Chapter 29: Noah

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Fishmen: Ughhh... The Kraken that Hody has tamed to do his bidding... Has thrown its lot in with the Straw hats !!

"Looks like they don't understand that a rule based solely on terror can only last that long..."

Luffy: Now listen, Surume ! I want you to stay here and protect Cry-hoshi, got that ?!

Surume: *Nod nod*

Shirahoshi: It's a pleasure to meet you... Surume-sama !

"Hey, Luffy ! If you don't hurry and get back into the fray, there won't be any left for you !"

Luffy: Oh, right !!

Chopper: Huh ? What's that ? The enemy.. Seems to be evading us ! Running away in abject terror from our forces, are they ?! Then let's take this opportunity to take out the enemy big shots ! Yeah !! Full speed ahead !!

Daruma: Cookie cutter !!

Usopp: Hm ?! Hey, Commander Chopper... Is it just me, or is our vehicle shaking ?!

Chopper: Huh ?! AAAAHHH !! It's a pitfall trap !!

Fishmen: Ahahahahah !! They fell for it !!

Daruma: Kyakkyah !! Look at you !! powerless in the face of my Daruma drop !! I just opened a myriad of holes in the ground right beneath you... With the power of my razor-sharp fangs !! Now, let's do the same with the bike-riding moron...

Franky: What's going on, you guys ?! Usopp ! Chopper ! Oh no... IT'S A PITFALL TRAP !!


Usopp: Hey, are you guys okay ?!

Nami: owww...

Franky: Why, you... !! This is Super unforgivable !! Get outta here, you lot !!

Usopp: Ahhh !! What was that for ?!

Nami: What are you playing at, Franky ?!

Chopper: What do you think you're doing, kicking out the commander like that... ?!

Franky: That's because this is about to turn into a one-seater ! let's get perverted !!

Usopp: You're already a pervert !!

Franky: IRON PIRATE !!


Usopp/Chopper: OHHH, WOOOOOOOOOW !!

Franky: Dr.Vegapunk, I hope you're watching !! The dream you once had is now a reality !! By incorporating the memory alloy "Wapometal" into the design, I've been able to complete it !!

Fishmen: WHAT IS THAT ?!


"So that's where he's been for these two years... I'm sure that fivehead-having would be thrilled..."

Usopp/Chopper: It's the real live combining robot of our dreams !!

Nami: ... ... ...

Franky: Fear my Plunderer's blade... the FranKen !! GENERAL LOOK-OUT-BELOW !!

Fishmen: Aahhhh !! A low sweep ?! he's aiming for the legs !! A cheap move, but it's dangerous !!

Franky: So you leap into the air... Right into the path ofmy deadly shoulder-mounted cannons !!

Luffy: Whaaaaat ?! Cannons from the shoulders ?!


Usopp: THOSE ARE YOUR SHOULDERS !! But you're too cool, as well !!

Robin: ... ... ...

Fishmen: urg... What a tricky opponent !


Fishmen: So heavy !!

Nami: ... ..

Fishman: You don't look as though as those monsters...


Nami: Just because I'm scared, doesn't mean i'm weak !! Don't underestimate the power of Weatherian Science !! Sorcery Clima Tact !!

Usopp: Ugh... Now we're right in the open !! But I mustn't lose heart ! i'm not the man I used to be !! Hissatsu: Midoriboshi !!

Usopp: Master Heracles-n !! I'll never forget the two years I spent with you in the deadly swindling forest !! They have prepared me for the second chapter in the great adventures of the mighty Usopp !!

Citizens: just look at them all... ! They fight with such vigour... ! It's almost as though they've been longing for a fight like this !!

Daruma: Kyakkyah !! I'll fill this whole plaza full of pitfalls !! No robot or pirate can survive once I've got them beneath the ground !!


Daruma: Kyah ! What was that ?! I though I just heard someone else digging down here !! GYAAAAHHH !!

Fishmen: Whoa !! Daruma-san just came hurtling out of the ground !!

Daruma!: Who's there !!

Chopper: It's me !!

Chopper: HORN POINT !! You're not the only one who's good at digging !!

Luffy: Chopper !! You can turn into a stag beetle now ?!

Chopper: I'M NOT A BEETLE !! I've spent these past two years improving all seven of my transformation points ! There's only one form I need the rumble ball for now !! the other six, I can use freely at any time !!

Daruma: You insolent coral creature !! Kyahh !! I'll gnash you to pieces !!

Chopper: These are horns, not coral ! And i'm not a "Creature". I'm an insolent... Monster !!

Fishmen: How many have we killed so far ?! NONE !!

Hody: ... ... KRAKEN !! Excellent work... You have succeeded in capturing Shirahoshi ! NOW CRUSH HER INTO DUST !!

Surume: ... ...

Hody: Remember your brothers, living peacefully in the far North... We know where to find them. We could go and kill them at any time. And i'm sure such legendary corpses would fetch a high price !! If that's what you want, then by all means continue to defy me !! But I'd suggest you stop sympathising with these humans and act like the monster you are !!

Jinbe: ... He was controlling the kraken by threatening the lives of its kin... ?

"... ... Act as a monster, huh..."

Shirahoshi: Eh... ? Nnhhh... Surume-sama ?! Y... You're hurting me... !

"... Hey, Surume. So the only reason you're obeying this guy is to protect the lives of your family, is it ?"

Surume: ... ... !!

"... I suppose I misjudged you. I thought you were just some mindless beast, but you've got quite the noble heart under all that. Tell me, are these little brothers or big brothers ?

Surume: ... ... ...

"It doesn't really matter. After all, he can only threaten them if he gets away from this alive. So, from a monster to another monster... Just sit tight, watch over the princess, and enjoy the show; things are about to turn interesting."

Hody: ... Straw Hat is coming for us...

Fishmen: DESTROY HIM !!

Dosun: You idiots can't do a thing, Dogon !!

Ikaros: Leave this to us-Hhi !! I'll teach these pirates to keep shouting about dried squid !!


"... To face against someone you know is stronger can be deemed as bravery... But to refuse to see that truth, I have no words for such stupidity."

Hody: You truly mean to face me, Straw hat ?!

"Oh, I think you're mistaken here... We don't intend to face you..."

Fishmen: Somebody stop him !! Huh ? He vanished !!

"We intend to utterly crush you. You and your ideals"


"... Hold on, what is this ?! What the hell ?!"

Citizens: What in the... ?! That's the promised ship... "NOAH" !!

Neptune: Why is it moving... ? Who could be capable of this ?! This is bad... very bad indeed... !!

Fukaboshi: ... Is something the latter, father ?! Clearly this is an unforeseen development, but still... There is no reason to overreact... That ship is simply an ancient relic ! It is of little consequence in this day and...

Neptune: You do not understand !! Nothing can be allowed to happen to that ship !! It must not be moved under any circumstance !! Not until the appointed day arrives !!

"I think that might be a serious problem going forward..."

Fishmen: Captain Hody !! Even after he swallowed all those energy steroids and became a real monster... !! No, look !! his body really is super-tough !!


Luffy: pretty tough guy, huh !

Hody: Ever heard of Fishman Karate, boy ?!

Fishmen: His head went flying !!

Luffy: that's not much use ! i'm made of rubber ! Oh, hey, can you deal with the rest while i'm here ?

"No worries, focus on the boss, I'll take care of other things."

Luffy: great ! Armament head ! Gomu gomu no...

Fishmen: Steel shell squadron !! Idiot boy... he'll smash his head right open !



Hody: Urrrrg... SHUT UP !! YABUSAME !!

"i would now like to demonstrate to you all my brand new dance move, I call this one, the 'Weaaaaaave'..."

Fishmen: IT'S NOT HITTING !! Does he know exactly where the attacks are going or something ?!

"You couldn't be closer to it ! And as a matter of fact, I think it's time I get a good hit in ! Gaster... RAMMING PILLAR !!"

Fishmen: CAPTAIN HODY !!

Shirahoshi: Luffy-sama, Y/n-sama... Such strength you have... !

Citizens: All right ! Go Straw Hats !! So this is the strength of world-famous pirates !!

"... As much as i'd like to, I think we have more pressing problems..."

Luffy: Like what ?

"Well... ..."

Fishmen: Huh ?! What's this ?! The whole plaza's gone dark...

"That sort of stuff..."

Fishmen: isn't that... THE NOAH, FROM THE FISHMAN DISTRICT ?! What's it doing flying above Fishman Island ?! It's heading straight for the Plaza !! It's trying to force its way through the bubble around the island !! If that bubble breaks... then before the Noah even hits the island, the whole residential area will be annihilated by the water pressure !!Nami: What is that thing ?!

Jinbe: The Noah ?!

Fishmen: If that ship hits its mark, the whole island will be doomed !! Who the heck is flying that thing ?! No... the Noah shouldn't have any propulsion power of its own !!

Brook: What in the world... .!

Chopper: It's huge !!

Usopp: OH, IT'S OVER !! IT'S ALL OVER !!

Robin: If we were all crushed to death at once, I wonder if the ocean would be stained red ?

Citizens: Everyone evacuate !! Head for the ocean !! Get off the island !!

"... Hey, I think something's falling from the ship !!"

Zeo: You're... One of Vander Decken's subordinates !! Wadatsumi !!

Wadatsumi: Owwwwwwieee !! I went an' slipped up ! Cap'n Vanda-Decken !! I fell all da way down here !! Stop da ship, okay ?! I don' wanna die !!

Fishmen: Decken ?! Captain Hody !! Are you okay ?! Is this a new part of the plan ?! It looks like Decken's flying that thing !!

Hody: SILENCE, WORTHLES PAWNS... !! Ughhhhhh !! these despicable Straw hats...

"Okay, that guy is actually really tough."

Luffy: Yeah, I even used my armament Haki !

Hody: This is Decken's doing ?! That lunatic of a pirate !! THIS WAS NOT PART OF THE PLAN !!

Decken: Bahohohoh !! BAHOHOHOHOH !! Wadatsumi !! Sorry, but there ain't no way to save you now !! once I set something flying with my ability, it doesn't stop until it crashes Smack-bang into something or eliminates the target !! You'll just have to join the rest of Fishman island in sacrificing your life... ON THE OCCASION OF SHIRAHOSHI'S DEMISE !!

Wadatsumi: No way !!

Jinbe: Princess Shirahoshi, you say... ?! Don't tell me, just like all those letters and axes, you've actually thrown this ship straight at her ?!

"How can someone be so butt-hurt after being rejected ?! This takes priority, we need to get Shirahoshi out of here now... Where did she go ?!"

Jinbe: What ?! Princess !!

Decken: What's thaaaaat ?! Shirahoshi vanished ?!

Shirahoshi; I have not vanished ! I am right here !!

Citizens: PRINCESS SHIRAHOSHI !! PRINCESS !! When did she... ?!

Brook: mermaid princess !!

Nami: Shirahoshi !! What are you doing up there ?!

"She's the target of that ship..."

Jinbe: Oh, no... I should have never have let her out of my sight !!

Decken: Ahhhh !! My beloved Shirahoshi !!

Shirahoshi: Your "Target" is my life alone, is it not ?! I cannot allow you to endanger the lives of the people of the Ryuuguu Kingdom where my... WHERE MY LIFE ALONE WILL SUFFICE !! I AM OVER HERE !!

Citizens: Princess Shirahoshi !! Aahhh... !! For our sake, she... !! Is there any way to save her ?!

Decken: Ahhhh, your beauty runs deep, my Shirahoshi !! Right to the heart !! So you think you can bear the full force of this great calamity... With your single body alone ?!

Hody: ... ... That deranged scoundrel Decken... He was planning to crush us along with the rest of the island ! He's a filthy traitor !!

Decken: Die in the height of your beauty, Shirahoshi, that you may live on in my heart alone !!

Citizens: The Noah is changing course !! It's heading straight for Princess Shirahoshi !! You have to run, Princess !!

Luffy: That crazy cry-hoshi !! I told her to stay close to me !

"Well then, better go get her now. With the ship following her, as long as she can escape, things should work out."

Fishmen: Huh ?! Captain Hody ?! He's gone !! Look up there, there he is !! Right underneath the Noah !!

Hody: You played me for a fool, Vander Decken !! But this is just what I needed !!

Luffy: You stay here and stop the ship !

"Yes, sir !!"

Luffy: Sanji, wait !! i'm going up there !! You guys can take care of things here !!

Sanji: All right ! But listen, Luffy !! that ship is outside, in the water !!

Luffy: is it full of water on th inside too, Jinbe ?!

Jinbe: I cannot say... But Decken is a fruit user himself. There must be enough dry space inside for him to move about freely !! if you're going up there, take this !! It's a coral that produce bubbles !

Sanji: My beloved Shirahoshi-chan is in your hands, so don't go screwing up !! Ready to fly, Luffy ?!

Luffy: I'M READY !!

"Go and make him fly. i'm bringing the ship back to Earth ! I'm just hoping the light isn't too harsh after so long blindfolded..."

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