Chapter 28: Massacre

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*A few hours ago, the ocean Forest*

Luffy: Outta my way !! I'm going to beat these guys up !

Jinbe: I keep telling you to wait !! just listen to what I have to say !! What relationship do you and I share ?!

Luffy: We're friends !

Jinbe: Precisely. And it is the most natural of relations, that Fishman and Human have failed to achieve for many long years !! When I tell you not to fight Hody... I meant that you must not do battle with him rashly ! You must think before you act !! You must defeat him not as a violent human suppressing the Fishmen... But as the hero of this island !!

Luffy: A HERO ?! FORGET IT !!

Jinbe: What ?!

Luffy: We're pirates !! I like heroes a lot, but I don't want to be one !! Do you get what being a hero means ?! I mean, think about meat ! Pirates eat meat and have big parties !! but heroes take meat and give it to poor people !! I want to eat meat !!

Nami: What kind of logic is that... ?

"The Luffy kind... And with how stubborn he is..."

Jinbe: Then I'll give you plenty of meat, so do as I say !!

Luffy: All right !!

Chopper: IT'S THAT SIMPLE ?!

Jinbe: Now, this is the plan in short. i'm going to ask for you to save me. All you have to do is respond to my call for help. First of all, Megalo and I will get ourselves captured by the enemy... Thus infiltrating the plaza !

"That poor shark went through so much in just a couple of days..."

Jinbe: once we arrive, I need somebody to sneak out from inside Megalo, locate the Tenryûbito letter and the key to the King's chain... And steal them from the enemy ! Can any of you handle that ?

"There is no place too secure for me to sneak into. The shanking and arson is just a bonus."

Nami: Stealing is my specialty ! With Robin's help, it should be easy enogh for the three of us !

Robin: Quite.

Jinbe: Good. Now, once we have released the king, that's when I will call for Luffy's help. Luffy, if you appear from inside Megalo at that moment... Everyone will understand that we all planned this together. Princess, you can wait in a safe location outside the Plaza... reasy to take the recovered letter and escape together with your father. The rest of you should head to the palace right away... And rescue the captive Straw Hats from their plight.

Jinbe: Once you are safe, you can all head to the Plaza together. As for how exactly to go about rescuing your crewmates... You can work it out yourselves, i'm sure.


Jinbe: How do you think the watching citizens will react if we execute this plan ?

Hachi: Nyuuu... All the people of Fishman island and the Fishman District have a healthy respect for you, Jinbe.

Camie: yes... if they see that you've placed your life in Luffy-chin's hands for the sake of rescuing the king... I'm sure everyone will be cheering for Luffy-chin !

Luffy: ... ... I'm only agreeing to this because it's you, Jinbe ! I don't really want anybody cheering for me! It throws me off !!

"I mean, it's not like it really happens very often now, does it... ?

Sanji: With all those beautiful mermaids cheering for me, I could defeat any Demon Emperor !!

Jinbe: .. You have my gratitude ! Hmm...

"Something still left on your mind ?"

Jinbe: We shall call this operation...

Sanji: Who needs a name ?! Let's just go !!

Zeo: Fifty thousands may have fallen !! But fifty Thousand more still remain !! The Strawhat Pirates are the greatest obstacle to our proud ambitions !!

"It's almost cute how they don't know Luffy can just do that again if he ever wants to."

Zoro: Ah, none of that. Fifty thousand, Luffy ? Seriously ? Leave some for us, would you ?

Luffy: Oh, right. Sorry.

Zeo: And Jinbe is the very embodiment of Otohime's dream !! The model of a detestable future in which our kind makes peace with the Human menace !!

Sanji: I'm going for thirty thousand !! hear that, marimo ?!

Zoro: Shut up, Nosebleed-man.


"Well, if you're just gonna bicker like kids, I may as well just go ahead.

Luffy: Ah, no, you stay back and monitor ! It won't be any fun otherwise !

Hody: ... ... So you think you can protect the gigantic Mermaid princess... Right in the middle of this open Plaza ?! Let's see you try !! Uchimizu !!

Luffy: Ah... Guess she didn't need my help.

Daruma: The sheer power of Captain Hody's Uchimizu... Enhanced by his newly-awakened monstrous strength... was deflected with another Uchimizu ?! That man really is a monster !!

Jinbe: Hmph... I don't know where you found all this power, but in Fishman Karate, you are little better than a child... !

Fishmen: That's the first Fishman ever to serve as a member of the Royal Shichibukai... !! I heard his bounty went over four hundred Millions after he abandoned his post !!

Jinbe: Quit your jabbering and fight me !! You will only take the princess' life if you can take all of ours first !!


"Well, I suppose it's time to put my General cap back on for the time being. Brook, think you can handle that ?"

Brook: Yohohoho, leave it to me ! We can't be having that, can we ?! Who would dare to harm the mermaid princess, idol of men the world over ?! PARTY MUSIC !! Welcome, to my After-dark Festival !!

Fishman: Heeeh... ? Are we... dreaming of something ?

Brook: Send your fireworks soaring on high !!

Fishman: Oh, yeah ! This is so much fun ! Beautiful fireworks !


Fishman: huh ? But, Dosun-san... Today's the day of the festival...

Brook: And you're already down !! Quinto Tias...


"Adorable. Zoro, be a dear and dispatch them."

Zoro: ... Santôryû...

Fishman: he sliced through the steel shells like they were some fruits !! What was that giant slash just now ?! The scythe of death itself... ?! It's not stopping !! it's a whirlwind of razor-sharp death !! Run for it !! It'll slice us to pieces !! How far is it gonna keep chasing us ?!

Zoro: ... To the ends of Hell.

Fishmen: Boost your bubbles' altitude !! We're going in from above !! Take out Shirahoshi at all costs !!

Fishman: Let by Captain Harisenbon (A Thousand Needles)... it's the sea-urchin-cloaked spike squad !! Time to riddle that leg-fighter with holes !!

Harisenbon: Everyone with me... ! Deploy... SPIKES !! There's nowhere for you to run !!

"... Sanji, do you need some assistance, instead of standing here like a moron ?"

Sanji: Bite me. I'll be just fine, so go check on how Nami-swan and Robin-Chwan are doing... ... ...

Okamas: Sanji-Kyuuuuuun !!

*It's almost nostalgic, looking back on it now... I ran like the wind... Endlessly fleeing from the monsters that pursued me... through rain and through snow, through Lightning and thunder... Onward and onward I ran...*

Fishmen: Leg-fighter !! Your head is yours !!

*Until one day... When it seemed there was nowhere left to run...*

Fishman: OWWWWW !! WHAAA ?! He's gone !!

*I ran onward and upward... into the Heavens above !!*

Sanji: SKY WALK !!

Luffy: Whoaaa !! Sanji's flying !!

"That bastard, that's MY THING !!"

Robin: That's a technique from the CP9...

Sanji: Hey there, punks ! If you've got business with Shirahoshi-chan, you'll have to go through me first !! Do not worry, princess, your knight in shining armor has arrived !

Shirahoshi: Sanji-chin-cama !

Sanji: Diable Jambe...

Fishman: Holy... What the hell is that ?! Legs ?!

Robin: Mille Fleur, Gigantesco Mano...

Robin: Please excuse me.

Fishmen: Poison squad, forward !! No matter how big a hand or leg is, it can't withstand our deadly venom !!


Luffy: Awesome !! It's a Rhinobike !!

Fishmen: What the heck is that ?!

Franky: What was that about poison ?! If you think you can poison this, then be my guest !! Go on, try to poison this monster made of steel !!

Fishman: Steel should be fought with steel!! leave this to me !!


"New number, CHANNEL 5 !!"

Luffy: Oh, yeah !! A DINOSAUR !!

Brook: How marvelous !!

Usopp: Did you see my brilliant aim ?!

Nami: How did the cockpit get so much bigger with the flip of a single lever ?

Pappag: That guy... He's meant to be a shipwright... Right ?


Luffy: That's so cooooooool !!

Zoro: Don't you have fighting to do ?!

Citizens: These guys really are incredible !! The eleven of them are takinng on a hundred thousand enemies without breaking a sweat ! STRAW HAT !!

Fishmen: How many enemies have we taken on so far ?! NONE !!

Hody: ... Ignorant fools... They're really getting on my nerves... KRAKEN !! Enter the Plaza !! There are only ten of them, Kraken !! Crush them underfoot ! Put an end to this farce !!

Citizens: Oh, no !! he's sending in the legendary kraken !! No matter how strong the Straw hats are, that thing can crush them like dolls !!

Fishmen: Gyahahahahah !! Let's see how you handle the master of the depths !! Yeah !! It's the crazy kraken !! That guy's so strong it's criminal !!

Hody: What are you waiting for ?! Get out there !! I brought you all the way from the Northernmost reaches for this express purpose !! So fight for me, slave !!

Luffy: Ahh ! Hey, Surume !! it's me ! Can I ride on your head again ?! Like I did before, remember ?! After all... We're friends, aren't we ?!

Surume: ... ... ...





Fishman: Captain Hody !! Save us !!

Hody: ... ... ... 

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