Episode 11 : The Story Of Walter Collins

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DISCLAIMER : If you're under the age of 13 or if you're sensitive to abduction, assault, murder, and scary stuff in general, especially when it happens to a CHILD, I suggest you don't read this for your own safety. Credit to Wikipedia, FindAGrave.com, and The YouTuber "Horror Stories" for the information. Enjoy.

On this day, 94 years ago, on March 10th 1928, a 9 year old boy named Walter Conrad Collins disappeared while he was playing near his home in Los Angeles California, and he has never been found since...

Walter Collins was born on September 23rd 1918 in Venice, Los Angeles, California to 28 year old Walter Joseph Anson Collins and 31 year old Christine Ina Collins. Walter's father was a robber and frequently spent most of his life in Prison, so they never spent a lot of their lives together, but Walter still had a wonderful life with his Mother, Christine who loved him more than anything. Unfortunately, what Christine had no idea of was that her son would suddenly be taken away from her for the rest of her life in the most unexpected and terrifying way...

On this day, 94 years ago, on March 10th 1928, Walter Collins was expecting to have a nice warm, fun day outside with his mother, Christine Ida Collins, but what would end up happening that day would be a day so heartbreaking that it would change Christine's life forever...

On that day, while he was playing outside, Walter vanished without a trace and he was never seen again...

When Christine found out that her precious child disappeared, she instantly became frightened and alerted the police and everyone she could about her missing son. The police searched all over Los Angeles, but no trace of Walter was ever seen...

At first, the police thought it might have had something to do with the boy's father, Walter Joseph Anson Collins who was locked up in prison at the time for bank robbery. When he was questioned by authorities however, he had no idea what they were talking about, and claimed he never wanted any trouble with his family.

After ruling out the boy's father as a suspect, the police continued looking for the 9 year old boy, but they made no progress until 5 months later when a boy in Illinois claiming to be Walter Collins turned into the police.

The police reported that they had finally found the missing boy, and Christine Collins was super excited and paid anything she needed to for the boy to be flown back home. But even though it seemed like her worries were over and she would finally see her beloved son again, when she met up with the boy, her excitement quickly faded away.

When Christine met up with the boy, she said that even though he resembled Walter, the boy was not her son. The Los Angeles Police Department on the other hand refused to believe that the boy wasn't Walter however and they pressured Christine to take the boy home, suggesting she'd "Try the boy out".

After a few weeks of living with the boy, Christine returned to the police with dental records and other pieces of evidence that proved the boy from Illinois was not her son, At this point, The Captain Of The Los Angeles Police Department, J..J. Jones was annoyed with Christine constantly denying that the boy was hers and heavily criticized her and tried to send her to a mental health facility so she wouldn't "bother" the police anymore.

During Christine's time at The Los Angeles County General Hospital, the boy from Illinois finally confessed that he wasn't Walter Collins, but a 12 year old boy from Iowa named Arthur Jacob Hutchins.

Hutchins was a runaway child who hitchhiked around the country looking for places to work because of his abusive stepmother, Violet Hutchins and he wanted to get as far away from her as possible. After living on the streets for a month, he arrived in DeKalb to see if he could find a better place to stay. When police brought him in, they began to ask him questions about Walter Collins. Originally, Hutchins stated that he did not know about Walter, but he then pretended to be Walter and changed his story when he saw the possibility of getting to California to meet one of his favorite Hollywood actors.

After it was 100% confirmed that the boy from Illinois was not Walter Collins, Christine moved out of the mental hospital and sued Captain J..J. Jones for sending her to such a ridiculous place for ridiculous reasons and false imprisonment and not believing her. She won the deal, but Captain Jones never paid the 10,800 dollars he owed her.

Christine Collins was happy to be out of the mental hospital and no longer having to deal with Captain Jones, but she was still heartbroken because her son was still missing. At this point however, the search for Walter Collins started becoming more popular and more people wanted to help Christine, which helped increase her confidence to find her son.

When the search for Walter Collins started to become a giant bandwagon, Captain Jones and The Los Angeles Police Department turned their attention to two Canadian serial killers, child assaulters, and child abductors, 21 year old Gordon Stewart Northcott, and his mother, 57 year old Sarah Louisa Northcott.

The psychotic mother-son duo were responsible and charged for a series of abductions, assaults, and murders of several young boys known as "The Wineville Chicken Coop Murders" that occurred in Los Angeles and in Riverside County between 1926 and 1928. They would often abduct children and take them to their chicken ranch in Wineville where they would beat, assault, and kill them. The police thought they were the perfect suspects for Walter Collins's disappearance because of how close they were to The Collins's home, and how obsessed they were with kidnapping, assaulting and murdering children.

Even though it seemed like the devastating, but final nail in the coffin was put in and that the mystery of Walter Collins's disappearance had finally been solved, Christine refused to believe the theory because neither of The Northcotts ever confessed to kidnapping, assaulting, or murdering her son, and because her son's body was never found on The Northcott's Chicken Ranch in Wineville. 2 years passed and no more progress was made to find her beloved son who at that point, she would have given up anything to have him back.

However, 2 years later in October of 1930, right before Gordon Stewart Northcott's execution, he sent Christine a telegram saying that he had actually lied about him and his mother not knowing about her son and denying that he was one of their dozens of victims, and promised to tell her the truth if she met him in person. Christine urgently rushed to The San Quentin State Prison to finally know the truth about what happened to her son on that day that changed her life forever 2 years ago.

However, as soon as Christine arrived at the prison Gordon was at and met up with him, he bulked, taunted, and mocked her saying, "I don't wanna see you. I don't know anything about it. I'm innocent.".

The heartless mockery sent Christine back home in tears with no remorse for Gordon's hanging on October 2nd 1930. She traveled all the way to finally find out the truth about her missing son, even if it would have been sad, only for her to be mocked and made fun of. After 2 years of searching for her son, she was exhausted more than ever, and she didn't know what she could do anymore.

Despite all of the sadness and little to no progress however, Christine still didn't want to give up hope at any cost, and prayed and hoped as hard as she could that her son was alright and she might still have a chance to find him.

5 years after Gordon's execution in 1935, one of the boys he and his mother Sarah were accused of kidnapping, raping and killing was found alive and well. This miraculous news gave Christine Collins even more hope and confidence, and she spent the rest of her life searching for her son, unfortunately, she never made any progress and she never got the truth about what happened to her son. Gordon's mother, Sarah Louise Northcott was sentenced to Life In Prison on December 31st 1928 and served 11 years before she was paroled in 1940 and died 4 years later on November 21st 1944.

Christine Collins passed away on December 8th 1964 at the age of 75 never knowing what happened to her son who she loved more than anything.

To this day, no trace of Walter Collins has ever been found...

However, it turns out that the truth about Walter Collins was with her the entire time, but she did not want to believe the devastating truth.

It turned out that Walter Collins was indeed abducted, assaulted, and murdered by The Northcotts the whole time. He was beaten and assaulted by The Northcotts for over a month before he was finally cremated by them on April 15th 1928. The reason Walter's body was never found was because he was cremated by The Northcotts. However, Christine Collins did not want to believe the Earth shattering theory and she continued to be hopeful and confident and spent the rest of her life searching for the boy she loved more than anything in the universe, even though the horrifying answer was with her the entire time...

In 2008, a movie about The Story Of Walter Collins And The Wineville Chicken Coop Murders was made called "The Changeling" which was directed by the legendary Hollywood actor, director and composer, Clint Eastwood, which perfectly recaptured the imense horror and sadness California experienced during the mid and late 1920's and the Story still continues to haunt the world 94 years later.

To this day, 94 years later, The Story Of Walter Collins remains as one of the most heartbreaking stories of all time...

The end...

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