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🥉Third Placer in Nostalgia Book Awards under Best in Writing Style



Heartfelt felicitations on attaining the distinguished title of Best Writing Style Champion at the Nostalgia Book Awards. Your literary creation stands as a testament to its exceptional brilliance and enchanting allure undoubtedly deserving the regal crown it now adorns.

Anticipation stirs as we embark on this exhilarating journey. Let the adventure commence!


Hi, Faiza! How are you feeling?

I'm feeling great, thank you!


You won! Congratulations!

I am honored. Thank you for hosting and for announcing the results promptly. It was very well done


Say something about yourself as an author and as an individual.

I pour my heart into whatever I do. As an author, it translates to emotional chapters when I'm sad and fun chapters when I'm happy.


Since when did you start writing? What/Who inspires you to do so?

I have been writing articles and research papers for about 5 years now. But I started writing fiction last year.


What is your very first book to be written? What's your inspiration for this?

My first book was 'Stay' I wrote the Stay series to work through a rough patch. I was inspired by college life, my personal experiences and observations.


In all of the books you written, which is your favorite and why?

My favorite was "Stay Mine" for personal reasons for the longest time. My new favorite is "Not my little sister". I'm not sure why but every time I write a chapter for that book, I go to my happy place.


What's the book's genre? Sub-genre?

Romance, forbidden love/ brother's best friend


Who among your original characters relates you most? Why and how?

Fiza from the 'Stay' series related to me the most. Let's just say she is a hyped up version of me.
Have you win any book awards before? Which one of your masterpieces?


Have you won any book awards before? Which one of your masterpieces?

Yes, 'Stay Mine' has won 5 awards including this one. Not my little sister has won an award for prologue. I think the Stay Series is my best writing though some of my readers seem to like 'Not my little sister' the most. "I'm right here' seems to be the most popular.


Do you experience Writer's Block? How do you cope with it?

Not really. I don't compel myself to write. I binge write when I have time and I go weeks without writing when I don't feel like it. Maybe that's writers block, but I think the key is to just write when you want to. I edit the day before publishing a chapter.


Instead of writing, what are your other hobbies/talents?

I love music. I sing and play the piano. It's my passion.


Do you have any tips for other writers out there? Your championship might be an inspiration to others. Here's your chance to let them hear your voice.

Be yourself. Tell the story you want to tell, not what you think others want to hear. Proof read your work. I hope your literary dreams come true


Final Messages

This is the end of the interview. I guess this is farewell. Do you want to say something before you go?

Prioritize yourself and your mental health before anything else in life. Love yourself!


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