Valentine's Day Special|Jaya

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I SWEAR I'll start posting something other than Jaya but it's Valentine's Day so gimme a break!!! :3

Anyways, I loooove Valentine's Day, even though I don't really celebrate it myself.

And you know me, I also love my S1 Jaya just because of the fact I can mess with crushes ;).

So here's some Valentine Jaya for y'all!

Third POV

"So, Nya..." Jay started. "Do you want to be my Valentine?"

"No... Too lame... Maybe if I- No..." He lowered the little heart shaped cards he was holding and sighed in defeat. "How am I supposed to do this?"

"What do you think? I mean, you're a lady!" He said to Wisp, who just rolled her eyes and lowered her wings.

He was lying against her side, trying to figure out a way to finally ask Nya out. And what better day than Valentine's Day?

He kept muttering the words, until he heard footsteps.

"Hey girl," it was the sweetest voice he had ever heard. "Where's your owner? Jay doesn't usually leave the stable door open," she petted the dragon's snout and smiled.

He was lucky Wisp was so large; her wings were practically hiding him entirely.

'Please don't raise your wings, please don't raise your wings...' He bit his lip and crossed his fingers.

"Oh, there you are!"

He was a bit afraid to open his eyes at first, but seeing his true love's beauty was worth the embarrassment. It was so simple, yet so soothing to see her warm smile revealing her cute dimples and pearly teeth.

Everything about her, from her brown eyes to the small mole on her right cheek just fit so perfectly together.

He shook his head quickly and smiled nervously. "Hey, Nya..." He could feel his cheeks heating up as he tightened his grip on the cards.

"Sensei said you should get back to training," she said.

She raised an eyebrow and smiled again. "Whatcha got there?"

"Nothing!" He got up quickly and hid the cards behind his back. He started walking backwards, until he was directly in front of Wisp.

She followed behind him. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yup! Totally fine-" Wisp pushed him on her, but she caught him and pushed him away.

"Careful there-"

"Sorry about that, she's just really energetic today," he said quickly. He tightened his grip on the cards, but they weren't there. They were all scattered on the ground.

He crouched and grabbed as many of them as he could. "See you at lunch!" He shouted as he ran away.

Nya sighed. "Way to impress him, Nya..." She said. "Oh well, he's too good for us anyway, right Wisp?"

Wisp rolled her eyes and sighed again. She just lied down again and closed her eyes.

"Yeah..." She sighed, walking off.



So I've liked you for a very long time now and I want to ask you a very important question. Will you be my Valentine?" He kept reading the cards over and over again.

He was lucky the others had gone out for the day, intentionally leaving the two alone. Well, they weren't interacting yet per say, but it was a start...

"Will you be my Valentine?" He kept repeating over and over in different tones. "I swear I lost that card somewhere..."

She felt a hand on his shoulder, turning around in surprise.


"So who's the lucky girl?" Nya smiled.

"No one in particular..." He said, his face as red as Kai's gi. "You- you don't know her..."

And that was the moment he face palmed so hard inside, he could almost feel it.

Seeing her smile slowly fade slowly into a frown, because she tried to maintain her original happy smile was heartbreaking.

"I'm sure she'll love it," she said, giving him a thumbs up. "Happy Valentine's, Jay," she gave him a quick hug and walked away.

"I'll just... Go and check up on the dragons..."

She bit her lip and sighed. Of course she wasn't the one. Why would she be? He was so perfect, and she was so... her.

He was the most talkative person she knew, yet she rarely even talked at all. What was the possibility of him even looking at her? He did, he did a lot, but she didn't know that.

She walked to the stables and found Wisp wide and awake. "Couldn't sleep either, huh?" She said, sitting down by her side as she put her wing over her, like a warm blanket.

"He deserves to be happy, even when it's not with me," she smiled at herself.

Wisp scooted over and raised her tail. There was something underneath it.

She picked it up. It was pink and crumbled, most likely a piece of paper. She unfolded it and could barely read the words. But of course, she made out the most important ones:

'Nya, will you be my Valentine?'

Even a professional painter couldn't name all the different shades of red and pink her face turned into.

She smiled so wide it hurt, but at the same time it felt really nice. She probably didn't want to go back just yet, seeing as she made things way too awkward for the both of them. She really wanted to go there and give him a kiss on the cheek, or even on the lips, but she was too shy.

Maybe they'll both find enough courage eventually. But just knowing that they liked each other was enough, and probably a topic for another day.

Kind of shorter than my other ones, hope you enjoyed! ;)

C ya!

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