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"Maa..." Anika wakes up shouting...she is sweating and breathing heavily...

Shivaay comes to her "Are you okay Anika.." Shivaay asked and offer her  a glass of water..
She drinks it..
"Did you see any bad dream...you shouted " shivaay asked with concern

"Why do you care???no dreams are  bad than what you did with me... " Anika angrily replied...
"I don't care about what you saw...if you shout like this everyone one will come here...I don't want anyone to know about you" shivaay said and left from there locking the door.

Anika get up from the sofa..she feel little uneasy due to the heavy dress and jewelries. She sees herself in mirror and thinks of Shivaay’s words...

"You don’t know what I'm and what I can do. He holds her face and says "you will see Shivaye’s real avatar now, you did mistake and you will pay for it, you will sit with me in mandap in Tia’s bridal dress.You will marry me, you don’t have an option, you will wear this dress and come downstairs with me, you will do all the rituals of marriage, you will wear mangalsutra of my name, you will put sindoor of my name, you will become my wife, but just for one day, I will give divorce to you tomorrow". He pushes her away.

Anika's POV
"I don't even thought in my dreams that you can be a beast Mr.Shivaay Singh Oberoi you, your family, your respect, business, decisions, everything yours, what about a girl's life how can you put my innocent brother life in danger...I hate you Mr.Shivaay Singh Oberoi I hate you.."

Suddenly she thinks of Sahil and calls him. She asks "Sahil is he fine".

Sahil: yes, why are you worried, why did you not come home, why are you crying, you are crying seeing bidaai right, why are you emotional, its someone else’s marriage, not yours.

She recalls her marriage and says "yes, its someone else’s marriage, I m stuck somewhere, it will take time for me to come, take care, don’t open door for anyone, have food on time, I will come soon."
Sahil :Anika didi  come home soon..do you remember tomorrow's date...its your 25th b'day...finally the day arrived, you waited for long...Now time 10:00pm come before 12:00 am okay...
Anika remembers about it..a small smile crept in her lips
'Yes finally that day arrived...only 2 hours left for it...'
Happy tears formed in her eyes... She ends call and sees Shivaye.Those happy tears turned into hatred..Shivaye sees her and walks ahead..

Om smiles seeing the pics. He sees pic of Shivaye holding Tia’s hand. He zooms and gets shocked. He says "its not Tia’s bracelet. "

In Shivaay's room

Anika : I have to go home right away. Shivaye : you can’t go now, leave after everyone sleeps.
Anika:I can’t wait till then, I feel suffocated by supporting you in your lie and cheat.
Shivaay:really, I thought you have habit to lie and cheat.
Anika:when did I lie, when did I cheat, who are you to tell me, you are a big liar to fool the family.
Shivaay:mind your language
Anika: the one who is world’s most ill mannered man, he can’t talk of manners.
He stops her.
Shivaay: I said don't go now
Anika: you can’t force me...I'm going
She started to go.He holds her hand and pushes her aside
Shivaay: Don't you dare move till I give you permission.. Go after everyone sleep I don't want any drama now..did you get that...

After some time,
Shivaye:Everyone would have slept, you can go, I will call driver.
Anika:no need, I will manage.
Shivaay:Are you out of your mind, its late, if anything happens.
Anika:its not worse than what you did.
She started to go
Shivaay:Anika one min…..
He covers her with the ghunghat They see each other

Shivaay:I don’t want anyone to know you are under this ghunghat.

He holds her hand and takes her downstairs. Everyone shout "surprise". Shivaye and Anika get shocked.

Shivaye: what are you all doing here.? Dadi: you got shocked right, this was Om’s idea, he said we will do mu dikhai tonight.
Shivaye sees Om and says mu dikhai today, why Dadi??
Om:why not, you said rasam matters, not the day and time, its better to lift the veil sooner.
Pinky: yes, mu dikhai will happen now, we want to see how Tia looks in bahu’s avatar.
Jhanvi makes Anika sit.
Dadi: first I will give mu dikhai to my bahu and see her face. Dadi goes to Anika lifts the ghunghat and gets shocked. Everyone get shocked seeing Anika.

Pinky : its joke right? Why is Anika sitting instead Tia?
Jhanvi:that means you married Anika. Dadi: it means, what I felt is true.
Rudra: she is Anika didi, not Tia, am I dreaming.
Tej:Shivaay how did you hide such big lie.
Shakti:Shivaay answer us.

Pinky: Anika you...you showed your middle class   status, girls like you are  always behind money, not love.

Everyone look on.Anika cries.

Pinky :why did you ruin my son’s life, how dare you
She raises hand. Shivaye shouts mom and holds Pinky’s hand. Anika looks at him...

Pinky:Shivaay why you stopped me??this girl..
Shivaay: mom I asked Anika to sit in the mandap..
Everyone get shocked
Jhanvi:But where is Tia???
Shivaay tells everything
Shivaay:what would I say that time, would I tell everyone that Oberois would be bahu has run away before marriage, media would have got masala, they would make fun of our family, our business would have loss, stock prices would have fell.
Om :did you not think of how much you fell by this thing, you are thinking of stocks.
Shivaye :yes, I did not think, big decision has to be taken to save family respect, I did what Shivaye Singh Oberoi should have done at that time.

Om claps and says "brilliant, typical Shivaye Singh Oberoi, who thinks by mind, not heart, who chooses business, not relations, whats wrong with you. "
Tej (shouts) :Om, Shivaye did not do any mistake, he has thought by business point of view, you won’t understand, you did not work hard to make this business empire.
Om gets angry and goes near Anika
Om:Shivaay do you think about her...what about her life, her dreams...for your so called businesses you ruined a girl life....
Anika cries.Om turns towards Anika
Om: why happened to you Anika? why you support him?or did he force you to do this??
Shivaay looks at Anika...Anika recalls Shivaay's blackmailing...but she doesn't speak anything

Om:Anika I'm asking you something

Suddenly Shivaay's phone rings its Tia’s call. He gets angry.
Rudra :why is she calling now.?
Om : Shivaye answer the call
He answers
PC: Tia is with us, if you want to see her alive, do what we say.
Shivaye:Hello.. who are you, where is Tia?? What do you want??
PC :Money ....I'll send you location..don't try to call police...otherwise ...

Om:Shivaay what happened ??
Shivaay tells about the call...
Om:shivaay we are also coming
Shivomru leaves

Pinky : I had many dreams for Shivaye’s marriage. ..but everything gets ruined..

Jhanvi :we regret that Anika was a part of all this, Anika you have hurt us a lot.

Dadi: I had pride on Shivaye and trust on Anika, both broke today, I did not regard you as a outsider,  you cheated me Anika by supporting Billu's  decision. I did mistake in knowing you, you made me realize that my eyes got old.

Dadi cries and leaves.

Anika: Dadi...mein...

Everyone leaves from there..
Anika breaks down...she composed herself and wipes her tears...
She says herself "Be strong Anika....Think about tomorrow...you can't fall weak...everything will be fine...but before I'm leaving here forever, I need to see Mr.Shivaay Singh Oberoi for last time ..."

"Anika didi" soumya called her
"I know you Anika didi...you don't need to explain me....this heavy jeweleries may troubling you.. come didi i'll help you in removing.."
Anika nodded & goes with soumya..

Anika removes her jeweleries... She looks at her mangalsutra.She holds it..She looks herself in mirror..
"I got tears and humiliation,its enough.I don't want any other price now..."She says and wipes her tears

" OMM TIA..."She heared Pinky's scream and rush towards hall..

Pinky:Tia how did she hurt...
Tia remembers about her Mom's plan..she acts like feeling dizzy.
"Tia..are you fine" jhanvi asked..."I'm feeling dizzy"Tia answered
Anika looks at Tia....
Shivaye:I will tell you all later, Now Tia needs rest,Soumya, Prinku take her to room...its late night you all go & sleep we'll talk about it  tomorrow..
Everyone goes...
Shivaay sees Anika standing in a corner.. He moves towards her..
Shivaay: You didn't go yet....
Anika:No....what happened to Tia??
Shivaay: She is kidnapped by our business rivals..its my fault ...

Anika laughed sarcastically

Anika:do you think so!??
Shivaay: what do you mean??

Anika:can't you see she is fooling you.Tia is cheap. She is playing drama infront you why don't you understand that.She is behind your properties...

Shivaay: shutup..just shutup..who are you to point finger at Tia, when you are a fallen characterless girl.

She looks at him shocked

Shivaay :You are saying this to me, the one who is sold is pointing finger,this thing does not suit you.

Anika angrily asked "what are you talking about tell me clearly.."

Shivaay: the girl who can sleep with anyone for money..
Anika:Stop it Shivaay!!...I did not know your thinking is so cheap.
Shivaay: My thinking is cheap..what you done is not cheap
Anika yells:what i have done???

Shivaay:I'm ashamed to say that ;you have spent a night with Daksh in my house, under this roof, you slept with him.
She gets shocked.She cries and says "you really think so. "

Shivaay:don’t you dare to pretend now, I know you have done this, you have spent the night and took a good price for it, 15 lakhs Anika. (He claps) well done, its much for middle class girl, you are very costly.

" Shivaay" she shouts and raises hand. He holds her hand and says" not again"

Anika :you have told me a lot today ,till now, you did a lot with me, I never broke down, but now whatever you said, you have broken me down, you snatched my life, just respect was left, it sold out now, I have died.

He leaves her hand and says:
Shivaay:stop drama, I have seen your truth by my eyes, I always said everything has a price, I had hope you will prove me wrong, but I was right, you are a fallen manipulative gold digger, like kept in market, who can be bought for money for a night, like Daksh bought, this is your truth, that’s why I hate ……..

"ENOUGH MR.SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI...ENOUGH....NOT A WORD ANYMORE..." Anika shouted with blood shooted eyes...

Everyone comes there hearing it.

"What you think about yourself....the great wall Mr.Shivaay Singh Oberoi... Who are you to point figure on my character....who himself didn't value for a kid's life .." Anika shouts

"Anika, Shivaay what happened??" Om asked
"Ask you brother Om..how he blackmailed me for marrying him" Anika shouts
"Aawaaz neeche Anika...this is my house not your street.... I don't want anyone else to know about your karma's ..." Shivaay said back

"Shivaay can you explain what happening here??" Om angrily asked

"Stay out of this matter Om...and you (pointing Anika)get out from my house " Shivaay ordered

"Bhaiyaa what are saying its late night.. Its not safe for her" Rudra said

"Khanna...Khanna ..drop her home"Shivaay said

" I don't want your any favour..."She said and removed her mangalsutra and hand over to Shivaay

She wipes her tears and said "One day you will regret about the things  what you have done and said to me...that day you will come running to me for seeking apology.You will repay for what you did with me Mr.Shivaay Singh Oberoi...I'll ruin you"

"Oyee...who are you to ruin my son...you middle class girl you already ruined my son's life..leave from here ..." Pinky shouted

Anika started to go...Om stops her and says "Anika I'll drop you"
"No need Om"Anika replied
"Are you out of mind its late night. Its not safe to go alone..."Om said
"Its not worse than what your brother done"Anika replied
" I know what Shivaay did with you is wrong but.."Om says
"Thank u Om for trusting me ..at least one person is there to support me..." Anika says and goes from there ..

"Shivaay what you have done??" Om shouted on Shivaay
"Om I don't want to talk about her..no one will take Anika's name here.." Shivaay angrily left from there ...Tia smirks...

Precap:Anika walks on the road aimlessly. Suddenly a car hit on her..she falls down..
A police jeep stop there...

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