#11 Na Na Na

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After changing clothes, the man together with Na Re-yee was now in their car.

He felt Re-yee turn the heater up even though he just took a warm bath.

Surely, the lady was afraid he would catch a cold.

The atmosphere in the car was stifled as a palpable tension rose.

Both of them refused to talk.

Na Re-yee drove out of the hospital. The streets flew past outside but the view was irrelevant for the man couldn't see.

The stoplight flashed red.

He felt the car temporarily stop and decided that the unpleasant silence was enough.

"Noona," came the smooth placid voice. [1]

"Still mad?"

Na Re-yee sighed.

"Can I stay mad for long?"

He went silent.

"You know I won't worry about you even if you go out on your own. But you went without telling anything and it's raining. You really don't care for the people worrying about you."

The car moved again.

A beep sounded and light shot up from where the stereo should be. The hologram activated.

"Young mistress treats young master as a kid even though you know that he's always with me."

The voice was slightly monotonous but still very life-like. A miniature of a man wearing formal hanbok was projected.

His speech even had the accent of old and the right inflection. Who would know that he was just an artificial intelligence?

"Chang really knows how to defend your young master."

"But of course, this Chang is created by the young master to be his eyes. I will do my utmost to assist the young master always." The figure made of complex arrays of intersecting light elegantly flipped his long red hair.

Thanks to him, the pressure broke.

Na Re-yee shook her head helplessly.

She glanced sideways. Her brother was silent again.

"Jeongi, the results are still the same."

Na Il-jeong quietly hummed in reply, taking it lightly.

Usually, they wouldn't go to the hospital for his monthly checkup but Dr. Lim couldn't personally visit because of some matters and the siblings had to schedule an appointment at the hospital.

He felt a hand on his arm as though comforting him.

"I'm fine."

"I know but we won't give up. It's not that there are no cases like yours. We only need time-"

"Noona..." He interrupted her.

He didn't really want to talk about this again.

Silence recommenced.

Some time in between, Chang logged off by himself without their notice.

Na Re-yee glanced at her brother a couple of times. Her eyes masked her worry and blues.

Nevertheless, Na Il-jeong sensed her true feelings.

He leaned back on the headrest and just closed his eyes. There was no difference.

He was still covered by nothingness and he liked it this way.

After dropping off his brother at their residence, Na Re-yee proceeded to drive towards Gisa[2], the most prominent business district of the capital Cheol.

Entering an office complex, she parked and went up to the 50th floor unobstructed.

When the lift opened, she was received by an orderly group of secretaries.

"Good day, CEO Na."

She only nodded before entering her executive suite. The Head Executive Secretary Park Lisa, following after her.

This was the top level of ME Media Tower.

The large conglomerate had its beginnings operating a kisaeng[3] house during the royal era of Hana which now became the democratic Sokor. When the kisaeng art declined, the family that owned them transformed the place to one of Sokor's first opera houses.

They became famous for their musicals, satires, and heartrending dramas. When people from the West started to tinker with the first version of broadcast radio, the family predecessor immediately invested in its development while seeing the potential of reaching wider audiences. The same went with television advancement until the times ushered us now to the digital era.

Now, ME Media Group owns a myriad of cable and national networks in Sokor, MBS and its sub-stations.

There was also What's In? FM and digital radio and its AM counterpart.

Other subsidiaries included internationally acclaimed talent agency JN Entertainment and its branches, world-class recording label company Emerge Music Inc., film production company Emerge Productions.

Along with other enterprises related to the industry of media and entertainment such as gaming, publishing, internet, and over-the-top mediums.

The family behind this media empire almost lost their control many times throughout its long history. There had been countless aims to topple them down from the majority ownership.

But all these trials and tribulations only became the number one reason why up to now, the Na family remained sitting above one of the world's largest media conglomerates that hailed from Asia.

The funny thing was even if this family was the caster of spotlights, the spotlight was hardly ever pointed at them.

One wouldn't see their faces plastered in business magazines or the newspaper like typical nouveau riche do.

Only those who were also on top could meet them face to face.

And yes, at the age of 26, Na Re-yee stood above this behemoth corporation.

"Daepyo-nim[4], the meeting will start in thirty minutes." Park Lisa said after looking at her wristwatch.

"Hmm, let's go in a few." Once seated, Re-yee immediately went over the files on her computer.

A few moments later, a swift knock sounded and a person entered.

Without even looking up, Re-yee asked. "What did she say?"

"Little girly was quite easy to talk to."

The professionalism in Garrick's voice was lost the moment he was speaking with Na Re-yee one on one.

It was as though the person here now was different from the one who was with Ah-ri almost an hour ago.

Re-yee pretended not to hear his statement which was mostly heard from local delinquents.

But Garrick wasn't discouraged as he continued, "Young master Michael[5] was there to fetch her."

CEO Na didn't even bother looking up.

But the eyes glued on the screen subtly flashed with the memory of Baek Ah-ri and her brother standing together under the rain.

"Give me a thorough background check on her."

A lopsided grin immediately emerged from the assistant's face.

"That's easy, I prepared it years ago but you never asked. I'll just update it."


[1]Noona- address of younger males to females older than them for a few years. Here, it's obvious that they're siblings but it can also be used for acquaintances.
[2]Gisa- a combination of two words Gieob ( 기업 ) meaning enterprise and Saeob ( 사업 ) meaning business
[3]Kisaeng- can also be Gisaeng. Korean version of Geisha. Courtesans specially trained in the arts of music, conversation, and poetry to entertain men of the royalty and officials. (-Thoughtco.com) Contrary to popular belief, only lower-ranking kisaeng serve men in bed.

[4]Daepyo-nim - 대표 is the formal term to call the CEO. It has a nuance that is hard to translate. So for Lisa to call Re-yee "CEO, the meeting..." is kinda awkward to hear so I put the Daepyo-nim instead.

[5]Remember Ri-yan's English name is Le An Michael Kyo

Surprise! Surprise! •̀.̫•́✧

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