A dead man's tales

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The name of the book is 'A dead man's tales', by Queen_of_life_Heba.

Book cover: 9/10

From just one glimpse of the cover, I immediately went 'wow'. There's quite a bit going on, but it's still so wonderfully artistic; the knife definitely makes it pop and stand out, and is a nice foreshadowing touch. Novel_Worm did a fantastic job!

Book title9/10

 I read the title and instantly began to ponder, who was, or is going to be the dead man? I've certainly seen titles similar to that, such as 'the dead man's tale' and 'dead men tell no tales'; BUT it's still very eye-catching. *claps*


 I don't have much to say about it, it makes me curious and provides just the right amount of information to make me want to find out more. It's well written and very neat, so well done!

Opening: 8.5/10

 Okay before I get to the actual opening, I just wanted to mention this. I find it very helpful and considerate that you added a glossary, it is just a little hard to process but it's probably just me.

I also loved how you interacted with the readers in your introduction. The aesthetics were also very nice and, well....aesthetic.

As for the real opening, the first six words definitely made me stop and think, in a good way! I asked myself, why is this person up late at night? Of course, my question was answered as I read on. By the second paragraph, I could already tell that your choice of words was very sophisticated, my brain could never do it as well as you, so here; have some more claps! *claps even more*

Structure: 18.5/20

I thought that you did very well, a majority of the paragraphs weren't too long or too short, and everything seemed to be well planned out and structured. It was easy to read, and I didn't have a hard time following your layout.

However, there were a few that felt a little long and were a bit hard to read because of how large they were. Don't feel obliged to listen to me, but I suggest possibly splitting them in some way! (This is mainly in chapter 4)

There is one thing I would like to question as well, I was a little confused about the obj thing at the very start of chapter one; did something happen with the banner?

You also start some sentences with 'but' and 'and' in some areas, which seemed fairly foreign to me. Now I'm not saying that using them to begin sentences is off-limits, it's just that sometimes it is either unnecessary or could be replaced with another word. Especially the sentences that begin with 'and'.

As students in all our schools, we're taught to never use those words as a sentence starter unless it works properly and isn't unnecessary, although I'm not certain if this was taught differently to you or something.

Just double-check your writing as well, you accidentally added two spaces in some areas; it didn't affect my reading at all, but it's nice to keep things clean. :)

I'm still trying to figure out how you're able to find and use such sophisticated language though....like how are you so good??

Character development: 14/15

I can definitely see the development in character very early on, you're able to easily describe their appearance and give them all great descriptions of how they act, speak and look.

In the chapters I read, you haven't overloaded the reader with a ton of characters and instead built upon the mains beautifully. There were times where I got a little confused or lost, as the names are in a language I am not very familiar with, although this cannot be helped.

BUT, because of the fact that it's in a different language, it gives some spice to the story and gives my brain something new. :)

Does it want to make me read more?: 9/10

Definitely! It's very unique and original, and your use of sophisticated language and techniques just makes it better.

Overall impression: 14/15

I can tell this is something you've put a lot of hard work into, it's amazing with so many original ideas threaded into your plot. After a thorough comb through and fix up of the little mistakes I believe that this novella will turn out to be even more marvellous than it already is.

It isn't exactly for those whom feel as though they can't keep up with Egyptian vocabulary and names, though it is still a book I would definitely recommend to those that feel as though they can keep up and love mystery thrillers.

I loved it and can't wait to see what you continue to come up with!

Total: 92/100

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