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Trying to find a parking spot seeing students walking all around us. I feel the butterflies grow in my stomach as I see many new faces. We finally find a parking space. I wouldn't have thought that finding a place to park would have taken us a few minutes due to the fact that we are fifteen minutes early. Students rush into each other's arm as I hear them giggle. Many must know each other but then there is me. The new girl. I guess there will be more students from different states. Brad decided to get into mathematics and statistics as he is number's best friend. He can calculate faster than you typing it up in a calculator. It's crazy but I've tested him several times. I take a deep breath in as I swing the car door open. This is a new start for me I think to myself. Brad walks up next to me and takes my hand.

"Let's do this." He says taking the first step making me following him beside him. I nod and my high heels begin to hit the floor with every powerful step. The campus is huge and there are signs everywhere pointing to which building is which. In the middle is, of course, the enormous white building, Center building that's the building I'll be stepping in for the next couple of years. The smell of flowers surrounds us as we begin to cross the ground floors. Students are laying on the grass chatting away. The first day back is always about catching up on the gossip of the summer holidays. 

I spot some boys throwing around a football on the grass, a group of girls laying on the grass talking and a few couples here and there. Four years walking on the grounds can either be amazing or a living hell and for now, I'm going for the first option.

"Bradley fucking Wilson!" I look over him confused when we both see this boy walk up to us. Brad drops my hand and walks up to him with the biggest smile on his face. They hug for a moment when I see myself standing there staring at them.

"It's been forever, man. I totally forgot you moved here," Brad adds. I look at the boy from head to feet he is a bit taller than Brad. He looks like one of those guys whose hotness almost brings out a sense of pity in you because you assume that there's no way someone that good looking can function normally in society. He must be constantly getting harassed or asked to promote people's products, or given honorary doctorates at prestigious universities for happening to walk by the campus. The way he walked over here already caught my eye but the fact that he's talking to Brad is hotter. Just imagine having a threesome with both of them. I push the thought out of my head as I cough to be introduced.

"Yeah, this is my girlfriend Emma. Theo is one of the guys I used to hang around a lot at Santa Barbara. He made my summers there so much better." Brad comes closer and wraps his arm around my shoulder in comfort. Even the name Theo sounds sexy. I give him a warm smile. I can picture both of them when they were younger playing around with a football.

"I'll catch up with you later." He nods and adds,

"Nice to meet you, Emma. See you around." I guess him was saying that to me as he is going to see Brad later on today. The fact that Brad and I have different timetable sucks. We continue to walk when Brad looks down at me.

"I have never seen you drool as much in my life." He says laughing at me as my cheeks get brighter. I roll my eyes and push him away in embarrassment. I know he doesn't get mad at these things but it's still shameful as he's my boyfriend. Entering building C brings my eyes off Brad to admire the edifice. The building is crowded with students walking in all kind of directions. I got a tour of the campus and the lady told us that on the first day we would have to go to the third floor. In the tour, she told us that this building had been renovated a few years ago so it has nothing to do with buildings W and E. I remember it being immense and I sure wasn't wrong about that.  

We head down the hall arriving at the staircase. I look over at all the classrooms doors and see papers stuck onto them indicating the degree, medicine, tourism, marketing, digital design.

"There!" Brad points at the last door from the hall. Criminology and law. 


Sorry it's a bit short 😥 I'm trying to get back with the routine, but this last year of college is killing me ❤

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