Chapter 27: Conqueror

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Jinbe: ... ... What ?!

Fishmen: You killed Otohime ?! Is that really true, Captain ?!

Citizens: No way... !! But what about the human assassin... ?!

Zeo: Hahahah...

Daruma: KYAKKYAHH !! You're all idiots for not realizing sooner !!

Hody: that day... I paid a human pirate to set fire to that box of signatures. While everyone was distracted by the blaze, I murdered Otohime !! And finally, I shot the human I'd hired dead... And framed him as the killer !!

Hody: This human has murdered our Queen !!


Hody: SHE WAS IN MY WAY !! YOU HEAR THAT, SHIRAHOSHI ?! That filthy whore who thought taking revenge on humans was "Wrong" ! Who preached to the whole damn island about making peace with them, and even came close to achieving it !! I hated everything about her !!

Citizens: How dare you talk to her highness like that !! This is too cruel !!

Hody: Your mother was a worthless wretch who deserved to die !! So I killed her !! I'm the one who took her filthy life !!

Shirahoshi: ... ... ... I knew it was you...

Neptune: ?! Shirahoshi... ?!

Jinbe: WHAT ?!


Pirates: H- H- H- H- Hold on- Hold on a moment !! Cap'n Decken !! Wh- What exactly is going on here ?!

Decken: Do you really have to ask ?! Bahohohoh !! I just gave the mighty ship "Noah", said to have been built by the people of Fishman island in an age long gone... A nice good shove with my right hand !! In other words, I just threw this ship... STRAIGHT TOWARDS SHIRAHOSHI !! BAHOHOHOHOH !!

Pirates: It's really moving !! This is craaaaazy !!

Decken: Noah is half the size of Fishman island itself !! There's nowhere left for her to run or hide, and nobody can stop the ship now !! My beloved Shirahoshi can perish along with the people of Fishman island !! Farewell, Shirahoshi !! Farewell, Fishman island !!

Hody: ... You knew I murdered your mother... ? What nonsense is this, Shirahoshi... ?!

Fukaboshi: Father !! You must be strong... !!

Neptune: Urghhh... Shirahoshi... ?!

Shirahoshi: A few years after the incident... Megalo told me everything that happened... ! He used to be a pet of the Neptune army, you know. He was there that day, and witnessed it all... !

Hody: Megalo...

Jinbe: But, Princess Shirahoshi... ! Why did you not tell us of this ?!

Shirahoshi: Because... I thought that telling others would only cause them to hate him deeply... ! And that is something my mother would have never wished for... !! It was the final promise, that I made to my mother... !! That no matter who the culprit may be... We must not give in to hatred !!

Otohime: So no matter who... Is responsible for this... I would never wish for you to be consumed by anger and hatred on my account...

Ryuuboshi: You mean...

Fukaboshi: For these ten long years, you have protected our mother's wishes... By bearing that knowledge alone... ?! Concealing the truth in your own heart, locked away in shell tower... ?!

Jinbe: 'To bear no hatred for the killer of one's own mother ?! Even if it was her mother's final dying wish... To actually honour it should be almost impossible... ! Never have I met such a pure and honest girl... ! Not one of us can compare !!'



Hody: Ohhh, Megalo... !! I must thank you... For choosing to reveal your secret only to this foolish brat... !! Had you told any other, our plan would have been ruined !! JAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!

Hody: : Listen to me, Shirahoshi !! Your decision was nothing but stupidity !! Thanks to your refusal to hate me, this entire Kingdom will fall !! Thanks to you, Shirahoshi, your father, your brothers, and all your loyal subjects are going to die !!

Jinbe: No !! Don't listen to this fiend, princess !! Your decision was no mistake !!


Citizens: AAAAAAHHHHHH !! King Neptune !! The princes !! Your majesty !!

Fishmen: Gyahahahahaha !! look how pathetic they are !! GYAHAHAHAHAH !!

Shirahoshi: Father !! My brothers !!

Citizens: This is terrible... ! The great warrior Neptune is really going to get killed !! There are no soldiers left to fight for him... !! And the enemy is a hundred thousand strong !!

Children: Madame Shirley ! When is that pirate gonna come and destroy the island ?!

Shirley: What ? ... I'm afraid I cannot say... My talent only allows me to witness events that are to come... It could happen tomorrow... Or a year from now...

Children: I hope... It happens right now !! if he comes and smashes the island right now... It'll be bad for us, but it'll be really bad for them, right ?! I think he should come now, too !! I don't want the king to die !!

Citizens: I agree with the kids... ! ARE YOU LISTENING, STRAW HAT LUFFY !! ... if you're going to destroy this island someday... Come and do it now !! Come and tear this whole place apart !! if you're hiding somewhere on the island, then come and show yourself !! STRAW HAT !! STRAW HAT !! STRAW HAT !!

Hody: Unbelievable. This brings a whoel new meaning to "Clutching at straws". Besides... just this once, Shirley's prediction can't possibly be true...

Zeo: Such hollow, empty screams...


Citizens: Aaaaghhhh !! Your majesty !!

Fukaboshi: FATHER !!


Megalo: *Rruoo... Oohh ?!

Citizens: ... Megalo... ?!

Megalo: *Blerg*


Neptune: 'Alas... !'


Your POV:

Citizens: He saved King Neptune from Hody !! Did you hear ?! Princess Shirahoshi cried out to him for help !!

Zeo: From inside the shark's mouth ?!

Daruma: Kyahhhh !! He was here all along ?! But why ?!

Neptune: Luffy...

Shirahoshi: Luffy-sama !!

Jinbe: I did not mean for you to show yourself so soon... But the circumstances demanded it !! HURRY UP, YOU GUYS !!

Ikaros: Muhhi !! What is this ?! Who is he talking to now ?!

"Relax, relax. Of course everything is going swimmingly, what else was there to expect ?"

Ikaros: Muhhi ?!

Nami: After all, what were the chances of Luffy really staying hidden like we planned ? Mirage release !

"infiltration squad, reporting for duty ! You guys should really work on the security around here, it was way too easy to get everything. That said, Nami, keep the letter away from me."

Ikaros: Aahhh !! Two humans suddenly appeared !!

Nami: Right, this is what you wanted, right, Jinbe-chan ? The Tenryûbito letter ! And we already gave the keys to Robin.

Jinbe: Excellent work !! Well done !!

Fishmen: Whaaaa ?! The letter !! It's gone !! When did they... ?! My keys to the chains are gone, too !!


Mamboshi: Ahhhh... ! My chains... !

Fishmen: Look up in the sky !! What's that ?! A whale, and... A lion ?!

Franky: GAON CANNON !! FIRE !!


Franky: Yeah !! Go for it, whale !!


"What even is that, some sort of catchphrase ?"

Nami: I think it's best not to think about it too much.

Fishmen: They took back the royals !!

Neptune: What just happened... ?!

Fukaboshi: It would appear... That Jinbe had organized some kind of plan with the Straw hat pirates... !

Citizens: It's the Straw hats !! they're all here !! Hey, Straw hat Luffy !! Are you really here to destroy the whole island ?! Why did you take over the Palace ?! Have you really been kidnapping mermaids ?! Just tell us one thing !! Are you enemies of Fishman island ?! Or are you our allies ?!

Luffy: ... Enemies or allies... ? How about.. You decide that, for yourselves ?!

Citizens: Straw Hat Luffy is a pirate and a human, but he's on our side !! Even princess Shirahoshi cried out for him to help... ! He's come to save the island with Boss Jinbe !! STRAW HAT !!

Zeo: Hahahah... the boy seems to have become rather popular... Don't get cocky just because the King is free for the moment !! YOU FILTHY HUMAN PIRATES !!

"i'm just glad everything could go just fine with you guys too, that plan didn't really have solid foundations."

Brook: The Mermaid Princess is as beautiful as all the rumours say ! Yohohoho ! Say, would you be so kind as to show me your- *SLAP*

Sanji: Nami-san ! I saved all these idiots from the palace !! Do you love me ?!

Nami: yes, yes...

Zoro: Oh, shut it ! We made it to the exit by ourselves !

Pappag: You could never have escaped without my help !!

Robin: What exactly was that whale just now ?

Chopper: We found it on our way here, so we got him to pull the ship !

Franky: I have two new awesome weapons !! Who wants to give 'em a test run ?!

Usopp: Did you say new weapons ?!

"Gotta say, I was a bit worried when you fell for that trap, but everything seemed to have worked out in the end"

Jinbe: Do not let your guard down, the real difficulty starts now.

"I spent two years alone with Luffy. I know exactly how hard this all will be."

Daruma: They totally ignored you !!

Zeo: I said it quietly on purpose so that they could not hear !!

Luffy: it's pretty dangerous for Cry-Hoshi to be here...

"My thoughts exactly. No doubt they'll go after her at some point."

Jinbe: her getting captured was not part of the plan... i'm not sure how we're going to get her out of here.

Nami: Here you go, the letter you wanted !

Shirahoshi: thank you so much, everyone... ! This is the hope of Fishman island that my mother left for us all... ! But, Luffy-sama... What did you just call me... ? I thought you always called me "Crybaby"...

Luffy: oh, well... I don't really get it, but... It sounds like you're not much of a baby after all.

Shirahoshi: Eh ?

Jinbe: Quite right. Shirahoshi... It must have been difficult for you. All those years...

Shirahoshi: I must apologize... This all apologized because of my decision to conceal the truth...

Jinbe: Think naught of it, you should be proud ! To resist the passing on of hatred is a most noble act ! I can only pray that the seed you have planted will grow to cover the entire island... For if the day should come when all can think the same way as you... I daresay all barriers and conflicts between Fishman and human will fall away with the greatest of ease.

Shirahoshi: ... ... ...

Jinbe: I do not mean to deny the years you spent shouldering this truth alone, but I must ask that this time, you allow us to lend you our help, in protecting this seed of hope !!

Citizens: All right ! Take'em out, Strawhat !!

Shirahoshi: Th- Thank you so much, everyone... ! Waaaahhhh !

"Not a baby, but still crying a lot..."


Fishmen: Captain Hody ?!

Hody: It is imperative that Shirahoshi be eliminated without delay. It seems you have played me for a fool, Jinbe... !! I should have known that you would never allow yourself to be captured too easily. AND YOU SEEM VERY FRIENDLY WITH THOSE HUMANS ! IT'S MEN LIKE YOU THAT I HATE MOST OF ALL !! You grew up in the Fishman district, together with Fisher Tiger and Arlong... Both of whom met their end at the hands of humans !! yet instead of avenging them, you ally yourself with the very humans responsible... You're just as bad as that brainless Neptune !!

Hody: Once i'm king of this island, I'll change everything !! The upcoming reverie sounds like the perfect opportunity. I'll go to Mariejoa and slaughter all of the Human Kings of the world ! That will teach them to fear our undersea kingdom !! then I'll drag all the humans down to the bottom of the sea and make them our slaves !! once i'm through with them, there won't be a human in the world fool enough to defy the mighty Fishman race !! And that means pirates, too !!

"... Kinda want him to actually try that out. At least they'll have roasted fish sticks to snack on at the Reverie..."

Hody: Take a look at all these powerful pirates here !! This is how you're going to end up, Straw Hat !! I'm the only one worthy to be called Pirate King !!

Luffy: "Pirate King"... ?

Hody: JAHAHAHAHAH !! What can a mere eleven pirates achieve ?! You're nothing, don't you get that ?! I have more than a hundred thousand warriors on my side !! Take them out... MY NEW FISHMAN PIRATES !!

Chopper: Aghhh ! That's some serious roaring out there !!

Nami: Could you guys get out of here ?! it's really tight !

Usopp: Since when are you even interested in the new weapon ?! You get out !

Nami: I'm hiding in here because it's too scary out there !!

Franky: i'm not sending you out just yet ! Hang on a minute, yeah ?!

"All of this brings me back to Marineford... Maybe not the best thing to remember..."

Sanji: There's eleven of us, so I guess that's something between nine and ten thousand each...

Zoro: Strength doesn't always come in numbers you know. they're not even Marine elites. If you guys are scared, you can always hide behind.

Sanji: The hell did you just say, you moss head ?! I can start with you !!

"Guys, would you mind keeping it down for... I dunno, 10 more minutes... Luffy ?"

Zoro: ... What is he...


Hody: ... ... ... !!

Fishmen: He didn't even do anything !! they all just collapsed !! H- hang in there, you guys ! Wake up !! Dammit all ! He took out half of our forces in a single instant !! F- Fifty thousand ?! What the heck did he do ?!

Robin: This is... Haki !

Jinbe: He has come so far in only two years... ?!

Sanji: Conqueror's Haki... So he really does have the talent.

Zoro: That's the bare minimum if you want to call yourself our Captain.

"That's my boy ! You see that boy ? I raised that boy !"

Shirahoshi: Incredible... Luffy-sama...

Luffy: You're Hody, right ? I'm gonna have to beat you up myself. I don't care if you want to make yourself a king of some island or whatever... But i'm the only one... WHO'S GONNA BE PIRATE KING !!

Fishmen: H- Here he comes !! What's up with that arm ?!


Jinbe: Time to join the fray, I think.

"He just had to go and take them all out... I guess it'll make a good warm-up for the New World."

Zoro: Let's see if they get around to surrendering before we wipe them all out.

Sanji: I won't let them destroy this mermaid paradise !

Robin: This country conceals an important piece of the world's history...

Brook: Such passion !! I feel like I could start a concert !!

Franky: Time to reveal the Sunny's new weapons ! I call them...

Nami: Now i'm getting all excited !

Usopp: I'm the... Pilot... !

Franky: "Soldier Dog" !!

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