Episode 10 : The Story Of David Snow : The Cottage Killer

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DISCLAIMER : If you're under the age of 13 or if you're sensitive to violence, assault, murder, and scary stuff, I suggest you don't read this for your own safety. Credit to The YouTuber, Horror Stories and TheCinemaholic for the information. Enjoy.

David Alexander Snow, also known as : "The Cottage Killer" and "The House Hermit" is highly considered to be one of the scariest and most notorious Serial Killers in The History Of Canada. Born on October 30th 1955 in Orangeville, Ontario, he terrorized and terrified the entire country with his heinously cruel crimes that would never fail to scare anyone. This is The Story Of David Snow.

On this day, 30 years ago, on April 7th 1992, A grizzly horrifying scene happened in Caledon, Ontario, Canada. The slain bodies of an elderly couple named Ian and Nancy Blackburn were found in the trunk of their Car parked in their driveway. After not communicating with their family and friends, they became worried about them, so they asked a family member who lived close to The Blackburn Couple to check their home. After seeing the disgusting sight of the couple's corpses in their Car trunk, they immediately alerted the Police to come over, who were just as sickened and quickly started looking into the case.

It was discovered that Ian Blackburn's Car was at the couple's summer house, while Nancy Blackburn's Car was still at their main house and a blooded cloth was found in the Car along with Ian and Nancy.

At first the horrified Police speculated that a house intruder snuck into the couple's summer house when Ian Blackburn was driving to it. They believed when he arrived at the house, the intruder attacked and viciously beat Ian and demanded him to call his wife Nancy and tell her to come to the house as well, which Ian complied with. They believed Nancy arrived at the house and the intruder assaulted and tied her up. They believed the intruder sexually assaulted Nancy and forced her husband to watch. The intruder then strangled Nancy in front of Ian before throwing her into the trunk of her Car and forced Ian to drive him to the couple's main home with his dead wife in the trunk. When Ian and the intruder arrived at their main home, the intruder then asphyxiated Ian and dumped his body in the trunk with his wife and fled the scene.

At first, the Police had no idea as to who the Killer was. However, they later found some strange garbage in the ditch next to The Blackburns's Car. In the ditch, they found food, newspapers that were stolen from The Blackburns's house, human feces, large bottles of urine, and several pieces of paper with military writings on them that were organized into a list. What was even stranger however was that similar items were found in other Cottages around the area that were broken into. The Police were convinced the person who broke into the other Cottages and the person who left the items behind was the person who killed The Blackburns. The suspect was thought to be a squatter who used empty Cottages while their owners weren't using them. The killer was given the nicknames : "The Cottage Killer" and "The House Hermit".

The Police quickly confiscated the items to see if they had any fingerprints on them, and if anyone could recognize the person's handwriting. Their suspicions only increased when another horrifyingly similar event happened shortly after The Blackburn Murders. One day, owners of a Summer Cottage the killer broke into that was close to The Blackburns came to check on the place while the intruder was using it. The intruder then trapped the couple inside and held them at gunpoint and ordered the husband to drive the trio to their main home in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Once they arrived at a busy street in the city, they became less worried about the intruder since they were in a heavily public area and decided to stand their ground and refuse to drive the person any further. Realizing that the intruder couldn't possibly kill the couple in the area without getting caught, the intruder fled the couple's Car and disappeared into a crowd of many people.

The terrified couple reported the event to the Police, who were able to confirm the intruder was a man and described what he looked like. Now the Police had a good amount of evidence of the killer such as his gender, what he looked like, his fingerprints, and his handwriting. The Police then released the information to the public hoping someone could recognize the killer they were looking for.

When the Police released the evidence to the public, they got a response from a woman who told them she previously worked with a man who used the strange handwriting on the military writings. His name was David Alexander Snow. A 36 year old man from Orangeville, Ontario who was known for having an unkempt appearance and a big fascination with antiques. He worked at an antique store that closed earlier that year and disappeared from the public afterwards. After hearing the woman's response, the Police compared the Military writings found in the ditch near The Blackburn's House to the writing on some notes Snow gave to the woman when he worked with her. It was a 100% match and the Police confirmed that David Snow was without a doubt The Cottage Killer. After coming to their solid conclusion, the Police and everybody else began to urgently search for David Snow, hoping to catch him as soon as possible.

The Police actually managed to quickly find Snow's bungalow and they instantly started searching it. Unfortunately, Snow wasn't at his bungalow when the Police arrived, but they found a massive amount of pornography that Snow had cut from magazines and glued them to albums that had different categories of body parts. They also found boxes of books about the military, and evidence that Snow was living in the attic of his own house like a squatter. They also found a large amount of photos in his house, and one of them was a picture of a Barn that was on The Blackburns's summer property which made authorities speculate that David Snow knew The Blackburns personally. Even though David Snow wasn't in his bungalow when the Police arrived, they refused to give up hope and continued looking for him.

Unfortunately, even though it seemed like Snow's terrifying killing spree was short lived, it was only just beginning...

2 months after The Blackburn Murders on June 29th 1992, a 26 year old woman was working alone at a clothing store she managed in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Throughout the day however, a strange man who smelled really bad kept entering and exiting the store telling her he was looking for a gift for his wife. The woman could tell whenever the man entered and exited the store due to how bad he smelled that day. Immediately after the woman's shift finished and she closed her shop, the man knocked at the shop's door and told the woman he finally made up his mind on what to buy for his wife. The woman was annoyed that the man kept entering and exiting the store the entire day and immediately after she closed the store he finally made up his mind and wanted to come in again. However, she was generous enough to let the man in one last time. After the two walked back in the store, the man suddenly pulled out a gun and forced the woman to the back room in the store where he ordered her to remove her clothes and handcuffed her and sexually assaulted her.

During the nightmarish assault, the attacker heard a noise at the store and left the back room to see what the sound was. As the man finally left the room, the woman saw her chance to escape and immediately ran out of the store into an alleyway completely naked still wearing her handcuffs and quickly reported the assault to the Police. The Police were alarmed, but the case was treated as an isolated incident and they didn't suspect David Snow to have had anything to do with the case. But unfortunately, the man who assaulted the store owner was indeed David Snow and his spree was far from over...

4 days after the clothing store clerk's assault on July 3rd 1992, a young woman was working at a photo shop in Vancouver near the end of her shift. Suddenly, a man entered the store and pulled out a gun. The man then held the panicked woman at gunpoint and forced her to walk nearly a mile down a busy street with rush hour traffic in broad daylight crossing the second narrowest bridge in the city. The woman was too afraid to ask for help and thought escape was impossible, so she did nothing to stop the man from abducting her. Thousands of people saw the photo shop woman being abducted and never realized what was going on.

After the two crossed the bridge, they walked 5 more miles to a wooded area where a small camp was set up. When they arrived at the area, the photo shop worker was tied, gagged, and sexually assaulted in every way imaginable 4 times a day. It was a living hell for the poor woman that took place only 75 yards away from one of the busiest roads in the city...

8 days after abducting his first victim, David Snow set out to find another woman to be his sex slave. Thankfully though, this would be his last crime, but it would be a gruesome one regardless...

On July 11th 1992, a 19 year old girl was working with her boss at a video store in the northern region of Vancouver when a disheveled man walked into the store with a gun and robbed the store. He then tied up the manager and held the 19 year old girl hostage and walked her to her car and forced her to drive to the same campsite the photo shop worker was at. When they arrived at the camp however, the man decided to move to Mount Seymour where he tied her up to a tree as loud as she could for help.

After the assault on one woman and the abduction of the two women and the robbery of the video store, the Police were now fully convinced that David Snow was responsible for the sudden crimes in Vancouver and started to look for him in the area. Two officers on the search for the killer spotted her missing Car near Mount Seymour, but when they investigated it, they found no one in it. Thankfully though, the Police heard the screams of a woman coming from the woods and immediately ran after them and found the 19 year old girl that was abducted from the robbed video store tied to a tree, but she was fully clothed and not sexually assaulted. They then heard the screams from another woman nearby and one Officer helped the 19 year old girl and the other Officer ran after the screams from the other woman. The other woman was also found tied to a tree but David Snow was nowhere to be found. The photo shop woman appeared emotionless and unresponsive when the Officer helped her, but the Police were happy that they found the two women and rushed them to the Hospital.

After the two women were finally safe and were rushed to the Hospital, a massive manhunt for David Snow began in the whole city. Everyone was tired of this monster fleeing the Police and were more desperate than ever to catch him and less than 24 hours later, their wishes were finally granted, but not in a good way...

At 3:30 AM on July 12th 1992, David Snow entered a restaurant where a young woman was closing the place and pulled out his gun and held her hostage. As he entered the building however, he triggered a silent alarm which he never noticed that alerted the local security alarm company to call the woman at the restaurant to see what was happening. But Snow forced the woman to lie to the company and tell them everything was alright, but thankfully, the alarm company became suspicious as the woman was not responding correctly to the questions they were asking her and called the Police to check on the area.

As the Police were on their way to the restaurant however, David Snow took the woman to the back of the restaurant and began to viciously beat and sexually assault her. He then put a plastic bag on the woman's head and took a wire from a hanging gardener pot and began to strangle her with it. The woman almost lost consciousness but thankfully, the Police arrived at the restaurant just in time. When they arrived, they split up and investigated all over the place and one of the officers went to the back of the restaurant where he found David Snow strangling the motionless worker.

For the first time, the Police came face to face with the man who terrorized Canada for the previous 2 months and called out a warning and demanded Snow to let go of the woman which he did, but not wanting to be arrested, he attempted to flee the building, but after a short foot chase, after 2 months of his vicious crime spree, David Snow, The Cottage Killer as well as The House Hermit was caught at last and was finally in the hands of the Police and Canada was safe.

5 years after his cruel crimes on July 18th 1997, David Snow was found guilty of first degree murder, kidnapping, sexual assault, forcible confinement, robbery, and weapons offenses. He was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for 25 years and was sent to The British Columbia Correctional Facility.

Over the years however, David Snow has also had an eventful life during his time in Prison. 10 years after his sentencing in January 2008, he attacked and threatened to kill a fellow inmate which he was convicted for. During his time in Prison, he was diagnosed with diagnosed with paraphilia, sexual sadism, and an anti-social personality. He also told Stories of how pornography and unhealthy fantasies were linked to his sexual and criminal past. Over the years, he has slowly started to understand the cruelty of his crimes.

In 2019, David Snow wrote an application for parole, which was denied. Over the years, he completed anger management and sex offender programs while incarcerated, but the parole board urges him to continue his rehabilitation. There aren't any online public records about Snow's next possible parole date but because he is one of the most infamous and cruel Serial Killers in The History Of Canada, it's highly unlikely he will ever have access to the free world again...

To this day, David Snow remains as one of the most infamous and scariest Serial Killers in The History Of Canada based on how cruel his crimes were, his Story will ripple painfully for the rest of time...

The end...

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