☃️ ❝ Happy Holidays! ❞ ☃️

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Happy Holidays everybody! Hope you are all having a good break and are taking it easy! Make sure to stay safe and stay hydrated throughout this break!

Welcome to my art dump! It's kind of tradition to post on Xmas and New Years but this month has been hard for motivation but hey! I am here! Decided to just post on New Years Eve since I don't have any really "Xmas" related stuff soo lmao

Since I started this book with some goals, why not share my upcoming goals for 2023 as well? Looking back on my goals, it seems like I accomplished quite a few of them (working on oc book, striving to make more ocs complex, improving)

☃️ Be more involved
Talk to my followers more, do more things and just be open! I know I roleplay but I want to get more people excited about my work and be more involved in an art community!

☃️ Continuing on my oc book
Going at my own pace! It is a lot more motivating to edit an oc that I want to focus on then going in order at times. I wanna try to do 1-3 chapters a day to not overwork myself

☃️ Do more gifts & art trades
I guess this goes back into the "be more involved" but I used to draw my friends a lot of gifts and spoil them with my terrible art and now? I don't really do that all that much so I wanna healthily go back to old roots and honor my friends!

I wasn't originally going to share any of my "not art" goals but it's my book and I can do whatever I want .D

☃️ Not anxiously ponder graduation
I am a senior in High School and this is my last year before going into college and I am kinda terrified. However, I shouldn't let my anxiety get in the way of enjoying my last year of being in my hometown and living with my parents and being surrounded by my supportive friends!

Anyways, that's my goals for 2023. Hopefully none of you cringed and cried during this but honestly, I don't care .'D

Let's get started.
Let's talk about the elephant in the room.
If you guys noticed that my art book 3 cover changed to Fatcht shipart (which was my first piece back in 2022) I recently redrew this scene with Nacht watching since .DD

There was nothing wrong with the original art book cover but it just didn't represent my style anymore and I wanted to change that.

Only correct if I started the year with Fatcht and I end it with it as well!

I prefer the original lighting on the old picture but I really like the blend and how cozy Fate and Nacht look... Quite amazing!! Drew a lot of pillows because pillows are amazing.

Puppy and Soft BB are here .DD

Anyways, it's adorable shipart and isn't going to be the shipart in this art dump .DD

Or redraw -

Now, let's scoot over to the server secret santa we did over the span of November to the 25th! .D

I got my beautiful bestfriend pastelchromist... It was an honor to draw for them! 💛

It had been awhile since I drew Maxwell and Shadow and Mavy so I decided to do a baby Mavy and her two Dads!

This is probably the only one that is related to being Christmas like soooooooo snow!

I just HAD to a small reference to Shade and beware the snowman. Beware the snowman.

Anyways! I really like this drawing, the colors, the glowing snow and the wholesome family picture is really adorable and cute! I hope you enjoyed your secret gift from me and Merry Xmas Jackiepie!

Did you think that I was done with Jackiepie?? Ha no.

I originally made color palate adopts and Jackie was the only one who adopted soooooooo! .D

Everybody welcome Rose! I am not going to dwell long because I am sure that Jackie doesn't want me to spoil things about this oc but tragic ✨

I really love her design! I tried to keep her style simple and relatively close to her older sister Octavia and I think she looks adorable!

Added black dots because watermelon seeds and I think it works here!

Now we are finished with stuff for Jackie; however, we have something for other peeps still!

This next one is an art trade I did for DastiveArt!

Our first art trade! .D

Our art trade was where we took each other's oc and designed a cute outfit based on a song for them and I got Rufus (from her apocalypse world) and the song "Mr. Blue Sky." While listening, I couldn't help but think of a blue color palate since sKY and I wanted to incorporate a sun and some oranges and yellows and that's what I did !

I really like how their outfit turned out! I tried my best to replicate the hair and such but it was hard to see so it doesn't look the best, in my opinion, I kept their bandanna the same color since it looked like an important piece of their outfit and I didn't wanna mess with it!

The walking cane was given a sky and a sun ontop of it, I thought it was a nice touch .D

I am glad you enjoyed our first art trade... I had a lot of fun! Totally open to doing more COLLABS or ATs with you in the future (if you're up to it, of course).

This next one up is a small advertising and placeholder cover -

I have published a new book for EOTUF! This cover is a placeholder for a cover that I am going to try to have in the works so yey!

If you are interested in knowing more about my world and everything, I recommend checking out that book!

Updated character references!! .DD
Everybody's fAVORITE pART 💀

First one is Milas! After revamping Adam into Aaron, I just KNEW I had to do Milas and Sterling, especially after drawing them all together and having a lot of fun with it and sooo here he stands!

Milas is a TOLL bean; however, since he isn't with anyone and dwarfing them with his height, he looks... average x'D... but know he is 7'6"! I know I say that a lot but please, someone cut him off at his knees-

I really like this small redesign of him, I prefer him having pants over the shorts he originally had, I feel like that is more his style.. I had a lot of fun with him!

Totally going to do something with his partner Miguel soooon!

Andd since I mentioned Milas and Aaron, Sterling would of COURSE follow... They are a little cinnamon bun, why wouldn't they??

And Sterling looks like a MAJOR bean... I love!

In the original reference picture, the lineart was TOO light and it really blended with other aspects of Sterling and didn't look good (it's like what happened for Isti, that picture is also in the works-) but here, I think I gave Sterling redemption!

Sterling is just... such a bean... I literally love how they went from being an Apartment Wazzo (dayum, long time followers should remember this cringey first world) to being lovable Luxembourg.. What a character arc.

Didn't change anything but the style and their hair .D

Next ones up are Andiry and Vladimir!

I'd actually be surprised if any of you remembered Vlad without a picture ... That's how invisible he is (I mean, bro does have avoidance personality disorder soooooooo -) and I would put a picture but space

Andiry time!

Fun fact: Andiry's name has been spelled wrong all this time. The original spelling is supposed to be Andriy; however, I am too lazy to correct myself so Andiry is going to be here until the end of time. Thought I'd share that small fact.

Andiry looks like sUCH a bean... I just love?? The orange here has been executed pretty well and the lineart really helps bring it out! This is like... one of the only times I will draw two different eyes since I am mostly known for the "one eye but the other one is there" and I think it looks cute here!

The flowercrowns tho qqqqqqq

I had to draw this bean more and update their old reference since it is underselling Andiry

And now, time for the middle child who LITERALLY lives up to middle-child stereotypes

Honestly, I really like Vladimir's design still! It is simple. Unique. Beautiful but cold... like snow! I had recently updated Vladimir's (and Andiry's) character bios and that inspired me to draw Vladimir by himself and update it... bro really needed some love. Compared to Sergei and Andiry, he is LITERALLY drawn-starved.

I still really love his fluffy hair that is poofed over to one side, his blues and grays, his pose and just everything! Once again, the lineart enhances the colors and the style of Vlad!

I don't know if any of you caught this; however, Vladimir's design on his shirt had changed from "don't care" to "shut up" ... not the biggest difference but that was a mistake and I honestly prefer the new one over the older one!

Gotta draw Sergei, Vlad and Andiry again sometime. That's a potential redraw right there—

And that is the last of the updated character references... So let's start up with redesigns!

Yep. Redesigns. So fun.

This redesign was made by the wonderful Jackiepie (THEY STRIKE AGAIN-) and I finally finished drawing them!!

When I first saw Quinn's design, I had FALLEN in love with the design and knew I had to draw it in my style and in my world... I don't know why it took me so long to finally digitalize it and color it but I blame my motivation going down since December is a hard time for me to stay motivated x'D

However! I am glad it is finally done!

All I changed was the hairstyle so it matched Nova Lune's reference picture because... I didn't want to fuck with that after it took me forever and I honestly liked the thought of Quinn having long hair! Other than that, everything stayed the same! The colors, the plaid pants, the tints, yeah!

I meant to draw a small doodle of the hat you drew Quinn with but forgot so just know that that is still canon!

I plan on drawing Flossy over Xmas break, I sWEAR. Anyways, let's move onto another redesign I had sketched in my sketchbook and recently just digitalized it (motivation go bRRRRR)

Another redesign that was done by Jackie! Dayum, Jackie has been mentioned a lot 💀🔪

Rehan! They had a pJ theme going on with them when I adopted them from Lils and kept that theme going in this redesign; however, they're mismatched! We all love mismatched stuff -

I think it works really well for this world especially since Raziel & Orchid are EXTREMELY different from one another: it works really nicely!

Love their spots and their stripes .DD


Graciete had gone through three... four redesigns before this point so this gurl has a HISTORY. However, I think this is the one! I made her simple and elegant because frankly, I have a tendency to go overboard and I need some more simpler ocs in my world... it's only fair!

I used her original green from when I adopted her since it is an iconic green for her and I still love how it looks! She looks like a very sweet and elegant lady! Despite this, I am probably not going to redraw Sera, Graciete, Eisha and Wolf until it becomes more outdated since I really like that picture still x'D

Onto the next one!

If you remembered these two, you get a cookie!! These two ocs inspired my username (and it is still PumpkingxAngel until this very day)

Everybody welcome Lex and Angela! The OGs

Let's start left from right since there is quite a lot of information to talk about!

Pumpking Lex! They are the God of Dark/Night and I love their design! Kept the fancy suit since that is like his ICONIC look and I didn't want to break that for the world! Added a galaxy cape since... come on, I didn't want to miss that opportunity for Lex to represent their youngest daughter, Galaxy, since a lot of it is in the unknown and dark matter and darkness! I basically just stole and deleted some colors off of the shipart image and yeah, I think Lex is done well here!

I also kept their species as a Deceitful-Demise as a throwback to my original species in Mirerralia... It is going good. These two were originally from Mirerralia so .DD

And now onto Angela! She has been changed A LOT. Frankly wasn't planning on changing her dress as DRASTIC as I did but hey.. She is pretty hawt and I love how cute and how much it fits! She is the Goddess of Light/Day and I kept her original species (Haven) the same but added some cute wings ontop of her head to sell the point home. None of her colors changed from the shipart... but dayum. She is sEXY in that dress, Lex is so lucky LMAO

Onto the new topic, redraws!
I plan on doing more of these in 2023.

Hurt!Archie x Francis!

Francis: you REALLY need to be more careful. This is the FIFTH time I had to patch you up this week. Can't you be a LITTLE more careful?

Well, I revamped this iconic scene!

Francis: H-hey! Don't cry. It'll be okay. Stay the night.

The story behind the original and this one is that Archie was dRUNK and had been beaten up by individuals and stumbles to Francis' house to get patched up. In the original sketch of this redraw, there were more dialogue; however, I cut it because I didn't want to write out it on Ibis since Ibis SUCKS so allow me to type it .D

Francis: You REALLY need to be careful. This is the fifth time I had to patch you up this week, it's like you are trying to fight people, or something!

Archie: ...

Francis: Can't you be... a little more careful?

Archie: *starts to cry a little*

Francis: hey, hey! Don't cry. It'll be okay. Stay the night.

I definitely feel like this one is more caring than the original drawing and I really adore that!

Francis' outfit is CUTE. She would obvs wear robes and boxers to bed LMAO.

This is the closest that Archie is ever going to be considered "shirtless." He hates his chest and body and covers it up in bandages since he has a lot of scars and such he doesn't want others seeing. I think this is a nice parallel to Mitch, who hides his REDACTED scars and scars he gets from battles and such, he often doesn't mind having people stare at (except one on his heart)

Anyways! Had a lot of fun with this piece! The lighting was EXTREMELY fun to do and I tried to make it look like they were sitting on Francis' couch!

I think this next one is going to make lilspacebirb squeal-

New oc!

Everybody welcome KaiLynn!

The only reason I tagged Lils was because the design came from the first ever adopt I got from Lils and I changed A LOT about it with Kairos and I felt a lil bad for straying REALLY far away from the original roots so I changed that!

... I also redesigned it and gave a Kai a giant glowup!

Kai is Reversed Greece and has a good night theme since Kairos has narcolepsy and KaiLynn cant sleep since they have REALLY bad insomnia and yeah .D

Remember when I said that Pastel was the only one who adopted from the color palate batch?? Welllllll, I stole the last color since I do what I want when I want.

Continuing on with new characters, I adopted this bean from Pastel!

She is the Goddess of Life & Creation! She was the one who made Hands of Destiny and looks like Mother Earth... I really like her design!

All I did was add her different shades of green cape-skirt thing and the cute leg guards (?)! The hair was a NIGHTMARE but it looks good! She has two hairstyles because... She is a bean and loves to experiment and yeah!

Also, she is a CERTIFIED SIMP... She is Jackiepie's best student because she simps for depressed Dads like Kerraelas and Mitch 😭

Now let's talk about the Kerraelas doodle! While doodling Ker, couldn't help but dIE when someone (Kado) said his blush looked like fucking red glowing eyes... 😭😭

Oh, also! Mr. Cloud was a last minute addition and I love! He so pure!

So, I am placing this character away from the updates looks since... I am still obsessed with his design

... If you thought Aaron, you get a piece of cake ... Can't just keep feeding you cookies ovo;;

I just.
This dood is so fucking lovely and so fun to draw and color! I did this guy in the same stream with the Fatcht shipart and it was quite fun 👌👌

This picture actually came before the Fatcht shipart and I didn't update Ibis until afterwards so I didn't have my SPECIAL linearting brush so if you noticed this looks different, that's why!

His colors are so prettyyyy and hey! I drew headshots of his two brothers .))

With music dood out of the wayyyyy

New topic 👏

Shipart of our favorite couple, FrUk. You had gay FrUk, you needed up-to-date FrUk (AKA best FrUk) and here it is .D

Archie finally growed balls and is actually facing Paris when he hands her a flower instead of turning away so this is some hIGH qUALITY cHARACTER dEVELOPMENT 👌👌

Colors look nice. The blushing looks nice. Everything looks nice! Archie is so fecking red, it ain't funny.

Last but not least, let's end with an end card of my art in 2022!!

I have definently improved from Jan to December, totally gonna push the boundaries for the upcoming year! 2022 seemed to FLY by and hopefully 2023 will be slower, kinda anxious to graduate HS lmaooo!

Stay hydrated!
Stay safe!
Have a good day / night! 💛
Have a wonderful New Year!!

❤️️ Suggestions / tips ? ❤️

Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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