Chapter 31: Tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Citizens: they're both as crazy big as each other... But only one of them is actually trying to fight ! The kraken is dominating the field completely !!


Fishmen: Keep on fighting, Umibouzu !! Do something about that kraken already !!

Zeo: Listen tome, Oonyuudou !! You seem to be gravely mistaken !! Were you not listening properly to what Decken said ?! He left this plaza in your hands !!

Wadatsumi: Eh ?

Zeo: He never had any intentions of destroying this island !!

Fishmen: 'This is a complete lie, but...'

Wadatsumi: ... ?! I... Is dat realy true ?!

Zeo: but of course it is ! Now come, Oonyuudou !! Swallow this ! And annihilate the Straw hat crew as our proud comrade !!

Fishmen: An energy steroid pill !! Will it really have any effect on his huge body... ?


Fishmen: It affected him like crazy !! All right !! he beat the kraken up good !!

Usopp: Surume !! Hang in there !!

Wadatsumi: WHERE'S MY ENEMIES ?!

Fishmen: O- Over there, Wadatsumi !!

Wadatsumi: ALL RIGHT !!

"... I'm afraid I have my hands full with the Noah... Jinbe ?"

Jinbe: ... ... Nanasenmai-gawara...


Fishmen: WHAAAAAAAA ?! How could he counter an attack from such a gigantic enemy ?! This guy's a monster !!


Nami: Kyah !

Sanji: NNNNAMI-SWAAAAAAAAAN !! Nami-swan got caught up in the shockwave !! GET UP, YOU !!


Fishmen: That guy's kick is hurting him too ?! How strong must his kicks be tu hurt a creature the size of a mountain ?!

Sanji: if you give our beautiful navigator so much as a scratch... How do you plan on making up for it, huh ?!

Jinbe: let us do battle, Oonyuudou !!

Sanji: Pay for your sins with your life, Jumbo Manjuu !!

*Oonyuudou Wadatsumi VS Sanji/Jinbe*

Fishmen: What are these guys ?!

Wadatsumi: Who da heck're you ?!

Sanji: You great big stinking manjuu !! How dare you indirectly assault Nami !!

Fishmen: Stop !! please, stop !! Somebody help !! please, stop this !! we're on your side, remember ?! What's gotten into him today ?! This is way beyond his normal drunken attitude !! he's tons more powerful than usual !!

Fishmen: GUAAAAAHHH !! Even steel can't stop his blades !

Hyouzou: Uwiiihhhh... !

Fishmen: Up 'til now, he seemed to be writhing in pain, even though he hadn't been injured... You don't think... It could be the same thing as what happened to Hody-san... ?! Come to think of it, he was scoffing down energy steroids like snacks with his drink...

Fishmen: THAT IS THE REASON !! Now Hyouzou-san is a complete monster too !!

Hyouzou: The power... I can feel it flowing through me... I wanna slice people up...


Fishmen: Whoaa... He actually stopped !!

Robin: Zoro !

Zoro: People like you two really need to have their backs watched. Sorry, Robin, I'll take care of this guy. He ought to make a decent warm-up before I head out into the New World... !!

Hyouzou: Uwiiihhhhhhiiiiiiiii !!

*Zoro VS Hyouzou*

Nami: Black ball !!

Fishmen: What's that chick doing ?! Watch out !! All kinds of crazy stuff appears out of that staff of hers !! What is she, a wizard ?!

Nami: At least call me a "Magical Cutie" ! Though this isn't magic... it's pure science !!

Fishman: Clouds ?!

Ikaros: Ahhhh !! That's hot !! Don't come near me, you guys !! you'll turn me into dried squid !! that damn woman's doing this, isn't she ?!

Zeo: Ikaros !! That man in the black suit was overreacting to the slightest attack on that woman !! She must be the weak point of their crew ! i'll hold down her legs ! While she's trapped, you take her out with your lance !!

Ikaros: Roger that, Muhhii !!

Nami: Eh ?! What's this ?! My legs... They won't move !!

Ikaros: Muhii !! Feel the pain of my dried squid lance !! You're going to be dried squid !!

Nami: H- Hold on a minute !! Why won't my legs move ?! Somebody help !

Brook: Eh ?! Nami-san ? Ah, I know !! Would you perchance allow me to see your- AAAAAAGHHHHHH !!

Nami: LIKE HELL !!

Ikaros: Muhhi... She has backup !! Well, it doesn't matter... i'll just have you out into dried squid as well !! DRIED SQUID LANCE !! ... ... What's wrong, my dried squid lance ?! Hurry and drain all the water out of this fool !!

Brook: ... Erm, i'm already... Bone-dry, i'm afraid.

Ikaros: WHAAAAAAAAAAT ?! That can't be possible !!

General: Hey, isn't there anyone around here who's actually strong enough... TO BE WORTH FIGHTING ?!

Ikaros: UOOGHUURRJJJJJ !! GUOOHHHHH... !! Who is it this time ?!

General: Ohhh... You're one of the big shots, right ? Maybe you'll last longer than the rest of these spineless idiots.

Ikaros: I may be a squid, but I am also a Fishman !! SPINELESS, I AM NOT !!

*General Franky VS Ikaros*

Fishmen: 'hey, Skeleton, you might wanna move !! Oh man, he's standing right on him... !'

Brook: Hm ? Ah...

Zeo: ... ... ...

Nami: Huh ?! there's someone down there !!

Brook: Ehhh ?! Who in the world are you ?!

Nami: It must have been his fault that I couldn't move my legs !!

Zeo: How do you like that ?! You may not think much of my headbutt right now... But I assure you, your foot will soon begin to ache intolerably !!

Fishmen: He's refusing to admit that he got stepped on !!

Brook: I apologize for standing on your face.

Fishmen: Why apologize ?!

Zeo: Super Sole headbutt !!

Fishmen: He gave it an attack name !!

*Brook VS Zeo*

Fishman: AAAAAAHHHH !! D- Daruma-saaaaan, stop !! You don't need to open up that many holes beneath the ground !! You're making us all sink !

Daruma: Where did that coral-headed dunce get to ?! Kyakkkyahh ! You'll never beat me beneath the ground !!

Dosun: Hm ? A Strawhat crewmember... the fool, his back is wide open !

Usopp: Chopper !! Get out here, would you ?!

Chopper: All right ! I'm coming up fast !!


Chopper: I smell an enemy threat !! Usopp, get down !!

Usopp: Did you link up the holes, Chopper ?!

Chopper: You bet !!

Usopp: Hissatsu: MIDORIBOSHI !!


Usopp: Ahahah !! We already fought a burrowing enemy once in Alabasta !! We have experience on our side !!

Daruma: Was that you ?! I'll bite that nose of yours clean off !!

Usopp: Bring it on !! Chopper, back me up, yeah ? ... I said back me up... ! Chopper ?

*Daruma VS Usopp*

Dosun: Why, you filthy coral-headed creature !! Allow me to demonstrate my immeasurable power, GYABAN !!

Chopper: if it's power you're after, I've got something special up my sleeve !!

*Dosun VS Chopper*

"It would seem they all have their hands full with the big shots."

Robin: In that case, the best we can do is make sure none of the small fry try any kind of funny business.

"That's what our abilities are best at after all."

Fishmen: If the big shots get wiped out, there's no hope left for any of us !! Give them space to fight !! back then up !!


"I'm sorry, but we can't exactly let you do that, now, can we ?"

*Robin & Y/n VS 50,000 Fishmen*

Citizens: get medical help, quick !! Damn that Hody... !! Are princess Shirahoshi and the others all right... ?!

Children: What's gonna happen, Madame Shirley ?! Is the island really gonna be destroyed ?!

Hody: You'll protect them all ?! Don't make me laugh !! You've got some nerve, I'll give you that, Straw hat !! BUT IT'S ALREADY TOO LATE !!

Mamboshi: Brother Ryuu... !! If Decken has really been eliminated...

Ryuuboshi: You're right !! We can't let that happen... Not here !! If Decken's ability cuts out right above Fishman island, the result will be disastrous !! SHIRAOSHI !! YOU MUST CHANGE YOUR COURSE ! HEAD TO THE SIDE- UAAAAGHHHH !!

Hody: Can't have you putting any funny ideas into her head !! It suits me just fine to have his power cut out here... Hell, that's why I slaughtered him !!

Luffy: oh, right !! if we stay here, the ship's gonna fall right back down onto Fishman Island where the others are !! After all the efforts Cry-hoshi put into leading it away... !! Bro-hoshi !! We have to go see Cry-hoshi, now !!

Fukaboshi: indeed !!

Hody: Can't let you do that !! Your crewmates are going to die, Straw Hat, I'll make sure of it !!

Mamboshi: Ahh !! Shirahoshi is heading off to one side !!

Hody: WHAT ?!

Shirahoshi: 'Noah... ! I'm over here !!

Hody: that impertinent brat... She figured it out ?!

Luffy: HOLD IT !! I'm not letting you go anywhere near her !! Ughhh... My grip is barely string enough !!

Shirahoshi: 'Noah !! Follow me... !!'

Hody: Ughhhhh... !! Get off me, Straw Hat !! if the ship moves off course, the whole point of this endeavour is lost !! Curse that Decken... Why isn't he dead yet ?! As long as he has a single breath of life left in him, the ship won't start falling !!

Luffy: Alright, Cry-hoshi !! Keep on going ! The ship's started to drift off to the side !!

Decken: Haah... Damn you, Hody... Damn you to hell... !! I'll never forgive you ! Don't forget, you're still the target of my left hand... ! I'll chase you down until you die a painful death... Eh ?!


Mamboshi: WHAT ?! THE NOAH IS... FALLING !!

Hody: Jahahahahah !! perfect timing !! It's over !! I've won !!

Fukaboshi: Fishman island... IS IN PERIL !!

Shirahoshi: no... This can't be...

Hody: Finally, he croaks !! Decken's ability is no more !! Now the Noah will plummet straight into Fishman island !! SO LONG, STRAW HAT CREW !! You'll stand in the way of my revenge no longer !!


Fukaboshi: if that ship collides with the island, it will all be over... Both our Kingdom, and the role of the Noah that we have protected for hundreds of years !!

Neptune: Listen well, my sons. The ark known as "Noah" is no mere relic of the past !! It has lain upon the ocean floor for hundred of years, awaiting the day... When a certain promise made with a great man might be fulfilled ! That ship has yet to fulfill its purpose !! And what is more, the methods used to construct it have been lost to the ages ! Until the promised day arrives, the Noah must not be harmed !!

Fukaboshi: very well, father !! We will uncover the reason why the ship has begun to move, and restore it to its rightful place !!

Hody: JAHAHAHAHAH !! YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP THE NOAH NOW ?! Or was your claim that you would "protect them all" just empty words, Straw hat ?!

Luffy: Oh, It'll be stopped !! By me or him, before it even reaches the island !!

"... ... Huh... I guess Decken did kick the bucket one way or another... the ship has started to plummet back down..."

Usopp: WHAT ?! Please tell me there's something you can do before it crashes down on the island !!

"Who do you take me for, exactly ? Things like that are exactly what I spend two years with Luffy for. Making sure he could fight all he want without concern for collateral damage. it was really funny seeing Rayleigh panic every time I almost turned the island upside-down."

Nami: ... You what ?!

"Maybe a story for another time. Right now, I do believe I have to leave the cleanup to you girls, while I deal with this."

*Y/n VS Noah*

"What a way to ruin a perfect 10/10 to each eyes... I hope they have eyedrops for when i'm done..."

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