Tales of Common People

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Reviewer: Furashu

Author: weasley20

Title: Tales of Common People

Genre: Short story

Title: 5/5

Your title is very original. There isn’t a single story with that title on Wattpad and I’ve never heard of one like that before. The title immediately enticed me to read your story and it suits the book very well.

Cover: 4/10

I gave it a low mark because there isn’t any effort put into the cover. It’s just a template from Canva and the title is also not aligned. It’d put it more in the middle. Steer away from templates because that will cause that many people will have the same cover and not make yours original or confuse your story with another one. I do like the concept that the woman doesn’t have a face that symbolises the ‘common people’

Blurb: 7/10

I really like your blurb. It’s intriguing. I also love the Dumbledore saying which matches your book. There are a few grammatical errors, I also feel that your blurb is misleading because it’s not short stories.

Grammar: 18/20

Your grammar is excellent but do give it another round of editing. There are a few missing commas here and there, you also confused shattered with stuttered. There are a few missing words as well, but other than that, you really did a great job with editing.

Plot: 3/5

I don’t feel that it’s suits the genre ‘short story’ because the first part doesn’t have a conclusion or really that much of a build up. I still want to know how did the aunt ruin her life? It seems as if your story intends to go on, on more chapters, which is incorrect. Rather say it’s a novelette or a novella.

Character Development: 7/10

The feelings are very realistic. I could relate to the main character very well. She also developed towards the end of not being that cold towards her aunt and also that the aunt actually apologised to her, although I think it was more because she had to stay there, well done!

Writing style: 15/15

Your writing style is perfect. Your layout is on point and it flows very nicely. Sorry if I’m short on words here, but there is nothing to correct.

Enjoyment: 8/10

I did enjoy it very much. Just work on the cover and give it another round of editing. Also, don’t say it’s a short story because sadly it isn’t. But well done! You are a talented writer and I enjoyed reading it very much!

Total: 67/85 (79 /100)

Sorry that your review took so long! I had a few personal matters to take care of!

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