Chapter 26: Kono Hody da !

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Fishmen: So, boss... Are you gonna leave anyone behind here in the palace ?

Hody: No... I don't think there's much need. The Ryuuguu palace is an impenetrable fortress, leave a few men to open the gates when we return. That should be enough. Wouldn't want the king to get locked out of his own palace after all, would we ?!

Fishmen: Gyahahahah ! You got that right !! Hey, boss ! What about those three Strawhats ... ?

Hody: Ugh... My wounds from fighting that swordsman are still aching... My energy steroids are running out... bring me some more ! Those three are only humans. they'll drown to death sooner or later. Even if somebody comes to save them, they'll never get into the palace. What I want to know is, how are things going with the residents coming from the Fishman district ?

Fishman: It looks like the migration is already underway...

Hody: Good. There'll be plenty of space for them soon enough. Those who flee the country.. Those who are killed... Their residences can be readied for new occupants. We will make this into a fine country, filled only with proud, human_hating citizens ! Jahahahahah !!


Fishman: Daruma-san !! What are you... ?!

Citizens: He's chewing up the stone factory walls... ! What are his teeth made of... ?!


Fishman: W- We're sorry, Daruma-san !!


Fishman: I'll bear that in mind !!

Daruma: ... Well, whatever. I'll be able to feast on the royals and their soldiers before long, anyway. I'M GOING ON AHEAD TO GYONCORD PLAZA !! EVERYONE'S GOTTA BE THERE. DON'T BE LATE, YOU GOT THAT ?!

Fishman: And what shall we do with the citizens ?

Daruma: KYAKKYAKKYAH !! No need to do anything. Each of 'em already oughta know what kind of fate awaits them... !! Kyakkyahh !!

Citizens: Including Hody himself, four of the leading members of the new Fishman pirates are shark Fishmen... Another is a giant squid, and they've hired the greatest swordsman on Fishman island as a bodyguard... But on our side, we have the three Neptune brothers to rely on... i'm sure the princes will pull through !

Brook: I have found itttttttt !! our ray of hopeeeeeee !!

Brook: For some reason, all of the people who were here before seem to have left the palace almost completely empty... But it seems that Pappag-san was left behind... !

Zoro: ... Since when have you been able to do that... ?

Usopp: This guy is getting creepier and creepier...

Brook: Oh yes, it was the funniest thing ! One day when I was kneeling down and praying a little... My soul just suddenly slipped right out ! Yohohoho ! I can float around and peek through walls. Why, the day I first got this ability... What do you think I did~ ?


Zoro: Oh, shut up !

Usopp: Anyway, Brook ! Why don't you go and ask Pappag to go and find the keys to our chains ! And the keys to this cage, the keys to this room...

Zoro: No need for all that, just tell him to bring one of my swords. I'll slice through the lot.

Usopp: Gueh... That... Also works... !

Brook: Wait a moment !! Pappag-saaaaan !! it's only meeeeeeee ! We're in quite a hurry !! We ned you to find a key... I mean, a sword !!


Decken: My heart is broken, so I've shaved my head !!

Fishmen: JUST THE TOP ?!

Pirate: Cap'n Decken !! You'll get lucky someday !

Decken: Don't give me empty reassurances, you idiots !! I mean, sure, to begin with, Shirahoshi was still just a kid... And I only decided to marry her for the sake of fulfilling my ancestor's dream... But now !!

"Not my type", she said.

That was when I realised...

Truly, this was love !

... I know it !

Didn't fit the metre

                                            -Vander Decken IX

Decken: And the worst thing is, I still haven't managed to kill her ! I can tell that, because the stuff I throw at her still keeps hurtling off into the distance ! Those Strawhat brutes are protecting her !! Aaarghhhhhh !! ... Oh, hang on !

Pirate: What wrong, cap'n ?!

Decken: That's right... I should just crush them all in one fell swoop ! Ever last one of 'am !! Bahoh~ ! ... OHHHH, I JUST HAD THE MOST BEEEEAAAUUUTIFUL IDEA !! BAHOHOHOHOHOH !!

Citizens: So in the end... The sea monsters alone were enough to annihilate... the whole Neptune Army... !! Minister of the Right !! Minister of the Left !

Minister: ... So close... !! We were so close... ! Ohhh, Queen Otohime... ! At this year's reverie, your wishes were finally going to come true... How did it come to this... ?! Please, lend us your protection... At this rate... In just an hour's time... Our beloved King will be murdered... ! Ahhh... Please, lend him your protection... !!

Citizens: We can't get in... !! the entrance has been sealed !! YOUR MAJESTY !! I can hear the pirates whooping and howling inside !! let's climb up to above the plaza ! We should be able to see inside !!

Neptune : My soldiers...

Fishmen: AHAHAHAHAHAH !! What pathetic soldiers !! And they thought they could protect their country !!

Soldier: ... ... Hody...

Zeo: ... It looks like that soldier is about to try something...

Daruma: Kyakkyah ! Where ?!

Hyouzou: Airnh vriiy zhgeriyhh wehhnayge'h dranghh... !! (Untranslatable)

Dosun: He's gonna blow himself up with dynamite and take someone with him, Bokan !!

Ikaros: Muhhi !! If he does that, I will become dried squid-hhi !!

Hody: ... ... ...

Soldier: ... if I can take out even one of these fiends... before the princes arrive, I will be satisfied... !

Fishmen: Hey, this looks pretty dangerous !!


Citizens: Ehhh... ?! What is that thing... ?! Just how far is it gonna keep on going... ?!

Fishmen: ... I thought "Uchimizu" was just an ordinary brute force attack... !

Ikaros: Only minutes ago, he was half-dying from the effects of overdosing on energy steroids... And now this-hhi ?!

Zeo: Your hair's gone white, and your body has changed, but... How do you feel right now, Captain... ?

Hody: ... ... Incredible.

Citizens: Ahh... It's the princes !

Mamboshi: Soldiers... Why did you not wait for our arrival... ?!

Fishmen: OH CRAAAAAAAP !! IT'S THE PRINCES !! Are we really gonna be okay ?!

Neptune: Fukaboshi !! Ryuuboshi !! Mamboshi !! You must be careful !! the monsters and the fishmen have all been drugged... !!

Ryuuboshi: As though the Neptune army could be defeated so easily if they did not have some such dirty trick up their sleeves-re-me-fa-so !! You wait right there, father... !!


Fukaboshi: Why do you not understand, Hody Jones ?! You and your accomplices are weaker than any citizen of this country !! The people of this island had the courage to avert their eyes from the cruel history of oppression our people have suffered... To allow even the death of our hero and our queen at the humans' hands to be washed away in the rivers of time... To clench their teeth and make an effort to grasp a brighter future, by offering their signatures in the name of peace !!

Citizens: Your highness !!

Fukaboshi: Why can you not understand the gentle yet powerful resolve that they have shown ?! Merfolk armsmanship !! KOUIN RYUUSUISOU !! (Flowing water lance of ages)

Mamboshi: SHICCHIN BANPOU !! (7 seas treasures)

Ryuuboshi: RYUUGUU ROUMON !!

Fukaboshi: You fools who know nothing but revenge and hatred... Will not take the King's head ! Nor the citizens' homes !! And you will certainly not take this kingdom !! WE WILL NOT ALLOW IT !!


Ryuuboshi: If you prevail, then our people will lose all chance of peace with the humans for centuries to come !!


Citizens: They really are strong !! That's the princes of our Kingdom for you !!

Hody: ... Prattle all you like, but in the end, this country... Belongs only to the victors !

Shirahoshi: You must hurry, Megalo !! Father... please, be safe... !

Jinbe: Worry not ! We will prevail !!

Shirahoshi: ... Ah ! Boss Jinbe-sensei ! Megalo ! Take a look over there !! It's father !! thank goodness he's all right !

Jinbe: Eh ?

"Neptune": 'It's me, king Neptune ! It's me, King Neptune !'

Citizens: The princes...

Zeo: We seem to have ourselves quite the audience.

Daruma: Kyakkyahh !! Well, you don't get the opportunity to see someone dying every day !!

Hody: Jahahahaha ! What a splendid sight !

Zeo: The army' soldiers ! The country's ministers ! And the Royal family ! Now, there are none left in this country to oppose us.

Dosun: HAAAAAAAHHHHHH !! I need to rampage more, Zugon !!

Ikaros: Muhii !! Put out that fire in your heart !! It'll turn me into dried squid !!

Mamboshi: Unghh... Their power is unbelievable...

Fukaboshi: My deepest apologies, father...

Neptune: Do not apologise, my son. The power they use is not their own...

Ryuuboshi: But if it allows them to take our country from us... !

Fishmen: LET'S EXECUTE THEM ALL, CAPTAIN HODY !! BURN THEM TO THE STAKE !! NO, SKEWER THEM !! Gibe the worthless royal family the horrible deaths they deserve !! Give the people watching a show they'll never forget !!

Hody: Silence... I have not yet received word from Decken's men of Shirahoshi's death. If we cannot lure out the princess, there is no meaning to any of this.


Hody: Prince Mamboshi, do you really think that I am not aware of her power ? That legendary mermaid is the greatest threat of all !

Fishmen: CAPTAIN HODY !! Princess Shirahoshi and Jinbe, have fallen for our trap !!

Fukaboshi: Shirahoshi !!

Shirahoshi: Father... My brothers... !!

Hody: Now, this is more like it !! JAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !! The two greatest threats to my revolution, both captured in one fell blow !! is this some kind of beautiful dream ?!

Shirahoshi: I... I must offer my sincerest apologies ! It is all my fault... If I had not fallen for their trickery, you would not have been captured... !

Jinbe: Do not apologize, what's done is done !

Shirahoshi: Wh... Why, this isn't actually father at all !

Jinbe: Of course it isn't !!

Hody: I thought you might show your face, Jinbe... You know, I admired you back in the days, when you still had guts...

Jinbe: What's happened to you, Hody ? You look completely different from when we say you just now... !!

Citizens: It's Boss Jinbe !! But I thought he'd left the island after he resigned from the Shichibukai... ?! I thought Princess Shirahoshi had been kidnapped by Straw Hat Luffy... Did Boss Jinbe rescue her ?!

Hody: Jahahahah... Well, I think that's eevryone present and accounted fro ! This task was easier than I expected... The only unpredictable factor remaining is the Straw hat pirates. But I daresay they will be hopelessly searching for a way into the palace about ow ! And when they do come after me to avenge their crewmates' deaths, we will be ready to strike them down.

Citizens: ... Who are all those people ?!

Hody: Armed Fishmen, ready to fight in my name. Seventy thousand of them ! And the human slaves whom I have captured over the past month... Thirty Thousand of them !! In all, I have brought into this country from the Fishman District, A FULL ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND OUTLAWS !!


Hody: There are also a number of women and children who cannot fight outside the plaza, but they can wait until things have settled down. Naturally, the number of human slaves will only increase as time goes on... But for the moment, we have a hundred thousand new citizens !! The homes of you traitors to your own kind will now belong to them ! So I suggest you make your decision quickly... Flee, or be killed !!

???: Causing a big ruckus like that in a public plaza... You boys have no class !! Stop getting so carried away with yourself, Hody Jones !!

Hody: ... Now that's a face I haven't seen in a while... What do you want... ?

Citizens: Madame Shirley !!

Shirley: Oh, I just wanted to give you a fair warning, that's all. I had a premonition, you see. Of a certain man bringing about the destruction of Fishman island.

Hody: Well, I guess destroying the old Fishman island is exactly what i'm doing. You saw my face in this vision, did you ?

Shirley: I did not. The man who will destroy... is Straw hat Luffy.

Hody: ... What are you trying to say ?!

Shirley: I am merely telling you what I know. It is he who will tear the island down, not you... !!

Citizens: O... Of course !! The Madame's predictions are never wrong ! If Straw Hat Luffy is really going to destroy the island... Then Hody's plan to turn it into his own Kingdom is doomed !!

Hody: Ridiculous nonsense... !! What are you trying to imply, Shirley ?! Trying to take some kind of petty revenge ?! I'm not like your brother, Shirley !! Oh, sure, when I was a kid, your brother Arlong was the idol of the whole Fishman District !! But we've moved beyond that ! We've become powerful !! At this stage, the name of the Arlong pirates is nothing but an empty symbol for us to rally around !! Look at what we've accomplished ! Look at hos we've grown !! I've been working towards this moment for ten long years !! You want to hear something good... ?§

Hody: You remember the Queen of this kingdom ? That wretched Otohime, who you all adored so much ?! WELL, I'M THE ONE WHO KILLED HER !!

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