Deep into the Skull

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Several hours later, Piplup was the first to wake up. He walks out of the cave, rubbing his sleepy eyes and yawning, while wandering around the area with a smile on his face. But then, Piplup examined a shadow underneath him that quickly change the expression on his face from happy to anxious. He slowly turns around and looks up. Suddenly, the penguin Pokémon goes into panic mode.

"Oh, dear!" shouted Piplup, as he started screaming.

His screams soon begin to wake everyone else up, including Pikachu and Bunnelby, who were sleeping by the tree on the top of the cliff.

"Piplup?" Pikachu said, after quickly waking up from his sleep, along with Bunnelby.

The two Pokémon saw their frightened friend screaming and running in circles. Pikachu and Bunnelby runs over to the scared penguin Pokémon to try to calm him down. When they reached their friend, Piplup jumps into Pikachu's hands.

"Skuh-skuh-skuh-skee." said Piplup as he could not put his words together because he was too frightened to speak clearly to his confused friends. "Skuh-skuh-skoo-skah-skee!"

"Try to be specific." Suggested Bunnelby, just as Persian and Slowpoke walked out of the cave, after having been awakened by Piplup's screams, and headed over to their friends to see what was going on.

"Skee-skuh-skuh-skuh..." Piplup continued saying while being finicky around Pikachu.

Eventually, Piplup calmed down just a bit, so that he could say what he has been trying to tell his friends.

"Skull." Piplup calmly said as he points up towards the cave that they were sleeping in.

When everyone looked at the cave more closely, fear began to overwhelm them as they recognized where they were. Soon, everyone screamed out of fear and hugging each other as they realized that they have reached their destination. Skull Cave! The cave's exterior looked exactly what a skull would look like. This was the place that Owl believes where they will find Ash Ketchum.

"Ash Ketchum is in the eye of that thing?!" Persian asked with a tone of fear in his voice. "How're we gonna get way up there?"

"By going..." Pikachu started to answer Persian's question as he looks forward into the cave. "in there?"

"But it's dark!" The scared classy cat Pokémon explained to his friend.

"And f-f-frightful!" Piplup continued Persian's explanation on why they should not enter the cave.

Bunnelby then said, "And we have no idea what we'll find."

Suddenly, everyone jumped at the sound of a distant roar. It was the Skullasaurus. He was nearby. With no other choice, everyone started to run into the cave.

"But we know what's gonna find us!" exclaimed Slowpoke as he was the first to run into the dark cave.

"The Skullasaurus!" Piplup yelled as he runs into the cave next.

Following Piplup, Persian, Bunnelby, and Pikachu run into the cave as well.


With Pikachu in front, the group started to explore Skull Cave in hopes of reaching the Eye of the Skull, where they hope to find their lost friend, Ash. The gang stuck together for most of the trek, until eventually, they came to a fork in the road. They were five paths, and no one knew which way will lead them to where they wanted to go.

"N-N-Now which way to the Eye of the Skull?" asked Piplup.

Everyone turned to the rabbit Pokémon, who they think will know which way to take, especially since he still has the map, but sadly, the map does not show the inside of the cave.

"Don't look at me!" Bunnelby begged as he still doubts his own smarts.

"Oh, bother." Said Pikachu as he hands Piplup his honey pot and goes into his thinking pose. "Think, think!"

It did not take Pikachu long to come up with a solution to their current situation.

"If each of us went where the other hasn't...think!" The mouse Pokémon started to explain his idea to his friends, while walking over to Bunnelby. "And one were where another wasn' which I mean to say, perhaps we should split up?"

"Why, Pikachu!" exclaimed Bunnelby, who smiles upon Pikachu's solution. "I believe that's a very smart idea."

"I'm so glad you liked it." Pikachu said, while chuckling. "Whatever it was."

Agreeing to this idea, everyone choose to take their own path. Persian went down the bottom right path. Slowpoke choose the path that was before the bottom right path. As for Bunnelby, he chooses the path in the middle as he crawls under a small bridge. Pikachu picked the path that would take him upon everyone else. A reluctant Piplup, who did not want to split up from the group, choose the path that had a small bridge. And so, everyone went their separate ways in hopes that they will find the Eye of the Skull.


Bunnelby was walking through a cavern where the rocks were spiral-shaped.

"Ash Ketchum!" Bunnelby yelled, hoping for a response from his friend.

There was no answer. All the rabbit Pokémon could hear was his own echo.


Piplup was slowly walking across the edge of a cliff. There is smoking rising from below.

"A-A-Ash Ketchum!" said the frightened penguin Pokémon.

He then hears a soft growling sound from behind him, but when he turned around, there was nothing there. Piplup continued exploring the path he has picked.


Slowpoke was walking across an unstable bridge that could collapse at any moment.

"Ash Ketchum, yoo-hoo!" shouted the lazy Pokémon.

Suddenly, the bridge collapses and Slowpoke was falling quickly.

"Yeow!" was all Slowpoke could say.

Slowpoke's screams echoed throughout the whole cave. Soon, all his friends could hear his cries for help.


"What's that?" Bunnelby asked himself when he heard a scream far away from him.


"Oh, d-d-d-dear!" Piplup responded to the scream by running away from it.


Fortunately for Slowpoke, he lands on a root that launches him to another root, shaped like a human hand, and then, bounces off it and gets his head stuck inside of a tree trunk that kind of looks like a rhino's head.


"Ha-ha." Bunnelby said while slowly walking backwards without noticing the crater behind him. "There's nothing to be afraid of, it's just the wind, yes that's right, yes, it's, it's nothing, nothing at all..."

Evidently, he falls into the big crater.

"Aah!" The falling Pokémon screams out loud, and soon, his screams could also be heard throughout the cave.


"Bunnelby?" Pikachu asked when he heard the screams of his rabbit friend.


Bunnelby was falling down a tunnel that seems to go on forever. Bunnelby continues screaming in pain as he hits every corner of the tunnel.


Meanwhile, Persian was exploring his path, while yelling out Ash's name, in hopes to get an answer from him.

"Ash Ketchum!" Persian shouted from afar, but then, got closer to shout again. "Ash Ketchum!"

"Come out, come out, wherever you aren't." said Persian as he continues walking down his path.

Just as he tries to examine a small crater, a flock of Zubats suddenly flew out of the crater and spooked the classy cat Pokémon.

"Aah!" Persian screamed which could also be heard throughout the cave.


"Persian?" said Pikachu as he hears his friend's scream of fright.


Back to Bunnelby, he continues yelling out in pain with every corner he hits down the tunnel.


In his desperate attempt to run from the scary noises, Piplup started slipping on some small pebbles littered in front of him.

"Oooh! Aah! Aah!" shouted the penguin Pokémon who cannot stop his feet from slipping.


Pikachu was about to enter a cave full of giant crystals, when suddenly, he hears the screams of his dear friend, Piplup.

"Piplup?" said the confused Pikachu.


Eventually, the pebbles cause Piplup to slide off the path he was on. He was holding onto the edge of cliff, but his small muscles could not hold on for long. He lets go and started to fall until he landed on top of rhino-shaped tree trunk with a stuck Slowpoke in it. The impact caused the trunk to break from the cliff and made Slowpoke land very hard on the ground. Piplup lands on top of the lazy Pokémon. This caused Slowpoke to go into panic mode. He starts screaming and running quickly out of the area, with a frightened Piplup on his back.


"Slowpoke!" Pikachu shouted as he starts to explore the crystal cavern.

While walking behind giant crystals, his body appears to be distorting from the other side.


In that same room, Bunnelby's screams could be heard as he finishes his trip down the tunnel and lands in the center of the crystal chamber that Pikachu was also in.


Meanwhile, back with Slowpoke and Piplup, the lazy Pokémon was galloping through the path until he notices the tunnel entrance. He attempted to put the brakes on his gallop, but when he arrived at the entrance, the rhino-shaped tree trunk was destroyed. However, Slowpoke and Piplup were still able to enter the tunnel, not knowing where they might end up.


Just as Bunnelby recovered from his fall, he hears Persian's cries for help as he notices the classy cat Pokémon running blindly into the crystal chamber. Soon after, a sliding Slowpoke, with Piplup still on his back, appeared in the chamber. The rabbit Pokémon immediately realizes that they were all going to collide into each other. Evidently, they did.

They were piled up on each other, with Persian at the top, Bunnelby in the middle, and Slowpoke on the bottom. Piplup climbs up Persian and smiles when he sees his friends.

"Persian! Bunnelby! Slowpoke!" exclaimed the penguin Pokémon, feeling happy to see his friends again.

"Thanks for noticin'." An exhausted Slowpoke said to his friend.

However, a roaring sound would not let the group take a breather. When they all got up, they noticed an image of giant distorted mouse-shaped creature, projected on the crystals, was standing behind them.

"There it is! There it is!" The terrified rabbit Pokémon shouted.

"It's the terribibblest Skullasaurus I've ever seen." Persian exclaimed upon seeing what he believes to be the Skullasaurus. "Not to mention, the only one."

When the creature started to walk over to them, the whole gang rushed out of the crystal chamber screaming out of fear that the 'Skullasaurus' was about to eat them. However, just as they exited the chamber, they fail to take a closer look at the creature. It turns out it was their good friend, Pikachu, who was standing behind the crystals that made his body appeared distorted to his friends.

"Did someone say, Skullasaurus?" asked the frightened Pikachu as he walks out from the giant crystals.

Unfortunately, Pikachu did not see the polished earth as he slips and soon started to slide down the crystal-formed tunnel.

"Aah!" was all Pikachu could say as he was sliding down to who knows where.


Meanwhile, his friends were still running away from what they thought to be the Skullasaurus. Eventually, everyone started to slip, and then fell, as they skid towards the exit of the tunnel, only to find himself at another cliff. Slowpoke, Piplup, and Persian were able to stop themselves from going over the cliff. As for Bunnelby, his body jumped over the three and was hanging onto a piece of root for dear life.


A screaming Pikachu was still sliding on the polished crystal slide until he flew off it due to a ramp at the end. His honey pot followed soon after.


The rest of his friends heard the screams of their dear friend.

"Did ya hear that?" asked a scared classy cat Pokémon who is fearing the worst. "The got Pikachu!"


Pikachu lands in a small, yet tight, crack between the giant crystals, which he was now stuck in and cannot get himself out of it. The honey pot lands on the mouse Pokémon's back.

"Piplup?" The wedged Pikachu said, trying to call out to his friends for help.

However, having his face squashed by the crystals, makes it hard for his friends to hear his voice.

"Bunnelby? Persian?" Pikachu continues calling out to his friends, while struggling to unwedge himself from the crystals.

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