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"Juniper?" I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Juniper?" A shake, more aggressive this time. "Oh for fucks sake! Juniper!" Someone tugged me out of bed, and I landed in a heap on the floor

"Leo!" Rory looked at my cousin accusingly, "I said gently!"

He shrugged, "Gently was taking too long."

"Breakfast is almost over." Charlie whined, as I blinked my eyes blearily. Rory, Charlie, and Leo stood over me, bickering.

I'd fallen asleep almost immediately after my whole...Teddy breakdown situation. Which I was still so embarrassed about. Poor Victoire. I wondered where she was. I'd probably scared her off.

"Good to know where your priorities stand." I grumbled, punching them each in the arm. I rubbed my head, grimacing at my reflection in the mirror. It was pretty rough. "Think I can get away with wearing sweatpants to class?" I asked, slipping my school jumper over my head.

Charlie shook his head, "I'd say yes, but we've got Parkinson and Minnie today so-"

"Full uniform it is." I sighed in defeat, grabbing my wrinkled stockings and skirt that lay in ball on the rug. I tied my hair up without brushing it, and spun tp fakery friend, "How do I look?"

Charlie and Leo both let out allow whistle, pulling a face. That is until Rory hit them in the gut, hissing, "Be nice!"

"OW!" They exclaimed, and Rory gave them a death glare.

"Great. You look great, Junie." Charlie tossed me a weak smile and a hasty thumbs up, eyeing Rory warily.

"So great." Leo coughed loudly, putting his hands up to shield himself.

Rory nodded in approval, arms folded, "Better."

I rolled my eyes, "You're both horrible liars." It was a nice effort though. Especially on Rory's part.

"Lying? Us?" Charlie gasped dramatically, "Never." He proceeded to push me out the door, "Let's go. Breakfast! Coffee! You love coffee!"

I do love coffee. And there was no way I was going to make it through this day without it. I mean, Potions and Transfiguration? Plus, Quidditch started back up again this week and I had to hold tryouts for a new Beater today. And- you know...the whole situation that I was definitely not thinking about at all.

When we arrived in the Great Hall, everyone was already seated at Gryffindor table. Vivian, oddly enough still no Jade, James, and- Teddy. I gulped, casting my eyes on my plate of food. Rory reached down and squeezed my hand. I seriously don't know what I would do without that girl.

I tried to sit down as inconspicuously s possible, and as far away from Teddy as possible. I know that we're supposed to be going back to normal- but I don't know. I just didn't feel like forcing smiles for longer than I had to. We had practically all our classes together too. Ugh. This was shaping up to be a long day.

Unfortunately, Teddy had some sort of fucking radar for me, and spotted me instantly. He stood up with a loud clatter, shaking the table from his abruptness, "Junie." He said, almost breathless.

I wanted to crawl up and die in a hole. All of our friends stared at him, eyebrows raised. It was so awkward, gives me a rash just thinking about it.

"We can go eat somewhere else if you can't..." Rory whispered, as Teddy finally sat back down again, slightly flustered. And I was about to take Rory up on her offer, when my father's voice filled the room.

"Students." He stepped up to the podium, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of nose.

I groaned internally. I was trapped. With a sigh, I took a seat next to Rory at the table. Waiting to hear what dad had to say. If it was something embarrassing I was leaving.

"As you know, international relations are very vital in the wizarding world." Dad said, "And here at Hogwarts we welcome everyone yes? So I ask you all to give a warm welcome to Victoire Weasley from Beauxbatons."

I clapped and cheered as Victoire appeared at the front, smiling wide.

Dad continued, "We sorted her last night when she was arrived, and Ravenclaw is lucky to have you."

I winked at Victoire, who made her way to the Ravenclaw table. I called it.

But Dad still wasn't done, "Students also have the advantage to take part in our exchange program. And while we are sad to lose Miss Finnegan Thomas for a semester, we are excited to welcome Miss Selene Velvela."

Selene? That sounded so familiar. Why- oh my god. I'd recognize those unnaturally sharp features anywhere. That was the girl from the World Cup, who had the boys basically drooling at her feet. Who looked at Teddy like he was piece of meat she wanted to devour. Who Victoire had been bitching about all year.

She was so strikingly beautiful it was terrifying. I tuned out everything else Dad was blabbing on about, and before I knew it, the clock chimed, signaling the start of classes. Rory and I trudged our way to Advanced Transfiguration, James and Teddy close behind. Thankfully, Leo was between us, otherwise the conversation might have halted completely.

"Morning Wood." James said with a cocky smirk, messing with his hair. "Did you get my Christmas present?"

"Maybe." Rory pursed her lips, trying to hide her smile.

I threw her a look, which she pointedly ignored. I also noticed Teddy glance her way, how odd. I leaned in, mischief in my tone, "Actually, she- mmph!" Rory clamped her hand over my mouth before I could tell him anything. Rory was deep in denial. "You see James-"

"I'll kill you." Rory's eyes were lasers, boring into my skull.

"Girls." McGonagall cleared her throat sternly, "Class is starting."

"But James and Teddy-" I protested. They never got caught. McGonagall loved those boys to death. Personally I had no idea why.

"Miss Potter." She chastised, peering down at me over her tiny glasses.

"Yes ma'am."

She returned to her desk, rapping the board to get everyone's attention, "Today we are going to split off in pairs and practice the spells we learned last semester. This is review for our quiz tomorrow." There was a collective groan across the classroom, "Yes I said quiz."

James raised his hand, "Can we pick our partners?" He waggled hi eyebrows in Rory's direction.

"No." McGonagall waved her wand and a glass bowl appeared in her hands, "But you can go first Mr. Potter." She moved the bowl a little bit, the folded pieces of parchment shaking around.

James plucked a piece of paper out, and he'd barely finished unfolding it when Rory shook her head, "You got me."

James grinned, "I didn't even- "

"You got me." Rory repeated, sighing.

"Read it out then, Mr Potter." Professor McGonagall prompted, tapping her foot.

"Rory Wood." James's grin was so large it could've cracked his face open, "What are the odds?"

"Idiot." Rory muttered.

"Good." James propped his chin up on her desk, smirking, "We're right on track."

Leo drew me, thank god. And Teddy was up next.

He unfurled his parchment, tilting his head, "Selene?"

For Chrissakes, I hadn't even seen her come into the class. I could see her now though, a devious, full lipped smile curving her mouth. Well good for her I guess. Another name to add to his list. Still...there was something about the way she eyed him that turned my stomach sour, and it wasn't just the usual prickly jealousy.

I did my best to focus on the Transfiguration work, but it was hard. On my left were Rory and James, bickering like an old married couple, which is basically just them flirting. And on my right were Teddy and Selene, which you know was sort of self explanatory. The whole time Teddy just had this glazed over expression, slack jawed and enraptured.

"Juniper. Juniper!" Leo elbowed me.

"Ow!" I elbowed him back, "What?"

"Your sleeve is smoking." He pointed to my jumper, "Aguamenti."

"Oh shit- thanks." I inspected the newly burned hole in the sleeve. Well that sucked.

Leo arched an eyebrow, "Distracted much?" Damn him and his intuition. He was as bad as Rory. I hope Teddy couldn't see I was distracted. Oh who was I kidding? He hadn't so much as looked my way since breakfast. He probably didn't even know I was in the class by now, let alone be concerned with whether I was distracted or not.

"Huh?" Leo smiled at me wryly, and I buried my face in my hands, the smell of burnt cloth filling my nose, "Sorry- damn this was one of my favorite jumpers."

"Technically it's Teddy's."

"Oh- " I couldn't help myself, I laughed, "That makes me feel a little better actually."

"Miss Potter." Professor McGonagall walked over to my desk, leading the stunning Selene behind her. I had a bad feeling about this. "This is Miss Velvela."

"Selene Velvela." She purred, extending a delicate hand, "Pleasure."

I shook her hand gingerly, feeling my skin crawl when it came in contact with hers, "Actually- we've already met." I smoothed some flyaway hairs down to no avail.

Selene cocked her head, pursing her red lips, "Have we?"

I ground my teeth together, "Yes. At the World Cup this summer." I knew what she was doing.

"Ah- I am so sorry." She said, affected French accent dripping with saccharine sweetness, "I do not remember you. I met so many people that day, so many names, so many faces." She fluttered her fingers airily, "I must have forgotten."

Forgotten my arse. She certainly hadn't forgotten Teddy. What a conniving little-

"Regardless." McGonagall jumped in, trying to get us back on track, "I am aware you have a free bed in your dorm since Miss Finnegan Thomas is at Beauxbatons. Correct?"

"Yes..." Dread pooled in the pit of my stomach, I did not like where this was going.

"Okay, so Selene will be joining you, Miss Knox, and Miss Wood. I'll have your stuff sent up now." She told Selene.

"Perfect." Selene placed an ice cold hand on my arm, "I am so looking forward to staying with you." Her voice was warm, but her eyes were dead cold, staring straight through to my soul. "And meeting all your friends."

Oh I bet she wanted to meet my friends. I bet she did. Though I was pretty sure she had one particular friend in mind.

"It's all settled then." Professor McGonagall dusted her hands with finality, "Now Juniper you're holding tryouts for Lupin's position today?"

I began to answer, when Selene decided to interrupt me.

She batted her eyelashes shamelessly, "I know I am not actually in the house of Gryffindor, but I was wondering if I may try out for the Quidditch? I have learned before, and they do not offer it at Beauxbatons. I understand if this is not possible- "

"Shouldn't be an issue." My great aunt turned to me questioningly, "Right Juniper?"

I clenched my jaw, forcing out a grimacing smile, "Of course."

"Wonderful." Selene gushed, "Thank you so very much."

"No fucking problem." I muttered to her back, my hands curling into tight fists.

The rest of the day dragged on. Selene was in every single fucking class with me. Potions? There she was, earning herself a round of applause from Parkinson for her Draught of Living Death. How did Rory and I do, you ask? Well, things were going pretty well, until she bumped into me as I was pouring the lacewings in and I dumped the whole container inside.

Our potion exploded. Exploded. Leaving Rory and I drenched in a foul smelling grayish substance, and the rest of the class in a fit of laughter. She apologized profusely, and all the men- boys in the classroom found her ever so charming.

Probably wouldn't find her so charming if she'd been the one covered in putrid sludge. But no, Selene's hair fell in perfect shiny waves. I wanted to rip her perfect fucking hair out by the roots.

There was one upside to the day though. A good old silver lining. You know how I love those. By the time I finally made it to DADA with dad, I was soggy, smelly, and thoroughly looking forward to practicing offensive spells. What better way to take out my frustration, right?


It wasn't that I did poorly. No not at all. In fact, I beat Teddy a total of eleven times. How did I manage this? He was so immersed in his conversation with Selene, who I have come to known fondly as Pure Evil, that he didn't even bother fighting back. I'm not sure he used one defensive spell.

Now I bet you're thinking, it's ok Juniper, get your anger out on the Quidditch field. That usually works. And you'd be right. It does usually work. But lucky me, the source of all my anger was right on the pitch with me. And she was fucking excellent.

She flew seamlessly, she knew how to hit a Bludger, and I hate to say it, but- no you know what? I don't hate to say it. I'm mad at him too. She was better than Teddy.

I was really hoping there'd be another standout. Someone to challenge Little Miss Perfect. The guys were utterly useless around her, so they were no help.

"So, she's in, right?" James asked, once tryouts had finished.

I sucked in my cheeks, "I haven't decided."

"Seriously?" Charlie said, "How can she not be in?"

"You just want her on the team because she's pretty." I sniped, poking my tongue out at him. Charlie had mooned over her the whole damn tryout, and he was not alone. Boys had actually come to watch in the stands just to see her. I mean, Merlin sakes! She'd been here one fucking day!

Charlie gasped dramatically, "That is not why- okay fine it is, BUT, " he held up a finger, "in my defense..." He paused, "No, no that's it, she's just really hot. That's all I have to say."

I groaned, "I'm not letting her on the team just because you want to shag her. That's exactly what I need, a distraction for you pathetic freaks."

"First of all, " Jame interjected, "Ouch. Second of all, you have to admit she's a good flyer. I hate replacing Teddy as much as you do, but... "

"Fine." I huffed, "She's on the team, but if one of you falls off your broom because you're trying to impress her I'm leaving you for dead on the ground."

"Fair." Charlie chuckled, "Can I tell her?"

"Be my guest." I replied, glad to not have to talk to her anymore than I already had to.

So to sum up, she was now rooming with me, in most of my classes, and on my Quidditch team.

That was terrific. Just terrific.

Fuck my life.

guess what guys?

it's only going to get worse!!!!

aren't we excited?

i'm excited

selene is baaacckk

you didn't think i'd forgotten about her did you?

i didnt!

happy reading :))))
hope you're not suffering as much as junie
my characters are going to kill me in my sleep one day for the things i put them through

love you all,


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