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" i wish you loved me "



reason for name

 the name roselyn is an irish name. the name briefly means  

" pretty rose " in irish. this name symbolizes her attractive app-

earance, and the way she looks. deep down, this can also soon

symbolize her actual personality, and although she is not good 

at showing her nice side, she will develop to be pretty on the in-

side as well as the outside. roselyn was also chosen for her bec-

ause her breed is an irish setter, so her owner thought it would 

fit to name his irish setter dog after an irish influenced name. 






 5 dog years


purebred irish setter



short looks

roselyn is a beautiful, glossy-furred, mahogany-russet irish 

setter with a very flowy, long-styled coat hazel-amber eyes.

descriptive looks

standing at an average 23  inches, roselyn  is a medium dog.

she weighs about a healthy 54 pounds, and is rather lanky &

skinny in figure. this irish setter has long, billowy mahogany

fur, which is incredibly attractive and adds to her overall looks.

generally described as beautiful, her breed of dog has often been

said to be the " most beautiful of dog breeds. " roselyn's coat is

rather thick and luscious. she has an elegant build, and is often

light on her feet. roselyn has sinewy legs, which are an average

size, and allow for her to run rather fast, and a poweful jaw, rear,

and nose for hunting. her ears have rather flowy fur on them, and

her pelt is often seen as a mahogany-russet color. in the dark, it

tends to look darker, and in the right lighting it looks as a more

nutmeg color. roselyn carries a lot of grace and swiftness in her

body, as her breed was originally a breed of gundog. her pelt is 

very soft to the touch and incredibly smooth & always has a very

glossy appearance. after being well-groomed by her previous own-

ers, roselyn only wants the best for her pelt and appearance, as she

was once pampered. her eyes are an odd color of brown, ranging

from a honey-hazel color, to a rather deep amber-brown color. they

have flecks of lighter brown in them, and are rather round, but they

are sometimes squinted. her nose is a soft dark brown-black color, 

and she has shorter whiskers than average. she has a sporty build, 

intertwined with lots of grace and increased stamina, with elegance. 


roselyn is often a very hard to understand dog. she often comes

off as vry snappy, snarky, and very rude. she tends to be rather 

stuck -  up, and often thinks she is better than others. she uses 

her attractive appearance to manipulate others, and to get what

she wants. roselyn, although she does take advantage of others,

deep down wants to be a kinder, and more humble dog. she then

wishes that she could be a little more average on dog-looks, so she

would not always be recognized by her looks and her appearance. 

roselyn is a very snappy, and sarcastic dog. she often will retort and

make comments back to others when they talk to her. although she

does not always mean to be so snappy, she often is, and sometimes

it just comes out. she is also often sarcastic, and will reply to others 

in a dramatic way. while she is regarded as rude and a sarcastic dog,

roselyn can be fairly nice to others. though she tends to only be nice

to her friends and those she is close with, she may be nice when she

is talking to certain pack members. to get out of her duties, or also

sometimes throw others off, roselyn will lie. she often lies for a lot of

different things. she adds lies into her daily life, and will do it on co-

mplete purpose most of the time. although, sometimes she lies so 

that others will be safe, or in the help of others. roselyn is not all bad

and she tends to be rather nice half of the time, but tread on her bad

side and she will wreck havoc. she is regarded as a snippy and rude dog

and many don't like her because of her looks, for jealousy, but roselyn 

will open up to others she likes and try not to be as conceited as she acts. 

roselyn tries to be a better dog to others, but still sometimes comes off

as snappy and somewhat arrogant. she tries her best to improve, and

doesn't like to be seen as rude by "cruel beauty" for fear of their friendship.

she often recounts of the easy moments of her life, when she would visit

"cruel beauty" and live peacefully with her owners, and holds a grudge

against the earth for separating her from her owners and easy life. she

always thinks about what life could've been if nothing had changed.


sleeping in and not working

mountains and forests

exploring new areas & travelling

sometimes doing her duties as explorer

green foods & healthy foods

being groomed by her owner (previously)

being pampered and waited on

soft dog beds and soft feelings

feeling the wind blow through her fur

 dew that appears in the morning on flowers

exploring nature & sensations


the feeling of rejection

feeling her heart fall in her chest

constant prodding & poking of a subject

forced to comply & abide by the rules

being given attitude ( though she gives it )

losing in fights & verbal fights

being looked down upon for her 'tude

embarrassment when talking to " cruel beauty"

showing how hurt and sad she actually is

crying in front of other dogs

being confined to one area


being alone her entire life 

being rejected over and over

confessing to her best friend

never being able to change herself 

her loved ones being hurt or passing away 


that one day she will be loved back

she will be more understood by the pack

she can partially start over in life 

that she will be reunited with her family


roselyn was born and raised by her owners who had bred

her parents together. her parents, lucy and duke, were both

irish setters, and their owners wanted to keep them pure-bred.

she was the only pup kept by her owners, who sold the rest  of

her dogs, so she had formed a large connection with them when

they decided to keep her, because they regarded her as the best

pick. roselyn grew up alongside her parents, and was incredibly

pampered by her owners. each day, she would try and go out of

her yard to go and talk to "cruel beauty", who had been her best

friend since she was born. when she was almost four years old, rose

started to develop feelings for her best friend, and never brought

them up because she knew that the other female was certainly not

interested in her the way that she was. roselyn began to become a little

more snappy and sad then usual, as she kept these feelings hidden

deep down in herself. and then one day, her life was completely

shaken out of place, as her owners only took her parents, and then

fled the island. she was left to fend for herself, exploring by herself,

and hoping that her best friend was ok, when she found the city crows.

relieved, and surprised to see her friend in the same group, roselyn

tried to recover from her previous, amazing life, to being abandoned.

satisfied with her rank as an explorer, she wasn't incredibly sad that

something like this had happened, but she recounted those memories.






↝ " cruel beauty "


her theme songs would be possibly be "sorry "

 by halsey, " devils backbone " by the civil wars, 

or " 7 rings " by ariana grande 

she has always had a problem with shedding,

and goes crazy over if she is loosing too much

hair, although it is perfectly normal 

made for -oneheadlight's roleplay

all photo credit goes to " george & troja " on ig

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