the cave.

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