01: her name

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   "See you tomorrow everyone." The teacher grabbed her things and quickly walked out of the classroom before the hallway will be crowded with the students since the school has reached the end.

Sunghoon talked to his friends and bid them goodbye before approaching Hyuri who was talking to Haesoo. He took a glance at Jay, fake a smile when their eyes met but that guy didn't give any reaction and grabbed his things before leaving the classroom alone.

"Hyuri, do you want to go home with me?"

Haesoo tilted her head to look at Sunghoon and avoided his gaze when their eyes met.
She cleared her throat, packed her things, and patted Hyuri on her shoulder as a sign to leave first.

Sunghoon watched her leave and continue talking to Hyuri.

"Shall we stop by our favorite restaurant? Let's have a stew."

"Alright, but you should pay for it."

Hyuri rolled her eyes, "Of course. You have already paid for me before."

Sunghoon took a glance at the door and realized that Haesoo wasn't there anymore.

"Should we ask your friend to join us?"

Hyuri looked at Sunghoon in confusion,

"Oh, that girl?"

"I want to, but she lived far away from us."

Sunghoon hummed as responded,

"Let's go."



Haesoo took off her ear pods and watched a group of girls was approaching her excitedly. She blink her eyes in confusion when one of them handed a gif to her. As Haesoo was about to take it, the girl shook her head and pointed her finger to Jay who was on the bike while playing with his phone.

"I heard that you're his classmate. Are you close with him?"

"I'm not close with him," Haesoo replied calmly.

"Can you pass this gift to him? It means a lot to us, please?"

Haesoo nervously shook her head,
"Why don't you give by yourself?"

"Because he will kill me."

"And he will kill me too," Haesoo respond and was surprised when the girl held her hand, begging for her to pass the gift to Jay.

"Just this time."

"Please, Haesoo?"

"Just this time."

"Just tell Jay that I'm the one who gives this to him."

Haesoo sighed and went towards Jay nervously while the group of girls was just watching her from far, hoping for Jay to take it.

"Hello, Jay."

Jay turned off his phone and fixed his eyes on Haesoo coldly. "What do you want?"

"Your fan asked me to hand this to you." Haesoo handed the gift to him and let out a relief when he accepted it.

"Disgusting." He spoke up as soon as he saw the gift.

"Why are you still here? I thought you're done."
He asked Haesoo again.

Haesoo smiled and just nodded,
"I will go first."

"Goodbye."She waved her hand to him, waited for him to reply.

Jay looked at her from the top to bottom,

"Go away before I knock you out with my bike."

Haesoo just nodded and fastened her steps to the gate, walking out from the school alone without her friend, Hyuri. Jay still fixed his eyes on her, silently judging her appearance.

"So plain."


    "Have you heard about the school festival that will be held in two weeks?"

Everyone nodded in response to Mr.Do, who was the principal of Hanlim High School. Everyone was talking to their friends about the festival, asking each other what to wear, what to do and what to bring causing the hall became so noisy. Mr.Do cleared his throat to get the attention of his students.

All eyes were on him and waited for him to continue his speech.

"So, I hope everyone will take a place in every competition that will be held that day. There will be a singing, fashion, cooking and talent contest! The school will prepare a huge prize for the winner!"

Everyone clapped their hands again as they got so excited about the contest and the prize.

"Where is the student president?" Mr.Do asked.

Sunghoon raised his hand and stood up.
"Yes, Mr.Do?"

"Make sure everything will be done well, okay? I believe that you will do a great job of arranging the festival."

"Lee Hyuri, can you lend help to Sunghoon?"

Hyuri stood up and stood next to Sunghoon,
"Alright, Mr.Do. I'm the vice president too anyway."

She took a glance at Sunghoon and they smiled before taking their places again. After a few minutes of talking on the stage, Mr.Do finally ended the meeting and allowed the student to go back to their classroom when the first period already started. Everyone walked out of the hall, including the teacher. Just leaving Sunghoon and Hyuri in the hall.

Hyuri shyly approached Sunghoon,
"So, when are we going to do a meeting with every president of clubs here?"

Sunghoon smiled,
"I will find a suitable time to do the meeting. Can you create a group chat for this festival?
Don't forget to include every student that wants to participate in the competition and also every president of each classroom."

Hyuri smiled back and nodded,
"Of course. I will do that after this but Sunghoon, why don't you hold the meeting asap?"

"I have an ice skating competition this week. I need to attend a lot of training too. So, that's why." Sunghoon replied to Hyuri softly and took a step to walk out of the hall since they have done discussing.

"That sucks."Hyuri ran towards Sunghoon and walked out together from the hall.

"Oh wait. You can go first. I need to make sure that every door here is already locked."

Hyuri just nodded before bidding goodbye to Sunghoon.

Sunghoon quickly checked every door in the hall, locking it one by one and turning off the air conditioner before checking the last door that was from the entrance. As he was about to lock it, he was surprised when he saw Haesoo who was standing in front of the door while peeking at him.

"Hey, what are you--?" Sunghoon spoke up causing the girl to surprise and take a step backward as a way to escape from getting caught by him.

Sunghoon fixed his eyes on her,

"You're Hyuri's--"

Haesoo widened her eyes and lowered her head when she could feel her cheeks were blushing just by looking at Sunghoon from that close again. Sunghoon opened the door widely and approached her with a lot of questions on his mind.

"I'm sorry!" Haesoo spoke up nervously and immediately ran away from Sunghoon who was approaching her. Sunghoon left the hall without locking the last door and fastened his steps to chase after the girl who has just run away after getting caught for peeking at him earlier.

He crossed his arm,
"What's wrong with her?"


Haesoo turned her head to the back just to see if Sunghoon still chase for her and let out a big relief when he was already left behind. She gasped for breathing and widened her eyes when she spotted Mr.Lim who was the discipline teacher walked out of the office and was about to walk in her direction. Without any hesitation, she ran to the behind of the school building, where bullies and bad kids always gathered to.

She ran faster as she could, and immediately stopped when she spotted a group of bad kids was gathering at one place, doing vandalism by spraying something and throwing raw eggs on the wall while laughing loudly.

Haesoo stood there without saying anything while watching every single thing that they did until she accidentally made eye contact with one of them, Jay Park.

He leaned his back against the wall with his arm crossed while chewing his bubble gum and then, spit bubble gum away before pushing his friends away and approaching Haesoo with a cold gaze.

"Are you stalking us?"

Haesoo finally back to her sense and shook her head immediately before taking a step backward,

"I was just passing by."

He raised his eyebrows, "You're not."

Haesoo ignored him, "I need to go first."

"Are you going to tell the teacher?"

Haesoo walked away from him without replying to his words causing him to get pissed off. He quickly chased her and stopped her by holding her sleeve making her turn her body to face him surprisingly. Haesoo widened her eyes when he leaned his body closer to her and shut her eyes tightly as she couldn't make eye contact with someone too long and too close.

"Don't tell about this to the teacher."

He let go of her sleeve and took a step backward when she nodded in response.

"Now leave. This is my place."

Haesoo nodded again, finally got to breathe properly when that guy stood away from her.

Jay took a glance at her, making sure she left him.

Haesoo gasped, quickly ran towards Jay and held his wrist causing him to widen his eyes, and looked at her in confusion.

"What the hell--"

Haesoo dragged him away from his friends who were still doing vandalism while ignoring Jay who was telling her to let go of him.

"What's wrong with you?"

Haesoo and Jay hid behind the building while gasping for breathing as they ran so fast.

"Are you trying to flirt with me?" Jay spoke up with his eyes fixed on the girl.

Haesoo shook her head and pointed her finger at his friends who got scolded by Mr.Lim for doing the vandalism.

"I'm trying to save you." She replied and leaned her back against the wall, standing next to Jay.

Jay leaned his back against the wall too and took out his cigarettes.

"This is a gift." He handed the cigarettes to her.

Haesoo immediately shook her head,
"I didn't smoke."

"And we are not allowed to smoke."

Jay hummed as responded and lit the cigarettes, smoking even though Haesoo already warned him.

"Do you want to taste?" He asked her, holding the cigarettes that he used.

Haesoo sighed and looked at him again.

"You're killing me."

Jay raised his eyebrows, "You should taste this."


"Come on."

"I know that you want to put me in the trap, Jay."

Jay scoffed. "You're so clever."

He continues smoking.

"Make sure that you will not get caught."

Jay smirked, "How much do you like me?"

Haesoo sighed, "I'm just helping you as my classmate."

"Are you sure?"

She shook her head.

"What's your name?" Jay called her.

Haesoo looked at him in confusion.
"We are classmates, Jay."

"So your name is we are classmates."

"Jay, can you be matured?"

"Am I too immature?"

She nodded. Jay gazed at her and shook his head in disbelief after he was judging her silently again. He then continue smoking without minding the girl who was just standing next to him while playing with her fingers.

"Why don't you go back to the classroom?"
Jay spoke up again.

Haesoo hesitated to reply,
"I'm too shy."

"Because of what?"

She cleared her throat,
"My crush caught me peeking at him."

Jay crossed his arm and sighed,
"You're scary."

"I'm not stalking him."

Jay made a disgusted face,
"I have been flexing my stupidity for 19 years, but I know that stalking and peeking are the same things."

Haesoo just sighed, letting him win.

"Can I ask you something?"

Jay scoffed, "$5 for one word."

"Nevermind." She took a step away and suddenly stopped when Jay held her wrist, pulling her next to him again.

"You have 30 seconds to ask me for free."He spoke up and fixed his eyes on his watch.

Haesoo looked at Jay, "What does a guy look for in a girl?"

Jay looked at her too and quickly shifted his gaze away when she smiled.

Jay brushed his hair out of his face before answering.

"I don't know because I don't like a girl."

Haesoo surprised, "Oh."

"I didn't know about that." She continued.

Jay nodded, "30 seconds has ended, do you want 30 seconds for $10?"

Haesoo shook her head in disbelief.

"Jay, let's go to the class--"

"Both of you go to the classroom before I tell about this to Mr.Lim."

Sunghoon came out of nowhere and approached Jay and Haesoo who were leaning their back against the wall. Haesoo widened her eyes in surprise and became nervous when Sunghoon was waiting for her to go toward him. She nodded and slowly stood behind Sunghoon, didn't take a glance at Jay.

Jay threw his cigarettes away and fixed his clothes. "I don't want to listen to you. So, just bring her with you."

Sunghoon sighed. "I'm the president here."

Jay glared at Sunghoon from the top to bottom.

"I will go first." Haesoo cut them off and quickly ran to the classroom, leaving those men alone.

Jay watched Haesoo leaving and held his laughter while Sunghoon was just crossing his arm, waiting for Jay to go to the classroom with him.

"What's her name?" Jay spoke up and toyed with his fingers.

Sunghoon watched Haesoo from far away.

"I'm asking the same thing too."

He continued,

"What's her name?"

𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰
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