Slippery Notions....

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Next morning you wake up..... Taking a deep breath and preparing yourself for another havoc.... That you might witness as you approach down towards the hallway......
You stand still as you see her disheveled self sleeping awkwardly on the couch.... Perhaps she fell asleep there after crying all night..... Her eyes swollen..... And hair messed up covering her face...... And she was frowning in her sleep as the sunlight filtering from the window was disturbing her sleep......
She looked like a kid who had fallen asleep tired of throwing tantrums and you invoulantarily ascended towards her.... Wanting to brush off the lock of her hair disturbing her sleep..... Though it took you all the will power to stop yourself and you closed the curtains.... Letting her and your own peace of mind not get disturbed for a while..... You have noticed the bitterness in her voice yesterday...
Anger had taken you over completely..... But it was her fault.... She was the one to provoke . And you do feel bad for her.... But it is sometimes that her stubbornness makes you say and do things that end up hurting her..... She just fails to understand you every single time.... And you dread it....
You decide to proceed for your morning jog without disturbing this slothbear....
And all the while you think about ways to fix up this mess and which is clearly not gonna happen if she plans to move out....
You know that you somewhere impose yourself on her.... But you expect her to understand that there is probably no one else you have to exercise all rights on.... You are lonely and miserable.... And seeing her after so many days has given you hope.... And there is no way you'll let her go.... Now that you know that you crave for her, and you need her badly..... You perhaps were a fool to think that you'll manage to live without her..... But each time you distanced her from yourself ..... A part of you broke inside... And now you are too damn weary of the distance between you and her.... So for now she has to stay.... Wether she likes it or not..... Its not upto her to decide.....

All this thoughts clouding your senses you completely forgot that currently you are not the only person who lives in this house...
You carelessly approach towards the fridge semi naked. Just a towel wrapped around you...... That is how you roam around and you don't bother..... Living alone has its own perks..

But as you approach the kitchen you witness her staring at you flustered and her jaw dropped...... Staring at you as if she has seen a ghost....
You can't bring yourself to explain as words fool you and only awkward and stupid fumbles are let out by your mouth..... As she is still staring at you with those hazel orbs..... And you find your virtue in danger ......
What is with this girl... Never seen a semi naked human before..... Oh wait... For your sake she better not have.....
But as you notice her state isn't better than yours..... As she dumbly replies ..... "i came to make myself some coffee" while her gaze doesn't obey her mind and she still stares like an antelope.....
She was frozen to her place...... Cheeks turning crimson.... As you don't show any mercy... And stand gazing her with equal intensity giving a tough competition ......
Maybe you've found a way to keep her under check...
. You try not get flattered at the effect you have on her...
.... And the bell rings.... And she runs towards the door leaving the battlefield halfway.....
Coward.. You smirk at this small victory of yours... But to be honest.... Your heart rate has increased and your stomach is churning.......and you curse under your breath upon the intruder... As you were rather enjoying this game.....

You reluctantly dress up and head towards the door.... And it's that damn orderly bringing your freshly ironed uniform from laundry.... Damn... It isn't this sucker's lucky day....

After a few moments... She comes out uniform clad...... Completely ready for her first day of the new posting..... And your heart swells with pride to see her all dressed up as a proper soldier..... She looks the same cadet naina ah singh...... Only  a lot more confident.....

She approaches you.... To inform you that she will find a new place for herself and get shifted till evening and you nod though inwardly making a firm resolve to make sure that none is available... Leaving her with no choice but to be stuck with you....
For better or for worse.... You swear to be in this together.....

There were multiple things that needed to be talked about this morning but what are you to do as he stands infront of you half naked......
And water drops glistening on his skin... Finding their way down from his muscular chest to planes of his lean stomach..... And his abs..... Making it difficult for you to breathe as you stare at his magnificent chest..... And his biceps....
And you know all your fantasies will run wild and even as he dresses will imagine him like this....

He caught you gawking at himself..... And that evil smirk he was trying to suppress as you were tongue tied even as you found him dressed up.....

Oh god... He is relentless... And you are completely at his mercy.....
You must find yourself a new place if you wish for your brain to function properly....... As it ceases to do so when he is around.....

Day at work was pretty normal.... Except that you were being congratulated and warmly welcomed as their beloved major sheekhawat's wife.....
You eerily shrug off the happiness you felt.... And the thought that they completely forgot that you came here to serve as an officer and not a seniors wife....
Seemed not to bother you much..... To be honest.... Even as this marriage contained neither your willingness nor approval...... You have to admit to yourself that it was a dream come true..... And very deep down inside you suddenly don't feel so left out and empty.....
But you shrug yourself out of your fantasies.....
You know giving in to his request of reconsidering this relationship..... Haa.... This ridiculously unexpected relationship.... With a person like him...... Who is a s confusing as a jigsaw puzzle is like investing in a mutual fund investment..... And is subject to a lot of market risk.... And the offer document.... You are sure would not have a single clause in your favour.....
And honestly you are no marriage material....
And doing honours of dragging anyone in the mess what you call your life is unfair...
. So technically you are trying to save him...
... You are noble and kindhearted and a perfect idiot......

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