why the fuck would i say printer?

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"I love you, too."

Tord's heart fluttered at Tom's words. His mouth pulled open, ready to say something back. Yet, the sight of Tom's flustered face and somehow innocent eyes forced his breath to be caught in his throat. Unable to help himself, he cupped Tom's face, gently brushing his thumb against Tom's cherry pink lips.


A sharp exhale escaped him before he pulled Tom into a kiss. The softness of Tom's lips shone through now more than ever, the taste of his pineapple chapstick new. Huh; Tord never paid this much attention.

He pulled back. "You've got new chapstick."

Tom just huffed, wrapping his arms around Tord's neck, his fingers gently toying with the nape of his neck. "Shut your mouth and just kiss me again."

A soft laugh escaped Tord, eyes rolling as he pressed his lips against Tom's once more.

Tom's hand found Tord's hair, grabbing at it gently as he fell back against his pillows, pulling Tord with him.

Their breath intermingled, a shuddering breath leaving Tom. All of his worries seemed to melt at Tord's soft kisses, letting Tord take control. His lover's touch soothed him, bringing back feelings he had pushed away while alone. Tord pressed one kiss against the corner of Tom's mouth before trailing his kisses up and down Tom's chin, causing the Brit to shudder in anticipation.

"Aren't Edd and Matt home?" Tom asked, voice merely a whisper as he pressed his hand against Tord's chest, stopping him.

Tord pulled away, rubbing this thumb against Tom's cheek. "No. They left." He let out a soft sigh, just admiring his precious lover. Those gorgeous black eyes, pretty lips, and that cute button nose that always made Tord melt at the sight. His gaze softened, a small smile pulling at his thin lips.

With a purse of his lips, Tom tilted his head as a newfound blush covered his cheeks. "Why are you staring at me?" He pulled one hand back and nervously brushed a strand of hair away from his forehead.

"No reason," Tord said with a shake of his head. "Du ser bare så pen ut." Tord leaned back down once more, pressing another kiss against Tom's lips, his free hand tracing Tom's waist through his sweatshirt.

Tom pulled away, a shaky breath escaping his lips. "You know I don't know what you're saying." His eyes narrowed, almost as if he wanted to look intimidating, but Tord couldn't help but find it cute.

"I know." Tord's smile grew before he pressed a kiss against Tom's nose. He went in for a kiss on the lips, only to be distracted when Tom started shuffling. With a frown, he pulled back. "Are you okay, min kjære?" he murmured, eyebrows furrowing in concern.

With a nod, Tom awkwardly removed his hands from Tord's neck. "Yeah, I just put myself in an uncomfortable position." He pulled himself up so he sat on the bed instead. "Sorry. I didn't mean to ruin the moment." With a small laugh, he wrapped his arms around Tord once more.

"It's okay. Whatever makes you happy," Tord promised. Tom just gave him a smile, but Tord's words held more meaning than the boy could understand.

"I love you," Tom murmured, making Tord's heart flutter as he pulled Tom in for a kiss once more.

Unable to help himself, he tugged at Tom's bottom lip with his teeth, and the boy obediently opened his mouth. With that, the kiss deepened, and Tom couldn't help the heat from getting to him.

He pulled away, breaths sharp as he crossed his arms, gripping the hem of his sweatshirt. Then his eyes flickered to Tord, who watched him with intent curiosity, and the same self-hate from before came flooding back. He let go of his sweatshirt, pulling his hands away and looking down.

Tord frowned at that, cupping Tom's cheek and pressing a kiss against the boy's forehead. "Hey. You know I won't judge you, right?" he murmured, gazing down at his lover. "I couldn't care less about what you look like."

For some reason, that uplifted Tom more than any compliment ever would. Despite that, however, he still didn't know if he could do it. He glanced back down at his sweatshirt and then at Tord. He bit his lip. "Can... can you do it, too?" Tom mumbled, avoiding Tord's gaze as he awkwardly clenched his fist.

Tord paused, mouth open as he hesitated. A soft sigh escaped his lips, and he leaned down to kiss Tom's forehead once more. "Of course I will, min kjære." He leaned back before grabbing the back of his sweatshirt. He tugged it over his head before pulling it off of him, tossing it to the floor.

Tom's heart skipped a beat. The red on his cheeks worsened as he moved closer to Tord.

Scars covered the poor Norse's chest. One thin, crooked pink line spread from his chest to his bellybutton. Small slashes appeared elsewhere, mostly on his abdomen. Some crowded on his left rib, and Tom's fingers twitched to touch them. He lifted his hand, hovering over them before looking up at Tord for permission. "Can I...?"

Tord's gaze flickered to him, his head turned the other way. "Go ahead," he murmured, hesitance clear in his tone.

Carefully, Tom let his fingers trace the old scars. Tord flinched under his touch, making Tom stop and glance up at Tord.

The Norse did nothing to stop him--he even seemed to be relaxing under Tom's touch. With that, Tom moved to the longer scar, gently brushing his thumb against the tip of it. He glanced up at Tord, eyebrows furrowed. "Are you... okay?" he asked, biting his lip, worried that Tord might take offense.

He didn't, just offering Tom a slight smile as he turned his head back. "I'm okay. They're old," he promised, reaching to grab Tom's free hand. He gave it a soft squeeze.

A sigh of relief escaped Tom before he could help himself. He pressed his lips against Tord's for another soft kiss, their touches gentle. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Tord pulled his hand away from Tom, instead grabbing the hem of Tom's sweatshirt. "Your turn."

Tom wavered for a split second before he lifted his arms up, allowing Tord to tug off his sweatshirt. He couldn't help but squeeze his eyes shut as Tord tossed it to the edge of the bed. Tom had to clench his fists to stop himself from covering up with his arms.

Suddenly, Tord snorted, making Tom wince. "I forgot you had piercings."

Oh. Right, that should've been obvious. Tom's eyes flickered open as Tord pulled him closer. Tom let out a soft sigh of relief, reaching up and placing his hand on Tord's shoulder. He couldn't help but notice that same damn tattoo from so long ago. He smiled. "Do you remember... back when we first started... ya know... that, when I was drunk?"

Tord cringed immediately, covering his face with one hand. "Oh, god, don't remind me. I still feel guilty about it sometimes." He let out a soft laugh.

"You should!" Tom gently slapped (well, more like patted) Tord's cheek before letting out a slight laugh. "It was a mighty dick move. Not as bad as that whole punishment thing."

Tord's cringing worsened. "Sorry." He shook his head at himself.

With a roll of his eyes, Tom pressed a gentle kiss against Tord's cheek. "You should apologize again."

A huff escaped Tord as he pulled back, eyebrow raised. "What was that?"

"You--" Tom reached up and booped Tord's nose. "--should apologize again. It sounded cute." He let out a mischievous giggle.

"Oh yeah?" Tord ran his fingers down Tom's side, causing the boy to flinch before he just all-out started tickling the boy.

Poor Tom let out an actual shriek, squirming as he laughed. "Let me go!"

"Maybe you should apologize." He snickered, watching Tom wiggle underneath him.

Tom refused, shaking his head before laughing once more. Finally, he caved in. "Fuck, I'm sorry!" he cried out, dissolving into laughter once more.

With a smirk, Tord stopped, placing his arms on either side of Tom. "You look cute," he said, gazing down at Tom's adorably red face.

"Whatever." Tom let out a huff, reaching up to wrap his arms around Tord's neck. "So you can call me cute but I can't call you cute?"


Tom just offered a smile and a roll of his eyes. "Just kiss me again."

Of course, Tord obliged, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss against Tom's lips. "I love you," he murmured, only to kiss Tom before the boy could respond. "I love you so much."

Tom went to mock Tord, only to squeak when a hand started to caress his waist. The blush returned to his cheeks as Tord slowly led his kisses down to Tom's neck. His hickeys had faded, and his body ached at the thought of more. He didn't want to admit it (even if he technically had), but he missed Tord's attention and touches.


Tord's soft lips were replaced with sharp teeth, causing a sharp inhale as they dug into Tom's skin. Tom couldn't help but breath out a soft, "Fuck..."

With a newfound grin on his face, Tord pulled back. "Jeg elsker deg så mye, min kjære. Min kjærlighet. Min dyrebare."

Tom stopped catching Tord's soft murmurs as Tord returned to the boy's neck. He laid soft kisses across the skin, accompanied with mumbles between each one. Tord lips neared Tom's chin before he bit down once more, earning a soft gasp. "That's gonna be, ah..."

Tord released Tom's skin, smirking. "It's gonna be what?"

"Edd and Matt will see it, dumbass!"

"You've got makeup for a reason, ganske gutt." He let out a soft laugh as he pressed a soft kiss against the new hickey. "Besides, I want you to know that you're mine."

Tom grabbed Tord's chin, forcefully pulling him up. "I don't need hickeys to know that, idiot." He pulled Tord down for a kiss, the Norse accepting it with a roll of his eyes. He fluttered them closed as his hand slowly slid down to the hem of Tom's sweatpants.

Gripping the edge of the clothing, Tord pulled back. "Are you ready?"

"Y...Yeah," Tom breathed out, eyes half-lidded. Tord's stomach churned at the sight of his adorable face, but he pulled back further. Slowly, he tugged both Tom's sweatpants and briefs off. Tom lifted himself up on his elbows, watching Tord tug them off and barely restraining himself from rolling his hips.

Tord couldn't help but smile at Tom's gorgeous body, tossing his clothing somewhere in his room. His hands found Tom's inner thighs, gently rubbing the soft skin below his fingertips. He glanced up at Tom's unsure face. "It's okay, min blomst. You're beautiful." One hand grabbed Tom's semi-hard length, giving it a slow pump.

A soft gasp escaped Tom at that, tensing up. Tord just offered a gentle smile, leaning down and pressing a kiss against Tom's inner thigh. He sucked on the skin, cock twitching in interest at the idea of Tom's thighs being covered in hickeys. Tom sat up, eyebrows furrowed as he watched Tord's movements. Yet, he didn't seem to complain as Tord littered the skin with bruises, occasionally stroking Tom.


However, Tom's patience ran thin. "Hurry up," he ordered with a huff, gently tugging his hickey-ridden thighs away from Tord.

Tord took the hint with a soft huff, sitting back up himself. His hands found his jeans, going to unbutton them.

For some stupid reason, Tom rushed out a soft, "Wait!" That made Tord stop, glancing up at Tom with a raised eyebrow. "Let me."

Tord's lips perked into an affectionate smile, pulling his hands back and settling down. "Go ahead, min kattunge."

With that, Tom awkwardly pulled closer to Tord. He quickly unbuttoned Tord's jeans and tugged the zipper down. Tom's fingers found the hem of Tord's jeans, glancing up at the Norse. "All the way?" he asked, head tilting.

Tord nodded, unable to help his small huff of laughter at Tom's rather adorable behavior. If Tom heard the noise, he didn't respond, just tugging Tord's jeans and boxers off (albeit with some help from Tord). Once that was off and thrown somewhere, Tom leaned down and wrapped his hand around Tord's hardening cock. His breath stuttered as he realized how much he missed this, how much he missed having Tord so close--god, he loved Tord.

"I love you," he murmured, pressing a kiss against Tord's stomach, earning a soft chuckle.

Tord grabbed Tom by the waist, pulling the boy up and earning a squeak. "I love you, too." Tord pulled the poor boy onto his lap, causing his face to heat up. Tord's hands slithered down to Tom's ass, gripping it tightly before spreading his cheeks, letting his cock sit between them and right against Tom's hole.

"Ah, Tord, uh..." Tom awkwardly trailed off as Tord's hands gently traced shapes against Tom's skin.

"What are you waiting for?" Tord asked, reaching to grip Tom's cock rather tightly. "Move."

With a slight huff, Tom narrowed his eyes and pushed himself back, then forward, Tord's length rubbing against his skin. Tord's eyes fluttered shut at that. Tom wrapped his arms around Tord's neck, gently rocking his hips against Tord, pulling the man in for a kiss.

Tord opened one eye, grunting against Tom's lips as the boy seemed to hungrily press on for more. A tongue gently peeked at the entrance to his lips, making Tord huff but open his mouth anyway. Tom took his bottom lip between his teeth just as Tord gave his cock a tight squeeze, earning a gasp. Tord pulled away, smirking.

He steadied, moving so his lips nearly touched the tip of Tom's ear. "You're cute, min pene ludder," he said, followed by a groan. He gently bit down on the tip of Tom's ear, earning a shudder.

"Can I get the lube now?" Tom asked, sounding rather impatient. Tord let out a soft chuckle, pulling away from Tom.

He tilted his head, just admiring his lover. "Go ahead," he murmured, and Tom didn't waste a second, hurriedly turning over and getting to his night stand. He leaned down to get it from the bottom drawer, allowing Tord the perfect view of his cute ass.


Tom finally pulled out the bottle of lube, sitting back up and tossing it at Tord. He turned around, reaching up and running a finger through his hair.

"On your back," Tord ordered softly, though Tom seemed off-put by the idea. "What?" he asked, eyebrows furrowing at the expression on Tom's face.

"I... I wanted to..." Tom awkwardly trailed off, shoulders bunching as his cheeks burned a bright red.

Tord couldn't help his smile, leaning closer to Tom and cupping his face. "We can do any position you want to, kitten, but I want to finger you first."

That line, unsurprisingly, didn't help Tom's embarrassment. "You don't need to, though!" he protested with a huff. "It hasn't been that long."

"I know, min kjærlighet." He let out a chuckle, pressing a kiss against Tom's nose. "I just want to make you feel good." He lowered his hand to Tom's shoulder, slowly pushing Tom down, though ready to stop if Tom resisted. Once Tom laid on his back, Tord glanced up at him. "Is that okay?"

Tom looked away, huffing. "Whatever."

"Tom. I need a yes or a no." Tord gently rubbed Tom's thigh, fingertips ghosting the new hickeys.

With a glare, Tom mumbled out, "Yeah, it's okay."

Tord grinned, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss against Tom's thigh, almost as a reassurance. He pulled back and squirted some lube onto his fingers, coating them. He glanced at Tom, who looked away at the eye contact. "You're so cute," Tord mumbled with a soft laugh, grabbing the crook of Tom's leg and pulling him closer, earning a squeak. He gently pressed a finger against Tom's hole, rubbing his thigh with his free hand.

He quickly pushed it in, earning a gasp. "T...Tord," Tom whined out as Tord dug his nails into Tom's thigh.

"Yes?" he drawled, almost mockingly as he pushed another finger in, scissoring Tom open.

Tom just cursed in response, gripping the sheets below him. He rolled his hips into Tord, who just watched in amusement before jutting his fingers toward Tom's prostate.

That earned a moan as Tom tilted his head back, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. Tord just grinned, adding a third finger in. His cock strained at the sight of his beautiful lover, skin flushed and sweat starting to drip. Tom's mouth opened, breathing harshly as his tongue traced over his lips.

"I love you," Tord murmured, voice too quiet for Tom to hear. "Are you ready now?" he asked louder, slowing his movements to give Tom a break. Tom nodded, getting up on his elbows so he could see Tord more easily. The Norse pulled his fingers out, wiping them against the covers. "How do you want me?" he asked gently, referring back to what Tom had said earlier.

"Just--stay sitting." Tom looked away, grabbing the lube himself. Tord perked an eyebrow, leaning back with his hands pressing down against the bed. Tom squirted the lube onto his hand, getting a rather generous amount on the palm of his hand. He leaned closer to Tord, wrapping his hand around the base of Tord's cock.

Tord shivered at the cold lube, watching through half-lidded eyes as Tom slowly pumped his length, smearing the lube over it. Tom's thumb toyed with his slit, earning a low grunt. "Bare sånn, min kattunge," he groaned out, slipping into his native tongue without realizing.

Tom couldn't help his smile at Tord's reaction, wiping his hand off. He'd have to wash his damn covers after this, but whatever.

He climbed on top of Tord, his legs resting on each side of Tord. He glanced back, gripping the base of Tord's cock before glancing at the man. "Can I?"

Tord just offered a nod, grabbing Tom's hips. The Brit lowered himself onto Tord's length, slowly engulfing it. Soon, Tord was buried deep inside Tom. God, he forgot how much he loved the feeling of Tom's walls tight around him. He rested his chin against Tom's bare shoulder, sighing softly. "How do you want it?"

"Uhm--" Tom awkwardly cleared his throat. He hated being asked this. "Can we... can we go slow?" he asked, face awkwardly heating up.

He wanted the moment to last for as long as possible. He didn't want it to end.

Tord pulled back and nodded, smiling at Tom's cuteness. His grip on Tom's hips tightened as he pressed a kiss against Tom's lips.

Slowly, he rocked his hips upward, earning a soft gasp as his cock dug against Tom's prostate. He lifted Tom up and back down, their hips meeting. Tom rolled his hips side to side, earning a low grunt from Tord. "Good boy, min pene kattunge," he murmured, eyes fluttering closed.

Tom wrapped his arms around Tord's neck, burying his face deep into the crook of said neck. He let out a soft moan at the gentle rocking of Tord's hips. "T...Tord, I love you," he managed, though it came out muffled due to his position.

"I love you, too," Tord murmured, voice quiet as he dug his nails into Tom's hips. "You're so good." He groaned, eyebrows furrowed at the gentle but persistent pleasure. One of his hands let go of Tom's hips, slowly trailing it to Tom's neglected length. He wrapped his hand around it, slowly stroking it as he pressed a gentle kiss against Tom's neck.

Tom's back arched at that, squeezing around Tord's cock. "Hah, Tord..." He lifted his face from Tord's neck, pressing a kiss against the skin. "I love you..." he repeated, only to start sucking down on Tord's skin.

The Norse didn't protest, just letting out a soft laugh. It'd been awhile since he'd been given hickeys, and he supposed he could deal with getting a taste of his own medicine.

He inhaled deeply, eyes opening so he could watch Tom's rather adorable movements. He pulled Tom's hips down, earning a soft gasp.

"D-Deeper," Tom ordered in a rather breathy tone, making Tord smile at Tom's cuteness. He did as told, jutting his hips up to meet Tom's hips once more, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing through the room, earning a choked off gasp.

What? Tom said slow, not soft.

"You like that?" Tord murmured, thrusts hard yet slow as he rubbed his thumb against the slit of Tom's cock.

A moan escaped Tom as Tord dug his cock deep inside of him. "Yes," Tom gasped out, nails digging into Tord's back. "More. More, please," he managed, tears collecting at the corner of his eyes.

Tord obeyed, pushing in particularly hard, causing Tom to tense up.

"Just like th...that," Tom murmured, so Tord did it once more as Tom's back arched. "Fuck, yes..." His voice stayed soft, but the desperation in his voice rang through rather easily.

"I love you, min kjære," Tord said, letting out a deep breath against Tom's ear. "I love you so damn much." Tom just moaned in response, pulling back so he could see Tord's face just as the man jutted his hips, earning another soft gasp.

Tord couldn't help but admire Tom's beautiful face. Those gorgeous, glazed over eyes which half-lidded at every thrust. Tom's plump, cherry pink lips were wide open, breathing heavily. Tord wanted nothing more than to capture them in a kiss, but his gaze focused on Tom's adorably red cheeks.

God, he loved Tom.

Before he could vocalize his affections, Tom pressed his lips against Tord's, his hands finding Tord's side as he gently rubbed them. Tord deepened their kiss, pushing further into it. Their breaths intermingled as Tord pulled back, their lips away only for a mere second before kissing once more.

Tom couldn't seem to keep his hands off Tord, their roles seemingly reversing. Tord didn't mind, however; he quite liked Tom's hands exploring his body, fingers ghosting scars. Though, Tom seemed rather interested in his muscles, which Tord couldn't complain about. Tom pulled away from their kiss, and Tord's lips immediately begged for more, so he started littering kisses against Tom's chin and neck.

"T-Tord, I'm... I'm close," Tom whined out, squeezing rather tightly around Tord's length.

With a smile, Tord's strokes sped up, earning a high moan. "Go ahead, kitten," Tord grunted out, sweat dripping down his forehead. "Come for me."

Tom's eyes squeezed shut as he let out another moan, thighs trembling. He came with a choked off gasp, covering Tord's hand. "Fuck," Tom breathed out. "I love you."

Tord jutted his hips forward, earning a gasp. "I love you, too," he murmured as his thrusts started to get quicker, focused on finishing off.

Tom didn't complain, ignoring his own overstimulation for Tord. The Norse's cock twitched inside him, and Tom knew he must've been close. "Tord, please," he whined, rocking his hips. "Come inside of me. Please, Tord," he begged, and that seemed to be enough to draw Tord over the edge.

He came, riding out through his orgasm before slowing down and stilling. He leaned back away from Tom, eyes fluttered closed.

Slowly, Tom pulled himself up and off of Tord, his cock sliding out of Tom rather easily. He glanced at Tord's hand.

"Do you want to shower?" Tom asked between his heavy breaths, making Tord crack open an eye and check the time.

He nodded. "We should have enough time." He wiped his forehead off with his clean hand, sliding off the bed and standing up. Tom followed suit, and they walked to the bathroom silently. Tom leaned his head against Tord's shoulder.

Soon enough, they got the shower started and got in together. The warm water cleared away their sweat as Tom leaned into Tord's chest. His eyes fluttered closed as Tord reached up and slowly massaged Tom's scalp.

After a bit of standing there in silence, Tom spoke up.

"Does this... does this mean we're a couple?" he asked, chewing at the inside of his cheek.

Tord blinked at the question, glancing down at his lover. "Do you want to be?" he asked softly, head tilting.

"Uhm..." Tom awkwardly nodded. "If that's okay."

"Of course it's okay." Tord couldn't help his smile, leaning down to press a kiss against Tom's hair. "Do you want to tell Edd and Matt?"

Tom tensed up at the question, eyes snapping open.

He didn't know if he could handle that. He would probably have an anxiety attack if he had to tell the two of them.

"Not... not now. Later, yes, just..." He swallowed, cracking his fingers. "Just give it some time. Please."

Tord nodded at that. "Of course, kitten. Of course."

Tom let his eyes close once more, gently rubbing Tord's back. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

holy FUCK i'm so fucking sentimental rn

we've reached 100,000 words boys!!!!! ;)))))

god fuck i'm so happy,,,,,,

we've only got two more chapters to go, but this could also be considered the official ending, bc the next chapter is One Last Smut Chapter ;) and then we've got an epilogue. like damn,,, y'all have no idea how sad i'm gonna be when this fic ends,,, like this has been a huge part of my life for two years. I can't believe it's almost over,,, deadass i kinda do be gettin emotional,,,,,

i do want to like thank everyone tho,,, honestly the fact that this fic is so fucking huge (most popular tomtord fic on ao3!!!) is just astonishing to me,,, i'm just a random ass high school student who was like "hey you know what sounds fun? sex" and then this fic happened. like damn. again, thank you to every one,,, i've never been good at responding to the comments that compliment me (i do not have a way with words lmao), but it really does mean just. so much to me. and i fuckin know y'all,,, like not actually but i know who tends to comment, who's a chatty newcomer, who's been lurking and just makes the occasional comment,,, like damn. y'all really out here reading this book.

thank you all. hope you enjoyed this, and i hope you'll enjoy the last two chapters. :D

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