Love or Obsession?

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I love her... I do... How can she ever question my love for her? That was all I ever did, all these years. Loving her. Unconditionally. 

I have watched her every single day. I have watched her grow into a beautiful woman. I have been attached to her thoughts...feelings. I felt each of that she had felt past these years. Pain, sorrow... love... hate... insecurity...

I have seen it all. And not just that, I have felt each emotion equally. I have felt what she has felt in these years. 

I know I have hurt her by taking away her dad from her. I have watched how much pain she has gone through. Thus I have promised not to leave her side ever. Whatever it takes. I will gladly kill anyone for her without having a second thought. And I would gladly take the sword inside of my heart for her. That is how much I love her. 

I know it will take her some time to feel what I feel for her. I know she will eventually understand... I just have to be patient. She is my queen. Not the one I can call from as my reign, but the one who owns my heart. The one who has wrapped me in her little finger without even her knowledge.

I smiled while thinking of her being soon to be mine. All mine. 

Was I being too selfish? 

But all I wanted is to protect her, Cherish her. Till the end of the time. With all that I have. I will always be the one to protect her inside of my cold heart. 

If this is an obsession... I am... for her. And I don't care if the world is against us. I will make sure, nobody stand between us. Or I will burn down the whole world if needed. 

I know she just needed a few more times to adjust to all this happening. I am sure by the time, the war is over, this will all fall in place. Also, I needed to have a word with Aya about the war which was lingering around. 

I quickly stepped into Aya's chamber as I stopped before I saw the Human king S and Aya. They seemed like in a deep discussion. I interrupted them by asking-" Aya, I was thinking to ask you when Can I leave with Shawna?"

She seemed a little amused by my question and before she could even reply, the human dared to ask-" Do you think that girl is worth your attention? You are practically falling in love with your enemy... which we should be killing right now"

I clutched my hand into a fist as I wanted to rip his head off right there for daring to ask such a question. The one thing I have learned in these years is that you should always use your powers to keep others in the line. But I somehow controlled myself thinking he is a guest of Aya. I wouldn't want to nor do I have the interest to smudge my ass in her matters anymore. All I want is out from here along with Shawna, as soon as possible. 

I ignored his question as I looked at Aya and asked again-" I just want to ask when can we leave. I want to leave before the war starts. I have done enough for the war and I think You can manage from here... So I will be leaving as soon as possible"

Aya turned towards me and replied with no emotions on her face-" Soon. But now. I will inform you." I stared at her for a few more minutes. I don't understand what more does she want from me. Why do we even have to stay? She said again-" As you have backed off from the war, I want to bid you a final goodbye. You and Shawna must wait for me in the guest cabin. I will be there soon. Also, I will be telling you the place where you both can go forever together."

I was a little confused with her words but the happiness was much more than her reaction right now. Finally, I will be able to go away along with Shawna. Somewhere we can live together. Forever. 

I agreed and walked away from the room. 


I waited patiently sitting on my chair, resting my arms on the armrest. The human King was sitting right in front of me smirking with his lusty eyes while he was checking me out. If it was not for Aya, I would have ripped his head off and burned him alive. 

I gulped down my anger as I controlled my emotions before Aya. We were discussing the war. The traps have been set. The soldiers were out. There were waiting for Priam at the borders. We will win. No one could escape that. the henbane, iron net, the silverswords were ready to take them right there. 

With the war won already I was waiting for the blood moon. The one time, when Aya would lose all her powers only to gain the new one. The born evil spirits have to sacrifice a few souls in exchange for their reborn souls with a new host. 

That is what Aya is going to do. At least what she thought of. 

" We are ready on the borders. We are waiting for your orders almighty queen Aya." I saw the human buttered Aya. 

" Wait for my orders. We will attack soon. Tell your spy to get the information about their location. Settle the henbane and iron net. lure them to the battlefield and trap them. Make sure they lose their powers by midnight. Only then if you attack by the silver sword, we can defeat the army."

I heard each of their plans and conversation about how they were planning for the war settlement. 

I was waiting for the blood moon. 

" Amira"- Aya called as I snapped out of my imagination and answered-" Yes my lord"

"Make sure that the sacrificial bodies are ready by midnight. Do the needful"- She ordered.

The children were kept with a sleeping spell. It was not much of a headache. The deal was that witch Harney. Kelnier was strong but Harney was stronger. We had bonded both of them with the iron cuffs for now. But I have to get rid of them anyhow. 

The next will be Shawna and then the last will be Aya in the line. 

After that, no one will be between me and Felix. I will reign her powers along with Felix beside me. 

People would say I am mad. Crazy things, that love can make you do mad things. I was mad about Felix since I ever saw him. There were days when I used to watch him sleep alone in his darkroom. 

Only I did know how much I have craved for his touch. I don't feel guilty about taking Shawna away from him. I know evil lingered around me, but the only thing that I can not resist was Felix. I failed against his temptation. 

"Yes master"- I nodded and carried away myself from the room. I was on my way to make the witchcraft ready for the sacrifice. 


The soldiers were at their door. I gave no bother to the situation anymore as I was only waiting when we can move out. Me and Shawna. 

I know I had to make her understand a lot of things. The first few days are going to be hard for her. But she is a strong woman too. This is one of her traits that made me fall more for her. 

But I don't know why behind all this happiness there was something that keeps bothering me. My heart was feeling a terrible feeling of fear and loneliness. I was not sure what for. Maybe this is her feelings. Maybe the bond started to work again. 

I don't know. I was not sure. 

I couldn't wait any longer as I walked towards Aya's chamber once more to ask the time of our departure. 

I stopped before her door as I was going to knock but something stopped me in the track. 

" We need to kill her?"

"Yes. She is my new host. After the blood moon sacrifice with the souls, I will be rejuvenating my soul with a new host. Her Spiritual energy is the one who can make me invincible. Thus, She is the perfect host for me."

"But you promised Felix to give her, didn't you?"

"When did you see me fulfil any of my promises?"


Laugh cracked between them as I balled my hand in a fist. 

" She needs to die. Felix is an idiot, who do not know how to use his powers. Just a fool like someone I met a long time ago... Sometimes, desires made us do things that we blindly obey without actually seeing the outcome. If he would have been a little more attentive, he would have known all these sacrifices was meant for her. She is the reason for all these wars."

"Alas the fool he is, not to see the actual reason"

"That he sure is. Since he met this stupid girl Shawna. The girl had some audacity to challenge me. She killed my daughter Georgia 4 years back, and that is when I saw her chi. The one which was equally compatible with my sister. The one I have longed for. The universe had brought me one more chance to take what was meant for me."

" I agree my queen"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She betrayed me. My fangs crawled out as my eyes turned red in anger. I wanted to rip her heart out this instant and set her soul to the hellfire if I could. But she was a human-made evil. I couldn't kill her with my bare hands. 

Nobody knows what can kill her. She is immune to everything. 

Everything turned out to be hazy as I could not focus on anything right now. My vision was blurred with anger. I need to save Shawna. No matter what. 

I wasted no more time, as I stepped back to the room where Shawna was kept. I never got distracted by anything around as I practically used my superpowers to flash to her room. I burst the door open to see Priam standing in front of her. 

Confused and anger got over me as soon as I saw his hands on her. I didn't know how he made it till here. But I was somehow glad that he is. At least to save Shawna from them.

He hid her behind her as he stood with his forbidden sword at me. 

" If you dare to hurt her... I swear I will..."

" I am here to save her"- I said and walked towards her ignoring his presence. I could feel his stare at me when I held Shawna by her arms. But right now I could care less about anyone else without her. 

" You have to come with me, Shawna... Now... " I tried to convenience her with all my sincerity. 

"She is not going anywhere with you"- Priam roared as he jerked my hands away from her.

"Do you want her to die here?"

" The one who is going to die is you"- he brought forward his forbidden sword. But I was not afraid. Not until I made sure she is safe. But this could happen when Priam would walk away. 

My fangs crawled up as I hissed looking at him. My nailed grew from my flesh ready to pound his heart away. Eyes locked with each other we were ready for a fight. 

" ENOUGH!!!". We looked away to Shawna, who stood there with an annoying face. 

" Enough both of you. We have bigger problems to solve". She stayed while eyeing us. 

" Yes, first start with killing him"- Priam said looking at me with his angry eyes. 

" Try if you can. I would love to rip your heart out and drained every drop of your blood right here"

"I swear to god, If you guys didn't stop right now, I will kill YOU!!!"- She roared in a double tone. 

I looked at her shockingly just to find her floating in the air with her golden aura behind her. HER POWERS WERE BACK!!!!

"Yo-You...". I stuttered not knowing what to say.

" Yes, I have gained back my powers. And If you do not stop right now, I will not hesitate to use my powers on you."

My heart broke the way she pointed me out. I was only trying to save her. Only if she knows. I backed off slowly. She calmed herself down as Praim stood beside her. That was supposed to be my place. I controlled myself. Nothing is important now more than her safety. 

" Where are the children and my granny? Where did you keep them?"- She asked with a firm voice. Was it her powers that dominated me? Or the love that was making me weak before her?

I gulped as I tried to explain what is going to happen-" Shawna... Listen to...."

"WHERE ARE THEY?"- She demanded. Unknowingly my head bowed before her as I showed her the way. 

We reached the room where they were locked up. As soon as the door opened she ran towards Harney and Kelnier. They gladly accepted her in their arms. Somehow I could see the joy in her face that made me smile without my knowledge, but at the same time, I wanted to tell her to run away. As soon as possible. 

I was going in her direction as Priam stopped me with his sword in my neck. I wanted to kill this man for a long time. But this time was not suitable. This would break her down in every possible way. I didn't want to be the reason for her agony once again, This is why I chose to stay away from the war. 

"Okay, that was nice, now we need to leave"- I said as they all looked at me with confused eyes. 

Not before I could explain to her what was happening, Amira came in. 

She looked at me with confused eyes as she held her powers against us. "What is going on here Felix? Why did you bring her here?"

"Because we are leaving!"- I answered bluntly ignoring her stupid questions. 

She started at me confusingly as she asked-" Leaving? Where to?"

" Somewhere where she can be safe!!"

" Are you planning to betray Aya?"

" Yes, just like she planned to betray me!!!"

"WHY? Why do you have to choose her? Why do you have to save her and go against Aya? Don't you know that Aya can kill you? Why? Why are you trying to risk your life for this girl?"

"Because she is everything to me!!! She is the reason for my existence!!!"

"Stop fooling yourself Felix, just because she looks like Cara, that doesn't make her Cara. Besides, she does not love you, can't you see how much pain she gives you? Why can't you see I am willing to do anything for you... Why can't you choose me instead of her?"

I looked at her with a confused face as her tears rolled down her eyes. I have never seen her more than an acquaintance. Does she love me? But I can never give her what she want because whatever I was left with, all belong to Shawna. 

"Amira... I-I..."

"NO!!! Don't say anything, Her... She is the reason behind all this. She must die!!!"

She pulled out a silver dagger that she had hidden somewhere on her. Her eyes were filled with rage as she ran towards Shawna, without further notice. My heart raced with the thought of her being dragged with the silver dagger. Suddenly everything around me seemed to slow down, I couldn't hear anything apart from a loud buzz in my ears. I tried to grab hold of her, but she slipped through my hands like the air. The more she is closer to Shawna, the more I was afraid to see her hurt. 

"NO....!!!!!!"- I shouted helplessly. 

But was I too late? I couldn't understand as I stood there with a blank face. 

After a few minutes, she fell to the ground while blood oozed out from her. Confused about what happened, I saw, Priam's forbidden swords were stained by blood. It was Amira's blood. She died. I immediately checked up on Shawna, and luckily she was fine. 

"Now is your turn"- Priam pointed at me.

But before I could answer her back, we heard a few footsteps. 


"We have to move quickly.!!!"- Priam denoted while gesturing the way out. 

"Wait, Patricia... She fainted, We need to take care back, she is possessed.". Shawna, said while looking at her figure, who fainted as soon as Amira died. 

"She is fine, don't be stubborn... Just leave!!!"

"No... She is family... I will not leave until everyone here is safe"

" You don't understand Shawna, Aya... she will be here any moment... You should leave. Now"

It broke me to tell her to go away. But this was for the best. Her safety matters the most right now. I would care less about anything else right now apart from her. 

Something in her changed. The way she looked at me with confusion had made my heart do a summersault. Did she start to trust me?

" Leave!!"

I turned away towards the door waiting for Aya to walk in so that they have time to escape. I know I was not enough to stop her, but I could try till my last breath for her. 

"You are coming with me!!!"

The sweet voice made it to my ears with happiness. I wanted to kiss her right there but now was not the time. 

"What are you talking about?" Praim exclaimed. 

" I said what I said Priam. We can't leave him here. Aya would Kill him the sight when she knows we killed Amira and taken the hostages"

"Why do you care?"

The same reason I wanted to hear. I waited to hear something that my heart knows was impossible. She kept quiet. 

Did she perhaps care for me?

It was too much happiness for me right now, even if didn't say it out loud. 

But the footsteps became clear and clear every second as we understood she was a few steps away from here.

Suddenly a light filled the room as we started in the direction. A pink colour portal opened before us. 

"Gina!!!" She gasped. Others looked at her with shock. 

Praim made sure that everyone stepped into it carefully. 

I looked at her the last time, as Priam pulled her hands towards the portal. I was not sure if this was the last time I am seeing her. I have never thought about what to do if the plan didn't work out. I was so happy with the thought of her being with me. 

Apparently, everything has changed right now. And I feel happy that she is finally safe. 

Despite being pulled by Priam towards the portal her eyes met mine. I smiled to tell her that she is going to be fine. 

I turned around after I saw her step inside the portal. I didn't wait to close the portal, I didn't want to say goodbye, not now. 

I closed my eyes as the tears failed to escape from my eyes. I waited to face Aya finally. Not knowing what is going to be my destiny.

But something happened which turned me more than shocked. Her tiny hands grabbed my wrist as I looked back in confusion. She said-" I-I... Need you". 

That was the last thing I remembered until she pulled me inside the portal. 

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