19: Admitting The Truth

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"Hey Zoya, wait why are you crying" Arjun asked as I walked inside

I sniffed "Your stupid brother, I went to see your parents, I was polite until your mother made out Noor sold her body to you for money, then Adi told me to grow up after, I get she's your mother but she had no right" I swiped at my tears quickly

Arjun nodded "Ma is a hard one to impress and Bhai has always been her faviourate, the one thing he wont take is someone being rude to her, but I know him, when he calms down he will sort this, just" he sighed "Dont give up on him Zoya"

Noor walked over to me "You both have been through a lot lately and you remember how hard it was to hear anything against Abbu, deep down he knows he is wrong, dont let something like this ruin what you both have, and hey, if she believes Arjun is paying me for my body, let her think that, it doesnt matter to me"

"Why are you both so wise" I laughed "I think it just bothered me because I have always had his back and he didnt have mine today, I just need a breather" I agreed

Arjun grabbed my arm "Do you love him Zoya"

I reminisced all the jokes we shared, the laughs we had, the conversations and the way he always made me feel so good about myself "I do"

"Then tell him Zoya, dont let this ruin what you both have, he needs someone like you right now and honestly I have never seen him like this before, you both can get through this, I promise" he assured me

"You're just like him" I laughed "Okay, ill tell him tonight"

"Then tell him off, because if you don't we will" Noor chimed in and Arjun nodded in agreement

For to long I had held off on telling him how I felt but if I wanted to save this relationship then he had to know how I felt, for once I needed to not be scared because deep down I knew Adi was just stuck between a rock and a hard place and at one point so was I.


It was 11pm when I knocked on Adi's door, only to find he wasn't in. Stupidly I had gotten a taxi here and didnt want to leave without telling him how I felt, so I sat down outside his home and called him. I looked up at the dark clouds in the sky and pulled my jacket around my arms

After multiple calls and messages, I glanced down at my phone to see it was now nearly 1am in the morning. Shivering at the cold seeping in through my wet clothes I leant my head back and allowed my eyes to close

"Zoya" I heard and my eyes popped open, I stood up quickly

"What time is it" I shivered

"4am, what are you doing here, how long have you been here" he stumbled slightly dropping the bottle of alcohol on the floor

I glanced down at it "Since 11, you're drunk and im cold can we do this inside" I rubbed my arms with my trembling hands as another clap of thunder hit the sky

He looked me up and down, his hair wet from the rain "Not right now Zoya, im so tired, ill get Arjun to take you home"

I let out a deflated sigh "Adi, I need to do this now before I lose the willpower, today was a tough day and I know how I spoke to your mum angered you"

He shook his head "Im over that now Zoya, honestly it doesnt matter, you shouldnt have waited out here in the cold for so long just to apologise, this was on me, I should have stuck up for you and I definitely shouldnt have labelled you as immature" he shook his head, dissapointed in himself

"I just want to move forward from it Adi, and I want to start that by telling you something that I have tried to hide for a while, and its okay if you dont want to say it back right now because" I let out a laugh "I fall quickly"

His eyes widened, the red rims of his eyes darkening "Dont say it Zoya" he warned

"Why, no Adi, I have to, im in love with you, in Paris when I was leaving, I realised I had fallen in love and I wanted to tell you earlier but everything has been so up in the air and I was scared you wouldnt say it back but that doesnt matter now" I felt relieved to get it off my chest

He closed his eyes tightly as if in pain, his voice hoarse "Why, why do you love me Zoya"

I stepped forward, grabbing his hands "I love you because you see the real me and want me anyway, you allow me to be me, you make me laugh and you always support me, it was like I was drowning and you saved me Adi, I am so in love with you, with your outlook on life, the way you look at me alone makes me feel like I am on top of the world" I felt deliriously happy to get all of this off my chest, I was in love with the man of my dreams and I wanted to shout it from the rooftops

He tugged me closer, wrapping his arms around me tightly, he buried his face into my hair "Im so sorry Zoya, so sorry, I messed up" he sobbed

I pulled back, cupping his cheeks "Hey, I said its okay, I forgive you, I know you said it in anger, im not mad at you, I love you" I repeated it again, I just couldn't stop saying it, the feeling was so freeing

He kissed my hands, then held them tightly "When I thought it was over, I was so scared to lose you, you just mean so much to me Zoya and I knew one day I would push you away, I hated myself so I went and got drunk and you've been sat here for five hours in the cold rain waiting to tell me you love me, you're just so good, too good for me and I can't" his voice broke "I cant fathom how you could even love me"

"Because you're you Adi, you are all I have ever wanted and now I have you" I smiled "No more jokes, this is me being serious for once, if you want ill even apologise to your mum"

Suddenly he was on his knees, his arms wrapped around my waist as he released a guttural sob

"Hey, Adi, what's wrong" I considered the alcohol had heightened his emotions and tried to pull him up but he wouldn't budge

"Im a monster, I am, when I was drunk I" he hiccuped "Bumped into Aliyana, we got talking and I, I slept with her, Zoya im so sorry"

I felt as if I all the air had been knocked out of me, my hands dropped from his hair and I shoved his arms away "Say that again"

"I slept with her Zoya, I was so angry and I just"

I shook my head, I let out a laugh that sounded nothing like me "So I wouldnt give it up, so you found it elsewhere" I grabbed my bag from the door step

Adi jumped up "Wait Zoya, just listen to me please"

I pulled my arm back "There is nothing to say, nothing to hear" my body felt weak "You broke my heart Mr Hooda, my Abbu was right about you, I left it all, all for you, my job, my family, now I have nothing that doesnt remind me of you" I laughed again "I mean Noor is even dating your brother, you consumed me and the stupid thing is, is that I allowed you to, god im an idiot, I should have listened to my gut, I was never going to be good enough for you, I was fooling myself thinking I could be enough for you" tears were now rolling down my cheeks, mixed in with the heavy rain

"Zoya, I"

"Don't, don't you dare, I wont ever let you hurt me again" I shook my head, barging past him "Dont contact me, dont look for me, don't do anything, find a replacement at work, I wont be back ever again and I hope for your sake that I never ever see you again" then I was running as fast as my legs could carry me, away from the man I still loved so dearly

Heyyyy! I know, what a way to end a book, there was no happy ending:(

Im kidding, this book is far from over, infact, it is only just getting started. I have so many plans, don't hate me, please:) A double early update, yay!

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