Going Home

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Third person

Scott started walking through the maze of trees. He had managed to remember the way back to the opening of the forest from the night before.

He walked out and took his glasses off, since they were cracked and practically worthless. The brunette also didn't particularly feel like seeing the people who forced him into the forest, even though he should've been grateful. Without them he wouldn't have met Vincent.

Fritz growled when he saw Scott. It angered him that Scott didn't come running out screaming like a little girl. It angered him that he now had to keep his secret, because even though he was by definition, a douche-bag, he was a man of his word.

Jeremy and Mike however were surprised that Scott came back. They had both figured since there had been no signs of him that he wasn't coming back.

"S-Scott, y-you're alive!" The smallest male exclaimed.

"Am I not supposed to be?" Scott asked in confusion, now knowing the truth that the forest was nothing dangerous.

"You just came out of the forest after six hours of silence..." Mike reminded him.

The brunette boy shrugged and started walking. He saw no point in staying now. He had kept up his end if the bargain, and now he was going home.

"Where do you think youre going?" Fritz snapped, moving in front of him.

"Home. I spent six hours in the forest, I kept my end of the deal. Now I'm going home." Scott replied, walking around the chubby ginger leader.

He ran home quickly so he could sneak in before his parents woke up. Scott knew that if they woke up and found him missing, it would be the end of him. His parents were very strict about his curfew and the activities he took place in.

Once he'd reached his home, the brunette ran around and climbed the fence to his backyard. He climbed the gutter as quietly as he could before he reached his window.

It was now seven-fifteen. His parents would be up at seven-thirty. Scott changed quickly into his sleep wear and ruffled his hair to make it appear like he'd been sleeping.

He hopped into bed and sighed, putting his forearm across his eyes. He couldn't believe he'd done it.

Of all the people in town, he was the one who entered the forest. Him. The quiet little nerd at school that was bullied constantly. The boy who was secretly gay and living in fear of what his parents would do. The boy who lived his entire life in fear of doing wrong, had survived six hours in the place many people considered a gateway to hell.

But then he realized. There was nothing special about the forest. It was just a bunch of trees. A bunch of wood growing out of the ground. How could anyone be scared of such a silly thing? The only thing special about that forest was Vincent. And now Scott was missing him.

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