1 New Chat

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I heard a light tap on my window and I rushed over and threw the window open.

"Justin!" I exclaimed as I threw the black cat into a hug. "I thought you were dead!"

He pulled my face off of his chest and stared at me, and thats when I noticed something different. Well actually everything was different. He had a completely different face, instead of his neat brown hair, he had messy blonde hair, but his eyes. His eyes were still the same green eyes that I could get lost in, and I did.

"I don't know who this Justin is, but if you like him that much then I wish I was him" the black cat said flirtatiously. I felt tears well up in my eyes as he said the next part. "I'm the new Chat Noir, here to replace the old one"

I sprung awake with beads of sweat running down my face.

"It was just a dream" I told myself as if that would help anything. No matter what I say or do, Justin still cheated on me, and will always be gone, and I will still have to replace him. I hate that harsh, cold word. Replace. It sounds as if I'm just throwing him completely out. As if I'm getting rid of him and every memory I have of him- good or bad. As if I'm just forgetting about him.

I quickly got up and dressed, and left. I prepared myself for all the questions today about him. All the questions about where he is, what happened to him, or worse of all, are you ok? How do I answer that? And of course, with all of the questions, comes the pain. The pain of having to tell people he's dead, the pain of remembering what happened, the pain of having to face the reality that he's dead and no matter what I do, I can't change that.

I felt tears in my eyes for what feels like the millionth time in the past hour. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I turned around in shock.

"Are you ok?" The boy asked. He was clearly new. I've never seen him before in this school and he looked about my age.

"Oh, um," I mumbled. I was about to say yes, but I just couldn't because I'm not, I'm not ok. "No." I replied.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, I don't want to bother you" I said before walking away.

"Wait!" He called out as he grabbed my hand and twisted me around so that I was facing him. He grabbed my other hand too. "Please tell me! I'm new here and I have no friends, but I'm hoping maybe you want to hang out with me." The boy pleaded. I stared intensely at the boy. At his perfect smile, neat blonde hair, and exotic green eyes. Oh he was perfect.

"My boyfriend died yesterday in a car crash, and before that, I found out he was cheating on me" I said, looking down to his orange shoes with a black symbol on it. I felt his arms wrap around me in a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry, I know what it's like to lose someone" The boy said into the crook of my neck.

I pulled away and said "now that I shared, why don't you tell me who you lost?"

He looked down and muttered "my mom"

"I'm so sorry!" I said, pulling him into another hug. I pulled away and stared into his eyes again. "How about we be besties, and we can get through our losses together" I offered with a smile.

"I'd love to" He said. "But first I need your name"

"Oh, I'm Marinette Dupain Cheng" I said.

"Adrien Agreste" The blonde said before strutting off to class.
I sat down into my seat next to my bestie, Alya. She started to talk about her Ladyblog and I listened until a certain blonde walked in.

"Adrien!" I yelled, interrupting my bestie. "You can sit in front of me, next to Nino, you two would get along!" I continued. Adrien sat in the seat in front of me and turned to face me. I looked over to Alya who was smirking at me, and Nino who was looking at me like I was crazy.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm gonna get along with the snotty model boy, bro" Nino said. I looked over to Adrien who looked sad.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Snotty model boy?" I repeated.

Before anyone could answer, Adrien replied "My father forces me to model for his fashion line, he's a famous fashion designer" He said. "I'm surprised you didn't know" He laughed.

"I'm had no clue that was you!" I exclaimed. "I want to be a designer when I grow up, and your dad is my role model!" I continued.

"You should show me your designs one day!" He said. "And I'm not a 'snobby model boy', it wasn't my choice to be a model and I'm definitely not snobby!" He said to Nino.

"Whatever bro" Nino said as the teacher walked in and everyone sat down and turned to face the board.

"You have a crush" Alya whispered to me. I blushed a deep red.

"No I don't!" I exclaimed.

"Yes you do! Don't deny it!" She whispered.

"Alya, Marinette, pay attention!" The teacher snapped and we both turned our attention to the board.
"Come on Marinette, I know it's gonna hurt to have to patrol the city without him, but you have to do this, your just going to have to move on!" Tikki yelled.

I gave her a death glare.
"Move on!?" I yelled back.

"Yes," Tikki yelled. "I know it's going to hurt having to patrol without him, having to patrol with someone else. Trust me, I know it will hurt, but you have to do this, for paris, for him, for the new chat, for me, for you!" She continued.

"I don't want to move on, I just want him back!" I exclaimed.

"Well he's not coming back!" Tikki stated. "So you need to go patrol with the new Chat."

"Tikki, spots on" I said, less enthusiastic than usual.

I ran from roof top to roof top, looking over the city, before finally stopping on one of the rooftops and sitting down, dangling my feet of the edge in the process. I stared out into the city, remembering when I used to do this with him. I sat there remembering when we would just sit there staring at the city, saying nothing to each other, with my head on his shoulder, just him and I. Just me and him, him and I, but now it's just me, me myself, and that new Chat. His replacement.

He's not coming back.

He's gone.

He's not coming back.

"He's not coming back." I whispered to myself as tears fell down my face.

"Who's not coming back?" A voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw a boy in a black leather suit, but it wasn't him. I felt pain stride through my heart. I looked up into the boys eyes - which were a very familiar green - with my own pain stricken blue ones.

"Oh, uh, hi, so your the - uh, new Chat?" I asked, returning my eyes back out to the city that was full of lights. Memories kept flooding through my brain. I closed my eyes, trying to rid myself of the memories, trying to make them stop, but they kept coming to me. As more tears fell from my eyes, I leaned my head over, but his shoulder wasn't there.

"Yes, I am, and your my princess?" He asked. I flinched at the name 'princess'. He gave me a weird look.

"T-that's what h-he called me" I stuttered out. More memories of him flooded into my mind. Like when we first met and he called me princess.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "Who is this 'he?"

I looked back up to the boy. "He's the last Chat, and honestly, no, I'm not okay" I replied.

"What's wrong?" Chat asked as he sat down next me and wrapped an arm around me. I layed my on his shoulder just like I used to with him.

"The last Chat, we were really close, we were dating, and I loved him, but then I found out that he was cheating on me, and on the same day" I said and took a quick pause. "He died in a car crash." I continued hesitantly. He stared at me with wide eyes. He quickly calmed himself down and smirked at me.

"The worst part is, now I have to do the job that I usually do with him, without him. Now I have to fight crime without him. And it's not that I have anything against you, it's just that it's so different without him."I replied.

"I'm sorry m'lady" He said. I once again flinched at the name.

"H-he also called me that" I said. "I, I gotta go!" I said nervously before taking out my yoyo. Before swinging away, I looked back to the boy again, who was staring at me with awe, just like he used to. I placed a kiss on his forehead like I used to with him, and swung off back to my house.
Haiiii guys
Is this gooda?
I hope so

Ilyssssm- Lizzy

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