Chapter 25: Do not don't not go

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"So this isn't just a small group going hawryre... A large scale operation to take over the Kingdom... And their aim is the Reverie..."

Hody: Here in the Ryuuguu palace... I have found something interesting. This is the letter from the Tenryûbito that Queen Otohime risked her life to obtain ten years ago ! If I destroy it now, it will never be replaced. And here in this box behind me, I have the signatures of over half the population of this country... !!

Hody: Jahahahah... To think that so many would consent to the foolish notion of joining hands with the humans in harmony... The ones whose names are written in this box have made clear their opposition to my new kingdom. In other words, this is... A LIST OF FILTHY TRAITORS !!

Hody: there will be no more treading on the images of Otohime. That is a test that anyone can clear if they have the courage to conceal their true beliefs. These signatures are the unshakable proof of who stands with me and who is against me !!

Citizen: No... !

Hody: The people on this list will have to be disposed of !

Neptune: Such arrogance... !

Hody: Arrogance is in the nature of a King. All of us have suffered thanks to your arrogance, Neptune

Hody: And finally... I address the Straw hat pirates !! Take a good look !! I don't doubt you are watching this broadcast somewhere on this island... !! These are the humans who crushed the ambitions of the Noble Arlong Pirates, who fought for the rage of our race !!

Chopper: ZORO !! USOPP !! BROOK !!

Sanji: ... What do they thing they're playing at ?

"Seriously, I leave them alone for a minute and this is what they find themselves into ?"

Luffy: Ahhh ! They got caught !!

Hody: By the time the King's execution is complete... This room will be flooded completely. That alone will be enough to take the lives of these inferior humans, yes ?! Straw Hat Luffy !! Your head is worth four hundred Million Berry !! the lives of your crew will serve as a perfect example to the humans on the surface !! NOW !! IT IS TIME FOR US TO START CLEARING OUT THE TRASH OF THE OLD RYUUGUU KINGDOM !! IN THREE HOURS TIME, THIS COUNTRY WILL BE REBORN AS A NEW FISHMAN ISLAND OF DIGNITY AND PRIDE !!


Citizens: ... This is terrible... !

Fukaboshi: ... I will not allow it... !!

Usopp: Damn it all !! the water level just keeps on rising ! Can't you do something about it, Zoro ?!

Zoro: Sure... If you get these chains off me.

Usopp: Chains, begone !! ... It's no good, I don't have psychic powers...

Brook: Oh, but did you see their faces ?! Those Fishmen almost jumped out of their skin when they saw me move !

Fishmen: Aaaahhhh !! It moved !!

Brook: That is correct ! I am just dead bones Brook ! Yohohoho !!

Zoro/Usopp: If you'd just stayed where you were and played dead, you could have helped us escape... !!

Brook: Somebody help me ! I'm going to be killed !! Ah ! But I'm already dead ! Yohoho !

Zoro: Still, Nami Camie and Y/n escaped, right ? They can just bring Luffy and the rest to get us out.

Usopp: And what if they don't show up ?! Robin impression ! "I wonder if Nami has been eaten alive by deepwater fish..."

Brook: Yohoho !! That's just like her !!

Robin: This is a little different from the poneglyphs I have read before now... It is almost like a letter, and a letter of apology, at that... Who could it be apologizing to ? Who in the world are you ? "Joyboy"...

Luffy: ... ... Did you hear that ?! My bounty's four hundred Million !! When did it go up ?

Nami: Is this really the time ?!

Sanji: he's blatantly picking a fight with us...

"His funeral. But after all that happened two years ago in Marineford, it's not that surprising..."

Jinbe: indeed. Your actions in the war sent your fame sky-high... Though once you exceed three hundred million, it's difficult to get much higher.

Luffy: Still, if it's a fight he wants, that's what we'll give him- Garg !

"You hold your horses and stay right here, Luffy."

Shirahoshi: Father... Megalo !! We have to go and help him !!

Jinbe: Wait, please !! princess Shirahoshi !! Megalo, stop !!

Shirahoshi: But, Boss Jinbe-sama... !

Jinbe: Luffy-kun, your highness... If you could both hold on a little longer... !

Hachi: Nyuuuu... Your highness, I think it's a bad idea for you to go as well...

"I concur... For Hody to broadcast this all the way out here, he's obviously trying to lure you out..."

Hachi: Yes... The one thing Hody fears the most in the current Ryuuguu Kingdom... is the talent that you possess. He knows that no matter how "perfect" a new Fishman island he manages to build... It will never be able to stand up against an assault by the Sea Kings... ! He's holding the King hostage as a form of protection against that assault... !

Hachi: Nyuuuu... Hody doesn't want to capture you and use your power for himself... he's too afraid of the threat that your power presents. That's why he joined forces with Decken, a man with the perfect power to take your life... ! Hody is the kind of man who will eliminate anything that stands in his way... !

Shirahoshi: ... I have heard all about this power I am supposed to possess... But you must understand, I have never actually spoken to a Sea king in all of my life... ! I still do not feel sure that I even have the ability to...

Jinbe: I see, then we must make sure that Hody does not find out about this fact. It is to our advantage if he fears the worst...

Luffy: Shark !! Take me to the Ryuuguu palace !! Sanji, you take care of Crybaby for me !!

"And I say you stay here until we have a real plan other than 'Bust in and beat them up' ! What if the King gets hurt in the crossfire ?"

Jinbe: It's more than just that ! You and your crew must not do battle with Hody !

Franky/Chopper: Is it... Because we're humans ?

Sanji: Don't you two say it ! That just makes things more confusing !!

Jinbe: That is correct... Your involvement would only serve to fuel the bad feeling against humans... You must leave this to me !!

Luffy: Jinbe ! That man has captured my friends !! If I don't do something about that Hody, my friends and everyone else will e in trouble. I'm going ! If you really want to stop me, then you'll have to make me !!

"... ... Luffy, don't you go that way..."

Jinbe: ... As a one-time comrade, I had hoped that you would listen to reason... But I suppose I was foolish; You truly are that man's brother... If you refuse to back down.. then you leave me no choice !

Nami: Luffy... Jinbe !! Wait a minutes, would you ?! What are you two saying ?!

Luffy: i'm gonna go to the palace, save my friends, and kick that Hody guy's ass !!

Jinbe: And I am saying that you must not !!

Sanji: Seriously... ?! Do we really need a fight here ?!

"Haaaaaah... And neither of these two would even back down from their positions with words alone."

Shirahoshi: Luffy-sama !! Boss Jinbe-sama !

Luffy: Shark !! Take me to the Ryuuguu palace !!

Luffy: NGUAAAHHHHHH !!! Urgh... That hurts !!

Nami: Eh ?! His punches damage Luffy's body ?!

Jinbe: the secret of Fishman Karate lies in the mastery of water... ! Using the power of the water in the atmosphere, it sends powerful waves that impact the water within the opponent's body !! All living beings are filled with water !! Even a rubber man cannot escape this truth !

Luffy: Gomu Gomu no...

Jinbe: ... Is this all that your training has achieved ?!

Franky: Hey, we should probably do something before they maim each other, don't you think ?

"Yeah... But we're lucky, I think the solution just presented itself to us."

Robin: That's enough.

Luffy: Ehh ?! Robin !! get out of the way !!

Jinbe: Who are you ?! Move yourself !!

Nami: Robin !!

"Relax. There's nothing to worry about."

Sanji: Robin-chan is in trouble~ !!

"Well, except for that idiot, of course..."


Chopper: Ehh ? Why is Robin coming out of the forest ?!

"I must say, I wasn't expecting you to have progressed that much."

Robin: Fufu, you flatter me. I'm not sure what's going on exactly... But we're all on the same side here, yes ? We shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves.

Jinbe: Haa... Haa... Think about what you are doing, Luffy... ! If you and your friends start rampaging across Foshman island, what will the result be... ?!Every time our race has attempted to make peace with the humans, it has always been humans who have stood in our way. "Humans are a violent and dangerous race !"... "Humans look down on Fishmen and detest them !"... this is the reality that our people have learned... from the cruel path that history has taken up until now... !! Even in the case of Arlong... many of our people still believe that he was hunted down by humans, purely for the crime of being a fishman !!

Jinbe: If you, the very humans responsible for Arlong's defeat, were to stand against Hody now as well, what would they think ?! Even if your actions did succeed in saving Fishman island from this crisis, seeing Hody's attempts to stand against the humans mercilessly crushed... Would only serve to reinforce their doubts and fear about humankind !! The people would see in you the shadow of that Dark History !!

"... ... I can see where that comes from, of course. But you're asking us to just sit still not only as our friends are captured, but also as this island is about to fall into Hody's grasp. Are you really telling us to just abandon everyone here we know and call friends ?"

Jinbe: ... ... ...

"Hachi, you keeps refusing to tell us who beat you up so bad, but you did say Hody wouldn't hesitate to attack and kill his fellow fishmen should they show sympathy for humans... Did Hody attack you because you tried to stand up for us ?"

Nami: ... Hachi...

Camie: Hacchin, is this true ?! Did Hody and his cronies do this to you ?!

Hachi: How could I face him in the knowledge that Arlong's will still lives on ?!

Hachi: Nyuuu... I...

"Jinbe, this island is your home after all, so it's normal you'd want to handle things yourself. But it's also one of the reasons Luffy has to act now. We can't just ignore what's going on when we have more than enough reasons to fight."

Sanji: Because this is Camie-chan's home~ !! And Shirahoshi-chan's home ! And the glorious mermaid paradise of my dreams !!

"Someone knock him back up, please !"

Luffy: You heard him, move it, Jinbe !! I've said I'm going, and I mean it !!

Jinbe: I will not allow it !! Leave this to me !!


"Would the two of you kindly stop that ?!"

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