Chapter 30: Traitorous

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Citizens: THE NOAH... DIDN'T CRASH INTO FISHMAN ISLAND !! THE PRINCESS DREW THE DANGER AWAY FOR OUR SAKES !! Oh, Princess Shirahoshi !! Run for your life !!

Decken: Where are you going, Shirahoshi ?! Bahohoh !! there's nowhere to hide !!

Citizens: PRINCESS !!

Shirahoshi: I.. I have to get out into the open water, or the island's bubble will burst... !! the main entrance is too far away... the bubble would be horribly damaged before I could possibly reach it !! ... I know ! The last people to leave Ryuuguu palace were Luffy-sama's friends, so... !

Citizens: Is there nothing we can do ?! The princess of our Kingdom is risking her life for us !! It's not her fault that any of this happened !! Decken's on that ship !! And Hody's gone up there too !! Princess Shirahoshi is in terrible danger !!

"Luffy, you better know what you're doing ! In the water, a Fishman like Hody will be a whole other kind of monster !"

Luffy: Right, don't worry ! All you need to do is make sure that huge thing never crashes down on the island !

Sanji: I can't send him flying out into the open water... ! I have to get this just right... Not too strong, not too weak... Armée de L'air...

Luffy: Guehhh !! Whoaaaaaa !! this is one big chain ! Where am I... ? In-between the two bubbles ?! Ahh !! Hody's still down down there below the bubble ! Hm ?!

Citizens: Everybody pull !! Even if we can't stop it... We have to slow this ship down as much as we can... !! It may achieve next to nothing, but we have to do what we can !! SO PUUUUUUUUUUUULL !! Don't let the Noah go after her !! Princess, you have to get yourself somewhere safe from harm !! PULLLLL !! PROTECT THE PRINCESS !!

Shirahoshi: Everyone... !

Hody: Are they completely insane...? As though they could move this ship a single millimetre...

Luffy: HEY !! STOP THAT !!

Hody: Worthless pieces of filth... !! It's thanks to idiots like you that the humans look down on our kind !!

Shirahoshi: ... E- Everyone... !!

Luffy: Why, that dirty... !!

Shirahoshi: I knew it !! The gate into the palace is wide open !!

Citizens: Hey, hang in there !! princess Shirahoshi just... She slipped through the stretched-out connecting way and out into open water !! And the Noah's following her !! Princess, run as far as you can !

Luffy: WHOAAAHH !! We're going up ! Ulgbmnhh !!

Luffy: Pfhuaaaaahhh !! That was close ! Get back here, chain !!

Hody: Out in the open water, with nothing but ocean all around you... A pathetic human, who cannot even breathe beneath the waves. And you hope to become the king of these waters ?! Hah ! Beg for mercy, inferior being !!

"... ... Well, Hody and Decken are up to him now. Better clean up here now."

Sanji: Kinda expected you to fly after him.

"I have been given clear orders to stay here. Besides, trust me when I say using a beam underwater is far from efficient. That boat isn't going any more down."

Sanji: yeah, I don't remember you having a blue eye like that either...

"Just a side effect of these two years... You could say overuse made it that way, and it won't turn back... Some of the permanent scars."

Sanji: Between that and the hair, it's really becoming easy to recognize you. So much for some sort of secret agent.

"Hey, if anything, that I could be one while looking like that means I was damn good at my job !"

Nami: Would you mind leave the bickering for later ?!

Decken: Bahohohohoh ! SHIIIIRAAAAAAHOOOOOSHIII !! How're you liking your freedom ?! The walls of shell-tower that protected you for ten long years won't help you here !! So which will it be ?! Will you die from blood loss as the life spurts forth from your wounds ?! Or will this mighty ship crush you first ?! I'LL GIVE YOU ONE LAST CHANCE RIGHT NOW, SHIRAHOSHIIII !! Say yes, and I'll save you from certain death !! SO MARRY MEEEEE !! SHIRAHOSHIIII !!

Shirahoshi: I'm terribly sorry, Decken-sama, but... You're just not my- !!


Mamboshi: if you think we're gonna let you marry Shirahoshi, you've got another thing coming !!

Ryuuboshi: Shirahoshi is our beloved sister !! You are not laying a single finger on her, Decken !!

Shirahoshi: Mamboshi-Oniisama !! Ryuuboshi-Oniisama !! Hoe-sama !

Decken: BAHOOOHHHHH ?! My brothers-in-Law ?!

Ryuuboshi/Mamboshi: LIKE HELL WE ARE !!

Decken: How dare you interrupt just as Shirahoshi was about to give me her answer !!

Shirahoshi: Uwaaaaaahhh !! Mamboshi-oniisama, Ryuuboshi-Oniisama ! All the people from down in the plaza... They were trying to save me, and... !!

Ryuuboshi: Shirahoshi !! leave the crying for later !!

Shirahoshi: A- Are you angry... ? Uwaah !!

Ryuuboshi: i'm not angry !! According to our father... the Noah must absolutely not be harmed in any way-fa-so-la-ti-do !! As such, we must ensure that it returns to the ocean floor without colliding with anything !!

Mamboshi: Here it comes !! Whoaaa !! This isn't good... !! At any rate, we need to keep our course away from any undersea mountains or trenches !! We can't lead the ship into such places !!

Shirahoshi: But then where should we run, Mamboshi-oniisama ?!

Mamboshi: We must go up !! There are too many dangerous obstacles here on the ocean floor !!

Ryuuboshi: It's time we took care of that Decken !!

Hody: You can't run from me, Straw hat !!

Luffy: Thanks for this ! You really saved me ! Are you all right, though ?

Fukaboshi: This is no time to be worrying about my wounds... !

luffy: hey, take me to the deck of the ship where I can fight !! I want to beat up that Hody and the other guy who throws stuff !! When I left that tower with Cry-Hoshi, I promised I was going to protect her !

Fukaboshi: ... ... ...

Fukaboshi: We three brothers will become great warriors, just like our father... !! And as we promised you, we will protect Shirahoshi with our lives !!

Fukaboshi: You promised to protect her , well, so did we... !! I feel deeply ashamed that a mere drug was enough to prevent us from standing up to that common thug !! And you, Straw hat.. We owe you our deepest apologies. We should never have doubted you... !!

Luffy: Don't worry about that ! Just take me to the deck !

Hody:You have business on the deck ? Then I'll wait for you there !

Fukaboshi: ... Hody... !

Shirahoshi: '... Upwards... I must swim upwards...'

Decken: Hmmm ? Ahhh... Why, if it isn't Hody Jones !! Bahohohoh ! How did things go with Neptune ?! Is he dead ?! I'm just taking care of Shirahoshi now with this ship. Don't you think it's a wonderful idea ?! Well, my brother in arms ?!

Hody: What will happen to this ship... With you dead and gone ? Well, Decken ?

Decken: Nguahh !! KHAAAAAAA !! Hooooodyyyyy... You impudent brat !! I just touched you... With my left hand !! NOW EXPLAIN YOURSELF, TRAITOR !!

Hody: It was you who betrayed me first, Decken. When I saw this ship black out the sky above the island, I thought my life might be over. But your idea of breaking the bubble around the island is a good one, I'll admit. The island will perish, certainly, but the Fishman District will remain. If you die here and now, your ability's effect will vanish... !! this ship will once more plummet down towards the island... Destroying everything on it !!Hody: the most important thing right now... Is to ensure the destruction of that troublesome Straw hat crew !! Thousand of my allies will perish alongside them... But slaves can always be easily replaced !!

Decken: You mean to kill them all ? I do like the sound of that, but... YOUR DEATH COMES FIRST !!

Hody: *CHROMP*

Decken: AAAARGHHH !! You can't be serious... NO !! AAAARGHHHH !!

Hody: Jahahahahah... Now then, before this ship begins to fall... I had better dispose of Shirahoshi.

Mamboshi: Hody took out Decken !! What is going on with those two ?!

Ryuuboshi: And now he's heading this way !!


Shirahoshi: My brothers !!

Hody: Now that you're out of Shell Tower in the open water, destroying you would be a simple task !!

Ryuuboshi: Shirahoshi, run away as fast as you can !!

Hody: Even the speed of a mermaid, fastest creature under the sea... Is nothing compared to me now !!

Shirahoshi: My brothers !!

Luffy: Gomu Gomu no...

Shirahoshi: Luffy-sama !! Fukaboshi-Oniisama !!

Luffy: ... Mmm, that's not as strong as I'd like...

Fukaboshi: My apologies. I would have arrived earlier, but there were a few preparations to be made.

Hody: Ngh... !! We're in the ocean depths, you inferior being !! You have no chance against me !! Shirahoshi, Fishman island, you're crewmates... they're all doomed !! YOU CAN'T PROTECT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM !!

Luffy: You're wrong, I'll protect them all ! That's what we've been preparing for, these past two years !! You won't lay a finger on any of them, not with him down there !!

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