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"I hate her," Juniper collapsed on the bed with a loud sigh, arms and legs spread in a starfish position.

Rory put a hand up in solidarity from where she was reading, "Trust me, the feeling's fucking mutual."

"I mean, I really hate her." Juniper repeated, rolling over to her stomach. She had a headache the size of Texas, and was entirely dreading Quidditch practice. QUIDDITCH! A sport she'd been in love with since her dad handed her her first broom.

The wind in her hair, the burst of adrenaline she got a glimpse of that golden glint in the sky, the rush of the game, the feeling of absolute and total freedom, like she could do anything. Well that was all ruined now. Everything Juniper had loved about flying was now stained with Selene.

Selene's perfect hair, and her perfect smile, and her perfect French accent, and her perfect- EVERYTHING! It had been nearly a month, and Juniper was flat out sick of it. She was sick of Selene's poisonous words, her searing glares that made Juniper's skin burn, and the hungry yellow glow her haunting eyes took on when she wanted something. She was sick of the way Selene had everyone wrapped around her tiny finger. And she was especially sick of how she talked to Teddy. Fawned over him, touched his chest and his arms and his hair. Curved those full lips at him during Quidditch practice, which he was now watching each day, without fail.

All the while, Selene "accidentally" dropped Juniper's captains badge in the mud, or "was so sorry" she ripped Juniper's favorite Holyhead Harpies shirt. Selene pouted and oopsied her way into everything. No one saw it. No one saw anything but Selene. Bright, shiny Selene, who could never do anything wrong.

It was enough to drive a girl mad. Hence the reason her and Rory were currently in the boys' dorm.

"Oh come on, she can't be that bad." Leo said, looking up from his notes.

Rory and Juniper both stared at him, murderous.

Leo winced at their expressions, "That was the wrong thing to say, wasn't it?"

"What do you think?" Rory cocked her head, eyeing him.

"This is what I get for letting the two of you in..." Leo mumbled to himself, "...we should really get a lock..." Rory arched an eyebrow at Leo, he nodded warily, "Right- I'll be shutting up now."

"She's just everywhere- everywhere!" Juniper exclaimed, nearly ripping out her own hair from frustration, "She fucking everywhere, all the fucking time. She's in my classes, she's in my house, she's in my dorm, she's in my common room, she's on my Quidditch team damn it! My fucking Quidditch team!" Juniper was practically yelling at this point, enraged to no end, "It's like she's trying to squeeze me out of my own life! All the time, she's with-"

"James." Rory said, quietly, at the exact moment Juniper said, "Teddy."

The two girls looked to each other, stammering, "James- yes that's what I meant- Teddy- yes she's with- I just got confused- I mean did you- I didn't mean- did you- ?" Their words overlapped as they each tried to explain what had just occurred.

Leo snorted, "The two of you are perfect for each other."

"What are you laughing about?" Juniper growled, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. Rory mirrored her.

"Denial." Leo smiled, nodding his head wisely, "It's a funny thing." He chuckled to himself again, while the girls turned to each other, eyes narrowing.

"3, 2, 1..."

"Oh shit."

"NOW!" They both screamed, flying off of the beds, pillows in hand. They descended on Leo with fury, attacking him with the fluffy, feathery weapons of their choosing.

"Ow- oi! Hey!" Leo covered his head for protection, attempting to escape the wrath of his friends. "Bloody- fuck you! OW! This is not fucking- fair!" He yelled through a mouthful of feathers, spluttering.

The door swung open, "What's going on in here?" Teddy asked, leaning against the door frame as he took in the scene before him.

"HELP- mmph!" Leo was again smothered by the pillow.

"Nothing!" Rory and Juniper silenced in unison.

Teddy's eyes widened at the girl's blazing expressions, holding his hands up in peace, "Sorry McGonagall, you're on your own."

"Shithead." Leo managed, spitting out feathers and flipping Teddy off as best he could through the assault.

"Whoa." Another voice boomed, and James joined Teddy in the doorway. He ran a hand through his hair, "Christ, what did Leo do?"

"Don't-" Teddy trend to warn his best friend, but it was too late.

"NOTHING!" Rory and Juniper shouted, whipping their heads around. Leo took the opportunity and scrambled away, the two girls rising and marching towards the entrance.

"I tried to tell you, mate." Teddy patted him on the back, "The question seems to set them off a bit."

"Really?" James smirked, nudging Teddy, "I had no idea."

"You know who sets us off a bit?" Juniper pursed her lips, pointing at her brother and Teddy. "The two of you." Rory nodded fervently.

"Us?" Teddy gasped dramatically, "What did we ever do?"



The boys whistled low, obviously enjoying this. "They're a bit touchy today, eh?" James waggled his eyebrows at Teddy.

"Must be that time of the month." Teddy mulled, winking.



Teddy and James shared a broad grin.

Leo chuckled softly from his corner of the room, shaking his head, "Fucking matches made in heaven, really." Then he caught sight of the threatening faces of Rory and Juniper, "Don't hurt me." He peeped, diving for cover under the bed in precaution.

"Why are you here anyways?" Juniper questioned, doing her best not to engage with Teddy. There was still so much between them. Tension, heat, a whole lot of tension. She wanted to kill him and wanted to kiss him at the same time. Of course, she couldn't do either. Unless she wanted to go to Azkaban or spend months in a sea of confusing thoughts and heartbreak. Yeah...not good options.

"You do realize this is our dorm? We should be asking why you're here." James joked, hoping for laugh. When he got none, he cleared his throat, looking to his sister, "Junie, why aren't you in your Quidditch gear?"

Juniper frowned, "Because practice isn't for another half hour...?"

"It started fifteen minutes ago." James told her, confused, "That's why we came up to get you."

"What?" Juniper was bewildered.

"Selene thought we should move it up in preparation for the game tomorrow. She said she cleared it with you. Left a note and everything."

Juniper clenched her teeth together, "Of course she did." Her mood immediately darkened, face tightening. Selene. She should've known. "Except for the fact that she told me nothing."

"Oh." James scratched his head, at a loss, "Well she said she did..."

"I guess you can't believe everything you hear, Potter." Rory noted.

"No- Selene wouldn't- she must've forgotten because, " Teddy's brow furrowed. He refused to believe that she did it on purpose. "No- you must've just not seen the note or something. That's what happened. It wasn't Selene's fault."

Then again, Juniper thought grimly, maybe Azkaban wouldn't be so bad. In fact, strangling Teddy seemed like the only option at the moment. At least Selene wouldn't be in Azkaban. That was a major plus in Juniper's book. Dementors vs Selene? A tough choice. A very tough choice.

"It never is." Juniper muttered sourly.


"Nothing." Juniper huffed, pasting a smile on her face, "Give me two minutes and I'll meet you on the pitch."

Hastily, Juniper pulled on her practice clothes, lacing up her trainers and running to the field. What she saw when she arrived caused her blood to boil, a white hot poker of rage spearing her through the heart. She curled and uncurled her fists, taking deep breaths.

It wasn't helping. Like- at all.

There was Selene, somehow untouched by the onslaught of wind and sleet from the sky, flying gracefully on her broom. She looked like a fucking ballerina, or a model, hair flowing behind her like silk. She was coaching the team. Juniper's team. Teddy gazing at her from the ground.

Juniper felt sick to her stomach. How dare Selene steal her Quidditch team? That conniving little she-devil. Juniper almost lost it when she saw the telltale flash of silver swinging around her swan like neck.

The whistle. Her whistle. Engraved with her initials.

Fuck. No.

Juniper called to the players in the air, beckoning them down. Thankfully they still listened to her.

"Sorry I'm late everyone." She shot a glare at Selene, who twirled the whistle round her fingers venomously. "I was not made aware of the practice change."

"It's ok." Selene simpered, "I got them started."

"Yes I can see that." Juniper spat, she gestured to the rest of the team, "Laps, go on." The rest of the practice went quickly, and- badly. Juniper was distracted and angry. Mostly angry. Azkaban was looking better by the second. Finally, the horror show was finished, and she was just about to go change when she was stopped.

"I am so sorry Juniper." Selene batted her eyelashes, "I could have sworn I had left you a note."

"You're wearing my whistle." Juniper interjected, digging her nails into her palm.

"What- oh!" Selene put the whistle up to the light, "This? I just found it in the locker room, and thought I would use it, seeing as you were not here." She pouted, a smug smile playing on her lips, "Every captain needs a whistle, yes?"

"Well you aren't captain, and that's my whistle. My personal whistle." Juniper smarted, "Mine. Not yours. Are your initials J.P. ? I didn't think so."

"I had no idea, of course." Selene put a hand to her heart, portraying a sincerely apologetic person. "You cannot blame me, yes? I never would've have taken it, if I knew."

Juniper scoffed, "Yeah. Whatever. I'd like it back." She held her hand out pointedly, mouth in a thin line.

"There is no need to be so harsh. I meant no harm." Selene sniffed theatrically, sickeningly sweet.

"I really don't care." Juniper retorted tightly, snatching the whistle back, "Don't take my things." She fastened it around her own neck, tracing her thumb over the letters.

"Oh Juniper, so-", Selene started.

"You still wear that thing?" Teddy's voice came from behind the girls.

"Mmhmm." Juniper bit her lip, not meeting his eye. She didn't want him to know how much the whistle meant to her. Back then, and now.

Selene's face was decidedly pinched, and the look she was giving Juniper could wilt flowers. There was a flash of yellow in her irises, then one of red, So brief Juniper almost missed it. Selene turned to Teddy, "You gave this to her?" She asked, keeping her tone light. "How sweet."

"Yup." Juniper answered, locking eyes with the girl. That's right, bitch, Juniper thought. He's still my best friend.

Teddy is still lost in his own world, oblivious to the anger simmering between the two girls. "I can't believe you still have it. I didn't know- you kept it. Even though..." Juniper and Teddy were both thinking the same thing.

He's given it to her for Christmas when she'd been mad at him. Really mad. But she'd loved his gift. And what he didn't know was that the gift was what convinced her to make up with him in the end. Because it was proof he knew her. So much had happened since then. Did he still know her? Did she still know him?

"Yeah- well..." Juniper lifted a shoulder, blushing, "It's a nice whistle."

Teddy grinned delightedly, "Junie-"

"Shut up. It doesn't mean anything."

"You're cute when you lie." Teddy teased, putting an arm around her.

"I hate you." Juniper tried to contain the smile spreading up her cheeks, shoving him lightly.

"You-" Teddy began to answer, gazing at her.

"Teddy!" Selene there a hand to her head, falling into his arms like she was about to faint. Coincidentally pushing Juniper out of the way and headfirst into a massive puddle of mud. Her voice was breathy, "I feel so very lightheaded, so dizzy- I-" Selene wrapped her arms around him shamelessly. Juniper had to hand it to her. The damsel in distress act was very convincing.

"Of course, of course." Teddy picked her up in his arms, concern etched on his face, "Let me get you to the infirmary."

"I think I just need to lay down. Thank you ever so much for taking care of me." Selene nuzzled into his chest, throwing a triumphant look Juniper's way before they went.

Juniper was left in the mud. Drenched in a thick coating of brown sludge, she slogged to the locker rooms, wiping mud from her eyes. She looked like something that had been dragged out of a swamp.

Charlie burst out laughing when he saw her, "What the fuck happened to you?"

"Don't." Juniper flicked mud on him, and out some in her brother's hair for good measure. Why in the world had she agreed to let Selene on the team?

The next day...

After numerous showers, Juniper still couldn't get all the mud out of her hair. Selene apologized profusely of course, miraculously over her little fainting spell, and then conveniently forgot to set the alarm, so Juniper and Rory both missed breakfast. Truly, a great start to the day, don't you think?

"I want to kill her. I want to stab her with something very sharp." Juniper grumbled, trudging though the halls to Charms.

"Poison's untraceable," Rory mulled, "but not as much fun."

"Welcome to my world." Victoire said, with a wry smile. She was walking beside Juniper, all dressed in her Ravenclaw uniform, and ripped fishnets and combat boots of course. She was still Victoire. "So glad I don't have to room with her anymore."

"Yeah." Juniper side eyed her, "Thanks a lot."

"My gift to you." Victoire giggled, "Enjoy."

"Is there a return policy on that?" Rory asked, "I'd like to use it."

Victoire shrugged, smiling, "Sorry, final sale."

Juniper giggled along with Rory and Victoire. It was nice having her here. And she'd already made loads of friends in Ravenclaw, just like Juniper knew she would. She wished Selene didn't have to come with her. Stupid Selene. Victoire hated Selene with a burning passion, and now Juniper knew why. She just hoped that everyone else would get it soon. Viv, Charlie, James, Teddy. Especially Teddy.

"Where's Viv?" Rory looked around the corridor. Charms was one of the few classes they had with Viv this year. Unfortunately, Vivian had been increasingly distant from then lately. Terse with Rory and withdrawn from Juniper. She also didn't mind Selene as much as they did. Juniper had even caught her laughing with her once in their dorm.

Also- Vivian had not missed breakfast this morning.

"Haven't the faintest idea." Juniper said, eyes downcast. She fiddled with the sleeve of her jumper as the entered the classroom, intent on ignoring Selene. Which was a very hard feat, considering she was surrounded by a gaggle of students (mostly male), all fixated on her. Always the center of attention.

Juniper spotted Viv among the crowd. Vivian beckoned them over, stepping away. Looks like she wasn't completely under her spell.

"Hey." Viv said, smiling. "Missed you at breakfast."

Rory and Juniper's faces tightened.

"Yes- well, our alarm never went off." Rory folded her hands primly, sharing a glance with Juniper and Victoire.

"I wonder why." Juniper griped, gaze set in Selene's direction.

"She said you'd blame her." Vivian rolled her eyes.

"Because god forbid something's her fault." Juniper's tone dripped with sarcasm.

"You could at least give her a chance." Vivian folded her arms, "Besides, we all know the real reason you dislike her so much, and it's not her fault you're not over him."

Juniper stiffened, sucking in a deep breath, "Seriously?"

Before the girls could get too heated, Selene approached the group, casting an evil look towards Victoire. Who responded with a growl that made Selene flinch and Rory and Juniper stifle a laugh.

"I was ever so worried the two of you would miss class." Selene gave a throaty chuckle, then turned to Vivian, "Did I tell you what happened yesterday?"

Selene proceeded to regale them with the story of how Teddy saved her the previous day. Failing to mention, of course, that she had pushed Juniper into a mud puddle. She spared no detail, except the tiny bloody detail that Juniper had been there at all. Soon, girls migrated over to listen, hanging on to Selene's every word with reverence, oohing and aahing in the appropriate places.

The French girl was soaking up all the attention like a sponge, reveling in her stardom. She was quite the actress.

Juniper wanted to punch her.

"...and then he caught me and carried me up to the castle in his arms." Selene gushed, while the girls surrounding them sighed dreamily.

"Oh Selene, you're so lucky."

"You must be soulmates."

"It's like a fairytale."

"He loves you for sure."

"He loves you for sure." Juniper mocked in a low voice to Rory, gagging.

One girl, hands clasped together, asked, "How are you going to choose between him and James?"

Rory looked as though she might like to throw a rock at that girl's head.

"Oh I'd choose James."

"Really? I'd choose Teddy."

All the girls began chiming in with their own opinions, going on and on bout how lucky Selene was. It was a gruesome experience. Juniper couldn't believe some of the things she was hearing. They were debating the merits of her best friends, her family. She was the only one allowed to insult them. They had feelings. Even Teddy. Just not feelings that helped her.

Speak of the devil. "Hey Potter." Teddy sidled up beside them, nodding at Rory, "Wood."

Selene's tears perked up in an instant, zeroing in on the blond boy, "Teddy!" She practically shrieked, taking his arm, "I was just telling them about your knight in shining armor actions yesterday." She stroked his bicep possessively, staring at Juniper, "My hero."

Teddy was immensely pleased with himself, assuming that confident, conceited swagger he always did when flirting with girls. Juniper hated it. "Anytime, princess." He said, and Juniper's heart cracked just a little bit.

Vivian shook her head, sending Juniper a chastising look, "Just saying."

A collective awww rose from the group of girls as they viewed Teddy and Selene. They made a very pretty couple, indeed. Teddy's strong jaw and hazel eyes, Selene's unnatural beauty and angular features, slim and dainty.

Juniper would never look like her. She wondered what people thought when they saw Teddy with her. Probably why he was with her at all. She was covered in dirt half the time and the other half her hair was a crazy, wild mess. It was hard to believe that Teddy had ever wanted her, wanted to kiss her, when he could have someone who looked like Selene did.

Thankfully, before Juniper could get too lost in her insecurity, Flitwick clapped his hands, calling the class to attention. "Yes, yes." He chirped, standing atop a pile of books, "Class is starting children. Pair up and practice your wand work, please."

Usually, Vivian and Juniper paired up, and Rory and Jade or Leo paired together. Today though, Jade was gone and Selene was here, and Juniper was in no mood for another lecture about Teddy from Vivian. It was odd, lately, Juniper had been feeling closer and closer to Rory, and farther and farther away from Vivian.

So Juniper linked arms with Rory instead, heading to a corner of the desk. Behind her, she heard Selene squeal, "How fantastique! Now we can be partners Vivian."

At least she wasn't partnering with Teddy...but it didn't make Juniper feel any better. And the day didn't get any better either, which did not bode well for the Quidditch game this afternoon. Rory didn't have it as rough. During charms, Juniper had to keep reminding her that she was her partner and not her twin brother's. James had come over frequently during the lesson, charming Rory with that trademark, heart melting Potter smile.

Juniper was proud of her bother of a brother. Though she'd never dare tell him. At times, yes he could be enchanted by the spell binding Selene just as easy as the rest of them, but he always came back to Rory. Juniper wondered if Rory would ever reciprocate those feelings. She hoped she would. Rory would be an excellent sister in law. There was a spark. A definite spark between them. There always had been.

Then again, she'd thought there was a spark between her and Teddy, and now everything had been burned down. So maybe she didn't have the best judgment.

"Junie." Charlie's voice called her back to the present, "Junie you ready?"

"Er- yeah." Juniper did her best to clear her thoughts, tying her hair back into a ponytail and securing her captains badge. "Sorry- I just can't find-" She scoured her locker, peering under benches, "I could've sworn I left it right here..."

Her whistle had disappeared.

"Junie!" Charlie repeated intently, pushing hr towards the door.

"Coming, coming." She followed him out the door, mind a million miles away. She mumbled to herself, "Where could it be- I..." Distracted, she bumped into Teddy, "Oops- sorry." She made to push past him, but he caught her arm.


"Lupin, I've gotta go."

"Potter." He didn't let go, staring at her with intensity. Internally, Juniper cursed Teddy and his intuition.

"I'm fine, Lupin." She replied, brushing him off.

"Junie..." Teddy shook his head, "You're gonna do great." He pulled her in for a hug, and for a brief moment, Juniper forgot that her whistle was missing. Forgot about Selene. All she was focused on was how good it felt in Teddy's firm embrace, how safe she felt, how cared for.

The hug lasted a second too long, butterflies fluttering against her ribcage, she released him with a tiny sigh.

Teddy smiled, seemingly oblivious, "See, I knew you just needed a hug from your best friend." He squeezed her hand.

"Whatever." Juniper bit her lip, withdrawing her hand before those butterflies could get any worse. "Now I really have to go."

She shook hands with the Ravenclaw captain, and Madam Hooch blew her whistle with a piercing tweet, "Begin!"

Juniper took to the sky, scanning the field for that tricky little Snitch. Scarlett Jordan's voice boomed over the loudspeakers, "And they're off!" The stands erupted into cheers, the Quaffle hurtling through the air as it is passed between Chasers.

This is what Juniper lives for.

"-Weasley in possession of the Quaffle, wow she's really flying fast people- there's Potter attempting to intercept..." Scarlett said excitedly, "Fuck he missed- oh shit sorry Professor! Weasley still in possession, damn that girl can fly- damn isn't even that bad Professor!"

Rain pelted Juniper's face, it was wickedly cold outside and the harsh wind whipped her face red and raw. She swore as a resounding cheer sprung from the Ravenclaw stands, Rosie taking a victory lap.

"...Weasley shoots and scores! Fifty points to Ravenclaw- pick it up Gryffindor! Charlie don't let your little sister beat your arse!" Scarlett yelled, receiving a disapproving look from the teachers. "Gryffindor in possession. Potter passes to McGonagall- back to Potter, wow those are some loud squeals! Yes he's very attractive ladies and gentleman- sorry Professor- he's also hopelessly in love with- OW! Sorry, Wood."

From the stands, Rory blushed profusely, Teddy grinning knowingly beside her.

"...Potter heading towards goal, will he- FUCK YES! Fifty Points to Gryffindor! I'M SORRY PROFESSOR!" Scarlett cheered into the microphone.

James pumped his fist proudly, running a hand through his hair. He glanced at Rory up in the stands and smiled, so quick that no one could have noticed. Rory noticed. So did Teddy.

"...Weasley heading for the goal again! I swear to Merlin if you let her through again, Charlie- wait- Knox and Velvela send a Bludger her way! Weasley ducks- oh and she's dropped the Quaffle! McGonagall retrieves it! Gryffindor's back in the game! Excellent work ladies!" Selene and Vivian high five. "Watch out for Selene-" Scarlett said, "New girl's got looks and skills. Thank god- didn't know how we'd replace Lupin- so unfair- not like Slytherin had to replace- well I think it's relevant Professor! The scumbag got off easy- but its the truth professo- yes professor. I'll get back to the game now."

Juniper was growing frustrated as the game continued on. They were only down by a couple points, and if she could just find the snitch, they'd win. Suddenly, a flurry of wings caught her eye. She snuck a peek at the Ravenclaw Seeker, who was hovering a few yards away. He hadn't seen anything. Juniper took her chance and dove, keeping tight to her broom.

"-Potter's spotted something! Look at her go!"

Juniper sped downwards, the snitch dancing just a few feet in front of her. By this point, the Ravenclaw seeker had noticed her, and was now urging his own broom forward. She outstretched her hand, it was so close.

"...almost there- almost there- SHE'S GOT IT!"

Juniper grasped the Snitch in her palm, holding it up in glory.

"POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH!" Scarlett yelled, jumping up and down with the rest of the Gryffindor section, "GRYFFINDOR WINS!"

Both teams descended to the ground, field flooding with students. Juniper was tackled by Charlie and James, who were whooping like morons.SHe was sopping wet, but she didn't care. They'd won. She'd done it. The first game of the season was a victorious one. Maybe her luck was changing, after all.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Teddy and Selene, embracing as he congratulated her on the win. Or maybe her luck was being flushed down the toilet. Juniper shivered, goosebumps prickling her damp skin.

"Take this." Teddy threw his own jacket over her shoulders, Juniper starting in surprise. What happened to Selene?

"Teddy I don't need-"

"Junie, take the jacket."

"You don't have to-" Juniper protested, attempting to give it back to him.

"Always so stubborn." Teddy shook his head, teasing.

"Only for you."

Teddy smirked, "I knew I was special-"

"Teddy!" Selene strode over, somehow still regal even after playing an hours long game of Quidditch. She clutched his arm, nails curving like talons. Juniper felt a pain in her head as Selene looked her up and down with hatred, gaze locked on Teddy's jacket. "Oh- hello Juniper. I almost didn't see you there."

"Selene." Juniper's stomach curdled, her jaw clenching, "Always a pleasure."

"I'm cold." Selene stated with steel, staring fixedly at Teddy. Her eyes took on that yellowish hue.

Teddy blinked rapidly, his face vacant. His fingers tapped anxiously on his thigh, it almost seemed like he was at war with himself. Conflict heavy in his tone, "Oh- er- erm..." He looked between Juniper and Selene, "I- er..."

Juniper couldn't stand it anymore. "Here." She shoved the jacket into Selene's gleeful hands, "I didn't need it in the first place." She stalked back up to the castle, not wanting to turn around and see Selene wearing Teddy's clothes.

The common room was alive with celebration, and once Juniper had changed, she joined her friends on the couch. Teddy and Selene were in a secluded nook, and Juniper felt like screaming. She distracted herself in the conversation, even playing a round of chess with Charlie, who was too bloody talented at it for his own good.

Whistles resounded around the common room and Juniper looked up from her board to see what all the fuss was about.

She wished she hadn't.

"Whooo what is that?" James snickered, pointing at Teddy and Selene, "He's at it again mates."

"Looks French to me." Charlie winked, elbowing Juniper.

Juniper wasn't paying attention. Teddy and Selene were kissing. Kissing a lot. Juniper managed to keep her emotions in check, pushing them way down deep and bolting the door shut. She was fine. This was fine. Sure it was Selene. Horrible, awful Selene. But Teddy would shag her and move on, and hopefully she'd get the hint. It wasn't the end of the world.

It just felt like it.

She wanted to kill Teddy so badly. So so badly. Azkaban was calling her name.

They were walking this way, holding hands. Teddy didn't usually hold girls' hands. She would know.

"Hey guys." Teddy's mouth was still red from Selene's lipstick. He looked dazed. He didn't look at Juniper.

"Classy, mate. Real classy." James shook his head, patting him on the back.

"I am going to freshen up in the ladies." Selene said, kissing him on the cheek, "I will meet you in the courtyard soon, yes?"

"For what?" Leo's brow furrowed.

Selene giggled, dragging her nails along Teddy's chest, "Our date, of course."

"Date?" Charlie raised an eyebrow in Teddy's direction.

Juniper knew what was coming. Maybe Selene would be so heartbroken she'd leave Hogwarts for good. One could hope.

"Is that not what you call it here? I am his girlfriend. We shall go on a date, no?"

James choked on his pumpkin juice, "Girlfriend?!"

"Tell them my darling." Selene basically ordered, words sharp, but her voice flowed like smooth honey, enticing.

"Yes. Selene is my girlfriend. I'm her boyfriend." Teddy said, eyes blank, monotone.

"You see?" Selene smiled, kissing Teddy full on the mouth before gliding away.

Juniper's heart stopped. Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Teddy- he never- her? Selene- why- how could he do this? How could he- she couldn't breathe. She need to go- she need to be somewhere else. Anywhere but here, with Teddy the boyfriend. Boyfriend. Girlfriend. She felt like she was being shattered into a million pieces.

Abruptly she stood up, hands shaky.

"Junie?" Her brother frowned, "What are you- ?"

"I- I can't." She said, trying not to raise their concern, "I'm going upstairs- I- yeah." She fled the common room, much to the bewilderment of her friends.

Teddy punched the cushion, going after her, "Damn it- Junie!"

At least Juniper finally had an answer to the Azkaban debate.

Dementors. Dementors won.

sorry for the long wait

but it's a loooonggg chapter to make up for it :)
how angry are we?

i told you this was going to be fun

and it's only going to get better
(which means worse)



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