Best Piece of Advice from a Friend

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"I'm gonna miss that mouse." Persian said as he grabs Bunnelby's hands and lifts him up.

"Oh, Pikachu." The saddened Piplup said about his dearest friend getting eaten by the Skullasaurus.

However, they did not get a moment of silence to honor their friend because they heard a roaring sound nearby.

"Now it sounds like the beastly creature is..." Bunnelby said, while examining their surroundings. He gasped when something caught his attention. "Look there!"

He pointed to something above the group, which was a cave beaming with light. It appears to be what they were searching for all this time.

"The Eye of the Skull." Bunnelby said as he was surprised that they have found what they have been looking for.

Sadly, it does not seem they could reach it as they were below, and the Eye of the Skull was high up.

"What ever will we do?" asked a worrying Piplup.

"Well, we could get the kid outta there." Slowpoke suggested before continuing his thought. "If anybody has any ideas how to get up there, that is."

"The map!" exclaimed Persian as he hands the ruined map to the rabbit Pokémon. "What's it says?!"

Bunnelby tries to examine the map, but it is so ruined that he could not make heads or tails out of it.

"Oh, my." Bunnelby started to say. "It-It's useless. There's nothing in here about how to get up there. Why, why, I'd have to figure it out all by myself! From scratch! I..."

He then turns to his friends for comfort.

"Can I do that?" The rabbit Pokémon asked.

"Yeah," Persian said while turning to Slowpoke and Piplup. "can he do that?"

"I could try...for Pikachu." Bunnelby stated.


Pikachu, who is still wedged between crystals above his friends, heard what his rabbit friend said, and he was happy for him.

"Thank you, Bunnelby." Pikachu responded to his friend's renewed determination.


Bunnelby starts thinking very hard on a way that they could reach the Eye of the Skull and save their friend, Ash, from the Skullasaurus. After noticing a long vine above them, this gave the rabbit Pokémon a wonderful idea.

"Ah-hah! Hoo-hoo! I have it! Ho-ho!" He exclaimed with excitement ringing from his voice. He then proceeds to explain his plan to his friends.

"Persian, you can bounce Piplup to that ledge up there," Bunnelby started to explain his friends what the plan of attack is. "and Piplup, you can toss that long viney thing to us down here, and we'll shinny on up and rescue Ash Ketchum together!"

"Me?" asked a cautious classy cat Pokémon, after he observed the height of that ledge. "Make a bounce like that with a rickety ol' tail like this? Au contrary-wise."

Just as Persian wanted to give up, he remembers Pikachu and knows that he must make that bounce for them to save Ash from being eaten.

"Well," Persian said, with confidence. "I guess I could try. If it'd make Pikachu happy."


After hearing the classy cat Pokémon said that he would try for him, Pikachu smiled at his bouncy friend's determination to bounce high up.

"Vewy, vewy happy." Said the wedged mouse Pokémon.


"It's a rather high place for a very small Pokémon." Piplup said with a worried tone in his voice, but then, that tone changed to a bit more confident one. "But I'll be brave for Pikachu."

With the plan of attack established, Persian puts Piplup on his shoulders, and the penguin Pokémon is holding onto the classy cat Pokémon tight. Persian prepares himself for the big jump.

"One for the money, two for the show, three because, uh, comes before four..." Persian said as he gets a running start. "and here we go!"

With that exclamation, Persian bounces so high up that he almost reaches the ledge the first time. At first, he failed, but then, on the second try, he was able to grab onto the ledge. He lifts himself up and Piplup lets go of the classy cat Pokémon. The penguin Pokémon smiles upon seeing that he and Persian made it to safety.


Upon seeing his bouncy friend's achievement, the wedged mouse Pokémon smiles.


Piplup started to walk across the long vine. He just needs to grab the end piece and toss it to his friends below, so that they could climb up to Piplup and Persian. However, he almost lost his balance, but thankfully, the penguin Pokémon was able to land himself on the vine. But once he looked down and saw the deep dark abyss, his fear of heights took over him as he closes his eyes and covers them with his hands. But then, Piplup remembers that he needs to be brave for his friend, Pikachu. Slowly, the penguin Pokémon uncovers his eyes and opens them. When he did, he smiles over the fact that he has overcome his acrophobia.


The still wedged Pikachu smiles over his best friend's accomplishment.


Piplup then continues to carry out his part of Bunnelby's plan. He pushes the long vine and it quickly descended to where Bunnelby and Slowpoke are waiting for it. However, Piplup accidentally slides down with the vine, and eventually, his nose touches the rabbit Pokémon's nose. When he opens his eyes, the penguin Pokémon can see that he was in safe hands now.


"You did it!" exclaimed Pikachu, who was finally able to squeeze himself out of the crystals. "Hooray! Hooray!"

Sadly though, he and the honey pots fall into a spiral-shaped slide and started to slide all the way down. His screams could be heard by his penguin friend.


"You know? For a moment," Piplup started saying. "I almost thought I could hear Pikachu, cheering us on."

Bunnelby nodded, agreeing with what the penguin Pokémon had just said.


Eventually, Pikachu slides into a chamber with a polished ground and big sparkling and shiny rocks all around the room.

"Wait for me, Piplup!" exclaimed Pikachu as he attempts to climb back up to his friend.

However, due to the walls being so polished and slippery, the mouse Pokémon could not climb out of it and just slides back down. But still, Pikachu would not give up.

"Hold on, Slowpoke!" shouted Pikachu as he goes for another run, leaving the honey pot behind.

This attempt was also a fail as he just slides right back down. The mouse Pokémon was trapped in the chamber with no hopes of being rescued.

"Bother. I believe, if there is no way out," Pikachu stated as he starts losing hope of being saved. "that I shall have to"

Pikachu has lost all hope. With his friends not knowing he is still alive, there is no way they could rescue the trapped mouse Pokémon.

"With no more friends." The depressed Pikachu said. "No more Ash Ketchum. No more...we."

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