Chapter 6 Part 2 of 2: A Red Shade

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Hi everyone :) I want to begin by thanking God for giving me strength this week and helping me continue to write and I want to thank all readers each and everyone who has given so much love and support to my stories :) Thank you for reading :)

Warning: This chapter talks about traumatic childhoods-so please do not read this chapter or Shivaay and Anika's point of view in the middle on the rooftop if it causes discomfort. I tried to only use play on words to describe such, but if you want me to I can cut and censor the scene-let me know by commenting below or messaging me.

Please don't forget to read Part 1 as Part 1 sets up the turn in the story and it will help understand this part :) Thank you :)

I am so sorry for not replying to previous comments, but I got quite busy writing LTLHA and this story, but I will hopefully over this weekend because as you all know I do respond to all comments that all readers leave :)

A friendly clarification: Words from LTLHA repeat in this story because this story is aredux. Also, I purposely repeat words because I like to play with words and the words' meanings do change a few lines below or emphasize a characteristic to readers. I am so sorry I created confusion regarding this :)

I tried to make this part romantic and I really tried everyone, but as you know I think I fail at writing romance, but I tried. This story has more intimate scenes compared to LTLHA as it is based on a no strings attached relationship and more on physical attraction, so I am sorry if you don't like it, but the script demands such. If you do not like the tone and want me to cut or censor the scene then I will do such-let me know by commenting below or messaging me :)

Thank you for reading and if you liked this chapter then please do vote, comment, and share :)


Anika's Point of View

Last night drifting its way to the surface igniting a small burn at my flesh where he claimed me. My hand trailing to the side of my neck placing in an attempt to press and vanquish, the mark he laid, back inside of me in turn erasing that unusual fetish of pleasure that seemingly has wrapped itself around me, not wanting to let it go, upon realizing how he had weaved me euphoria last night...How seemingly we had gotten lost for a moment forgetting that we were stranger...forgetting our differences...and just holding on to one another as if letting go would lead to our fall.

A soft smile appearing across my lips as I felt my heat waver its way into my cheeks turning them a deep shade of red realizing how much this heart was continuing to desire to be in his want to be touched by him once want to be admired by a man like, powerful,...authoritarian without a shame...How would it feel like to be with a path like him? My soul questioned as if it desired to be drugged by his passion once more like last night...

I know this is wrong...I shouldn't be thinking or even attempting to explore this feeling knowing the consequences of it. My heart sinking down realizing how the hope it carried...of possibly indulging in a moment's pleasure...not love...but lust may not be possible knowing the raging waters and burning ashes that existed on this path. My breaths tumbling as I sighed leaning against the bathroom sink digging my fingers into the cool marble patchwork in an attempt to touch reality and daze off to illusions...mere illusions.

Anika he is thirteen years older than you...It's wrong to even think about the possibility of such...But, what's wrong?...He and you both are a legal age and why is it wrong? My ego, the pleasure seeking, part spoke immediately firing down my broad conscious that was commanding me in urgency to let go of this thought.

But, he's my father's boss. My father works for him and so does Ayaan...It's wrong to indulge in a moment of pleasure with a man who holds such command and control of my family. Papa is the only one who works at the moment considering Ma's home catering business is failing, so if I indulge in such type of fling with Shivaay then think how this might impact Papa's job...

It's wrong. All of it is wrong. What you did last night was wrong Anika...My conscious spoke while my heart faltered not being able to bear the thought of letting go of the possibility of receiving gratification and sensual desires fulfilled by him...that he seemingly satisfied last night.

Dragging my fingers underneath my eyes, I looked into my reflection finding restlessness and utter convolution cover my eyes scattering on to my face that appeared to put on a dull veil only the shades of black and white failing to color itself with vivacious shades of life...

"I don't know...I cannot pull myself away from him. He is so different...It's like I have known him since forever. He understands me in a way that no one has understood me...No one. The way he...he admires me...a dusted, barren, hallow girl...who no one looks upon fearing they would be cursed by a hex like me...The way he admires my flaws making them appear as a blessing...The way he makes me feel that I too deserve to be treated as human...I...I need that...I want that...I want more of him...Ever since I have entered this room ripping myself away from him, I cannot stop feeling his touch...his kiss...his presence...It's like he is still here..." My voice quivering not able to face the true thoughts of my soul...thoughts that expressed their hallowness gently letting me know how an unlovable like me perhaps is really not unlovable...

He just wanted a momentary fling and I gave in despite knowing the fact that he is a player because somehow I also just wanted to feel acknowledged and...admired once by someone else. I know I shouldn't feel this way...As a woman, we are taught to love ourselves and not hunt for admiration and love in others, especially men, but damn is hard to live so alone and so empty day and night amongst a crowd of people you love who seemingly never love you back not even acknowledging the wounds they have given you.

A loud knock erupting upon the bedroom door as I suddenly flinched looking back and finding Ma walking in. A scowl coming across her face as she looked at me up and down before shaking her head. "You still are not ready Anika? The photoshoot is about to start in two hours! You do know you are part of the photoshoot with the rest of the cousins and also who is going to help with getting the props ready and everything? Some of them still need painting!" She exclaimed in her usual high-pitched voice that drummed my ears wanting to kill themselves. She quickened her pace walking into the bathroom and looking at my reflection shaking her head back and forth.

A sense of confusion touching me while I looked at her reflection in the mirror not able to understand what flaw of mine was bothering her now. Clenching my teeth tightly, I attempted to hold on to my last remaining bit of patience as I dragged the romantic red shade across my lips before quickly putting the lipstick away.

"What?" My voice awakening with a slice of bluntness looking at her eyes in the mirror feeling a sense of anger upon seeing her eyes trailing up and down capturing my flaws that laid pleasantly upon me pressing and pressuring to burst the little bits of confidence I still held closely to my heart.

"I told Arti to not choose this dress since it doesn't fit your body type," She spoke as my eyes widened feeling the last bit of confidence shattering into my flesh and making it want to recoil itself and vanquish in an instant knowing it was not worthy of being loved...

Tears slowly slipping down my cheeks as memories of childhood came back...The taunts, the laughter, the cruel words...all surrounding my weight and body type...Always pushing me to be perfect...from having the ideal values, the ideal grades and education, and now so shallow that this desire for perfection has now approached what ideal body I should have according to their norms...their sick norms that give them these sick, disgusting minds...Damn I want to say all this right now, but what's the use wasting my energy in tooting a horn in front of a bull that will never change and only prey.

"You should lose some weight. I mean have you seen yourself lately?" She spoke once more as my gaze lifted looking at my reflection that screamed its grotesqueness to Ma.

My hands silently running through my curves that appeared to draw themselves out in the blush pink dress I wore which flowed down from my waist to my knees. My eyes falling on to my cleavage that peaked out from the deep cut of the dress while the thin straps barely held on to my shoulders making them look slightly flabby with the chips and cookies and a dab of ice cream I have consumed late nights when I laid with a broken heart...

I sighed realizing that indeed my weight gain was slightly showing, but so what? I mean who cares how I look like? I don't need anyone's attention...Yes I don't need anyone's attention, so why care? My ego spoke wanting to dial me away to another fantasy where I imagined myself looking like a model in this dress...vanquishing the image in front of me.

"Whatever...It's not my wedding alright? So, guide Arti on this nonsense ok?" I spoke revealing a tinge of pain her ugly words had elicited upon a battered ego I was carrying inside of me...hiding it from others who could potential use it for their own vengeance.

Ma's mouth slightly gaping appearing caught off guard from my snapped statement. Her eyebrows furrowing as a shade of red flushed across her face.

"No need to involve Arti in this matter Anika. Alright? You should grateful we are still involving you in the pre wedding shoot and brunch today considering how you misbehaved last night and created such chaos at the party," She snapped as my eyes lifted back towards her as I turned on to my heel.

My heart beginning to beat fast upon hearing her false accusation that she was still nurturing inside of her allowing it to breed her anger towards me. Not once did she care to listen to me over the fact how Ayaan and my argument was due to the fact that he was falsely accusing me of seducing he was attempting to throw his filth and muck on to the lap of my honor rubbing into it and delicately attempting to bury to its grave...

"I created the chaos? Do you even know what he said? How can you support him and not me who is your own daughter? Am I nothing to you?" My heart beginning to pound loudly while I felt a stew of ire beginning to unravel itself inside of me over the injustice that Ma was proudly pressing on to me without any regrets.

"Because he is now going to be our son-in-law ok?! We don't want to get another wedding called over like yours' due to your own fault!" Ma exclaimed spitting out her vile thoughts that immediately pierced into me tempering down to my womb where "my fault" laid.

A sense of emptiness touching me tears splattered on to its burning ashes my womb carried as I wrapped my hand across it delving into its grave knowing nothing could bloom in it except ashes...Fate blessed me with this barren womb and now all I can do is accept it...but isn't it Ayaan's fault that he forgot about all the love I laid upon him only remembering this supposed "flaw" I carry...

This isn't a flaw...but who am I to cry this tune knowing it will never break the barriers of ideals this family has cherished for generations...ideals where cuffs are placed on each flesh guiding them to the path they should follow and be on without once questioning it and contending those who have pushed you on to that path for their own selfish desires.

"Now the pre-wedding shoot is going to happen and you have to participate in it and help out as well ok? So for once be responsible and fulfill your duties as an older sister rather than throwing such tantrums! Alright?" Her command echoing loudly in the room as I stood still not saying a word knowing there was no use in resisting her as fighting with her is as if fighting with a lifeless grave upon who one can leave their griefs, but never receiving any form of healing or compassion because that person is no longer there...already escaped to its own path separate from yours'.

"And...and you never take this long to get ready...Whom are you dressing up for? Is it Mr. Oberoi?" Ma's question catching me off guard as I immediately looked at her reflection finding that obscene gaze of hers that now was laying filth one by one upon the remnants of honor and pride I still treasured carefully within me.

My cheeks heating up in an instant as I looked back at myself realizing that indeed Anika was molding herself into the shades of lust...wanting to ensure that she would catch his eyes today. It's been long since I have dressed up and somewhere when I woke up in the morning today, I felt a need to make myself look desirable to Shivaay...fearing that perhaps he too might walk away seeing the dull...pale...hallow Anika that others see.

"N-no...why would I dress up for Shivaay?" My voice a soft whisper lowering my gaze fidgeting with my fingers finding fear rumbling within me whether she would catch my secret.

"Shivaay?...Now he is just Shivaay for you?...So your Pooja massi was right in saying she saw Mr. Oberoi carrying you towards your room last night! How dare you? How dare you cross your limits?!" Her voice echoing making me flinch realizing that now her anger was crawling up her spine and ready to create havoc.

My gaze barely lifting itself up finding her fuming with the consumption of her rage seen in her blood shot eyes that dripped its red shade upon her face. "N-no...h-he was h-helping me...because of sudden pain I had in my thigh...that is all...nothing else..." My heart beginning to increase its beats not able to tolerate that its buried, dirty secret might just be lifted to the surface my mother.

No. She cannot find out at all costs what I am doing considering how conservative she is. She will not be able to bear the fact that I am indulging in an affair with Shivaay who is Papa's boss, but let alone also the fact we have an illicit affair.

Ma taking a deep breath in an attempt to keep composure, but failing not able to even handle the thought of me and Shivaay together knowing how it was against the broken ideologies of honor and virginity that she believed in and made me follow through as well.

Her hand grabbing my arm forcing me to look into her eyes that now were carrying daggers and threatening what she was capable of doing if she found the truth. My legs trembling not able to even ponder upon the idea of her capabilities.

"Anika, I am warning you if I find out that you and Mr. Oberoi are doing something that is inappropriate and challenges our family's beliefs then you will see the worst from me. Do you understand?!" Her anger coming out as a shrill from her attempting to touch the conservative beleifs she had instilled within me believing they still were living.

Family's beliefs?...What beliefs? The ones in which we accept to trade daughters as brides...the one in which I was replaced my younger sister to marry my ex fiancé?...The belief that it is fine to steal your elder sister's fiancé?...The belief that outcasts me from my family because I barren?...How can I respect these beliefs knowing they have ruined me? Never. Never. I will do what I desire and I will challenge each and every belief because these beliefs have brought my reckoning.

"Y-yes...I understand..." I spoke the lie to end the moment knowing there was no gain in further igniting it. My eyes keeping still in hers' ensuring I was in agreement...putting the mask on of the obedient daughter even though now I shall never obey them. Never.

Ma's grip loosening on my arm appearing to have fallen for my lie believing I am still that submissive Anika who would obey her. "Good...I don't want to see you near him understood? You two are both unnecessarily getting too close for comfort...The way you both danced last night at the party and then what Pooja told me...I want you to maintain distance alright? He is your father's boss and it is inappropriate to even think of such things alright?" She repeated once again as I sighed shaking my ahead pretending I understood, but knowing I didn't because I have already crossed the distance and closed it.

He is my father's boss, but that is a separate ordeal and our relationship is separate. He appears to be the one who will not mix personal and professional matters and to be honest we both are not going to get serious, so why worry about this thought?

"I am going downstairs and come fast. Also, please don't create any drama and for once try to stand straight and suck in your stomach...I was right when I told Arti to not buy these dresses knowing how they will make you look!" Ma ordered as she walked out of the bedroom once again pointing at my flaw knowing that would hit my ego and put me in a moment of daze where I will not be able to ponder over the injustices they have done nor rebel when Arti and Ayaan will mistreat me once again.

Taking a deep breath, I ran my hands through my hair before looking at my reflection finding Ma's words pressing on to my features...uplifting my flaws and giving them more gravity than they were supposed to be given. A sense of disgust touching me as I ran my fingers through my waist pinching on to it finding ugliness deeply penetrating it.

"No Anika...don't you dare cry a bloody tear for them. Do you understand?...Don't you dare let them get to you...You got this. You will now go...and be a better human. Understood? You will go now and be brave...You will go and face them with courage...Don't let them make you fall...don't let them see your weaknesses...don't let them know..." My voice attempting to grasp on to determination to stay firm on my words that I stumbled out of my mind attempting to mask a disguise that I place the moment I walk into world...knowing how if anyone see's the real me, they might just manipulate me. And so here I stand...speaking and slowly draping myself with my mask...preparing for the charade of masquerade that will now be played for the next two hours.

Shivaay's Point of View

Why is it when I moment you want to leave your past and for once change...that is the moment when you encounter a treasure that forces you to once again retrieve to that darkness that gives you pleasure...that fills that emptiness only temporarily, but enough to continue to live...?

She continues to now dance within my mind ever since I have let go of her last night...Her delicate, frail touch she would timidly lay upon me...Her shyness that she attempted to walk upon to fulfill my desires...Her sudden change from a naïve, childish woman to a deeper, reflective woman found in her words and thoughts...She herself has many shades that one cannot determine which one she will embrace any moment...

Damn I never have met a woman like her. Never.

Last night, when I was walking into darkness again...losing myself to the wounds that now lay invisible upon me which once were seen...I found her. Anika.

Anika somewhere touched me last night the way no woman has ever done before. The way without even barely touching me...she attempted to dip her hands into my demon and kiss it with her kind words...her deep reflections...gave me a calmness that I haven't felt in a long time.

The way she listened to my words not once laughing at them or finding them foolish, like other women have found in the past...she made me feel heard for the first time. She made me feel human for once...the way no one has ever done before. No one.

She is pushing me back to that cave...that cave where I do not want to go back. I had promised myself to not go back to wicked reckoning I indulged in day and night...once the guise of fatherhood touched me...But I don't know...The thought of having her...claiming torturing me and I want to get rid of it. I want to scratch this thought out of my flesh, but the moment I laid my eyes on her...she has been getting to me. And she is not like other women I have dabbed in thrills with relishing on a guilty fetish I have....she is different...she is someone I haven't met ever.

A loud shrill scream crashing my thoughts and closing them shut as I looked across the room finding the little being lifting her eyes from sleep that she finally had touched after a few days. A smile touching my lips as I immediately got up walking towards the crib before lifting her up in my arms.

" my Ira? Ira finally woke up from her little dreams...huh?" I spoke softly looking towards her finding her eyes capturing me in an instant that carried her naiveness she has had since her birth. A sense of uneasiness wrapping around my heart remembering the moment her father handed me to he laid on the bed of death begging me to take her in knowing his brother is the only one he can trust his daughter with.

My eyes falling to hers as I saw her father's resemblance upon her with the similar eyes and nose along with her hair...exactly like my Rudra...she is exactly like him and that pains the most knowing that he is gone and she is the only last memory left of him who now depends on me...She has no one except me. "Papa loves you..." I whispered to her as she began to fidget her tiny fingers on the creases of my shirt unaware of the simple words that allowed me to be wrapped around her finger.

"I love you meri jaan...Papa loves you the most ok?" I spoke once more before laying my lips against her forehead ensuring she knew she was loved and cared for.

The last few months have been difficult...I have never felt so heavy...It's like a dark ugly sharded piece is now laying on my heart not allowing me to breathe...reminding me how a part of it has died...a part I nurtured with my own hands...brought it to life...and helped to brother...Rudra. I miss him. Sometimes I wish I can turn back time and tell him how much I loved him which I never did when he was here. Not once. I always ensured he was happy and each and every will and desire of his was fulfilled, but what I failed at was in showing him how as an elder brother I cared for him and loved him...I even failed to be with him when he needed me the most...I don't deserve to be called a brother after how I failed to comfort my brother when he needed me the most.

"Shivaay beta..." My eyes lifting up as I felt a tear slip down my cheek realizing that tears indeed had tempted themselves out of the dying part of my heart which was failing to heal, but only withering away each and every day.

"Y-yes daadi," My voice croaking barely escaping the tears that I was begging to hold onto not letting anyone know that somewhere I was losing my strength that has allowed me to live. My eyes lowering to Ira who laid in silence against my heart like she always did...seemingly lost in her own world ever since she was born. It's a rarity to catch her smile...somewhere she can feel the emptiness of her mother and her father who no longer are here for her. I wish I can fill this emptiness of hers'...give her the happiness...the smile that she rightfully deserves.

"How is Ira now? Did she finally sleep now?" Daadi questioned as I nodded looking back towards her while she smiled before taking her from my arms.

"She fell asleep last night thankfully..." I spoke before looking away and wiping another tear ensuring she would not see them considering she herself has weakened to her own circumstantial health suffering from a failing heart herself.

"Shivaay beta are you ok?...Look how many times do I tell you that what happened to Rudra was not your fault. It was fate," She spoke as I felt her frail hand touch my shoulder in an attempt to engrave her version of the truth.

Memories flashing in my mind reminding me of the night he was lurking towards death allowing it to dance in that hospital room where he was taking his last breaths. His eyes latched to Ira who barely was one months old finding herself unaware of the fact how after losing a mother, she was also about to lose her father. Shivaay bhai please promise me that you will take care of my Ira...please...I beg of you...Please give her the family she deserves...the father and the mother she deserves...Promise me you will give her both...Promise me you will not be her father, but also give her a mother...Promise me...

My lips beginning to quiver as I bit into them remembering how his hand slipped away from mine not once allowing himself to hear "I love you..."...a phrase I never spoke to him...a phrase I wish I spoke to him.

"I...That is w-what you b-believe in daadi...b-but...we b-both know...that I failed as brother...I always fulfilled his desires and will...but...I failed to give him the love that he deserved as a brother..."

Tears clasping on to my cheeks as I closed my eyes shut not wanting to remember the times when I would fail to provide him comfort or encourage him when he would face his failures.

"I failed to even join him in his happiness...He didn't deserve this from me. He didn't deserve to be wrenched from our bond...I was the one who walked away...I was the one who decided to devalue him and everyone else by giving consideration to myself and my own desires....I gave preference to the idea of success by making money and solidifying power rather than focusing on building a stronger bond with my brother..."

"Shivaay beta don't say that...You loved Rudra and all of us...I know it. You worked so hard to fulfill your father's dream by taking the reigns of the empire when it was about to go bankrupt...I have seen you work day and night to resurrect your father's dream that once got buried under the ground... You gave Rudra everything he ever wanted and needed...You were like his father and great father to be exact," She spoke in an attempt to make me believe in the delusion she was living in...a mere delusion that I shall never believe.

A smile reaching my lips as I shook my head before looking towards Ira who laid in silence appearing to search for happiness, but failing to find it once again knowing it was not something that could touch upon her. Nothing can replace a mother's love for her...not even me.

"Father?...I couldn't even be a brother and I was a father to Rudra?...How? I failed to be for him when he needed me the most daadi. We grew far apart to a point that I didn't even know he had cancer until he was admitted to the hospital...I didn't even know I was going to be an uncle until I went to visit him and found Bhavya was expecting...I don't even know how long he was struggling daadi. Can you believe it? I didn't even know that. And you are calling me a father to him well look at me now... I am once again failing to be a father...Ever since she was born, she rarely has smiled...rarely. She is not like other children daadi and you know it as well!"

"Well get married and bring a mother to her... She needs a mother's love!"Daadi exclaimed as I closed my eyes shut immediately finding her words as a pestering leech that now was crawling into me making me feel revulsive upon the gutting thought of committing myself to a woman...bringing her to my home...allowing her to live with me and leech on to me and force me into accepting her as my wife...A woman who would be like the one who ruined my father's life...that woman who people say is my mother...but to me she is a hex that only brought our ruining...our downfall...How can I allow a woman to enter my life who would once again uproot our family?...No. Never. Never.

"Daadi, I am going to go get breakfast..." I muttered quickly grabbing my phone and putting on my watch knowing I was in no mood to discuss this topic. Anger tipping into me as I felt my gut churn its course and flip flop immediately not able to bear the thought of commitment knowing how it is a mere illusion that delusional people fall into believing marriage and true love exist.

The truth is marriage and true love do not exist...only fools believe in such and commit to such façade.

"Shivaay beta...why are you like this? This is such an important topic and here you are again diverting it...You made a promise to Rudra to get Ira a you remember that?" Her words speaking the bitter truth that swiveled its way into my heart where the promise barely breathed its beats finding itself encaged in a battle of scars where it learned that true love doesn't exist...scars that are barely healing and continuing to burn and ignite from memories that reminded it that indeed true love doesn't exist.

Sighing, I looked towards her hope in her eyes that I might agree due to the promise. "Daadi...I know...I made a promise to him, but then...he will understand why I will not be able to fulfill this wish of his...I am making this decision for my daughter Ira. Ira doesn't deserve a broken home...the way I have had one...She doesn't deserve the childhood that I got...She is precious...She is the reason why I am living...and I will not allow any harm to come near her...I will not commit to anything that may harm and destroy her happiness...depriving her of a fulfilling life that I want her to have..." I bit into the bitterness of my mouth the erupted from the piercing illusions that had broken years ago, but continued to prick upon my heart reminding me each day how I was a fool to believe my family was perfect...a fool to believe that I lived in a perfect home not tainted with vices.

Daadi shaking her head as she looked at Ira once more finding her innocence unbearable in terms of accepting my decision knowing somewhere that Ira didn't deserve this...of course she doesn't, but then she doesn't deserve a broken home...that will be worse than being deprived of a mother.

"Shivaay beta, if your childhood wasn't the best, it doesn't mean that Ira will suffer the same fate if you get married...Look I also have found a girl for you...I think she will be perfect for you and Ira. She will be the one to keep the family together...heal our family...heal Ira and...heal you...beta...she is well cultured and has good values. Also, she can be a great life partner for you and I think you may also like her as well...You know Anika, I think she is the one for you. Most importantly, Anika is great with Ira...I saw Ira smiling and laughing with her something she barely does in our presence...Ira see's a mother in her that she never has seen in any other women ever since she was born beta...Ira never has had a mother and the comfort she has with Anika is so unique and she never has been like this with anyone else. I even talked to her Nani about you and she is willing to give her hand in marriage to you and likely Anika's parents will get convinced as well..."

My eyes widening as her name sung itself as a hymn making my heart skip a sudden beat. Anika...As my wife...the thought rifting its waves through my heart making it shudder suddenly as it already was scarred by the fetish it had indulged it after long with her. The unusual pleasure found in her...a woman who was never my time. Taking in another taste of the bitter tea, I felt her phantom, virgin touch suddenly lingering across my lips. Her shyness, lingering in slews, laying near the pulse in my neck where she brushed her lips against...A shyness, a naivity...that is penetrating thorns of mania inside of me, felt in the flesh where she drained her touch...Last night when I kissed her she consumed me. She made me want to dive in her demure and relish it to feed on succor that I desire...

Anika as my wife...The thought pulling me into the depths of mind where a picture appeared to touch unusual picture phantoming itself into life where she appeared to be as my wife...wearing a sindoor in the parting of her hair...wearing a mangalsutra of my name...wearing that saree in which she would welcome me each day with that seductive smile of her she innocently plays with...The way she will be childish and bring a reckoning to our home with her unusual habits that might make me a smile...The way she will listen to me and my thoughts and give respect to them...The way she will understand that no one else can...The way she will reel me in to her allure and surrender herself to shyness...A smile touching my lips remembering last night...

No stop. Stop Shivaay. What are you thinking?! My conscious screamed as my eyes shot up choking on my tea before I immediately slammed the mug realizing how I could even dare to see Anika as my wife knowing it was not possible. Never. No. What the hell is going with me? How can I even think of marriage...knowing the consequences of it...seeing it with my own can I commit to an illusion knowing that it will break one day?

"Daadi! How could you even think about Anika and me...we are poles apart ok? She and I are widely different in who we are and where we both are in life. She is barely settling in a career and is fresh out of college while I have a well settled life. I don't think she will be able to adjust to my life because we both are in different phases ok? So, drop the idea now alright?" I noted with my voice shaking and blurting out the lie that I was speaking at the moment.

Of course, we are wide apart in our age and life experience, but oddly she appears to grasp on to me and my thoughts more easily than others, but no. I have to play this lie to avoid this commitment.

A loud knock abruptly lifting itself. "Come in!" I called out as the door opened revealing Athiya who had disappeared once again.

"Athiya where have you been? You do know you are Ira's nanny correct?...So where did you go?" I questioned feeling a tinge of anger, but attempting to keep my patience knowing she was the only one who was taking care of Ira at the moment considering I have busy in strengthening the recent solar company we have acquired and are attempting to expand in Jaipur.

"Sir sorry, but my husband's sister's daughter's wedding is coming and so I was getting a shopping list written so I could shop here..."

I attempted to take a deep breath realizing she was now beginning to ramble forgetting her responsibility once again. "Ok, ok I get it. Now can you please take Ira and get her bathed? I hope you do remember that you are here for Ira," I remarked holding on to the last bit of patience I was keeping finding Athiya showing a bit of annoyance as she rolled her eyes before taking Ira and walking out the door.

Shaking my head, I looked towards Daadi finding her at fault for this situation. "Out of all the nannies, who came to interview, you found her. She barely wants to take her responsibility! She is always on the phone or finding excuses to hand Ira over to us...What are we paying her for?!" I exclaimed realizing how much unnecessary money was being spent in paying her considering she was not even doing half of her job.

Making my way out of my room, Daadi began to follow me as we walked down the hallway towards the rooftop where breakfast was being served. Daadi raising her eyebrows appearing to find surprise in my remark

"Oh really? Shivaay...beta, she is not Ira's mother. She is an employee and I hope you understand. This is what I am trying to tell you that Ira needs a mother figure considering you are as of now at the peak of your career and need to be focused on securing Ira's future. So, it's essential she has a mother and the best choice for her would be Anika..." She began as I winced upon the thought again imagining a child herself taking care of another child remembering her childish nature...I don't know if I see Anika as Ira's mother...Anika herself is extremely naïve.

"Daadi please can we drop this topic? And what do you mean she will be a mother figure? Huh? A wife should have a career of her own and marriage shouldn't be done for one's own benefit in which one uses the other partner so they could raise your child...Anyways, dropping this issue, I want to say considering how childish Anika is, do you really think she can provide care to Ira considering how her nature is and what about values?" I questioned attempting to end the topic here.

"Beta...after getting married she will adjust to her new life... She has love for Ira. I see it the way she holds her and makes her laugh...You know why she does it and this is also a reason why I chose her because she cannot become a..."

"Daadi please stop ok? I am being serious that don't think about Anika and I like this ever again. Alright? Please..." I noted and as my gaze lifted, my feet reach an instant halt seeing the sight in front of me.

An unusual knot appearing to weave itself across my heart that began to suddenly increase its beats with that same thrill...the one felt last night...appearing to rush and surge itself into my flesh before erupting into my heart seeing the sight in front. Her long black waves lightly touching her lips as she pushed them away before swaying as she turned on her feet twirling letting her dress clung itself tightly to her gentle flesh where her delicate curves that could be seen. A shy smile touching her red lips that still were swollen from last night having been claimed by me in which I devoured myself consuming their sweetness not found in any other woman. Her brown eyes holding layers of demure and virtue mixed with a surprise of mischievousness she occasionally indulges in.

"Shivaay beta...what are you looking at?" Daadi's voice breaking my thoughts as my eyes shot back to her. An unusual smile appearing across her lips seemingly catching me glancing and admiring Anika's features.

"She is beautiful I would say and we are attending a wedding with a lot of free time... I think you should focus on this topic and consider spending time with her," Daadi remarked making my eyes widen with shock that this is the exact person who pleads to me to stop indulging in illicit affairs with women.

"Namaste daadi," Her humble voice breaking through as I looked at her walking towards us with that wide beaming smile that does wonders to me making me lose control of that fetish of lust I carry within me.

"Namaste Anika beta, how are you doing?" Daadi questioned while Anika kneeled down taking her blessings before looking towards me reflecting a sense of shyness in her eyes. Her hands trembling barely keeping composure as she appeared to be affected by my presence.

Damn it. Why she is like this? The moment I think of reigning my desire to have her, she suddenly drapes that veil of shyness that creates mystery making me want to unravel it and lead her the way to pleasure.

"I am doing good. How are you doing daadi?" She questioned pleasantly appearing to avoid looking at me with her cheeks flushing a shade of red.

"I am well beta and thank you for asking. You look absolutely beautiful today in this dress..." Daadi spoke looking back at me appearing to remind me how I had oogled her in it.

Anika letting out an awkward laugh which she always did when someone complimented her not knowing how to react in the moment...a complete opposite of women I have been with who craved to feed their ego. "Um...t-thank you...It's for the pre-wedding photo shoot actually...Um we are serving breakfast downstairs, so let me take you both there," She spoke trying to divert the topic as I slightly smiled looking at her finding myself shamelessly taking her curves in...becoming enticed by them.

"Oh yes, I will go to breakfast, but before I will go see your Nani. I will see you both later alright?" Daadi quickly ending the conversation and immediately walking away leaving the both of us alone.

"Ok, see you later daadi!" Anika called out completely clueless about how she was being potentially seen as a future daughter-in-law by Daadi.

How can Daadi even think of this possibility? After everything she has seen happen with me and seen me suffer because of my parents' broken marriage...because of that woman...who buried our family to the grave and not only that deprived me of my can she think I will respect the ideology of marriage?

Anika is a good woman that I know. I know she has a good heart and she is different from others, but I do not see myself committing to her or anyone else as a husband. I don't have the strength within me to undergo the possibility of another broken marriage...I don't think I am capable of being husband and committing to a woman because if I don't fully have my heart or belief in this illusion called marriage, I don't think I will be able to fulfill it...

Anika's Point of View

My heart continued to beat erratically finding a sense of shyness lift itself upon me not able to bear the thought of what happened last night remembering how we both had dived into the seas of he had laid his touch upon me weaved with admiration not once wavering from my ugly flaws, but instead embracing them. A flame of red catching itself on to my cheeks once again remembering how I had explored an uncharted territory where I had not gone before with anyone I had allowed to see parts of me that no one has touched let alone seen before.

A sudden force touching me as I immediately looked down finding his hand wrapping around wrists. Our eyes meting one another as once again they spoke the silence of lust they continued to carry wanting the both of us to taste it once again.

"W-what are you doing?" My voice softening somehow finding excitement in how he would treat my desires this time and fulfill them...finding my craving emptying once again and wanting more of him.

A smirk touching his lips as he immediately began to lead me down the hallway leading to the rooftop. Giggles escaping from my lips finding myself unusually giddy in his presence...perhaps wrapped with excitement over what tryst we will have now.

Turning the hallway, he immediately pushed me lightly against the wall of the rooftop entrapping me between his arms. My gaze lowering in an instant feeling a knot of nervousness form in my stomach realizing how close we both were. His body leaning forward attempting to press itself against me as I stood still crawling my fingers against the wall behind me, but barely holding on knowing I would collapse any moment under that heated, passionate, sensuous touch he would lay upon me that would make me surrender.

" want me to become crazy don't you?" His voice low and husky unknowingly hitting a beat of pleasure within me finding an unusual attraction in it.

He began to lean forward as my eyes closed shut not able to bear his heated touch that would one again touch the sheer layers of my heart that no man has touched before. "C-Crazy?...Why would I do that?" I whispered as I began to feel his lips brush lightly against my cheek enticing it wanting me to give in first while I stood still not knowing what to do.

"She questions who herself disguises daggars with her beauty that can create battles and lead many to perish over who would win her as she is that pearl found in the purest seas which give mercy to all those who sin..." His lines once again touching the chords of my heart that yearned for years to be be appreciated...hitting the drum of thirst that now wanted him in an instant to fulfill with his commanding, dominant, and sultruous touch.

My breathing becoming deeper as I wrapped my hand around my waist wanting him to devour me immediately and fulfill that empty, hallow desert. "But he doesn't know that he is the one...she has been looking for...searching for...for years...the one who would help her escape...fulfill her desires...take her to an adventure...a territory she hasn't seen, but wants to touch and taste..." My voice trembling finding myself now almost losing it and just wanting him in an instant to insert the pill of pleasure and he did.

His lips immediately taking hold of mine as my hands wrapped around him in an instant pulling him into an embrace. My lips suddenly becoming overpowered with the force of his lips that began to ravage mine feeding on to his hunger found in how he continued the kiss not once taking a breath. My back slamming against the wall with my hands trailing against his shirt finding his heart pounding loudly with exhilaration begging to have more of me. Barely holding on to the beats of our lips, I held onto the kiss wanting to consume the toxic taste that he offered finding myself relishing it as if it was needed to give me a kick.

Our lips letting go of one another as he glided them to my cheeks beginning to kiss each and every spot of it not wanting to leave one bare and deprived of his heated touch. A smile touching my lips as I wrapped my hands around his wrists finding him taking hold of my neck where he continued his tirade of hitting my sweetspots with his rugged, burning lips which knew exactly what would nourish my hunger for delight.

"I...I don't know what is going on...but I couldn't stop thinking of you...claiming me like this once again since last night..." My voice breaking apart with the truth lifting itself out of me forced by the surge of pleasure that now was escaping and erupting inside of me.

His lips loosening from my neck as he immediately looked into my eyes capturing me with his blue hues that held my reflection...appearing to encase me within them...somewhere admitting that he felt the same. "Even I don't are not like any of the women I have been with...even I want to hold you like this and not let go...Damn it, what have you done to me?" His voice appearing to keep a tone of seriousness, but failing as it instantly seduced me.

My hands immediately taking a firm hold of his cheeks claiming his lips once again letting the gesture speak knowing it was enough to let him know that better than pondering and questioning our is best to just act upon them. With quivering lips, I attempted to create my own rhythm slowly taking each and every part of his lip letting it move and up and glaze against mine gently wanting to capture each and every mysterious taste that was a symbol of his shade. I want his danger...I want his rage...I want his command...I want every piece of him not fearing it...but embracing it because somewhere I want that excitement...that exhilarating thrill of dipping into dark realms and risking everything to have him.

His hands taking a hold of my waist letting the heat enter through the silk of my dress making me slightly gasp finding himself trigger that locked box of virginity that I wanted to keep safely protected within me. "You are looking too ravishing...What sin are you intending to commit today?" He hissed letting go of my lips and immediately burying his lips into my neck.

A giggle lifting its way out of me as I wrapped my arms around his back before laying a kiss against his collarbone knowing that was his spot of pleasure. "You tell me what sin and I will commit it..." I whispered luring him in an instant as he pulled me into another kiss deepening it letting himself touch the secrets within me.

A small moan escaping from me not able to bear how he was unpeeling my shells without any shame....wanting to acknowledge all of them...knowing they were deprived of being known from others. His fingers trailing against the edge of my arm inciting goosebumps as I felt his fingers grab the end of the small strap of my dress letting it snap back....wanting to leave me craving for him to continue.

My lips continuing to pace against his wanting to fulfill my hunger completely that had arisen since last night's tryst...realizing how he was able to snarl and fulfill each and every need of mine...a need of pure sensual lust that he was able to fulfill...needs I didn't even I know had until he laid his finger upon them. His lips loosening from mine as I begged to not let go, but barely keeping hold and separating from his lips. His arms pulling me into another embrace as I felt my cheeks flush red realizing how I had draped off my shyness and walked into a pond of seduction.

"I want more too...but then...we have to keep some interest...some longing," He whispered against my ear as I sighed impatiently wanting more, but knowing he was right in keeping the romance alive with leaving certain desires unfulfilled.

"By the way...Good morning," He spoke laying a tender kiss against my cheek making me smile.

"Good morning to you too..." I spoke with my voice slightly shaky with adrenaline running its way through me from the heated moment. My head lifting up as I looked at him catching a smile that perhaps was a rarity for him.

His hair slightly disheavled considering how I had latched on to them in the moment. My fingers slowly running through them to repair the damage I had done. His smile widening with his eyes dancing with playfulness enjoying the pampering he was getting from me.

"W-what?" I questioned feeling a little nervous and awkward considering what had just happened between I completely had surrendered to him and once again allowed him to touch me in the most tender yet passionate way possible.

"Nothing...It feels odd..." He spoke looking away as my fingers continued to fix his hair finding themselves enjoying the damp, coolness of his waves that provided a sense of calm.

"What feels odd?" I questioned curiously wanting to know what he meant by his words...Did I do something wrong?

"I...Look I honestly am n-not too experienced...and I am so sorry if you felt odd because of me..." I began to ramble my trail of flaws only to have his fingers gently press against my lips making them shut.

"No...of course not. It's not feels odd because flings don't involve all of this..." His eyes appearing to question our actions as he felt as if we were crossing a boundary.

"Involve what?" Indeed, what rules do flings have that we supposedly both are breaking? I mean we are not committed...we don't love one another...

"They don't involve conversations or subtle gestures of care," His voice cracking barely able to speak the truth of the nature of our relationship.

Biting my lip, I took a step back tracing my hands down his chest not able to tolerate his lines knowing that somewhere they were true, but...but that is what has pulled me towards him...that is why I feel as if I want to continue to be in his presence because he understands me the way no one has before. I know I am being impulsive, but each and every conversation we have feels as if I have this connection with him since forever.

"Are...we going to continue to follow rules in a relationship that shouldn't even follow any type of rule? Why is it that even a nameless relationship has to follow certain boundaries?..." I questioned indeed pondering over what exists in society that truly is not bonded by any sort of norms or definitions? As humans, are we always going to let norms run our lives?

"Then let's not follow the rules...let's break these boundaries...let this just be...let's not question," Shivaay spoke with an edge of determination before pressing his lips determinedly against mine.

A smile touching me realizing that he was heeding to my desire of not wanting to follow the norms even for flings. Our soft, heated kiss sparking off my heart...letting it know that it was enamored... somehow overpowering the ones we both just indulged it mainly due to the gravity of accepting our relationship's unusual nature...accepting that indeed we enjoyed one another's company due to our thoughts and minds that appeared to run parallel and's just not the physical intimacy, but the unparalleled understanding that we both have for one another.

Footsteps suddenly appearing as my lips instantly let go of his looking back finding a shadow fall over in the distance. Curiosity hitting me as Shivaay pulled me closer continuing to lay kisses upon my neck unaware of what I had seen. "S-someone is coming...." I whispered shaking his shoulder trying to bring him to his senses appearing to now have become fully consumed with the idea of continuing our mini rendezvous.

"Listen...I am serious, someone is coming," I spoke a little louder picking his face from my shoulder taking a step away to keep our distance. Shivaay sighing loudly not finding my concern any serious.

"Shivaay beta..." My eyes widening as Shivaay went still appearing to have recognized the voice. His eyes instantly changing their shade appearing to become darker with a rush of red waving across his face indicating a demonic being lifting its veil upon him.

My head shooting back encountering a figure standing in front finding the both of us in the most intimate position possible. Shivaay's hands loosening from my waist in an instant while I took an immediate step realizing how we might just have been caught in the act.

Panic beginning to onset with my mind now suddenly hitting a loop of thoughts that were now haunting me...beginning to taunt me and remind me how now my sins were going to come and bite me now considering what I had done. Oh my God...what if my parents find out and what is Ma going to say considering she threatened me today in the morning? Damn it. I am screwed. This is it.

"There you are in another woman's arms again..." She spoke as my heart dropped in an instant with fear realizing she likely had caught our secret...had seen us in the moment we just shared. Her gaze falling towards me appearing to lay her obscene filth one by one judging me as a girl that likely spends nights with other men. My eyes lowering feeling a sense of discomfort not able to bear that look of disgust that made me feel revulsed upon being in my own skin.

Shivaay stepping in front of me to create a barrier between her and I ensuring I would not be observed with those eyes that were looking at me heinously. His fists clenching tightly as he appeared to close his anger into his palms in an attempt to seize it.

"Don't you dare say a word...Do you understand? Not a word shall be said about her. Say what you want to me. And...what the hell are you doing here? Huh! How dare you show me your filthy face?!" His voice suddenly roaring making me flinch before looking up towards him and catching a shade I hadn't encountered yet.

Shivaay disappearing with a veil of an evil apparition appearing to fall upon him. A devious ambience precuring itself around him as he began to take deep breaths with his anger now seen transforming into pure rage that began to reflect in the red hues of his flesh that now was pulsating with a need to unleash this ominous, sinister force. A shiver going down my spine not able to comprehend who I was seeing...not able to make sense which Shivaay was real as that gentle, reserved Shivaay appeared to disappear and submerge into this unusual phantom that now appeared to command him to commit sin.

Shivaay's Point of View

Screams...wails...pleas all erupting within my ears rumbling, crashing, and shattering within my soul that had endured years of that abuse...the pain of the bruises still apparent rushing through my flesh before incising into my heart where once a love for a woman who I called my mother had met its death burying itself into the graves from where relationships never return.

My hand immediately taking a hold of Anika's as if attempting to hold on to reality not able to bear that in this moment I may just lose myself once again...lose myself to that manic that was now screaming within me pushing me to commit sin and take hold of that woman who once took advantage of my feeble, weak nature and physically bruised each and every part of me seeing me as an object upon whom she could unleash her frustrations and anger from the world.

Now here this woman she dares to stand in front of me and look me in the eyes without once feeling shame over what she had done to me...over how she snatched my humanity making me become a creature that even I don't want to look at.

"What are you doing here?...How dare you even think about approaching me?" My voice barely running through me as I kept my teeth clenched tightly before tightening my grip on Anika's hand ensuring she would be here to pull me back to reality...someone who I can trust at the moment who would be able to not allow me to lose myself to that dark realm that I do not want to touch.

"What do you mean? I am your mother...I have a right to meet you," She spoke as she took a step forward towards me putting on a mask of innocence that she usually did for the entire world to fool them and loot them...the way she has done before.

A smirk catching me as I bit my lip realizing I was holding on to tears that were not scraping from the wounds she herself had given me. "M-mother?...You?...No. You are not my mother. You are no one to me. You are just Mrs. Pinky Saxena the wife of Mr. Rakesh Saxena. That is what you are...Do you understand? Next time, don't you dare even walk into my presence! Do you understand?!" My voice suddenly erupting with that child within me was now yelling...that child who endured her vicious hands that would lay their miseries upon it.

Anika appearing to shake finding herself unfamiliar with this side of me considering she had not seen it yet...this side that everyone else has become a victim to except her. My eyes lifting towards her as she appeared to tremble in fear from the creature I had I had fallen back into its clutches...once again losing the human within me.

"Oh really?! How can you change the fact that I am your mother! Huh! How can you change the fact that my blood too runs within you?...This is your father's fault...He is the reason why you are like this...He is the one who poisoned your mind against me!...Probably he was out for vengeance against me, so he thought why not turn you against me!"

"Shut up! Don't you dare talk about my father! Do you understand? He never spoke ill about you despite how you left him for the sake of money!...He never poisoned me against was you! It was your bloody actions that made me turn against you! It was all you! Get the hell out of here! Get out!"

My body suddenly lunging forward reaching out towards her as I heard a scream behind me. A sudden force wrapping itself around my waist pulling me back not wanting me to fall to that sinister being that somewhere still was embracing me.

"No! Please!" Her feeble voice catching on to me as I immediately turned around finding her eyes now full of tears not able to bear this side of me...wanting to hold on to the Shivaay that somewhere gave her comfort...comforted that loneliness in which she had drowned herself for ages.

Silence suddenly falling on the screaming child within me...the child that was pushing me to commit another sin...that child that was who laid in the corner after bearing the brunt...the anger of that woman who claims to be my mother.

Without any hesitation, my arms wrapped around Anika pulling her into my comfort as she began to cry appearing to have been affected by the if she had experienced it before somewhere else in another place. Her hands taking hold of my waist finding me as her protector as she began to whimper.

"A-Anika...are you okay?" I questioned with my voice appearing to soften finding itself relieved from that rage it had carried moments ago. My hand running through her hair attempting to calm her down, but failing as she held on to me.

"Wah! Wah beta...talking to your own mother in such a tone and daring to embarrass her like this, but comforting this girl so lovingly! Who is she by the way? Huh? Is she another girl you have begun your philandering ways with?!" She questioned as I clenched my hand tightly wanting to lay my woes, but knowing Anika clearly had become frightened by seeing me like this.

How dare she speak of Anika in such a manner? How dare she indirectly question her character? How dare she question her considering who she is as a person? "Don't you dare say a word against her! Don't you dare...Never lay your vice upon her...If you have a problem with me then deal it with me!...If you think I will weaken before you or surrender to you then you are mistaken...The Shivaay you knew has died years ago. This Shivaay will never...ever...allow you to come close to me or those who...who are important to me. Now...if you go out and speak a word against her...Anika...then you will see the worst of me! I will malign you and your reputation in public...I will remind the world what a cheap, despicable woman you are...I will malign your reputation again reminding them how you are not the good being you portray yourself by soliciting and doing charity, but the woman who scams others and has made her living off of scamming and being a golddigger along with...with sleeping with...!"

"Shivaay!" Her voice rumbling not able to tolerate the truth...her truth that she had buried in her past...burying it with her bare hands thinking that no one could resurrect it...well she is wrong. I will resurrect it once again.

A wide smirk touching me with laughter erupting from me finding satisfaction in how I had incited fear in the very woman who once haunted me...who once created this exact fear within me. Her eyes widening as they held tears...tears of fear that she might lose the empire she had built with her own empire based on a lie that she was a good human being who had become a victim to a bad marriage and then got divorced to marry that Rakesh Saxena...Well she shall fear now because I...the witness of her truth...might just display it to the world.

Snapping my finger, I pointed it towards her. "Before you open that mouth of yours' spit your filth on me or Anika...look at yourself first...look at your deeds...look at your sins...and remember that I might just reveal them...I might just do that...Papa never did it because he loved you madly even despite the fact you treated him...but I...I am not Papa...I will never be like him. Never. So, don't think you can play mind games or manipulate me because that won't happen. You are a filthy...disgusting woman and that is what your worth is in my eyes...and that is the lowest, tiniest respect I have for you...It's not only that you disrespected my father with your deeds, but also what you did to when you walk out and dare to even say a word against Anika, me, or anyone else that I...I care for know that I will follow you and I will go after you...even till your grave if I have to...." My voice hissing the threat knowing I was capable of doing many things...many things that I myself have done in the past who have dared to come in my path and ruin me.

Her lips trembling with tears slipping down her cheeks realizing she was being defeated in the moment...her ego taking a hit knowing that she was losing it...losing herself to her son who once she beat mercilessly...

"Have some fear of God!" She screamed as Anika jerked back having found herself calming down from her tears, but still fearing the situation not able to handle the havoc.

A smirk touching my lips as I looked up. "I do have fear of God...I do fear Him...and no one besides God can ruin one besides God can bring Shivaay Singh Oberoi's one...No one has been made to bring me down...or dare to even lay a finger upon me...Only God can do that...only Him and I will allow Him to because He created me...but He will allow me to do justice one day...He will give me justice for what you have done..."

Silence hitting her as she stood still with a sense of shock touching down upon her not able to digest the bitter truth that indeed she may have to face God for her sins one day...that one day justice would be done...and that day would be her end.

But until her end comes, I will extend her place in hell upon here on Earth and ensure she lives in misery...because that is what she deserves. My eyes lifting up finding her invisible not wanting to even be in her presence that made me feel revulsed.

Without saying another word, I slipped my hand into Anika's walking past her not once looking back knowing I had spoken what I needed to...spoken the lines of that child who had suffered due to her. I am not that child no longer...No. The Shivaay that I was has long been gone...long what you see is a creature that was spawned from that Shivaay who only knows how to to lust upon to ensure he incites fear and command so no one will dare to touch him...He does not follow rules...He does not follow society...He does not follow the ideologies of relationships...He does not follow illusions...especially illusions of love.

Anika's Point of View

Loud cries continuing to erupt within me...screams calling out...reaching into my soul that was whimpering not wanting to be reminded of what had happened to it...not wanting to remember those days when...when my own parents would scream their evil and physically hit the edges of my flesh...It was many years ago when I was younger, but still somehow it has scarred my brain and I can let go of it...Whenever, someone fights or screams in such a manner, I kind of go into panic fearing something wrong might happen or someone might be harmed...the way I was. It's unusual, yet normal I have heard...a product of being grown up in an abusive home.

Shivaay wrapping his arm around my shoulder once again before placing a tender kiss on my forehead ensuring I was in my senses. "A-anika...are you ok? What happened?" His voice now calm and composed unlike the way it had suddenly roared over there full of rage and viciousness as if he might just commit a heinous act.

She is his mother...and yet they both were conversing as if they hadn't seen one another in long. Shivaay appeared to accuse her of doing misdeeds and wronging his father and him. Perhaps, what triggered Shivaay's anger were the memories of the deeds he saw reflected within her. I should ask him, but then...I might overstep his privacy because he deserves a right to it...

My eyes lifting up meeting his that appeared to wander with an unusual panic looking at me up and down ensuring I was feeling better...a complete contrast to the one I had encountered moments ago. Indeed, those were correct who said he has anger issues and goes into moments of rage just now found...Indeed he also is a player...But then...why does it matter to me? He is human. Each and every human has a flaw like I do. He doesn't deserve to be judged upon because of a least I will never judge him.

"Anika...I...I didn't mean to get you involved in that mess...Are you okay now?" He questioned once more as we made our way towards the elevators.

Smiling weakly, I wrapped my hand around his waist letting my fingers rub it letting him know I am there to listen if he wanted to tell me anything. "I...I am feeling better. Sorry...I kind of panic whenever there are situations like just happens sometimes. Are you okay?" I spoke softly knowing I might upset him by reminding him of what had happened.

Shivaay's lips pursing together as he looked away pressing the button on the elevator keeping his silence not interested in talking about the topic. My gaze lowering as I looked around seeing no one was around likely downstairs for breakfast and the pre-wedding photoshoot that was about to happen soon.

A soft brush touching my cheek as my eyes widened caught off guard from the delicate kiss that had just touched them. His lips once again pressing against a tear that had lifted itself out of my eye wanting to make it his. My eyes meeting his as they stood still upon my tears that now were drying and meeting their end...He appeared to ensure that they had met their ending not wanting them to touch me once again. His palm brushing against my cheeks as he rubbed away the tears making me shiver not able to bear the heat of his palm. A smile touching me as the elevator doors appeared to open and he led me into it.

As the doors closed, I immediately wrapped my arms around him pulling him into a hug knowing he was in the need of one. His body stiffening bewildered upon my gesture, but appearing to accept it as his arms wrapped around me. His lips burying into my neck as I smiled finding my heart dropping its beats...a layer of protection wrapping around it remembering how today its honor...its respect was protected for the first time...How a man...a man I haven't known for long...stood up for me even against his own blood...My mind going back to how Shivaay warned his mother to not talk ill about me or tells others that she had seen us together...No one has ever done this for me. No one...My own family dishonored me by their acceptance of Arti and Ayaan's marriage...Ayaan dishonored me by breaking our engagement...but this man...Shivaay...he stood by me today not once walking away and abandoning me...

"Thank you...You don't know what you have done today...But for me it is a big thank you..." I whispered before laying a kiss against his heart letting it know that it shall continue to do good and not allow itself to be clawed by malicious beings like had happened moments ago.

"Anika...what do you mean? What have I done?" He appeared confused not able to understand as I slightly smiled looking up into is eyes that held my reflection upon which he appeared to drape it with respect...respect for my honor.

"The best thing is that you don't know what it is because for is part of your rules in is basic human dignity you have...but believe me what you have done is not what everyone does..." I spoke as I placed my palm gently against his cheek rubbing it before standing up on my toes and softly kissing his lips letting the sweetness and bitterness of ourselves to merge. His lips pressing tightly against mine lifting their remnants of anger against it wanting to drop it and replace it with calm. A smile touching me as I pressed my lips harder letting him know the amount of sheer happiness and pride that was running through me at the moment for what he had done.

Letting the silence dance, I immediately let go letting the kiss linger before wrapping my arms around him again. "I am always here for you...I will not question you what happened moments ago because I respect you..., but if you ever feel the need to unburden yourself then know I am here to listen and keep your secret safe with me...because the way you stood up for me today shows me that you have a good heart and that you are a good man," I spoke once again with my voice holding a louder tempo ensuring they would reach him.

His hands immediately pulling me tightly against his chest letting the heat of our bodies press against one another begging us to continue and lay into another moment of passion like had happened previously, but indeed we couldn't knowing we had to keep a certain limit to the hunger for delight and pleasure we both carried within us.

The elevator doors opening as we let go in an instant knowing nobody could see us like this...knowing that this is a secret we shall both keep between the both of us. Shivaay following me out as we both kept a smile that continued to play across our lips finding ourselves comforted by each other's presence despite not tangibly or physically holding on to each other. My eyes lifting towards Shivaay's which appeared to have submerged the darkness they held now only having remnants of solace in them...a sudden change indicating how he molded himself into different hues each and every moment.

"Anika..." His voice getting my attention as I looked at him waiting to hear what he had to say.

" are a good person...Always stay like this and never change. Always stay true to this unique...beautiful self you carry within you..." He spoke softly finding himself captured by the flaw, dulled nature I had...My gaze lowering in an instant not able to tolerate the flattery as I am highly aware that I am definitely not unique nor beautiful.

"S-stop...please...I don't deserve these words," I whispered as Shivaay sighed lightly brushing his hand against mine making it flinch reminding it of those trysts of passion we both had indulged in where deeper layers of mine were touched by him letting them know that they were loved.

"And the best thing is that you are completely unaware of it...always putting yourself down and failing to see that truly are different and better than likely anyone I have met..." Shivaay's voice appearing to hold pride as I looked up meeting his eyes which held appreciation for me...letting me know that my flaws were perhaps my strengths.

I smiled as I bit my lip looking away towards the lawn where large breakfast tables were arranged for guests. "Thank you...thank you for making me feel human," I spoke noticing Shivaay giving me a small smile. Life appearing to enter the dead soul I carried realizing that it has been long since its death and now should crack through the grave making its way back to the world that had abandoned it long ago.

We kept our silence making our way to the breakfast table where both of our families were sitting appearing to disguise ourselves as strangers not wanting anyone to get a hint about the secret, romantic rendezvous we had indulged in multiple times. A giggle escaping from me as I hid it behind the tips of my fingers before looking at Shivaay playfully who appeared clueless not able to gauge on to why I was giggling for no reason.

"Good morning Mr. Oberoi! We were all waiting for you," Papa spoke a little more cheerfully than he usually is indicating how he was putting on the mask of pleasantry to get on Shivaay's good side and get that promotion he eagerly is waiting to get.

Shivaay appearing to submerge his smile replacing it with a stern look while his eyes continued to show some form of liveliness when they looked back towards me.

"Here come sit," Ayaan spoke with a fake politeness as he got up from the chair at the center of table to let him sit at.

The level of fakeness this family has is truly something to be applauded about. All I remember is Papa and Ayaan always complaining and growling over Shivaay's annoying work habits and how he continuously piled them with work and urgent deadlines. Indeed, the words they chose to describe their disdain for Shivaay indicated very little respect and here they are faking their way through it.

"Anika, what are you still doing here? You do know you have to prepare the props for the pre-wedding photoshoot!" Ma exclaimed as Arti snickered sitting next to her enjoying me being called out by the rest of the family.

My eyes wandering to Albeli and Natasha sitting at the breakfast table and gorging their breakfast with their parents, Chachu and Chachi as well. Chachu and Chachi are letting them eat before sending them off to prepare the props for the photoshoot as they too are involved in it.

"Of course Anika...I mean the least you can do is to go help with getting the props ready. We still need that heart to be painted and considering you know painting, it would be nice you go and help." Arti's dictating tone propelling a layer of anger within me not liking the fact how she had the audacity to order me around considering what she had done...

No Anika. Arti is still your sister and you are older than her. It is your duty to still help her and bid her adieu to her in laws...You have to be the mature one and handle this situation in such a manner. "Yeah I know my duty Arti and I was actually on my way to help..."I muttered slowly turning on to my feet, but only to pause as Shivaay took a step in front of me blocking my way.

Confusion setting in as I looked at him trying to catch upon the reason why he had stopped me. "Anika...come have breakfast with me," He appeared to not request, but imply a sense of authority.

"Beta...she needs to go help with the photoshoot," Ma intervened once again as Shivaay looked up towards her with a sense of annoyance reaching his eyes not finding himself fond of my mother.

"She deserves to eat at least as all of you are also eating and I am sure the entire photoshoot doesn't depend on Anika only. I mean all of you must be involved was well right? I mean the bride and the groom who are doing the photoshoot at still eating their way not once concerned that the props for their photoshoot are not ready yet. So, why should Anika take all the burden and stress as this is not her wedding...Am I right Anika?" Shivaay hitting each and every voice of disapproval as a smile appeared across me finding myself quite stunned by the fact how he had just shut my entire family down.

His hand wrapping around me back pushing me lightly and making me walk towards the table where he grabbed an empty seat and placed it next to his. "Come Anika, sit down now," His voice holding command as I stood still not able to believe what he was he was somehow fighting for a simple right that everyone else had not given me...How last night at the party, they all had told me to take the backseat and not once include me in the festivities let alone let me sit at their table.

My heart skipping a beat finding the level of respect unbearable since it had been long that it had been respected in such a manner. Shivaay grabbing my wrist and pulling me down on to the chair before taking the seat next to me.

My eyes lifting towards my family who appeared to be astonished from what was happening between the both of us. Arti scowling me not able to bear how somehow I was sitting at the head of the table on an equal level as her. Ayaan throwing daggars one by one at me finding his suspicions to be true that I may be charming Shivaay like he had claimed last night before we broke into an argument.

Awkwardness setting in as I felt my face turn red not able to bear the attention and interest I was getting at the moment over why Shivaay was showing this level of concern and care for me considering we both were strangers in their eyes.

" Anika...go ahead eat," Ma said with her teeth gritted tightly clearly upset from the fact that her wish had been defied by me.

"Y-yes...Mr. Oberoi is correct that Anika should join us. Let's all just have breakfast quickly so we can proceed with the photoshoot," Papa said trying to uplift the sheer awkward moment.

Shivaay's hand sliding to mine that laid on my lap as my eyes widened finding his hand rubbing mine gently, but in a very seductive way. Matching his gaze, I found him smirking before giving me a wink indicating that indeed he was in a mood of seduction. A smile appearing across my lips as I shook my head looking at the large choice of breakfast at the table not knowing what to eat.

"Eat something do you want eggs?" Shivaay spoke grabbing a plate of scrambled eggs as I immediately found myself nauseous looking at them.

" thank you. Eggs make me feel sick when I eat them," I remarked with Ma's eyes shoot ingup giving me a glare not amused by how I was declining Shivaay.

" you want toast?" He questioned as he grabbed French toast placing it on my plate as I bit my lip knowing I hated it as well.

Nothing is here of my liking. I hate eggs...and I hate toast...and cereal. I just want my paratha and yogurt...nothing else...I thought mentally while chewing on my toast not liking it one bit, but finding it as pure ash that created bitterness.

My eyes going back to Shivaay who began to eat in silence, but still finding comfort in his presence realizing how it has been long since someone has shown this level of concern for me. It's been long since I have been included and acknowledged with importance...It's been long...since I have felt that I actually am a living being who deserves some respect. Indeed, the biggest cause of my glee is how he seemingly and subtly let my parents become aware of how they are treating me with a level of unfairness...I know why they were not letting me sit at the breakfast table...They don't want me to be near Ayaan and Arti as they feel I might do something to ruin their wedding...They don't want other relatives to question me in their presence why Ayaan and my engagement got broken...They want me to be here to show to the rest of the family and guests that we are united as a family and I am accepting of Ayaan and Arti's wedding...but if they had it in their hands and honor and reputation didn't matter then I would've been completely isolated by now which I almost am at the moment.

"Good morning everybody!" A squeaky voice erupting as I looked up realizing it was Priyanka making her way towards us before pulling Arti into a tight hug.

"And how is my best friend doing? You are looking amazing in your outfit for the photoshoot!" Priyanka exclaimed before taking a seat next to her and looking towards Shivaay.

Curiosity touching me as I looked at Shivaay whose expression immediately flattened not finding himself exceptionally happy upon seeing Priyanka. "Good morning Shivaay bhai," Priyanka remarked with my eyes widening in an instant realizing what I forgot to connect.

Crap, Priyanka is Gauri's, my cousin, sister-in-law meaning she is Om's sister and also...Shivaay's sister...What the hell? My eyes widening as I looked at the pip squeak Priyanka realizing how that unusually cheerful, yet spoiled soul was this man's sister...How? I mean both of them are so different I thought looking at Shivaay who continued to eat with a stern expression not once letting it go while Priyanka continued to blabber and gossip with Arti. One of them must have been dropped at birth...they both are so different except for some features that are alike between the two.

"Waise, hi Anika, how are you doing?" Priyanka questioned clearly not interested, but doing it for cordiality.

Let's just say despite Priyanka being Arti's best friend, Priyanka and I are just strangers. We never have shown any interest in one another and frankly I feel Priyanka really doesn't like me and that could be because of Arti rubbing off her negativity on her letting her to form a perspective towards me that is likely unfavorable.

"G-good. I am good. How are you?" I questioned as Priyanka smiled.

"Well, you know. The usual...I mean I just have set up doing my own designer shoe label and it is going great. I mean I have realized there is a whole different world to shoes..." And Priyanka went on rambling like she always did into clichés and talking about her luxurious life that she lived in. Wait...she lived in because of her stepfather which means Shivaay has a stepfather?

My eyes moving back to Shivaay realizing why he likely was upset with his mother as he did mention her marriage to another man...No wonder he may have a disliking for his mother since he likely doesn't approve of what had happened. A pange like feeling hitting my heart finding a sense of discomfort upon pondering how Shivaay might have dealt with this situation realizing he likely was struggling with it.

"Waise, Anika...please eat quickly as you need to do the props. I mean you already have a good enough weight on you really want to become more overweight?" Arti remarked breaking my thoughts as I immediately looked at her.

My mouth gaping open not able to believe what she had just said in front of front of Shivaay. Anger in an instant dropping down on me realizing how Arti had unraveled my flaw in front of our entire family not once thinking...Or is she thinking?...Is she embarrassing me on purpose? Is she doing it to feed her ego?

The leeches of anger embroiled with badgers of rage now posing a toxic mix within me beginning to swirl around not letting me breathe, but taunting me...telling me how feeble and weak I am in not being able to stand up for myself...telling me to say something...telling me that enough is enough. My feet jumping up as I slammed my hand loudly against the table with my heart beginning to pound loudly as I leaned towards her.

"What did you say?" My teeth clenching tightly as I looked into her eyes finding mischief in it while she leaned back and smiled.

"It the truth...right Ma? I mean everyone can see how you are barely breathing in that dress. We all can tell you've gained weight due to your own glutton ways and now look you are being a glutton again by eating breakfast! I mean I think you should hold down on the food," Arti remarked as Albeli and Natasha broke into giggles not able to bear her words that appeared funny to them.

My feet stumbling back not able to hold on to the words she had delicately pierced through my fat flesh and into my ugly soul letting it know that indeed what a hideous being I was...a being that shouldn't even be called a human. My eyes moving towards Ayaan who let out a chuckle finding himself enjoying the moment of my shame that was being brought upon me. Tracing my hand across my waist, I lightly pinched it knowing indeed how I had transformed myself into a hideous individual due to this man and this woman who both were laughing at me. Tears touching me as I immediately began to walk wanting to escape from the moment realizing by now everyone was laughing at me.

"Anika! Anika!" Shivaay's voice calling after me as I continued to increase my pace with tears now spilling down my cheeks feeling a fat, plump pig dancing upon my head taunting me and making growling sounds reminding me who I truly indeed ugly...grisly...and unsightly I Shivaay had likely just lied to me...indeed...I am not beautiful...I am just...I don't even think I am human now when I look at myself...I don't even think I deserve to be called human...I am just a fat blob that everyone looks at to amuse themselves with....Indeed that is why I am unlovable...that is why I am unloved....that is why I will continued to not be loved.

Shivaay's Point of View

Anger now boiling within me now once again walking upon my heart before pushing it to not keep my silence, but rise and silence the taunting low lives who were laughing and continuing to joke sinfully not once letting any ounce of kindness touch them.

"Oh shut up! Will all of you?!" My voice somehow calling out each and every individual as I slammed my hand against the table looking towards all of them especially Arti who had dared to break such a complete lie in a form of a joke towards her own sister.

"Mr. Oberoi...w-what happened?" My eyes falling towards Ayaan who appeared to purposely play off a lack of awareness over what they had done.

Clenching my jaw tightly, I attempted to hold that lurking raged beast, but failing to hold it as I slammed my hand against the table.

"What happened?! What kind of sick joke did you all make towards Anika? Huh! What kind of disgusting joke was that? I did not find any amusement in it for your kind information... She ran away and you all are laughing as if it's normal..." Anger now trembling within me remembering how Anika had tears in her eyes before she ran away with a sense of shame found within her...a self-hatred seen in her if she was accepting the lie that Arti had spewed.

Everyone appearing to become suddenly quiet as they looked towards me not able to understand what was wrong and still reflecting a justification of their actions.

"Beta, you don't know...Anika has always been a little sensitive and dramatic, so she will be fine. Arti was just joking," Anika's father claiming to justify himself as I furrowed my eyebrows shaking my head back and forth before grabbing Anika's plate and beginning to put a pile of fruits and bagel on it knowing she was likely hungry at this point.

" all will give preference to one daughter's personality than the other meaning that you all will accept Arti's unusual humor while not accept Anika's sensitive and so-called dramatic nature?...I mean you will accept your younger daughter disrespecting her elder sister in front of everyone?" I questioned looking directly towards Anika's parents wanting to figure what kind of unequal, discriminatory parental system both of them were running.

"Um...n-no's nothing like that..." Anika's mother barely letting her voice out finding a sense of shame knowing she might be wrongly treating Anika.

"Well...I guess you all should reconsider what human decency is for the matter of fact. Look, I have no interest to meddle in your family matters, but I am supporting Anika on the basic level of human respect for her...I think you all should perhaps look into what the word respect means...because clearly I don't see it in your eyes for her," I declared as I grabbed Anika's plate and walked away knowing I would not be able to breathe if I continued to sit amongst these low lives who are just pure sick people...

Anika's parents are abusive. It is clear...I know it because I see those same, sinister, vileness in their eyes that I have seen...seen in that Pinky Saxena's eyes who claims to be my mother. The blatant way Anika's parents are condoning Arti's inappropriate and clearly heinous behavior indicates that somewhere they are giving preference to Arti over Anika...The way her mother slapped Anika in front of everyone and me indicates they are abusive towards her and somehow Anika is tolerating it and not speaking against it...I don't know what she is made of...The level of acceptance she has for such is indeed peculiar...But maybe she is not accepting of it, but just respecting her parents considering the values she likely has been brought up with which has convoluted her idea of what is wrong and right...

Either way, I am going to go find her and stand by her because I know she has definitely been hurt by their words...completely useless and sickening words.

Anika's Point of View

A small smile appearing across my lips as I let out a small giggle before picking up the small bundle of innocence and placing her in my lap wrapping her tiny fingers into my the palm of my hand.

"Aww...aren't you cute meri jaan...Hm?...Aren't you a little cutie," I cooed as my voice lifted her hazel eyes that took hold of me reflecting her entire world that she laid in those precious eyes...a world free of knowledge about the cruelty, selfishness, and vices that it carried...

A light butterfly bumbling its way into my heart as I realized the innocent blessing that laid in my lap...a blessing offering me an escape from the filth I swallowed and clung myself into every day...A small smile appearing across my lips as I ran my hand through the waves of her hair as she laid her head against me.

"Baah...baah!" She screamed reaching out for the small paintbrush I held in my hand. A giggle slipping out of me as I looked at her pouting her lips appearing giving a small appeal to hold it.

" Ira wants to paint!" I exclaimed tapping the brush on her nose inciting a smile from her as she closed her eyes shut.

"Iru...wants to be a painter? Hm!" I cooed as I touched the brush against her cheeks while she began to giggle loudly running it against the chimes of naivity she held...untouched by cruelty.

My hand wrapping around her tightly as my heart fluttered finding a layer of jubiliation that it had been suppressed for a while. Tears now had dried upon my cheeks finding myself forgetting about the momentary laughter and taunting that had touched me...Arti's mocking voice and everyone's amusing, sinister smiles and laugh upon her joke disappearing...Seemingly the moment Ira was placed in my lap, I somehow had let go of my own thought and feelings finding myself charmed with her... Indeed, I have always kept my distance from children since I found out I cannot have any knowing that becoming attached to them will make the wound slit on my womb much harder to heal as it would crave for wanting such a precious blessing, but I don't know...what it is, but Ira is drawing me to her initiating and touching the feelings of motherhood that I do not want...knowing motherhood is not written in my fate.

However, the way she smiles and giggles innocently unaware of the revolting and yet despicable world around her is catching to me...wanting me to continue to shower my love upon her because somewhere she is making me aware that perhaps I should not let them affect me, but focus on my own happiness just like this little child was doing.

"Anika beta, what are you doing?" My thoughts escaping as I came back to reality finding Nani standing in front of me appearing curious as Shivaay's daadi appeared to approach us as well appearing confused looking towards me and then Ira.

A weak smile appearing across my lips as I picked up Ira and laid her against my shoulder. "Um...actually...Athiya had to make a call to her kids, so she asked me if I could hold her for a while," I noted as I looked across the lawn towards Athiya, Ira's nanny, having a loud, creative conversation on the phone appearing a little frustrated at the moment seen how she seemingly handed me Ira without even asking me and walking away.

I mean I should mind Athiya's slight irresponsibility, but then I don't mind spending time with Ira since she seemingly is the only one who lifted my spirits today that were scarred by the vices of my own mother.

"Acha...well be careful ok?" Nani said sternly appearing worried how I child myself would be taking care of another one. Nani...always the stern and stoic one. I feel she is out for me at times from ordering me around to always telling me how to behave and what girls my age should be like...Indeed, she is like Ma, but a lighter version of her, so I can bear her.

Feeling a warm touch against my shoulder, I lowered my gaze finding her tiny hands brushing lightly against the ruffles on the strap of my dress appearing dazed by their intricate design that she likely was not introduced to before...A smile appearing across her lips as she looked up at me and babbled a word in her language...thinking I would understand. A small giggle erupting from me as she looked down at the strap again...Maybe she is admiring it? I thought as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Arre, why are you worrying? Look, my Ira is so happy with Anika...You know I haven't seen her smile like this before," Daadi said as I looked up at her finding a delicate smile across her lipscomforted to see Ira indulging in bliss...something it appears she hasn't touched for a while.

"Waise...Anika you truly are a natural with Ira. You know our Ira doesn't like people easily, just like Shivaay," Daadi noted letting out a small chuckle as my heart skipped a beat in an instant hearing his name...

A smile touching my lips remembering how indeed I not only have caught Ira's heart, but perhaps Shivaay's...Remembering how Shivaay has claimed me many times since last night...admiring me...laying his delicate, yet passionate touch and kisses upon me wanting to cherish every bit of me...ensuring I was cared for...and comforted...

"Anika once Athiya takes her back, please finish painting the heart so we could take it to the pre-wedding photoshoot," Nani spoke as I sighed shaking my head before my gaze lowered to the wooden heart in front of me that remained half painted in a dark shade of red.

Grazing my hand against the cold wood, I realized how much it represented love. How once this wood breathed air giving life to others, but now itself had languished to its own misgivings...failing to realize how it was fed on to its life before sacrificed just like my love was.

I felt a small slap on my shoulder as I immediately looked down realizing someone was trying to gain my attention. A smile lifting across my lips seemingly taking away the miserious thoughts I held as she took me away from them.

"Now someone wants attention huh?" I whispered while Ira giggled grabbing on to the paint brush in my hand pulling it lightly towards her. A teasing smile touching her as she pulled it while I held on to it tightly finding a sense of playfulness in the tug of war we were in.

"Nah!" She screamed loudly pouting her lips as a giggle slipped through me seeing her stubbornness coming to the surface similar to her father of course...the one and only Shivaay Singh Oberoi considering how he was not leaving me alone last night...

A flame of red appearing across my cheeks realizing what I had unintentionally thought remembering how indeed he did not leave me alone last night...His immaculate kisses appearing to still linger and trail where they had been laid upon by the fire of pleasure that reaped itself inside of him under the waves of alcohol that had consumed him...Perhaps, it was the alcohol speaking inside of him last night...why would he find such interest in me? I mean there are plenty more beautiful women he can lay his pleasure upon.

"She lays in silence...lays in thought...Thinking when her lover would come so he could once again lead her escape..." My eyes immediately lifting up as I caught my culprit, the one who induced the fetish of pleasure, stand in front of me lifting my heart with his words knowing how it would be enticed.

A soft smile appearing across my lips as I looked at him trailing my eyes from his lips to the tones of his neck where I shamelessly had laid my touch without fear...fear of consequences...only wanting the drug of pleasure.

His lips lifting up from the soberness they held shuffling to a teasing smile knowing the seduction it held...knowing how my mind worked as it is coxed by danger...baited by toxicity. He is toxic. He indulges in flings and pleasure at nights...and yet somehow he knows I like it. He knows he can bewitch me with his flaws because as a flawed person, I want to be mended by danger.

"He will help her escape, but to only fall into a cave of sin," The thought slipping through my lips unraveling the secret craving that I held where I was absolutely smitten by the rebellious nature he holds under the layers of dynamite he has.

Shivaay's smile widening appearing amused by the play of words we both were indulging in realizing he found someone almost equivalent to him in this realm of words he uses to lure souls into lust.

"You know...your daughter is here, so...I think you should be careful with your words," I whispered softly as my gaze lowered looking at Ira who appeared lost in the paintbrush she held in her hand waving it up and down trying to get to the mystery of what its purpose was.

"Acha? I should be careful? She's only seven months old," He argued immediately kneeling down on the grass looking towards me capturing my gaze appearing to tease it with mischievousness that scattered across his demeanor.

A giggle escaping from my lips as I rolled my eyes moving Ira towards him initiating her to look at him. Ira slipping out a soft smile while she looked at Shivaay appearing captivated by her father bringing to the surface how attached she might be to him.

"I brought you your breakfast," Shivaay spoke dragging a plate of food towards me reminding me of what happened moments ago at the breakfast table. My gaze lowering towards my flab finding revulsed by it and questioning whether indeed Arti's words may have been true.

"You are beautiful Anika...don't let words affect you...The beauty you carry cannot be competed by any other woman...Your soul...its naivity, its genuity, its good-willed nature is your ornament...You don't need to dress up or plaster your skin with various shades to look beautiful and I mean it..." His words twisting on to my delusion forcing me to somewhere believe in them...finding a solace in his lines that perhaps I am not that hideous that others perceive me to be.

"She is the definition of beauty...She glides with a pure mind...She holds a heart that only knows sacrifice...She is a gem that only few can have...She is the envy of others...and indeed she holds a beauty that can give mercy to even the ones who have made the gravest sins..." A smile touching my lips hearing his poetic lines once again coloring me with love...a love for me...a love that I should perhaps give myself and upon myself knowing that I too should love myself.

Shivaay holding out a bagel for me as I looked up at him finding a wide smile knowing he had won my heart. Ira reaching out for the bagel hoping to eat it as I giggled taking a bite of the bagel before she could have it and kissing her forehead lovingly finding her adorable.

"I love her...she is too charming," I noted giggling as I kissed her cheek one more time while she gave me a wide grin before looking back towards her father.

"Baah...Baah!" She called out towards him wanting him to hold her. Shivaay smiling as he grabbed a hold of her pulling her out of my grasp and laying her on to his shoulder. Her tiny hand immediately wrapping around his finger appearing to bring a sense of succor reflected in his eyes that glistened.

"Now isn't she trying to be Galileo?" He said trailing the paintbrush out of his hand.

My eyes widening as a chuckle slipped from me. "Galileo?! What? He was an astronomer!" I exclaimed as I began to giggle clasping my hand against my lips. Shivaay's smile dropping in an instant with a tinge of embarrassment appearing in his eyes realizing his mistake beginning to chew on his lips trying to figure a way of proving me wrong.

"Never throw smartness at a history major," I spoke proudly waving my knowledge as Shivaay raised his eyebrow appearing surprised by my statement.

"You? A history major?" He questioned barely able to crack the thought of imagining me dwelling into books in silence...I get it. I always get that look when I declare my college degree since after all I bore upon a disguise of childishness...After all, the world of books, especially the arts, is deemed to be where everyone shall remain serious, nuanced, and aloof, so why shall a callow young woman like me be part of this cliché.

Flashing a prideful smile, in the fact of capturing his surprise, I grabbed a large paintbrush and dipped it into the gallon of red paint before smearing it on the lifeless wood in front of me piercing a sense of illusion on to it letting it know to mask itself with ardor.

"Why? Young woman cannot be in the arts? Only older men and women, who are more experienced in realms of life, allowed to indulge and touch the seams of writing, painting, and sculpting? Only they are allowed to mold their dreams not young women like me?" I questioned as I layered the paint across the heart remembering moments indeed when I have been questioned by other clichés of society on my need to break the boundaries...moments when my questioning has been deflected by their close mindedness, their opinions based on convenience, not willing to hear me...not allowing me to question norms...well I shall question norms...I shall.

My eyes lifting up capturing his blue hues that held a sense of thrill inside of them...a sense of excitement upon hearing my words...Close mindedness...conservativeness not even daring to lay its finger upon them.

A beaming smile slipping across his lips as he laid Ira in his lap looking at her and then me.

"You...are different...One moment respecting and subliming to your elders and the conservative layers they carry, but then in the other questioning them...You are many layers that I want to explore," He whispered as my gaze lowered in an instant feeling his words laying a veil of demure upon me...hearing his admiration....realizing how he caught hold of two layers of conflict I currently wrangle in...knowing that I have to survive on conservative values, that my own blood has established since my birth, while also nurturing a deep desire of wanting to escape from these values...wanting to give them up completely and paint my own own beliefs...

"No women I have met has spoken like this do you know that?...I admire the fact that you are attempting to live in your family in such a manner, for matters of respect, while nurturing such liberal causes of nature," He spoke crashing my thoughts touching the tones of my core where I hid such conflict. A sense of shock lifting into me as I immediately looked up at him realizing how he, a complete stranger, read me so easily...reached my depths that even my family has neglected to realize.

A soft smile touching my lips realizing for the first time how someone had actually given value to my words. Words that I seemingly screamed when arguing with my parents over their restrictions and rules that capture me in their home...words that were only met with their overbearing attitudes that flicked me off with ignorance as if I didn't exist.

"Why? Why is it expected that women like me who come from conservative homes are thought to not bundle their own dreams within their hearts? Why are women like us expected to not be liberal? Within each home lives a woman who wants to rebel...who questions the fabric of norms...and is just waiting...waiting for the moment to escape..." My voice drowning away as I found my thoughts dazing into the red shade of paint that spilled over the heart in front of me just like veils of norms scattered across it...not allowing it to mold its own dreams to life...just like me...just like how my life is.

" are looking for an escape?" Shivaay's voice breaking my thoughts as I immediately looked up towards him finding his eyes softening appearing to lower his barriers, that held that stoic demeanor of his, replacing it with a desire to wrap his comfort around me.

Comfort...that is new. An unknown feeling that perhaps never has dared to touch me. It feels odd to be listened to for once...Sometimes I find myself screaming alone into the mirror and letting my tears loose knowing that at least the mirror would least it will provide some soothing to my reflection that would breathe its complaints upon it.

Tears appearing to crack into my eyes as I remembered those nights of vulnerabilities when I would crash and fall...and only wrap my arms around me with no one there. "Escape...?...What escape can one have who has never even learned to walk...?...What will be the use of that escape if they never even learned how to live?" My voice hitting a crack as I bit my lip attempting to smile, but failing utterly at it while I lowered my face into the heart beginning to rift my the paintbrush back and forth allowing that hidden rage within me to shatter and spill on the art... letting the strands of hair fall wanting to hide the fact that I am a vulnerable being...knowing that the cruel world would take advantage of it...everyone is selfish. Everyone.

"Anika..." His voice appearing to break giving into a softness that tricked on his tune. My gaze kept lowered as I continued to paint wanting to submerge myself into it...dive into the momentary illusion it provided that everything was ok...that I am not alone...that it's ok if I am alone...It will be fine.

A firm grasp appearing to wrap around my wrist putting my brush to a stop and grasping on to my attention that was now running and falling wanting to break away from the clout of memories...the shackles...the baseless ideologies that continued to crawl within me which controlled each and every thought of mine...each and every action which forced me to be not the person that I want to be.

My hand appearing to wrangle, struggling and wanting continue to devour itself into the loneliness that it had now embraced evidently seen in how it continued to lay it through the wrangles of frustration found on the canvas in front of me on which I laid the scars I faced too on my heart. "Let go...Please..." I whispered biting into my tears trying to snatch my hand out of his, but failing as he tightened his grasp upon my wrist forcing my pulse to bulge and throb against his fingertips...revealing the anger that now was trembling through me with memories flashing in an instant.

"There is no use to lay anger on lifeless things Anika...objects do not speak the truths of the world...They just listen and buffer your frustrations which is all that they can do..." He whispered tenderly as my gaze lifted up letting my tears escape which I was holding on to vigorously...praying they wouldn't reveal the plea for help that I treasure within me. A plea that my heart continues to scream, but failing to let it drum against others...knowing know one would listen.

" least listen...Humans cannot even dare to do that. We humans are too lost in our own desires to once even stop and listen to anyone comfort console them...It is a foreign language in today's time...At least objects hear you...feel you...console you...When one is alone...then these objects are the ones that come forth and wrap their arms around one..." I sighed as I turned my eyes meeting his that appeared to reach a standstill finding them at a words appearing to lead a sense of pondering as he appeared to tune out reality trying to figure their meaning.

My eyes lowering towards Ira who laid her head in silence against his chest appearing to catch on to the unusual air that now surrounded us which was lowering itself and making us feel a tinge of reality...a bitter reality we lived in or perhaps only I lived in. A reality in which I was alone...I am alone...despite the surface screaming that I have a "Loving family" one knowing the bitter truth of it...a family that has failed to ever realize my dreams and hopes, but only appearing to shackle me.

"At least now you know what kind of a woman you don't want your daughter to be like...Don't even allow your daughter to be like me...Let her free...Let her live...Let her know she is loved..." I whispered barely holding my tears as Shivaay's gaze lifted once again tracing his eyes upon the tears that now subtly slipped out of my eyes.

Our eyes unraveling a series of stories we both held...stories perhaps we wanted to tell one another...dwell into the injustices perhaps laid upon our dreams...broken threads of our hearts that were inflicted by others...a shattering of our souls that we both faced...I can tell he has his story...I could tell by seeing his eyes moisten which have dared to only keep a veil of darkness upon it...He has layers...I can see it now. I can feel it in the way he his breaths are tumbling as he wraps his arm around his daughter tightly before looking at her realizing how indeed she may be vulnerable to the chains of society that she may become bonded with...chains of norms and ideologies...that may tie her freedom and her will...thorns she will be made to walk upon to show her love for others, but not herself...Indeed, she may not be loved...just like me.

I am not loved. No one loves me. No one. I am just a mere symbol of someone's home...nothing else. A symbol anyone can pride upon or pierce their pins that mark flaws...that is all I am. That is all I am.

A sudden cry erupting as I immediately looked at the precious being who began to wail hitting her hand against her father's chest trying to thread him back to reality. "Come here...It's ok...Papa is here for you, " He gently spoke to her immediately wrapping her into his arms finding the need to protect her.

Slightly smiling I looked at the both of them finding that pure father and daughter's love for one another seen in how Shivaay looked at Ira as if she was a treasure he will cherish forever, but also give her the life that perhaps I never had...I can tell he is a good father the way he is adoring her and letting her know that she is loved...Letting her know that she took deserves love...

My hand sliding against the wooden heart as suddenly it slipped with a force pulling me in...attracting my flesh...which immediately collapsed against it letting the red, cool paint merge in an instant against my skin. The paint tracing its smooth self down my skin molding it from my neck and down to my legs as my eyes widened realizing what just had happened.

"Anika! Are you ok?!" Shivaay exclaiming moving a step closer towards me as I laid in silence upon the heart that now had completely drenched me with paint. A tearing sound escaping from dress as my eyes widened realizing I had torn the cloth upon my waist...the same waist that had been attacked for its gluttony.

"Arre...what happened?! Oh ho, your dress is gone for sure...I mean you should've been careful!" Athiya exclaimed walking towards us wanting to know more of the drama that just taken place.

My cheeks turning red like a solid tomato with heat beginning to burn upon them as shame began to play its horn making me remember that indeed Anika finally had committed another blunder of hers'...the famous one in which I ruin everything except this time it is my dress.

"Stop doing your nonsense will you Athiya? Here take Ira away with you," Shivaay remanded her as I sighed closing my eyes shut clenching my hands tightly while I continued to lay on the heart realizing how screwed I am at the moment. The moment Arti see's my dress like this, she will loose it considering I am part of the photoshoot...Oh my God and what will Ma say?...Fear touching me and scraping its way through me with laughter telling me that indeed once again I shall face another dose of humiliation...Guilt chipping in as well considering how I am ruining such an important day for Arti...My heart dropping and skipping not wanting to hear the tunes of embarrassment that will fall upon it.

"What the hell?! What have you done Anika?!" The voice of the devil scorching loudly making itself aware that is was a witness to the misdeed I had just committed. My eyes lifting up finding Arti, Ayaan, and Ma pacing their way towards me bringing the demon of anger with them to ensure that I shall not be spared today.

" let me help you," Shivaay spoke softly kneeling down and wrapping his hand around my bare waist becoming aware the cloth had slightly ripped. Tears touching me with fear dropping as I looked towards Shivaay finding his eyes attempting to assure me that nothing will happen completely unaware that indeed the chords of rage will be struck.

His hand taking a firm grasp of the bare skin on my a sudden shiver went down my spine not able to bear the heat of his hand seeping through it. Helping me gather strength, he lifted me up on to my feet letting the paint drain through the complete left side of my body barely scraping the edges of my face that were spared along with my leg as well. The victims were definitely my neck and my arm along with my entire waist.

"What the hell did you do? How could you do this to me?!" Arti exclaimed now blowing up her horns readying to put on the vicious mask of a wretch. Her eyes boiling red as she began to tremble looking at me up and down.

"Forget about her... Look at the heart!" Ayaan called to her attention as I immediately looked down seeing the heart had borne its cracks due to my fall. Uneasiness tailing into me not able to confide to the idea how I was the reason for ruining Arti's photoshoot considering the heart was a big component of it.

" could you do this? Did you do this on purpose?...Is this what you are going to resort to now?" Ma questioned with anger stretching thin in her voice as she looked towards me with an accusing look.

The ground beneath me recoiling not able to handle the accusation that now was being laid upon me. My body going still as I felt a sense of shock not able to bear the thought that what I was thinking at the moment could be true...that perhaps my own mother...was accusing me of wanting to take revenge from my sister...How could she? How could she say such?

Arti suddenly breaking into wails as she clasped her head against Ayaan's shoulder before screaming her wretched words towards me. "Of course she will! I told you Anika wants to ruin our happiness...She appeared to agree to our marriage proposal, but she obviously was bitter and unaccepting of it which had led her to resort to such ways of ruining the wedding for me...She is a jealous, ominous hex! Of course she will be vengeful considering Ayaan left her to marry me, but that isn't my fault! It isn't my fault Ayaan broke his engagement with her and chose me! Obviously she has a flaw which led to their fallout not because of me!"

A lull piercing my heart as I became still hearing how she had elegantly slit each and every remaining honor I had kept within by one...maligning it and molding it with her obscenity...her lies...her complete lies while also maligning my empty, barren womb appearing to blame it as the reason for my miseries...Her not admitting once that all of this was her fault...that she was the reason that my love met its death.

"Indeed, you are correct Arti...She is out to avenge us...Of course she would! Women like her would who are layered with hideous flaws like she has...My mother was right in saying she will bring her bad, ominous luck to our wedding and look she did!" Ayaan screaming his hatred for me breaking the last shards of love I was holding on to an instant poisoning the bits of love that I still had for him...letting it know that today it shall die.

Silence holding on to me while I stood still not uttering a word...not finding the strength to knowing it was no use in fighting a battle as I already had lost the war...the war of love that I had endearingly taken part in.

A warm fabric lifting itself upon me as I looked up finding Shivaay placing his collared shirt upon me letting my arms slip into them while wearing a thin, loose t-shirt himself...allowing himself to bear the cold while ensuring I would stay in comfort...ensuring my honor would be protected that has revealed itself in the ripped dress that exposed a delicate part of my body...

My tears meeting his gaze with his eyes appearing to darken once again with that sudden arousal of the demonic phantom within him found in the shades of red now swirling in his eyes. Shivaay escaping from his body as the sinister apparition appeared to now dance upon his head igniting his anger.

"Enough! How dare you? How dare you all accuse Anika of disturbing your peace?! Huh! And hearing the truth of you both...I am absolutely appalled that you both still have the guts to look at Anika and meet her eyes and continue to accuse her of doing deeds that she never has done! She is not a hex...if she was then by now she would have burned down your castle that you both formed upon her love!...And Ayaan are sickening to be honest...I mean...I never thought you would drop this low and leave one sister for the other! I mean that is revulsive and what is more disgusting is that instead of begging Anika for an apology, you stand here continuing to burn her with your crude lies!" Shivaay roared and his arm wrapped around me pulling me into his protection ensuring that today I shall not be alone, but be protected...that I shall not stand alone, but be supported and held by him.

"You do not know anything about her! Don't you see how she stooped low today to ruin her own sister's wedding?! This is who she is and I cannot believe I gave birth to a daughter like her!" Mom wailed with anger finally snapping our bond making me realize that indeed I was a regret...a mistake...that truly no one loved me.

Her words not hurting me...not paining me...but subtly letting me know that what I had believed in for long was true...that indeed I am alone...and will be alone.

"H-how can you say that? She's your daughter! Anika would never stoop this low and I am a witness that all of this was an accident...She slipped and fell over the heart...that is all nothing else!...So understand that she is not whom you all are projecting her to be!" Shivaay argued wanting to advocate for my truth, but unaware that truth is never heard in this family...truth is something that forever shall never be accepted and only be seen as a lie.

"Oh please! Spare us...we know how she is and considering how she ruined the party yesterday, lost our money, and then now did such deed...I now know her intentions and now until the wedding ends, she is barred from taking part in any arrangements. She can come to the festivities, but shall never be allowed to take part in the wedding arrangements!" Ma declared as my eyes widened feeling a sense of shock touch me not able to comprehend what she declared...How can she just throw me out of the wedding? How can she just in an instant claim that I have been purposely ruining the festivities? How dare she? How dare she say such about me? Why is she not believing me?

"Ma...let's go! Let's just go now!" Arti continuing to cry as she grabbed Ma's arm pulling her towards her ensuring Ma would hold on to her and not latch on to me...that she shall be seen as her daughter and not I.

Shivaay's hand tightening its grip upon my shoulder not moving an inch letting me know that even this time he shall stand by me. "Fine...if that is you want then fine," He spoke on behalf me knowing I was going to accept Ma's decision since after all why would I be part of arranging this wedding knowing that I am not welcomed...knowing how I am seen as a poisonous thorn who is out to avenge them...Indeed, why shall I help them knowing they will only harm me?

They walked away leaving us alone...leaving me alone...not once thinking how in an instant they had abandoned me...the one who always has loved all of them...the one who has sacrificed her own happiness...her own desires for them...The one who always has been there for them now abandoned and not once looked back upon.

We walked in silence into the haveli as I let tears trace their way down my cheeks not able to bear the thought of how without any hesitation my own blood had laid their traces malign upon me...accusing me of being someone who I wasn't...laying their misconceptions and lies upon me...engraving it into my soul letting it lose the last ticks of honor and cracking the last bits of dignity that I carried within me.

Shivaay's arm wrapped around my shoulder as he appeared to lightly drag me ensuring I would continue to walk despite wanting the need to give up and forever go still...My feet stumbling against the ground while I made my way into the elevator letting my tears to be the only sound.

"Anika...where is the key to your room?" Shivaay questioned as I lowered my gaze reaching into the pocket of my dress, but not finding the key. Sighing, I closed my eyes realizing the key must've dropped in the lawn when I had fallen.

"What's wrong?" He spoke softly rubbing my shoulder attempting to give me a sense of calmness while I bit my lips feeling tears now about to once again erupt knowing how I had completely lost myself I ruined every single thing without any shame to it.

"I...I think the key fell out of my pocket on the lawn when I got that fall..." I mumbled feeling tears trailing down my cheeks.

"O-okay...that's alright...Here let me take you to my room for now and we will get you a replacement key later ok?" Without thinking of the thought how I was about to go into his room, I obliged realizing that in this this time, perhaps, the only person I can trust is Shivaay...that in this moment I need him when I feel like I am losing myself...losing myself to the wild, vicious demon that is taunting me and making me want to slip into those erratic thoughts of wanting to avenge each and every individual that has wronged me.

Shivaay leading me down the hall and opening the door to his room as he led me into it before closing the door shut behind us. My gaze lowering feeling awkward and a bit shy considering how I was standing room at the moment not able to comprehend if what I had done was wrong or right, but knowing I was safe with him remembering how he had stood up for me outside in front of my family.

"Here let me help you to get to the bathroom..." He said softly wrapping my hand around my waist leading me towards the bathroom.

A layer of demure slipping on to me as I stepped into the large bathroom making my way towards the sink finding my reflection in the mirror only to be caught off guard my image finding the red paint dragging and shattering itself across the side of my cheek and down to my arm wanting to paint me as the person my family had claimed me to be downstairs...vicious...wicked...a hex.

My gaze lowering falling on to my barren womb realizing how it was continuing to be cursed by everyone...making it the victim and the reason why my life had fallen apart...ensuring I was to be blamed for my miseries and not the cruel, selfish deeds that they had committed.

A tender touch brushing against my waist making it tighten immediately not able to bear the brutal yet enticing rub that began to move back and forth on the bare skin exposed from my ripped dress. My eyes lifting up barely finding his reflection in the mirror in front of me as he appeared to admire my waist...finding himself intrigued by it.

"S-Shivaay..." His name for the time escaping from my lips and catching his heart as he looked up into my reflection finding seduction in the tone of my voice. His hand reaching forward pressing his chest against my back as I closed my eyes slightly not able to bear the heat of flesh rubbing against mine.

The faucet turning on as steam lifted its way up from the water a clear symbol of the warmth of pleasure that now was arousing its way inside of me. His hand dampening the towel underneath it as he immediately twisted my waist forcing me to look into his eyes that now were on a path of alluring me.

Tears breaking through my heart where a withered love for Ayaan was now fully meeting his death remembering how much ill he spoke of me he forgot each and every sacrifice and love I had endowed upon him in an today he even let go of his respect for me...Shame wrapping its creases around my heart not able to tolerate the fact how I had loved a man like him.

Water trailing down my neck as I felt his fingers rub against my neck forcing the paint off with the towel before beginning to rub his own palm against it letting it move up and down slowly appearing to incite the sensual pleasure that was locked tightly within me.

"W-what are you doing?" My voice barely holding strength as I lowered my head finding him lean closer...closing the gap between us.

"Her tears were like coal...they appeared like coal to many...and yet they turned into fire the moment she learned that tears shall never be shed for the miserable cruel creatures that walk on this earth...Her tears are not worth for them...They are not worth her tears...And once she realizes...she will reign them...she will command them...she will be the woman who will finally learn then how to live..." His lines closing shut with his lips pressing against my cheeks consuming my tears as he began to layer them with kisses...wanting to heal the wounds of the heart that were reflecting their burns and sheer pain from the tears that laid on my cheeks.

" the numbing dose to your pain and be the one to erase it..." He whispered as I met his eyes that were begging me to give in and allow him to take over me and lead me the escape from the fragile, feeble life that I was living at the moment...a life that now was strangling me and not allowing my heart to even beat.

His hand tracing the towel lightly down my shoulder rubbing off the paint once again before tracing it down my heart as I gasped finding his fingers brushing for a brief moment there...feeling my heart beating fast at the moment with thrill and excitement...begging to be healed by the lone man who ever was able to touch it... His hand proceeding down to the edges of my bare waist. Ponds of pleasure now igniting within me as his hand let the towel wrap around my waist wanting to ensure that I would be accepting of his touch that may follow.

I stood in silence letting him touch me knowing in this moment that I needed it the most...that his touch may offer an escape from the lonely gallows where I tend to always live in...gallows where no one comes to embrace me, but to only taunt me.

Leaning forward, I lowered my lips before molding them against his neck firmly taking a hold of it and letting him know that I wanted more at the moment...that I wanted him to fill the jug of emptiness with moments of pleasure that he may offer. His hands taking hold of my waist as he picked me up putting me on to the counter of the sink.

My eyes meeting his revealing my tears to him in the shape of how empty I felt at the moment...revealing my dying heart and love to him...letting him know that how life was slipping away from me at the moment.

"H-how can even take me in? I...I don't deserve you...I don't deserve a-anyone...N-no one...Truly...I one...D-didn't you hear how cursed I am? D-didn't you hear I am a hex? D-didn't you hear that I am woman out for vengeance?...I am ugly...hideous...I...I am unlovable..." My voice breaking out in wails as he immediately pulled me into an embrace allowing me to lay my tears on his heart.

"No...don't you dare ever say you are unlovable...You are a beautiful, brave woman...People may see you as weak, but you are brave for even tolerating this injustice...for being able to come to this wedding and see your love get married to another woman...who is your sister...No one can do this Anika...No one...Only beautiful, pure beings like you can do such and those are rare...You are a gem...I was right the moment I called you a noor...You are a noor...And I am lucky to even hold you in this moment..." His words softening my pain...gently rubbing on my wounds and forcing them to retrieve as he calmed my wrangling soul that was begging to go, but now appearing to hold on upon hearing that perhaps it is not that ghastly after all.

His arms loosening from me as he slipped his shirt off of my shoulder before taking hold of it letting the dried paint latch on to his lips not once revulsed, but relishing upon it. My eyes closing shut feeling goosebumps erupt across my skin as he began to tenderly lay his passion upon my the nape of my neck sucking on to its dullness...savoring its boring taste finding an unusual delight in it. Sliding his fingers through the strap of my dress, he pulled it down before sinking his teeth into it and engraving his name into it letting it know that now my wounds shall only be healed by a man like who is him.

Biting my lip, I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him closer begging him to continue to fill the box of lust within me that was craving for more delight and more pleasure. My hands dragging down his neck painting it with red before layering it down to his shirt letting it seep through his chest wanting to touch the bare tones of it.

His hand entangling into the waves of my hair forcing me to look into his eyes that now were ignited with a deep thirst to have layer me with only his touch...wanting me to only be claimed by him and no other man. "Today...I will make you forget that betrayer...and only remember me...only Shivaay...from now on...only Shivaay will be the hymn that your heart will sing..."

A smile touching my lips as I heard the words of hope from him...hope that indeed I will forget my betrayer...hope that the betrayer forever shall be erased from my heart and be claimed by a man like him...a man who cares for me...who supports me...who protects me...

His lips grabbing a hold of mine introducing an exotic tinge of tenderness mixed with the bitterness of paint that was stuck to both of our lips. My lower lip sucking on to his as it trembled against the heat of his mouth that molded on to mine before tightening its grasp. Our hands clumsingly dragging against one another not able to bear the sparks of passion that were continuing to burst and ignite as we moved together in a rhythm wanting to lose ourselves in it. Gravity of our hearts pulling away letting them fall and drop with beats jumping, flying, and scattering as I held on to his neck pulling him closer finding his fingers linger against my bare waist once again wanting to see more of it....wanting to appreciate the bare tones I kept under wraps not having it revealed to anyone else.

Our lips loosening as we gasped for breaths, but failing finding ourselves winded with the moment only wanting more of one another and only each other. His hands immediately dragging off his shirt from my shoulders as a giggle escaped from his urgent desire to have me seeing him begging to want more of me...a taste of me.

"Why are you like this?...How is it possible that despite living so many years, no one knows me the way you do....It's like we have this connection not found anywhere...not felt in anyone...You understand me the way no one does..." My voice low and soft ensuring he would hear me as he looked into my eyes not having an answer to it, but appearing to feel the same way.

"I...I don't know...I myself don't know why I am feeling this way towards you...why I suddenly have this need to be with you...It feels wrong to impulsively jump and dive into one another like this knowing we are almost yet still strangers...but I want you...I don't know what...but I just feel the need to have you..." His voice rough and husky further enticing the drums of sensuality within me as I immediately pressed my lips against his pulling him into another kiss dragging my sticky, painted hands against his neck coloring him with my shade of red.

Our lips beginning to devour one another as we pressed and folded into each other exploring one another's mysteries...wanting to unlayer them one by one. My legs slipping off the counter sink with him grabbing hold of my cheeks pushing me back wanting to guide me to a different place. His hands grabbing a hold of my waist while he began to once again lead his lips down to the red hues of my cheeks zesting on them with our legs stumbling out into the bedroom.

A chuckle escaping from him while I smiled leading him out before continuing to enjoy the fruits of desire that were enough of pleasing the hunger we held for one another. My legs hitting the bed and letting my balance derail as I pulled him down with me grabbing a hold of his lips once again attempting to catch on to their pace that was continuing to increase clearly leading me into the next step. Our bodies molding and entwining with one another as if they found a missing part of one another that they were searching for long with heat of our flesh merging into one and further steaming our desires to have one touch the innocent secrets we have wrapped within us.

"Make me forget myself...give me the escape that I am looking for..." My voice begging him as I grabbed hold of his head letting it burying into the layers of my neck finding his hands slipping the straps of my dress off before entwining his hand into mine.

"Then let me offer the escape..." He whispered in a husky voice before grabbing a hold of my lips and leading them to the rivers of pleasure...rivers I have yet to explore.


What do you think just happened at the end of the chapter?

Coming up: Motorcycle date for Shivika :)

Warning: This chapter talks about traumatic childhoods-so please do not read if it causes discomfort. I tried to only use play on words to describe such, but if you want me to I can cut and censor the scene-let me know by commenting below or messaging me.

I am so sorry for not replying to previous comments, but I got quite busy writing LTLHA and this story, but I will hopefully over this weekend because as you all know I do respond to all comments that all readers leave :)

A friendly clarification: Words from LTLHA repeat in this story because this story is a redux. Also, I purposely repeat words because I like to play with words and the words' meanings do change a few lines below or emphasize a characteristic to readers. I am so sorry I created confusion regarding this :)

I tried to make this part romantic and I really tried everyone, but as you know I think I fail at writing romance, but I tried. This story has more intimate scenes compared to LTLHA as it is based on a no strings attached relationship and more on physical attraction, so I am sorry if you don't like it, but the script demands such. If you want me to I can cut and censor the scene-let me know by commenting below or messaging me.

Thank you for reading and if you liked this chapter then please do vote, comment, and share :)

Thank you and God bless.



What do you think just happened at the end of the chapter? Are you comfortable with the level of romance or do you want me to tone it down?

Also, the relationship between Shivika appears to speed up, but no such isn't the case as they have a long journey ahead in this story and quite a long journey since you know from the slow pace of LTLHA :)

Similarities between this story and LTLHA are present in this chapter because this story is a redux version of LTLHA so both of them are connected and linked to one another :)

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