Chapter 32: Bubbling out

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Fukaboshi: Wait, Straw Hat !! Even if such a feat was possible... I have told you already, the Noah bears a distinguished past and a future that must be fulfilled !

Luffy: But what other way is there to save the island ?! There's no time ! I can't think of anything else !!

Fukaboshi: Decken may be still alive !! If we can awaken him... It may stil be possible to change the ship's course, saving both the Noah and the island !!

Luffy: But if you try to do that, everyone could end up dead !!

Hody: Jahahahahahah !! Falling out amongst ourselves, are we ?!

Shirahoshi: You must wait, Noah !! there are many people still on that island who are very precious to me !! Please, decken-same !! if you still live, then please, you must target me alone !! Do as you with with me, but you must not harm Fishman island !!

Mamboshi: Shirahoshi !! You mustn't go near the ship !! Shirahoshi !!

Hody: Fishman Karate...

Shirahoshi: Mamboshi-Oniisama !!

Hody: Jahahahah... Now... Straw Hat !!

Luffy: Ughhh... Armament Haki can protect me from blunt strikes... But my haki isn't strong enough to handle this kind of damage yet... !

Hody: Haah... So you mean to face me onboard the sinking ship... ? But I know what it is you're after... You just want... the air, on the deck... !

Luffy: Ahh !

Fukaboshi: I suspected he might do this... !!

Hody: Didn't you know, boy ?! Bubles can't hold up if you rip a great big hole in 'em ! Jahahahah !!

Luffy: Oh, man !! The air's all gone !!

Hody: Hahah... Pathetic human. With your air gone, you're powerless to do a thing !! And you claim that we are the inferior ones !! Forget stopping the Noah... You won't even be able to take me down !!

Fukaboshi: Hody... !! How dare you stand in our way ?! How many lives do you think stand to be lost if that ship reaches its mark ?! What kind of monster are you ?!

Fukaboshi: HOW ?! How are you able to commit these atrocities, Hody ?!

Shirahoshi: Fukaboshi-Oniisama !!

Luffy: Bro-hoshi !!

Fukaboshi: ... What are you, Hody Jones... That you can claim to bear the weight of our race's hatred of humanity... yet direct that malice at our own Fishman island... ?! How can you seek to destroy the very island you sought to rule ?! Abandon even the comrades you grew up with in the Fishman District ?!

Fukaboshi: What will remain for you once this crime is accomplished ?! What manner of loathing could drive you to such abominable lengths ?! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU, HODY JONES, TO DRIVE YOU TO THIS ?! WHAT IN THE WORLD DID THE HUMANS DO TO YOU ?!


Soldiers: Straw Hat Luffy-san !! You remember me, we met earlier ! We have reached the air tank ! I have been informed of everything that is happening ! I can see the Noah right now, falling straight towards the island !! But now we are ready !!

Hody: You have business on the deck ?! Then I'll wait for you there !

Fukaboshi: Hody...

Luffy: Hey, Bro-Hoshi, hurry up and go after him !!

Fukaboshi: Hold on a minute. We are in the depths of the ocean, yet right now, you, a human, are our only hope !

Soldiers: Prince Fukaboshi !!

Fukaboshi: Men, I need you to head to the air tank as quickly as possible !! We may end up requiring an immense amount of air !! I want to make sure that we can make use of the giant air bubble that supplies the island at a moment's notice !

Luffy: Do we really need that ? there'll be enough air on the ship's deck ! I'll just beat that Hody up there !!

Fukaboshi: Decken is one thing, but do you truly believe that Hody would allow you to choose a battlefield that works on your favor ?! Take this baby Dendenmushi, and keep it safe ! We must always plan for the worst ! And now, after Hody !!

Shirahoshi: Luffy-sama !! What can we do about the Noah ?! My brothers have all been... !!

Luffy: Don't worry about that. Hey, you !! How were you planning on getting that air to us ?!

Soldiers: If we form a bubble using the full supply of the air tank, it should be possible to fire it at the Noah and enclose the ship completely !! However, a bubble would negate the ship's natural buoyancy, so it would not help the ship to float back upwards !! It would do nothing to halt the Noah's inevitable fall !! I'm incredibly sorry, but there's nothing more we can do !! It's up to you !!

Luffy: Forget about the complicated stuff... just shoot the bubble, right now !! As long as I have air, I'll work something out !

Soldiers: Very well !! Luffy-san !! Fishman island is in your hands !! 'Is it just me, or... It almost seems like the Noah stopped moving down already...'

Hody: Straw hat... Shirahoshi... !! What do you plan to accomplish by pursuing the Noah ?! What can a worthless human and a single mermaid princess achieve ?! KIRISAME !!


Luffy: Just how tough is that guy ?!


Fukaboshi: ... hey... Straw hat... Can you hear me ?

Shirahoshi: That's Fukaboshi-Onii-sama's voice !

Fukaboshi: ... I've worked it out... I know... What Hody Jones really is... !

Den: The whales and fishes are swimming away from the forest... This is no ordinary phenomenon... Something must be happening on the island... !

Hachi: Nyuuu... In a fair fight, I'm sure Jinbe-san and the Straw-hats would defeat Hody easily enough... But I can't see Hody giving in so easily... !

Camie: What do you mean... ?

Hachi: I think this must be... Exactly what boss Ti was afraid of... !

Soldier: URGENT MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTER OF THE LEFT !! ALL CITIZENS ARE TO BE EVACUATED THE ISLAND !! I don't understand what's going on, but there's no doubting that was the Noah that almost crushed our island just now !! if by any chance that thing were to come crashing into the island again... !! It would be a complete disaster !!

Citizens: We should do as the minister says !! Everybody get out into the open water !!

Citizen: I've got word direct from the Plaza... Apparently it was princess Shirahoshi that stopped the Noah from crashing into the island just now !!

Citizens: What ?! You mean Decken was behind this ?! That twisted stalker !! Is there anything he won't do ?!

Minister: Your majesty !! Are you all right ?! I must offer my sincerest apologies !! It shames me to have failed to aid you at a time like this... !!

Neptune: No matter. Did you witness the Noah... ? That ship beginning to move was one thing I could never have foreseen... Curse that Madman Decken... ! If it had collided with the island and Shirahoshi, then that truly would have been the end of everything.

Minister: this was all so sudden, we have been struggling to react... For the moment, we have issued an emergency order for all citizens to evacuate the island.

Neptune: Yes... Very good...

Minister: You must leave as well, your majesty !!

Neptune: ... ... No... I will await the princes.

Minister: ... What in the world... ? What is going on here ?! I need explanations ?! Where did all these pirates come from ?!

Citizens: Well, the Straw hat pirates... Jinbe... !! So the princess... ?! And Hody... And Decken... !

Minister: I see, I see... Very well ! I have grasped the current situation ! ALL MEN, INTO THE PLAZA !! LEND YOUR AID TO JINBE AND THE STRAW HATS !! With their men taking care of the more powerful enemies, all that remains is a rabble of ruffians !! After pointing false accusations at these people and forcing them to protect this country in our place, what dignity have we left to protect ?! The least we can do is to offer them our full military support !!

Soldiers: Yes, sir !!

Minister: And all civilian observers are to leave this place immediately and evacuate the island !!

Children: I don't wanna !!

Minister: What is this ?! Women and children especially must hurry to safety !! Quickly, now !!

Children: Even those human pirates, the Straw hats, are fighting to protect our island... We can't just turn around and run away !!

Citizens: I quite agree. We are the ones who begged them for help ! Though there may be nothing we can do to help, we will at least remain here and share there fate !

Minister: ... Ahh... This is no time to be staring in admiration, men !! Get down into the plaza and fight !! I entrust you the task of relaying my words ! Ensure that every man, woman and child in this place has heard my call to evacuate ! Each individual must at least be given the opportunity to head for safety !! And if you choose to stay regardless, then on your own heads be it !!

Fishmen: That's the Neptune Army !! We can take care of them ! Shoot 'em down !!


Hammond: Onward, slave tank !! head for the soldiers !!

Slave: ... ... Urg !

Hammond: What have we here ? Don't slow the pace ! Bring in a replacement !! Worthless weakling...

Robin: ... How positively barbaric...

"Swear to Eris, if I wasn't holding that ship up, i'd slap them across the face with it..."

Jinbe: Do you think you can free the human slaves ?!

"Not that I'd mind, but I have my hands rather full at the moment, you see... Quite literally. Robin ?"

Robin: Are you sure, Jinbe ? They have every reason to resent your people...

Jinbe: If pirates come at me with weapons, then I will crush them. But right now, those men are not even human. I cannot sit by and watch Hody's foul imitations of the Tenryûbito !!

"... You know what the say. 'The enemy of my enemy'... if they want to fight, they are more than welcome, but the moment they try anything funny... I mean, it would be a quick end at least."

Robin: Very well. Leave it to me.

Jinbe: You have my thanks !

"... I don't really know what's happening up there... But I do hope Luffy has a plan to finish this. Even I won't be able to prop up that ship forever."

Jinbe: Ominous...

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