First Mission

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

The team were on the rooftops of Ninjago City watching Nathan.  They wanted to know what he was up to.  They saw him enter a dark alley.  Justin, Alex, and Max went in to take a closer look.  They saw Nathan enter some secret passageway.  The three went back to tell the others.

"There's some secret passageway down there," Max said.

"Let's go down there and take him out," Zeke said.

"Hold on Zeke," Alex said.  "We don't know what we're up against here."

"Alex is right," Justin said.  "We need a plan...which is a job for out trusted leader." Justin nudged Max.

Max smiled at his best friend.  "I think I have a plan that could work, but you'll all have to trust me."

"I think I speak for all of us when I say, we trust you Max," Alex said as she grabbed Max's hand.  The others all nodded.

"Ok.  Here's the plan."

In the secret passageway

"Hurry up!" Nathan yelled to some guys who were working on a machine.  "I want to take down the ninja for good!  This machine will take out elemental masters, so I need it working as soon as possible!"

"Yes boss," one of the guys said.

"Boss!" another guy who wasn't working on the machine called.  "If this takes out elemental masters, it won't just affect the ninja."

"I know that!" Nathan snapped.  "But elemental masters are dangerous and need to be taken care of."

"What about the ones who won't be affected by this?"

"We'll take care of them later."

"Who do you want to take care of?" Nathan and all the men that were in there turned to see Justin, Alex, and Max standing by the entrance.  Justin spoke again.  "'Cuz I know it can't possibly be us," Justin said sarcastically.

"Look who we have here.  Taking over your parents' mantle I see.  The new ninja of Ninjago."

"That's right...and we know who your father is."

"You guys have guts, I'll give you that."

"Trust me.  We have a lot more than that."  Justin tried to use his powers to no avail.  "Guys, my powers aren't working."  Alex and Max looked at Justin confused, but then tried their own powers with no luck.

"It's called vengestone and it cancels out your powers which means no lightning, no water, and no energy."

"We can still fight!" Alex yelled.

"You three are all alone.  There's no way you can stop me."

"Who said anything about us being alone?" Max asked.  Juliet, Mason, Zeke, Harper, and Felix all appeared from where they were hiding.  Rosie also entered in her mech.  "You're dealing with the full team."

"Well, well, well.  Seven elemental masters, one samurai, and the phantom ninja all together in one place.  My revenge will be easier than I thought.  I'll take you guys down and then proceed with your parents."

"No you won't!" Alex yelled.

"Let's do this," Max said as they started to fight.

Zeke, Harper, and Felix stayed together.  Zeke and Harper were using swords.  Felix was using shurikens.

"So, this is our first fight and we haven't even been training for that long," Zeke commented.

"Can you focus on the battle?" Harper said annoyed.

"Taking into account everyone's different skills and skill levels, the probability of us winning is-"  Felix got cut off.

"Shut up Felix!" both Zeke and Harper yelled.

Juliet and Mason also decided to stick together.  Juliet was using a sword and Mason was using a scythe.

"Who ever thought that our first villain would end up being the school bully?" Mason commented.

"In a way, it makes sense," Juliet said.  "He did give off an evil villain vibe."

"It's a shame that in our first fight we can't even use our powers."

"Yeah, but it's still our first fight!"

"You got me there."

Justin was fighting with nunchucks when he heard a scream from behind him.  "Rosie!" he yelled as he ran to the samurai whose mech was being beaten by some of the men they were fighting.  He fought them off of her.

"Thanks Justin," Rosie said.

"No problem.  We're friends right."  Justin smiled at Rosie which she happily returned.  Rosie brought the mech back up and Justin took a fighting stance.  "Don't worry.  I've got your back."

"And I've got yours."  The two started to fight side by side.

Alex and Max were fighting Nathan who was more skilled of a fighter than they thought.  All three had two swords each.

"You guys don't quit, do you?" Nathan asked.

"A ninja never quits," Max replied.  "You go high, I'll go low," he told Alex.  Alex nodded and they attacked him together and together they managed to bring him down.

Alex looked down at Nathan and held a sword up to his neck.  "Don't you ever think about hurting my father again," she whispered to him angrily.  "If you try to hurt him, it will be the last thing you ever do."  Nathan looked terrified by Alex's anger.

"Alex, chill," Max said as he grabbed Alex's arm that held the sword up and put it down.  "We won."  Max hugged Alex which she returned.

"We did it," Alex said as the others started walking up to them.

As they were celebrating, the secret passageway opened and their parents (minus Britney) came in and took in what the place looked like and then looked at their kids.  The older ninja looked both proud and mad.

"What happened here?"  Lloyd was the first to speak.

"We took down our first bad guy," Max said.

"How did you figure out that there was a villain headquarters here?" Nya asked.

"I followed Nathan earlier today," Justin spoke up.

"You did what?!" Jay exclaimed.

"It was a good thing I did though.  I found out that his father was the one who kidnapped you, dad, and Master Lloyd.  He was plotting to end us all."

"That still doesn't answer my question!" Nya said angrily.

"We decided to go after him," Alex chimed in.  "We followed him some more and saw him come in here."

"You guys did all of this without our permission!" Kai yelled angrily.

"We want to become the new ninja team!" Max snapped.  "We were born to be a team!  You guys have been training us to be able to defend Ninjago, so let us defend it!  We also did this to prove we were ready!"  The new team rallied behind Max.

The old team looked at each other at first with anger, then with understanding.

"You guys are so much like us," Cole said.  "Eager to be out there fighting."

"I guess it's time for us to loosen the reins," Skylor said.

"This is their destiny," PIXAL said.

"We can't be overprotective anymore," Seliel added.

Lloyd walked up to the new team.  "You guys did a good job today," he told them.  "Ninjago will be in good hands."  Lloyd looked at his son.  "And you guys have a great leader."

"Thank you dad," Max said.

"I mean it."  Lloyd turned to look at everybody.  "Now, let's go home."  They all headed back towards the monastery.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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