Chapter 14: Falling In Love (New 12/21)

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Hi everyone :). I hope all of you are doing well. I am so sorry for disappearing and not updating, but just have been struggling with grief after my father's death that occurred this year a few months ago. Ever since then I have been having a hard time writing and believe me it took me a while to write this chapter. I am so sorry for not updating and the delays and I hope to update more frequently in these upcoming two weeks. Thank you for reading and still giving this book a chance :).

Shivaay's Point of View


Hues of orange and red seeped across the empty, hollow desert sand. Heat simmered itself out from the thin grains and snaked into our sweaty, shaking bodies. Our breaths crashing as our lips attempted to mold into one. She continued to quiver and quake against the desert sand finding it unbearable to withstand the sheer admiration that I was laying upon her.

"We have gone mad..." Her voice shakingly called out the dark truth. A devilish smile touched my lips as I let them melt against the bridge of her soft breast. She let out a small moan finding herself enthralled by my slightest touch.

"We were always mad. It's just you never wanted to accept..." I hissed the truth bluntly to her. She let out an abrupt laugh somewhat embracing her madness which she never had done before.

"If being with you forever means me staying here in this treatment center forever then yes...I am ready to accept I am mad."

Tears slipped down her cheeks to touch her weak smile that revealed vulnerability. Somewhere I wanted to comfort her tears. An ache dripped through my heart to only fall upon my guilty soul.

What am I doing to her? Am I wrong in indulging upon my desires? Am I somewhere taking advantage of her? Since when I did start stooping so low in order to fulfill my lust? Is this lust...or something more?

I turned to my side and slipped my palm against the warmth of her cheek. She immediately blushed and placed her chin gently against my heart before planting a kiss upon it. This innocence she has drives my crazy and no wonder I cannot let go of her. She has something which prevents me from letting go.

"I am tired of hiding Shivaay. Will I have to stay within the four walls of that treatment center all my life in order to be with you? Will I have to continue to prove my insanity in order to be with you?"

"Anika...I will help you escape."

Present Day:

The moonlight slowly cascaded upon my cool feet that dipped themselves gently into the currents of the dark blue ocean. An image of Anika rippled through the quiet waves to form an illusion of her beautiful smile that was reaching her radiant eyes.

A soft smile immediately touched my quivering lips that were drowning in layers of my tears. Aches from wounds of the past continued to ignite my tears of regret. The bitter memories of how I lost the best thing that happened to me continued to slaughter such old, yet unhealed wounds.

"I am sorry Anika. You did not deserve what I did to you. I am sorry I could not value you and the love you gave me. I am so sorry for failing to realize how much you loved me...until I lost you..." Burying my lips into my palm, I quenched my wails since I knew tears were a sign of weakness and I being a man had no right to express such. I cannot let this love consume me to a point that I will forget who I am.

What are you doing Shivaay? How can you let your and Anika's past get to you to a point that you are daring to express the most cruel form of weakness which are tears? How dare you let this....emotion get to you?


My breaths began to become heavy as I felt raindrops slowly burden upon my body. A heavy cloud of shame embraced me tightly wanting to torture me with the fact that I had dared to think of such an emotions...a feeling...a diabolical, evil filth...called love.

How can I even form such a thought that I love Anika? No. No. No.

I do regret losing her...I do regret losing her love...but in no way am I in love with her. I cannot love her. I cannot love anyone. It's impossible for me to love any person. I don't have it in me to love anyone after what I have seen in life. After what my mother did to me...the way she killed my father through breaking his heart...No. I cannot love. I cannot.

But it does not me that I do not crave to be with someone who will love me. Am I being selfish? Yes. Am I wronging Anika by daring to lure her back so I can feel that love? Yes. But then I am human...I too crave to be someone.

"You okay?"

The stranger's voice drew me out of my thoughts. I wiped my tears away realizing who the person was. Someone from a past long forgotten.

Om held a look of concern as he slowly made his way down the steps to the beach. My blood curled up from the mere sight of him having remembered what he had done. Why is he showing sympathy? He wasn't sympathetic when he chose his mother over our father. When he decided to accept that man as his step father because he had more money than ours'. He turned out just like Mrs.Oberoi. He definitely proved it to everyone that he is her blood.

"Shivaay, are you alright? Why did you just leave Anika there?" His inquiry triggering my temper. I immediately raised my finger to shut him up not liking one bit how he was poking his nose in my business.

"What gives you the right to question me whether I am feeling okay or why I just left Anika there in front of the hotel lobby? I mean why are you so interested in knowing about the current events that are happening in my life? Hm?"

I formed a mean smirk to intimidate him. Ever since our childhood, I have had this habit to let him know who is the boss through intimidation-it's a skill that is essential to put him in his place.

Om rolled his eyes and let out a small chuckle. His action surprising me considering I had expected him to get angry and frustrated with my lack of response to his questions.

"You are just like dad. Always putting your barriers up and dissociating from your emotions and what you truly feel. I can tell you are not doing okay. I can tell you were hurt seeing Anika with Ayaan. Your face says it all!"

My smirk broke apart and I shifted my gaze towards the sea to avoid his philandering eyes that were taking in the smallest details of my sorrow. Fear relinquished within me. The thought of Om and anyone else seeing me in a state of weakness is frightful. I cannot let anyone see me as a weak individual. I have too many enemies and I cannot trust anyone...even my own brother. After all, my own brother works for that bastard...his step father who is my business rival. What if Om has been planted by him...? What if Om is trying to get close to me only to betray me?

"Just shut up. I am fine alright? And...I owe you and nobody else a report regarding how I am feeling or what is happening in my life. You all are no one to me. No one. Just fuck off," I hissed and crossed my arms to lift my walls up not wanting Om to catch the slightest display of my vulnerability.

Om sighed and took a step away realizing that I was in no mood in having a personal therapy session with him regarding my life issues. He knows quite well that I have always dealt with my problems on my own in my special way...He out of everyone should know I can survive any storm and bear the pain only to come out alive.

"Understood. I know you like your privacy and I respect that, but despite how much you want to deny it...we are brothers. If you remember, we used to be so close when we were young and you were my one and only best friend. True we parted once we got older and...the divorce happened. But, I hope you realize that despite us being separated for so many years, I still genuinely care about you and want the best for you. Sure we argue and fight over...Ma and what happened in the aftermath of the divorce with dad, still mean a lot to me."

Memories from our childhood brought a river of tears within my eyes which I immediately closed shut not wanting him to see how much he still meant to me. I really want to believe in your words Om. I really want to believe that you still care about me, but then how can I? Afterall, you abandoned Papa and chose Ma over him despite knowing Ma was wrong in cheating on him.

"And I know after dad's death, you have gotten quite lonely. Dadi of course is in your life and so is Chaaya, still are lonely and bitter. I am tired of seeing you suffer like this all alone...and honestly, seeing you with Anika was surprising and I know I made the wrong word choices regarding her at the airport, but...I will not lie in saying that I saw you being the happiest with her. I have witnessed how different you are around Anika...just like how you were years ago. You are so happy around her...relaxed...calm...enjoying life and its every moment. You have never been like that around any woman and I can tell this time it is different, so don't lose out on this...don't lose out on Anika."

His words struck a chord within me as I revealed my tearful gaze to him not realizing I was showing him my weakness. Om's eyes widened in shock having not expected to see me at my worse.

"So it is Anika? You really have fallen for her."

I narrowed my eyes and tried to drown my feelings not wanting him to know what I felt. Out of all the people in the world, Om would be the last person I would want to know about what I feel for Anika.

"Fuck off idiot. I am not in love with her. She is just..." I found myself being baffled not knowing what to really label Anika as.

All my life, I have gone with labels and organized relationships and people in different boxes from professional to personal, but Anika does not seem to fit any compartment. She has a different, special place in my life which I even know what to call.

Om snickered and gave me a teasing look clearly enjoying my state.

"I honestly do not want to get into any of this. You definitely have a reputation of being quite the womanizer and have had a past of messy relationships. However, I do want to say that I see potential in you and Anika. I really see you both working out. That's why I just want to advice that do not lose her. Obviously, you are upset on seeing her with Ayaan, but try to think with a clearer mind. He only saved her nothing else. And as much as I have seen, Anika is smitthen by you and the way she looks at you is something special. Now it's up to you whether you want to ruin this relationship or not. Don't be like dad Shivaay...don't be so involved in life's race that you forget to enjoy life and appreciate people who love you....which include me, Priyanka, Dadi, and now... Anika."

The last line hammering a dent in my barriers and slamming a nail into my heart which began to unpeal itself and reveal the desire of being loved by Anika. I softly smiled through my tears from finding that others have too noticed Anika's unspoken love for me which I thought only I could see and was an illusion.

I embraced the ocean breeze and looked out towards the endless sea that held a horizon of hope. No longer am I in deep waters, but finally am reaching the shore. Om continued to linger and observe my smile somewhat astonished that I was not pushing him away at the moment.

This idiot is known to have good ideas. I want to trust him at this moment, but then the past is not allowing me too. Why does life have to be so complicated?

"Is it really that noticeable? Or are you just lying to me since you want me to be a fool and act like one in front of Anika after knowing that she me."

Om laughed and rolled his eyes upon my questioning. "Honestly, you are a lost cause. Here I am trying to talk sense into you to not lose a woman who could possibly turn you from a demon to a human and here you are...questioning my intentions."

My nostrils flared from his subtle jab not liking it one bit. "Demon? What the hell you bastard?!"

"Well you are one except right this moment. I mean look at you. You look just like a love lorn puppy. She really has humanized you and that is why I somewhat am accepting of your sudden whirlwind romance, love affair with her. Now I am not going to speak more shit since it's worthless and I don't want to waste my evening talking with you which I could spend with my wife..." He raised his eyebrows up and down giving me a smirk as a way to tease how he has a wife and I don't. His superiority complex. Ugh. Now I remember why I am always annoyed by him.

I side eyed him and looked out towards the ocean continuing to wonder how deep her love is for me...deeper than the ocean or beyond? Is it hallow or full of solace? If she loves me, she would have been here by now and have realized I am upset from seeing her with Ayaan.


My lips instantly curved up into a smile from hearing the soft, soothing voice that always does wonders on me. I lowered my gaze to catch her reflection ripple through the sea waves. Her ocean blue saree smothering the dark seas as she formed a shy, blushing smile that she knows is enough to lure me into her cave of apologies, sorries, annoying childishness, short temper, psychotic behavior... and love. I chuckled internally realizing how I had described every single trait of hers' that I hate in every person except her...she is an exception.

"And that is my cue to jerk off. See you both later at the restaurant I hope?" Om waved off at us before throwing me a wink. I grumbled not liking his teasing expression that he continued to give while walking away back towards the resort.

Silence crept between Anika and I as we found ourselves at a loss of words. A warm sensation hit my cold feet. I shivered ready to step back only to be caught in a trap by her feet that slowly wrapped themselves around mine. Her hands trailed themselves down my wrist to fill the spaces between my empty hands and merge on to the lines of my fate.

The cool air suddenly began to dampen between us. My heartbeats quickened before crashing, falling, and rising again just like they always did due to her slightest touch. My anger swept away into the currents of the ocean that rushed towards our entwined feet. This unknown, heavy feeling suddenly consumed my senses that always did in presence.

She dipped her soft, swollen lips against the curve of my neck where my sweetspot was. Her heavy breaths collided with mine. Our hearts began to become one and I realized that indeed...I am shedding barriers and allowing her an entry into my heart.

Anika's Point of View

"I am sorry."

I let the words roll out of my tongue and slid gently upon the warmth of his skin. My lips gently sucked onto his beating pulse that carried remnants of his anger. Fear crept up within me from the mere thought of losing him. A sense of shame wrapped itself around my guilty heart that was not liking how it was breaking a promise to never love again.

Our eyes entwined into one as he lowered his lips to meet my temple. Shades of red swept my cheeks as I felt aroused from his slightest, softest touch. A part of me wanted to push him away due pure fright from losing him...memories of Ayaan and my broken relationship continue to haunt me with a key lesson that loving someone is a sin that only destroys one. However, as I attempt to unravel my hands from his and let go of him, a part of my heart is only pulling me back not willing to let go of a man that it barely has known for days, though, it feels it has been ages since he has been its companion.

His hand slowly drabbled itself upon to my cheek to cusp it. He looked at me intently with worry as he appeared to search for any possible bruises or wounds I may have gotten.

"Don't you dare ever apologize to me. And why are you saying sorry? What did you do wrong?" He spoke in a calm voice to soothen any worries and concerns I held, regarding how he might be feeling at the moment, due to what just happened a few moments ago.

Our hands continued to hold on to each other while he cradled my cheek gently. He formed a smile and tilted my chin under the gaze of the moonlight. His intense gaze forcing me to look down in shyness from realizing how he was taking in every flaw and feature of mine under the moon's guise.

I weakly smiled having not expected this reaction from him considering how angrily he had left after he saw Ayaan saving me from getting hit by the car and then hearing him say the filthy word "baby". I can tell Shivaay is possessive and I can sense this obsession he somewhere harbors may lead him to form insecurities.

"Shivaay, I know you got upset after seeing me with Ayaan and hearing what he said, but I swear I do not have any feelings for him and I myself do not know why he reacted that way-"

"Really? You don't know why he reacted that way Anika?" The pitch of his voice trembled with his temper that he appeared to hold on to.

I looked up at him in confusion not able to understand what he was implying. What does he mean by this statement? How would I know why Ayaan reacted this way? I too am surprised by the fact Ayaan even dared to save me from harm considering he is the one who pushed me into this dark, dangerous pit from which I never find myself emerging out of.

A thunder of envy grazed his deep blue eyes that submerge in slues of bloody red. A lightening of anger and rage lit itself within him, but he kept it clenched tightly in the palm of heart which appeared to be fear...for an unknown reason.

But, he has no reason to fear. Ayaan is my past and he is my present. I cannot even bear the thought of thinking of any other man besides Shivaay.

And I am scared. Really scared how much I am giving myself up to I am falling for a man I am daring to resurrect my heart from the gallows and allowing it to submerge into this unknown, mysterious feeling...that I know what it is, but am too scared to accept.

But, this heart is not listening to the voice of my soul. It is on its own path....a dangerous path full of roses, but also its thorns. A path that gives solace, but also an agony of pain that can not be competed by any other.

However, to drink this poison of passion appears more appealing than drowning into a bed of loneliness.

A tear swept my palm as I clasped it against his frivously beating heart. My temple leaned against his as I grazed my lips gently against his. Our eyes lifted up only to witness our souls collide and merge into one. We both paused for a moment and let the moment be.

The waves of ocean slowly swept up to shore and drowned our feet wet as they entwined into one. A subtle smile touched my lips as I found myself charmed by his beauty. That miserable, dark ugly, beauty of his that attracts me into the cave of his heart and lures me into his lust.

"Shivaay, I do not care about why Ayaan reacted that way or said those words...because they do not matter to me. He does not matter to me. No one matters to me except you. You affect me. If the world goes mad and turns its back away from me I will not give a damn...because no one is anything to one. But if you turn your back away from me then I know....that I will meet my death. Because you are the last hope I have. You are my last hope to survive this life-this horrible life that I have been forced to live for years. And I know if I lose you then I will lose myself..."


My lips silencing him. My heart began to run a spin. Desire surged its course through our quivering lips that began to hungrily dive into each other continuing to drown and savor the small crystals of love our love had borne for each other. I smashed my lips further against his wanting to show him how much he truly meant to me. Tears smoldered themselves out of me only to be captured by his palms that wiped them away quickly. His fingers entwining into my hair as he pushed himself against me further.

Complete, wretched fear swept my body that shook violently against his. The fear of losing him feeling so real like I had experienced it before though not remembering when. The thought of losing him driving me crazy. This thought making my lips run wildly against his. The wind pushed against our embracing bodies wanting to push us away, but failing to do such. He wrapped me into the comfort of his heart letting me know that he truly believed me...and that my desire to only be bounded to him was enough to give him relief that I will always be his.

"Never dare to speak of death again. Do you understand? You are my life Anika. The only reason why Shivaay is alive is because of his Anika. You are the beats to my heart. The breaths to my soul. I can never ever even think of living without you and so never even dare of speak of death..." His voice croaked with tears which surprised me considering I have never seen him show such level of vulnerability that he has dared to portray tonight.

He took a firm grasp of my hand and gestured me to look above towards the moonlight that stood as a sole witness to our union. We exchanged a brief glance at each other finding ourselves overwhelmed by the moment unable to fully express this unknown feeling that is daring to approach us.

"To know you are mine is enough. I do not need any justification or any explanation because you just saying and expressing my importance and my place in your heart is enough for me. All I know Anika is that I also cannot even think of life without you. Just like I am your last hope, so are you. And I promise to always be with you no matter support you, respect you, and always cherish you."

Silence caught hold of me. I found myself speechless from hearing his simple promise that was enough to give me peace...relieve me of any insecurity I had of losing him. To know that he will never leave me and forever be my enough to allow me to live this miserable life every day.

Indeed, perhaps, fate this time is acting different. Finally, I may have finally found the soulmate. If only I can hold this moment into a standstill and relive it over and over again because I do not want this move to leave me. This moment of peace....silence....solace.

Our brazen lips melted into a slow, narcotic kiss. His virginal lips boozing me up with yearning... illustrious mania. My thoughts running wild. My body losing control. Every ounce of my heartbeat belonging to him as I found myself claimed by his very essence that I swallowed with devotion.

We embraced and molded into one under the guise of the very moon that is daring to witness the buds of love that have begun to sprout within our broken hearts. His hand entwined into mine. His lips letting go only to plunge against my temple as he attempted to cherish my very being...wanting to engrave this memory of our subtle confession into his heart.

Our lips formed a smile against each other. Tears ran dry. We found ourselves lost in each other's presence forgetting everything else except each other. We entwined each other's hands and stumbled back against the wet sand only to fall into abrupt laughter. His arm swinging around my waist as he pulled our hands behind against my waist.

"Shivaay what are you doing?! I am going to fall!" I shrieked in fear as I encountered the big, dark waves that crawled towards me. He fell into a loud laugh and twirled me out into the sand only to pull me back into his arms.

"I will never you let fall...ever...jaan...I can show you right now how I will not let you fall, but rise...climax..." He whispered huskily against my ear making me shiver. My cheeks turning crimson red from the realization of the sexual inuendo he was implying through his double meaning statement.

I immediately pushed him away and stumbled back. Giggles erupted from me as I found myself amused by his astonished expression. He appeared shocked I had not accepted his daring offer.

"Oh just shut up! You and your faltu talk. Last time I remember, we were supposed to have dinner, yet, here we are! Hungry and wet..."

He slid his hands around my waist pulling me into his chest. I yelped and found myself diving into a series of giggles from the tickling of his teasing fingers against my skin.

"Wet we are...and hungry yes. But baby, I have a perfect solution to your hunger. It will be fast, quick, immediate release..."

"Noodles? You will feed me noodles?" Giving him a teasing smirk, I threw my head back in victory knowing I had successfully deranged his dirty idea.

He formed a sheepish smile and grabbed my fingers letting them slide gently down against his navel right above his pleasure spot. He lowered himself against me and blew the heat of seduction against my lips.

"Something better. Sweet, tangy,....savory..."

"Mangos? Meh...I am not in mood for mangoes. I used to think I swung towards peaches then I realized I like bananas. Mangoes are okaaay, but a bit too big. Sorry not my type."

I snatched my fingers from his grasp only to have them pulled into his mouth that took a hold of them. I gasped in shock from his action having not expected it. He smirked and let out a demonic laugh clearly reflecting that the devil was doing dirty to his mind.

"Last night, you loved mangoes and today you don't? Best to stop the chase and taste the mangoes again. I am sure you will adapt to their size."

My heart skipped a beat. I turned bright red like a tomato finding myself flustered from the invitation that I had just begotten from him. A throbbing pulse ran down my navel to my sweet, little bounding cherry.

He raised his eyebrows up and down to show off he had won this dirty conversation considering I had gone lull. Blushing furiously, I looked away immediately and swung the end of my saree's pallu against my cheek wanting to hide their redness not liking how they revealed to Shivaay the effect he had on me.

"Fine...I am willing to try mangoes for dessert tonight. But, in order to have dessert, one must have dinner. So take me out to dinner and then get me dessert."

I gave him a wink and flipped my pallu against his face.Throwing my waves against his trembling lips, I swung them to the side to reveal my bare back that was barely tucked by my bikini top. His eyes bulged out and his mouth dropped open. He appeared to break into sweat finding himself enthralled.

Childish giggles escaped from both of our lips as he began to chase me. He continued to drool and savor my beauty. His hands reaching out to take a grasp of my waist, but failing to do such. I quickly leaned back and continued my quick pace down the sand and back towards the hotel entrance.

"Get me dinner Mr. Oberoi! Dessert can only be served after dinner..." I sung in a sweet, chirpy voice to tease him further. He grumbled in annoyance clearly impatient and wanting this formality of a date to be done quickly so we could move on to the main course of the night.

But, the thing is I want the emotions. The dance. The holding of hands. The hugs. The dates. The flowers. The fluttering kisses that cause butterflies. I want all of that. And I know I told myself I do not want all of this, but only sex, however, my heart is singing a different song. My heart is craving more of him. Craving this sacred, pure intimacy...finding it as a boon to the poison that I got from my last heartbreak.

I slowly backed away towards the entrance of the hotel. Shivaay continued to walk towards me. Our feet dipping and drowning into the sand as we stumbled towards each other finding ourselves drunk with this unknown feeling that was completely consuming our senses.

"You want dinner hm?" He leaned closely down to my ear and whispered seductively.

Biting my lip, I gave him a blushing smile finding myself overwhelmed by the intensity of his gaze that was boring right into my soul...the soul that was fluttering, jumping, and being giddish-finding itself mesmerized by him. Gosh, this is so cheesy. I have never been this cheesy before. What the hell is happening to me?

"Y-yeah. I want an actual date. Not a formality date which you are taking me on where we eat, come back to our room, and do things...I want to do everything that other couples do who go on dates. I want my favorite flowers. I want good music to which I can dance to with you. I want good delicious food that I can zest on all night-"

"Food? That I can get you right now-" He smacked his lips against my cheeks and pulled me into his arms tightly. My words turning into a muffle against his neck as I giggled finding myself tickled from his beard against the softness of my neck.

"Maybe, but I want more. I want a nice conversation where I get to know you and you get to know me. We barely know anything about each other. I want to know Shivaay not Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi, but just Shivaay...the man you really are."

"And what if you don't like the real Shivaay?" His voice cracked with fear. He paused for a second. His eyes softened for a moment. I could tell I had touched the Shivaay, his truest being, that he has submerged within himself for years and rarely let's anyone see. I could catch a glimpse of his vulnerability and that is what I want to know more about. I want to know who he truly is...because somewhere I feel that I have not seen the real Shivaay yet...the real Shivaay that may just sweep me away.

"I not only cherish a person's virtues, but also their flaws. Flaws are what make us human Shivaay and I want to see your flaws...your wounds. I want to be part of your troubles. I want to be with you through your storms. Just let me in once...please."

We found ourselves lost in each other's presence. We looked into each other's souls wanting to explore each and every part of them. For a second, I let my heart speak to Shivaay and I can tell that the rawness of its expression has cracked his glass mask and dared to breach his core. He is speechless, but touched by the thought I have expressed. He can tell I am being genuine and do not harbor any ill intentions besides his well being. It is true. That no matter what, I will always stand by him because that is how special he is to me and I do not know why, but this heart just doesn't want to let go of him.

"Let's go. This night is our night. A night that is an ode to us only."

His smiling lips captured mine as he pulled me into a soft kiss. Our lips melted against each other. His hands entwined into mine as we let our bodies merge into each other and dive into the smoldering kiss that wettened our desert hearts. We found ourselves diving into a fire of passion that was now bubbling to the surface of our souls. In this moment, we both know that we are entering a dangerous territory...a territory that may bring storms, havoc, chaos...a territory that may destroy our very being....a territory that every lover must enter. And we both know in this moment that we are daring to touch the sacred thread of love and bind our heart with it. We both know it...We both know that we are falling in love and we cannot stop even if we wish to.

Upcoming Chapter 15 (Sneak Peak)

Darkness. Something not palpable, not touched, virgin, yet enough to incite fear...fear of the unknown that we all humans foster within us. The fear of not being in control and having someone else...fate...being the ultimate determiner of it. Perhaps, why people are scared of the darkness is because in it the devil cannot implement it dirty, evil ways or the good one who just is scared of suffering more than they already have in this cruel world.

Perhaps, darkness is a threat to many, but the way I see it is that it is the path to light. It is the guiding path to the light which ultimately seals our fate.

"You okay jaan? Where have you gone lost?" The voice interrupted my thoughts and pulled me out of the darkness that I had let my mind wander into.

I softly smiled and lifted up my chin from the window of the car and looked back towards him. My heart skipping a beat. He looks like a damn vision right now. The window blew gently against his wavy hair as he formed the brightest, biggest, goofiest smile I had never scene. His cologne intoxicated me. Him in all black enticed me considering the mystery he carried by being the pure epitome of darkness...the unknown.

"Just thinking about the darkness..." I muttered nonchalantly and looked back towards the dark forest. Long majestic trees reigned above our roofless convertible that sped down the single road which continued to enter into the unknown.

"The darkness? What about it?" Shivaay more curious than ever. Considering women are always believed to see the positive side of things and rarely sullen, he definitely looks surprised that I am daring to be charmed by darkness.

"Nothing. Just that the darkness is more mystifying than the light. Its aura and mystery is so much more interesting and intriguing compared to the light. I don't know how to explain it. But, the darkness holds the key to the light. I don't know why I am saying it, but I."


Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day :). I will try to update more frequently in these upcoming two weeks :).


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