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Our comfort was short lived when we got a knock on the door. "Uh, guys? I made breakfast. Come down and eat then we can talk about... Everything." I sighed and started to remove myself from Hoseok.

Everything was silent. Nobody dared say a word as we ate. They didn't even look at me. It was horribly awkward and tense and i hated it. I just wanted to be back with Hoseok.

I was sat between him and Jin. I felt a hand in mine and glanced to see it was Hoseok's. He gave me a reassuring smile which i slightly returned. After we'd finished eating, Jin sat us in the lounge room.

The tension was killing me. Jin finally spoke up. "We should start by um... Getting you to say how- or what do you feel."

I sighed. "I feel like you guys just... I don't know... That you guys don't like being around me. And whenever i do even the smallest thing wrong, one of you will pull me up on it. You guys always praise each other when you do well or when you do something right. When i do something right i get nothing. Not even a hint of acknowledgement. Its when i do bad that you guys decide to pay me attention. When one of you do something wrong, everyone says its ok you'll get it next time. But with me, i get scolded... It just really hurts... And its like you don't like spending time with me. I've seen you argue over who has to sit at the back next to me. You guys never asked me to go anywhere, so i stopped asking all together and started locking myself in either my studio or room. It just- it really makes me upset. I know I'm generally pretty antisocial but it hurts that you don't bother to so much as ask me to go. Also, our manager basically told me I'm getting fat, or as he calls it "gaining weight" and has made start going to the gym and all this other shit... Thats why i went off yesterday. Everythings been building up and- and- argh i just want things to go back to before i became a trainee... When i didn't have to worry about all this shit..." I ran my hand through my hair, leaning back on the couch.

They stared at me in shock. I guess they weren't really expecting that... Hell i wasn't even expecting that...

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