The Empress of Doom

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Review of The Empress of Doom by scrabblepost by Crystal-Garner

Book cover – 10/10The book cover is absolutely amazing! The colours that were used as well as thepicture and the font contribute to the mysterious and adventure vibes that Igot from your book. Moreover, it represents your story and its genre well.

Book title – 10/10The prefect way, when paired with your blurb and cover, to give a hint of whatreaders might find in the book. I really liked it and it sparked my interest intoreading the book.

Blurb - 7/10While I appreciated how concise you kept the blurb and added just the rightamount of info in it, I feel like the tense you used when writing it isn'tparticularly appealing. Instead of writing the blurb in the past tense, youshould write in the present tense. It will make readers relate and understandmore.

Opening - 8/10You drew me right in with your opening. Instead of flat-out telling me aboutthe weapons, and other views and scenery, you opted describing them in detailand using a lot of imagery. Loved it! It made me curious about the actions andmotives of the character as well as what was more to come. The only reason Icut off a point was that in some places, especially the dialogues, the sentenceswere phrased a little awkwardly and (I am a little curious about this) you donot use dialogue tags. Is it on purpose or something?

Structure – 15/20Your story, at least the first few chapters, is a bit fast paced. The military attackon their village, the secret hiding place of the people believing in the prophecyand all the info Enavee was told about her powers. Just in the second chapter,we are told about how Enavee is the girl of the prophecy and about herpowers, but she is unable to really feel them, which makes Kora think of her asdisposable. My opinion, as a reader, is that you should not have the felloworacle and others lose faith in her so quickly. After all, these people break therules and believe in the girl who is being hunted down. They should show morefaith in her, at least for the first few days. Again, the lack of dialogue tags.Also, not really necessary, but I would have liked it more if the paragraphswere a little longer as well as the pages.

Character Development – 13/15I really liked the protagonist, maybe because she could not live up-to theexpectations others had from her. She wasn't really of much use initially, eventhough she was supposedly the saviour. This gives a lot of room for characterdevelopment and improvement. The other characters, like Ariti, were alsolikable, though not very relateable, which might have made them bond withthe readers more.

Does it make me want to read more – 7/10Your book, though containing lots of twists and turns, wasn't very grippingafter the prologue since the info was very clustered at places. There were alittle too many plot-twists that made it a little hard to keep up with thenarration.

Overall impression – 10/15You explained everything in detail really made me appreciate your writing,since it can be really hard to do at times. The plot itself was a bit cliché, withthe protagonist being the chosen one but not really realising her powers andhaving a close one perfectly able. But the way you execute it matters. Whichyou did well.

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