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We've been fighting off aliens for what seems like a lifetime, until Black Widow speaks onto our ear piece.

"I can close it. Does anyone copy? I can shut the portal down!" Both Cap and I stop fighting after hearing this.

"Do it!" Captain says into the ear piece, than Stark comes into the conversation.

"No wait!" Captain frowns at this,

"Stark there's still coming in!" Captain says,

"I got a new target coming in, and it's gonna blow in less than a minute, and I know where just to put it." Than I realize what he's up to, he's going to put a missile into the alien portal. Stark flew past Rogers and I, and he flys straight into the huge blue portal, minutes has past but Stark can't be seen flying out of the portal for Widow to close it.

"Come on Stark..." Captain pleaded, I sigh knowing that Iron Man won't make it.

"He won't make it..." I inform Captain, he sighs,

"Close the portal..." He says to Natasha, suddenly as the portal closes, a certain red tin can falls from the portal, it was Tony, but his fall isn't slowing down.

"He isn't slowing down." Thor says, he spins his hammer which is slowing Tony's fall by only slightly, but than Hulk leaps towards the falling tin can and brings him down safely, all of us gather around Tony, waiting for any signs that he might still be alive. Out of no where Hulk roars, and Stark immediately wakes up with a slightly traumatized look on his face.

"Please tell me he didn't kiss me." We all smile at that, "Yay, good job guys, you know we should celebrate and go out and eat, there's a Shawarma place near here."

"But we're not done yet." Captain says,

"Than, after?"

•Time Skip•

We arrive at Stark Tower's, and we approach Loki as we aim our weapons towards him, and get into a guarded stance, he looks up to see us in a intimidating position.

"I would like that tea now...."

•Time Skip•

It's now for all of us to part ways, Thor took his brother Loki with him back to Asgard, Clint and Natasha heads back to S.H.E.I.L.D headquarters, Steve left on his motorcycle and Tony and Bruce left by car, now I'm just walking back to my apartment, exited to see Touka and Hinami. I arrive at the apartment, or what used to be, there is multiple ambulances surrounding of the now destroyed building, people gathered around, but was pushed away by police officers, my eyes widen in horror, Touka, Hinami.... I push past the crowd and the police officers.

"Hey! Stay back!" One of the officers shouted at me, but I ignored him, than I spotted Touka on a rolling hospital bed, she has extremely deep injuries, and she is bleeding heavily, I look next to her to see Hinami on the same type of bed, but luckily she didn't have as deep wounds than Touka, but that still didn't ease my worries, I ran towards them, only to be grabbed by the arm by a police officer.

"Stay away from the injured!" He shouted, I gave her a glare,

"I want to see my family." I said coldly, I always considered Hinami and Touka family, Hinami felt like a younger sister to me, and Touka as a sister as well, so seeing them like this hurts me badly.

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