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❝ 𝒊'𝒎 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒃𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒚, 𝒊'𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒔𝒔 ❞



FULL NAME →thulhu


MEANING  originated from nepali dialect, तुलहु, otherwise known as 'tulahu' in nepali. in sandonese, it translates into 'oath'.

AGE around 26-30 human years

SPECIES arctic / grey wolf


CLAN, TRIBE, PACK, ETC.→yellowstone pack, different in other au's

( currently used in @hollyhockfang's roleplay )

RANK beta



STAR SIGN →likely scorpio

DATE OF BIRTH →unknown, likely in november


❝ 𝑯 𝑩 𝑰 𝑪 ❞


「 ₐₚₚₑₐᵣₐₙCₑ 」


EYE COLOR→hazel-brown



SHORT APPEARANCE →thulhu is a medium-sized off-white female wolf with grey / brown markings across her pelt. the markings are in the form of lines, and she is medium-furred, and has silky and luscious feeling fur as well. she has long legs and round, pretty hazel-brown eyes. her eyes are a light shade of brown, with some yellow around her pupil. she has bite marks on her left ear and a portion of her muzzle is missing. she isn't small, but not large either. for a female, she is a little over the average size. her pelt becomes thinner across her stomach, and thicker on her flank and about her chest. the off-white color can be passed as cream when up close, but white when you're looking from a far. she is quite beautiful for a she-wolf, but with the small amount of flesh from her muzzle missing, bite marks, scars, and her harsh personality, many steer away. she has large ears with white fur inside of them, and small grey waves on her sides. brown markings are also mixed in but not seen. her fluffy pelt hides her average figure.  



ABNORMALITIES →small bit of her muzzle is missing, she has odd-styled fur, and has a slightly weak back leg. 



❝ 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 ❞


「 ₚₑᵣₛₒₙₐₗᵢₜY 」

MAIN TRAITS→rash, loyal, invested, bossy, natural leader, and stoic. 

SHORT PERSONALITY→thulhu can be rash, make decisions very quick, and become very invested in her duties that she doesn't pay mind to others. she is a very devoted and loyal wolf, and she knows her boundaries. she comes off as snarky and arrogant, but in general does not brag or bring others down; she puts them in their place. she is not afraid to admit who is better, and who should be ranked down; it is not bragging, it's the truth, she states a lot. thulhu is an exceptional rule-follower, and likes to make some rules herself. she will stick to the alpha's plan for as long as it seems reasonable. most wolves don't care for thulhu as a friend, but she is very well respected, and is one to earn her spot. she isn't as friendly as she should be, but also has respect for others. she can't handle gossip or anything like that, and will immediately shut that wolf down. she isn't completely innocent, though, as she is prone to snapping and becoming very angry. she likes things done her way, and likes to be the leader. she is a natural born boss and leader. thulhu can be very easy to get along with if you just understand her and where she is coming from. she was raised by bad parents, and has many secrets. getting to her core is hard, but not impossible. she takes her job seriously, but isn't always as stoic and crude as she seems. she likes to challenge others, and give them a run for their money. she becomes a different wolf when in the sense of her job, and rarely shows mercy to those who don't deserve it. she does listen to the alpha, though, and would stop anything to follow his orders and what his wishes were. thulhu isn't attractive to many because they don't like her challenging, harsh personality, and they'd rather go for someone easy. thulhu is not easy. 











❝ 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒊𝒅,  𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆 ❞


「 ₜᵣₐᵢₜₛ 」

PHOBIAS →thulhu fears losing her position and sometimes becoming alpha, as it may be a lot of work for her to handle. 

STRENGTHS→thulhu is a very good sprinter. she can run very fast, but can't hold her speed and soon becomes out of breath. although, she is very good at pack hunting, because she can deliver one of the first bites and catch up with animal, if the chase doesn't take a while. after that, she can be used for precision. she has amazing paw-eye coordination, and can easily snap back or aim at prey in a flash. she is good at swerving, and can swim well. she also has a rock-hard personality which doesn't allow her to get distracted much. she is good at loyalty, following orders, as well as giving them. she is not one to boss around, as she will put you in your place. she gives respect and gets respect. 

LIKES / DISLIKES →she loves running in the open, hunting, and her duty as beta. she is good at directing others and telling them what to do is her favorite. she is a good beta and loves doing it, as well as she loves swimming. she does it for fun sometimes, and other times to grab fish and to hunt elk by swimming across. she also loves snuggling. she hates the smell of fish, though, and especially going into the forest and running on pine needles. 

WEAKNESSES →thulhu is not a very good runner. she is average at running; the only defect being that once she catches a steady speed, she cannot keep it. she does, though, have a very fast sprint. thulhu isn't good at communicating emotions, and sometimes her attitude gets the best of her, which can easily irritate the whole of her pack. she is easily agitated as well, and becomes very irritated when the slightest thing doesn't go her way. she does also have a slight weak leg on her back set, which she doesn't tell any other wolves about. her leg works fine, but sometimes it cramps up on her. thulhu can be very snappy, but only does it so she can concentrate on her job, the only things that matters at hand. she can become so caught up in doing what she thinks is right, and her duties, she forgets about the things in life that actually matter.

POWERS ( IF ANY ) →none. 

SKILLS →swimming, running quick for a while straight, hunting and using precise accuracy. 


SPIRIT ANIMAL →a mountain wolf of the ice age, a strong ancestor of hers.

THEME SONG →to be announced.

HEART OR HEAD →head...


❝ 𝒊 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒔 𝒃𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒆𝒈𝒐 ❞


「 FₐₘᵢₗY ₐₙD ᵣₑₗₐₜᵢₒₙₛ 」

PARENTS →martimelleia - a small white wolf, yellow eyes. ( mother, deceased )

bijoux - large black wolf, no right eye. ( father, alive )

SIBLINGS→ thibauxx - large black/grey wolf, brown eyes. ( brother, alive )

hurricania - white / brown wolf, brown eyes. ( sister, alive )

CRUSH →none as of now. 

MATE / S.O.→none as of now.

PUPS, KITS, CHILDREN, ETC. →none as of now. 


❝ " 𝒊 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒊𝒕. " ❞


「 ₒₜₕₑᵣ 」

IMPORTANT CHILDHOOD HISTORY→not many know about thulhu's life while growing up, because her parents weren't part of the pack at first. her father had left the pack, and her mother had been an outcast long before they met. they had thulhu, and left after raising her for while, after they joined the pack. thulhu's father would mentally harm her, and call her worthless, and told her to fight back every single time someone irritated her. it molded her into a wolf that is very snappy and irritable. her mother practically did not raise her, as the nanny wolves did. she doesn't have good parental influence. she was a loner as a pup, even with siblings.


ANY CONSEQUENCES? thulhu has been sculpted to be the ' bad wolf ' , even though she was told to do everything in her power to be the best. she has tried to work on this mentality, but forgets her father. he was nothing but bad influencing to her, and that is why thulhu is so "rock hard" and a very rude wolf to many.


OTHER →she isn't actually as crude as she seems once she opens up to you. 

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