Texting A Plan

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Third person

Vincent helped the brunette out of the forest and back to the road. He couldn't go out too far, because of the risk of being seen, but he took Scott out as far as he could.

"Thank you Vincent..." The brunette said softly.

"You're welcome Ssscott..." He replied, hugging the other softly before he left.

Scott started walking back home, waving to Vincent before walking out of sight.

Little did either of them know that Fritz hadn't ever left. No, he'd actually been watching them the entire time. And now he knew the truth of the forest.

The stories were true, there were snake people. Although Vincent was the only one, but the ginger male didn't know that. He was too focused on what he now knew about Scott.

The chubby ginger male emerged from his hiding spot and looked through the trees. He couldn't see the purple male, which was honestly a relief. Fritz now wanted to get back at Scott.

He was going to get some of his friends and go into the woods. Fritz snickered and walked back home and took out his phone. He texted Mike about the situation and wanted to have him come to the forest.

Mike received the message and laughed to himself. How silly to think even Fritz was believing the stories now.

He texted Fritz back saying he should get some sleep before making any plans. Mike thought Fritz may had just been tired and his mind was just playing tricks on him.

The ginger was angry that his so-called friend wasn't believing him. Since he couldn't get Mike on board with his plan, he decided to text Jeremy.

The small brunette male wasn't able to reply right away. His father was drunk and he was doing his best not to anger him. Unfortunately no matter what he attempted, he always ended up getting beaten.

It was nearly an hour later before he was able to reply to Fritz's text. The ginger wasn't too happy and would probably make the brunette pay for it tomorrow.

He read the ginger's plan and felt shivers travel down his spine. He hated the thought of going in the forest to begin with, but to get back at Scott, his friend? There was no way he was going in there. How could Fritz think that he could ever go in there to get back at Scott?

He texted Fritz saying there was no way he would ever go in the woods, especially not to get back at Scott because Fritz didn't like him.

Now the ginger really wasn't happy. His two main "friends" weren't going through with his plan. He sighed and texted Brad and Chet, two blockhead football players who were dumb enough to go along with his plan.

He smirked when he saw they both agreed to meet up over the weekend. He was finally going to be able to get Scott back in the worst possible way. This was going to be bad.

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