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The class is just like the ones I imagined, circular with the teacher's desk in the center. There are two flats of stairs on each side of the rows of chairs. I walk up the stairs to take a seat on one of the middle rows. I pass a quite a few students. Some are setting their things up onto their little table and others are chatting away. I feel the butterflies grow inside of me as I sit down and take out a notepad and pen. The class begins to fill up as soon as the bell rings. I notice a girl walk into the class with bright pink hair. It looks great on her. I would never be able to pull off that hairstyle. She wears it with confidence as she walks up the stairs with a big smile on her face. As she comes closer to me I see her nose ring piercing. She stops in front of me as I notice that my eyes are still glued on to her. I cough and stilty move my gaze to the empty seat in front of me.

"Is this seat taken?" Her soft sweet voice shocks me as I turn to face her again.

"Hum yes, I mean you can sit here." I say nervously. I'm not really a shy person, however, she intimidates me. She seems really sweet. She smiles and drops her bad in front of the chair and plumps her butt on the chair.

"I'm Rebecca Michaels, Becky', Becca, Reb I've heard them all so it's fine." She says crossing her legs.

"I'm Emma. Em is good too." I say looking over at her. She is so pretty and her eyes are sparkling. If I were a lesbian she would definitely be my kind of girl. As I push those thoughts away, a lady wearing a suit walks in carrying a briefcase. She gets a chalk and begins to write on the blackboard as conversations come to an end, silence surrounds us as we all pay attention at the lady.

"Correct, I am your professor and my names is Olivia Andersson. I will be teaching you everything you have to know to become the best lawyer out of San Francisco." She says turning around to face us and she rubs her hands together.

"This is how everything is going to go down this semester, each day one person I decide will come out here and explain a difficult situation that us lawyers would have to win in court. That will be your grade of this semester. When each student gives us the situation you will all have to think of the defense to win the case and that will be put into your grade. Do you all understand? We will begin with this tomorrow. The student with the best situation gets an automatically A plus." This lady isn't joking. She is full of fire and she is not playing games.

"In this world, every person has a right for a legal lawyer in court so I will teach you how to defend a guilty person and win their case. Sometimes defending a rapist, a murderer, a pedophile, a thief can go beyond our will. Being a lawyer will never be easy because things can easily get messy in front of the law." She continues talking. After an hour and a half of lecture has me sitting on the edge of my chair. I check my phone and see a text message from Brad. - Didn't know what time you finished, come to the cafe at my building. X -

"What did you think of that? Scared?" Rebecca adds as I answer Brad's text message. I look up at her and lean back onto the backrest of the chair as I sigh. It's been an intense lecture but I wasn't bored at all. Of course, I am scared and she could tell because it was all written on my face.

"Let's just say tonight I've got work to do." She laughs as she reaches for her bag that's between her legs.

"Which school did you go to?" She asks swinging her bag onto her shoulder. I get up and we both walk down the stairs together.

"I went to a school in Santa Monica. I just moved here yesterday. My dream was always to come to study at another state." We walk out of the class and into the hallway once again.

"That's cool. I've been my whole life here. What are you doing now?" She must know people from here then. I tell her I'm going to building C to catch up with my boyfriend. She kindly offers to walk me there so I won't get lost alone.

"I know the building because my older brother is in the third year and I have come a couple of times to see the school. He is studying medicine, and unfortunately got all the looks and brains." I laugh over at her. To take law you have to be some kind of smart and interested because it's not easy. As we cross all the campus I get to know her a bit better. I tell her I have an older brother too that is probably the same age as her brother. I told her that he's in Miami studying with his girlfriend. As we enter building C is very different from ours. It has a more old architecture more like the olden day. Like a castle or somehow a church. We walk down the corridors passing older students. I see the sign of the cafeteria when we turn right into another corridor. I open the door and step in. At the far end corner, I see a bunch of girls and three boys. I recognize the tall boy from this morning. I walk over to them with Rebecca next to me.

"Hey," Theo says first as he's the only one noticed we were walking up to them. Brad turns around and the blond girl sitting beside him follows his eyes to me. I give him a warm smile as he gets up and adds,

"Babe, how did it go?" I give him a hug and quickly step back wanting to introduce Rebecca.

"Brad this is Rebecca. We are in the same class." I add looking over at the blond girl still staring at me.

"Loving the hair Bex." I look over at Theo as he winks over at her. I guess they know each other.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! love you guys ❤️❤️

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